The thing about being Teclis is that being Teclis means being a magical genius on such a scale that you can body fucking Malekith while you're still the elf version of a sickly teenager juicing on magical steroids just to stand up. If it was anyone else, we'd probably have gone unnoticed quite significantly longer.
The thing about Ulthuan noticing is the person responsible for doing so is fucking Teclis, the guy who has Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Wisdom, and Charisma for dump stats.
IMO the best if a tad longwinded way of describing Teclis is thus:
Imagine if you will a game of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay. Except instead of the usual fare,with the party being a Ratcatcher, a Footpad and Peddler, with the best gear available being a small but vicious dog(and not just because the dog is a Good Boy), it is a super high powerlevel homebrew whith even the starting characters qualifying as Hero units on the tabletop.
Imagine then that one of the players decides to make the Best Order aligned spellcaster possible. Unfortunately, his GM did not take enough crazy pills to allow him to play an early generation Slaan, so our player picks the next best thing- a High elf mage. (Why not Wood elf? Perhaps our player is a fellow urban caveman and also thinks that trees are icky and have cooties).
So, our player takes his mage and proceeds to, in academic terms, MIN-MAX THE BOLLOCKS OUT THE GUY. Like, no holds barred, pull out all the stops, every trick in the book used from scouring the rules over and over, to slipping more crazy pills into the GM's drink and bribing GM's girlfriend.
The end result is a character that has single digit in every non-casting stat (on a 1-100, I'll remind you) and makes DND's memetic "dies from 1d4 random bullshit damage" wizard look durable, but is also powerful enough mage to go toe to toe with the species' final boss after only a couple of levels.
Teclis is that, but with the Curse of Aenarion doing the minmaxing.
If Teclis knows, how long until the Slann weigh in?
Whenever someone gets them to wake up + a few decades. Would have been centuries but the Vortex is serious business, worthy of a little haste.
Teclis: "Supreme Patriarch Dragomas? Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, but I'm curious as to what happened to Volans... and the rest of my students, now that I'm looking about
"Well, you know all the things Shyish resonates with? Those happened".