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I mean, while they're two different universes (but mirror each other somewhat), in 40K the Old Ones were in that weird place of being partly biological and partly warp stuff. So it wouldn't be too much of a stretch for them to have retreated into a safe-space in the Warp or something, or to have completely cast-off their fleshy bits. So the Old Ones could literally be the Gods.

Everyone is partly biological and partly warpstuff, that is what having a soul means. It could be that their actual souls discorporated and are living in the warp, that is literally what death is, but it does not explain the lack of access to a lot of their resources and as others have said it does not explain all the similar but different gods.
Elves with the dwarves in the south and the dragons in the east
Pretty sure that's humans being specifically contrasted against elves, and seems to rather imply that there were three different "seed" populations for human rather than a single origin point they spread out of. Proto-Albionese, Proto-Nekeharans, and Proto-Cathayans. Further changes to humanity that would've made them into seperate species may have been in the plans, but then Chaos Happened before any of that actually got underway.
- It's not quite a social action, but I'm counting it as such anyway to make up for the one absent from the last social turn.
- Inspired by the SV First Chapter Contest. There's only a few ways to get first-er than this.
- This isn't going to be continued, it's more sort of a... QM-made nega-quest post, I guess?
Due to some previous comments of yours about what you have prepared for Mathilde's death I was really relieved when I reached this context at the bottom:V

FYI, my main regret while I was under the impression that we hit a sudden Game Over was that we didn't get any cool fights using our new swordstyle.
For some reason, Qt has developed an entire secondary Deific Interface Pantheon for their pets. That seemed a ridiculous waste of resources, but with the shutout of the mainline DIP they might be what saves this world.

+ Will allow the use of their secondary DIP to directly battle the forces of the Eternal Enemy.

I think the gods were the Deific Interface Pantheon, but + a lot of stuff happening including gaining sentience? Combining with old ones? Getting killed and repurposed?

Will prevent the doomed and desperate attempt to mantle Gork and Mork, which will destroy Zl-1 and Zl-2 and unleash those Gods upon this world.

Zl-1 and Zl-2 would be hashut and kazar?
and you definitely had nothing to do with the troubles that Ct is now having with their migration patterns.
Is that meant to be Cl, or is Ct -- a two-letter name that doesn't show up again anywhere else -- intentional?
[-] Zl

Zl are the only team that has approval to work on the extremely troublesome Resistant-ImportedTemplate-0 'Orks' strain, which has led them to making great progress towards the ultimate goal of the planet. They're a team of extremely experienced and adaptative superstars, and they may be your best chance to avert at least some of the coming disaster.

+ Will prevent the doomed and desperate attempt to mantle Gork and Mork, which will destroy Zl-1 and Zl-2 and unleash those Gods upon this world.
+ Will prevent the the loss of the Zl-Resistant-1-Final 'Orcs' and Cl/Zl-Adapative/Resistant/Obedient-1 'Goblins' strains to alien Gods.
? Will prevent the Resistant-NativeTemplate-0 'Promethean' abyssal evacuation.
? Will prevent the Zl diaspora.
- They don't have the best track record of playing nice with others, or even each other.
I could've sworn the Orcs were from the Darklands, in the east of the World's Edge Mountains, but I guess that was wrong. Or maybe Zl was spread across the entirety of the World's Edge Mountains, and some of it was in the north-east part of it and edged into the Darklands.
? The unruly underlings of Qt may take the opportunity to loot the other Research Continents instead of helping.
Wonder if this is how the Mandala got filled out a bit. They 'looted' some Gods. :V Or maybe why that one library got burned down; because they looted knowledge from other Research Continents, and stored it in the library, and it was dangerous knowledge or knowledge that simply didn't belong to them or knowledge that they couldn't keep as secure because it was hastily taken from afar rather than locally-kept knowledge that they had all the procedures and knowhow of how to keep secure. Or for all we know, a Daemon got in and it had to be burnt before it absconded with the knowledge or sabotaged things. Or who knows.
Everyone is partly biological and partly warpstuff, that is what having a soul means.
Uh yes? That's isn't what I meant though, I meant that they blur the line between "This is a biological species" and "This is a species of energy beings." Like yeah, obviously souls are tied into the warp, thus everybody has 'warp-stuff' inside them.
but it does not explain the lack of access to a lot of their resources and as others have said it does not explain all the similar but different gods.
Well to touch on 'lack of access to resources' one would assume the coming of Chaos kinda fucked things up. It's possible things we don't know about were damaged or sabotaged, it's possible any potential survivors hid and waited for the heat to die down, or that they were wounded and went into some kind of healing trance/sleep/coma thing. There's plenty of reasons they could lack their resources.

As for similar but different Gods, isn't most of threads reasoning for such things that some of them are the same Gods just named differently for different cultures?

But if it does outright disqualify the Old Ones from being the Gods, or maybe they aren't all of the Gods, then if these Old Ones mirror their 40K counterparts in the 'creating life' 'shaping reality to their wills' then they might also have done some 'God-forging' for their creations to try and better prepare them for the Great Enemy/Chaos kinda like the 40K Old Ones did for the Korks and Aeldari as a way to better battle the C'tan.
Uh yes? That's isn't what I meant though, I meant that they blur the line between "This is a biological species" and "This is a species of energy beings." Like yeah, obviously souls are tied into the warp, thus everybody has 'warp-stuff' inside them.

Well to touch on 'lack of access to resources' one would assume the coming of Chaos kinda fucked things up. It's possible things we don't know about were damaged or sabotaged, it's possible any potential survivors hid and waited for the heat to die down, or that they were wounded and went into some kind of healing trance/sleep/coma thing. There's plenty of reasons they could lack their resources.

As for similar but different Gods, isn't most of threads reasoning for such things that some of them are the same Gods just named differently for different cultures?

But if it does outright disqualify the Old Ones from being the Gods, or maybe they aren't all of the Gods, then if these Old Ones mirror their 40K counterparts in the 'creating life' 'shaping reality to their wills' then they might also have done some 'God-forging' for their creations to try and better prepare them for the Great Enemy/Chaos kinda like the 40K Old Ones did for the Korks and Aeldari as a way to better battle the C'tan.

I mean sure there could exist a class of beings that straddle biology and warp-stuff, but it would be odd that such beings would have to travel in ships, like normal squishy air breathers, indeed Deathfang noted that they were weak compared to the space-flight capable elder dragons. It is of course also possible that all gods are simply made things, but we know of at least one god which does not seem to be. The PoV character in that side story seems to be some version of what would later become a god of snakes in Nehenkara and a god of thieves in the Old World.

I'm not saying my theory is definitely true, but there are some decent hints in that direction.
I mean sure there could exist a class of beings that straddle biology and warp-stuff, but it would be odd that such beings would have to travel in ships, like normal squishy air breathers, indeed Deathfang noted that they were weak compared to the space-flight capable elder dragons. It is of course also possible that all gods are simply made things, but we know of at least one god which does not seem to be. The PoV character in that side story seems to be some version of what would later become a god of snakes in Nehenkara and a god of thieves in the Old World.

I'm not saying my theory is definitely true, but there are some decent hints in that direction.

The deific interfaces may have inherited something from the Old Ones that used them, even if they're not the Old Ones themselves. If one Old Ones used multiple different deific interfaces, it's possible that all those different gods may remember having done something, even if it technically wasn't the same them that did it.
I think they became Gork and Mork.

It says destroyed not subsumed or something, that combine with boreks tale makes me think they were shattered and the remains uploaded into a corrupt DIP for hashut and integrated into nehekaran DIP for kazar.

? The unruly underlings of Qt may take the opportunity to loot the other Research Continents instead of helping.

Elves created skaven confirmed. 👌
It says destroyed not subsumed or something, that combine with boreks tale makes me think they were shattered and the remains uploaded into a corrupt DIP for hashut and integrated into nehekaran DIP for kazar.
No those two Old Ones were messing with orcs and orc gods so unless that option is chosen those two Old Ones will be eaten by Gork and Mork as they get out of control.
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I mean sure there could exist a class of beings that straddle biology and warp-stuff, but it would be odd that such beings would have to travel in ships, like normal squishy air breathers
If you assume that travel through the stars has no convenient source of energy to draw upon -- though who knows if space in Warhammer Fantasy is like space in IRL, it could be weirder an innately FTL-like for all we know -- and if you require Aether in order to exist and live as a maybe-partial-energy-being-who-knows, then your ship's life-support system is presumably a lot more exotic than just "air and pressure and stuff".

The Dragons probably carry the energy inside their bellies or scales or in their fire or something, during long journeys through the stars. The Old Ones may store the energy in their ships or devices rather than within themselves. Or they can store some, but it's like a human storing food rather than keeping it in the fridge, compared to a Dragon being able to store a whole shitload of energy.
It actually mentions a foreign strain called Orks, which i believe they are called in 40k, this seems to imply that orks were brought to malus, turned into orcs and goblins and Gork and Mork were already in existence before this happened and took control from the old ones.
So, here's an attempt at editing to make it a bit more readable and familiar. Take with a grain of salt, obviously there's a lot of interpretation going on here.

You are [Ranald], the third in command of the [Old World]. Until this particular planetary rotation, you would have said that things were going very well in the shelter of [Karak Norn], which teems with some of your finest work. The massive figures of the [Albion Giant]' project thrive on an island to the west, which had led to the development of the [Sky Titans], which were thriving in the mountains far to the east even if they did have significant trouble at lower elevations. [Humans] your personal favourite and a lot more fun than those spoiled pets that were [Elves], show enough promise that populations have been created [To Eventually Become The Predecessors of the Cathayans and Nekeharans], even if they did have a tendency to be a little too attached to just about everything. You hadn't had much to do with [Halflings], but you'll still bear a grudge in solidarity against the hacks of [Cathay] for their blatant and unauthorized integration of parts of them for the [Ogres], and you [Sabotaged the ogres to make them a problem for cathay but are being coy about it].

There were even whispers of an [Goblin] strain being worked on down in [The Southlands], though for some reason they were very reticent to discuss the matter over the [Old One Facebook]. (Dwarves?! Skaven?! not 100% sure what's going on here.)​

But today? Today, everything has gone wrong. Power fluctuations make doing any work impossible, [Old One Facebook] has crashed so you can't even fill your day with talking to [Isha], and for some reason you can't even load into your [Lizardman God Costume]. And now that tiresome bore and your best friend [Ulric] wants you to go with them to check on the Northern Polar Infrastructure team. And worst of all, you're so bored that you're considering it.


How you miss the blissful ignorance of just a few moments ago, when you thought all this was a technical glitch.

The Polar Gates are tearing themselves apart, malicious instructions interlaced with Daemonic malice tearing through systems they should never have been able to even dream of entering. Unimaginable masses of the splintered essence of the Eternal Enemy teem just on the other side of the barrier, waiting for the inevitable failure that [Ulric] was now doing everything in their power to delay. You have been instructed to return to [Karak Norn] with all imaginable speed to bring reinforcements - not to prevent disaster, but to buy enough time to allow as many of the experiments as possible to be destroyed before they fall into the hands of the Eternal Enemy, with a scant few samples snatched by the last of the team before they flee this planet forever.

To destroy almost everything you've worked on. Everything you shaped this world to achieve.

Must such a thing be done? Or might there be another way, if you flee to and raise the alarm of a more sentimental Research Continent instead?

[-] [Karak Norn]

[Karak Norn] is your native RC, and in your opinion the most prolific and sensible of those on this world. Perhaps too sensible. [Taal] is ruthless when They have to be, and [Rhya??] and [really not sure, possibly Morr if it turns out he's not morag-hai] obey Them utterly. They would agree with [Ulric]and would do what perhaps must be done to prevent your work from falling into the hands of the Eternal Enemy.

+ Will allow the projects to continue elsewhere.
+ Will maintain your relationship with your best friend, [Ulric].
? Will doom this world.
- You'll probably never see [Isha] again.

[-] [Quintex]

[Quintex] are the least productive RC unless you count them sharing their pets [the elves] with the [dragons], but you'll admit what little they have created does show some promise. For some reason, Qt has developed [the elf pantheon] for their pets. That seemed a ridiculous waste of resources, but with the shutout of the [the lizardman pantheon] they might be what saves this world.

+ Will allow the use of [the elf pantheon] to directly battle the forces of the Eternal Enemy.
+ [Isha] is there.
? [Possibly the elves, possibly the old ones in question that are lower down on the totem pole] may take the opportunity to loot the other Research Continents instead of helping.
- They're so tedious.

[-] [Itza]

After an early embarrassment with one of their team having [Rigg, the old one the amazons worship] along with them, [Itza] have spent all their time on this world creating [Lizardman servants for the slaan], but in doing so have produced some truly excellent strains. [Belakor] is almost as skilled as They think They are, and [Sotek] is even more so, and surely they are even now trying to restore access to the Deific Interfaces that can command the Slann and their servants. Perhaps this is the most straightforward way to avert disaster.

+ Will prevent the ascension of the traitor [Belakor] as the first Daemon Prince of this world.
+ Will allow a complete recovery of [Sotek as an actual god], instead of merely fragments of it.
+ Will save much of the [Itza] team, who are otherwise doomed [and who the slaan/lizardmen recognize as being gone].
? There may be a chance [to get the lizardman god suits working again].

[-] [Zlatlan]

[Zlatlan] are the only team that has approval to work on the extremely troublesome [Ork] strain, which has led them to making great progress towards the ultimate goal of the planet. They're a team of extremely experienced and adaptative superstars, and they may be your best chance to avert at least some of the coming disaster.

+ Will prevent the doomed and desperate attempt to mantle Gork and Mork, which will [the Zlatan Leadership] and unleash those Gods upon this world.
+ Will prevent the the loss of the [Orcs and goblins to gork and mork OR the dwarves to the ancestor gods, depending on what OTHER stuff was supposed to mean]
? Will prevent the [prometheans hiding away at the bottom of the ocean]
? Will prevent the [surviving old ones fucking off to distant spots to eventually become Hashut, Morghur, and probably the horned rat]
- [They're a bunch of jerks who lost their leadership in an attempt to control the orcs, so it's no surprise the horned rate betrayed Morghur]

[-] [Cathay]

[Cathay] are insular and strange, but [They're fucking the dragons], and they're the only RC that hasn't lost or repurposed the Ship they arrived here with, [to eventually become the cathayan floating palace]. They might be able to lead the Dragons into battle against the Eternal Enemy.

+ They are the only Research Continent that still has a fully intact and operational Ship [to eventually become the cathayan floating palace].
+ Will prevent the corruption of the [The dragon ogres]
+ Will prevent the rebellion of most of the Cl team. [I got nothing]
? [They're fucking the dragons]

[-] Go and hide in the deserts [of Nekehera]


- That makes no sense.
- Why would anyone even think you'd do that?
[This is what he did to eventually become Quaph, and then Ranald proper]

Having actually gone through it for everything, it SEEMS to be suggesting that Dwarves are a project based on Goblins. Which is weird. It's a weird suggestion. Possibly that would be the origin of "why do dwarves have their own weirdo pantheon and not generally DIRECTLY fall to chaos" because Orcs ALSO have their own weirdo pantheon and don't generally directly fall to chaos, but apart from that and being small, it's hard to see much else as a connection.
So, here's an attempt at editing to make it a bit more readable and familiar. Take with a grain of salt, obviously there's a lot of interpretation going on here.

Having actually gone through it for everything, it SEEMS to be suggesting that Dwarves are a project based on Goblins. Which is weird. It's a weird suggestion. Possibly that would be the origin of "why do dwarves have their own weirdo pantheon and not generally DIRECTLY fall to chaos" because Orcs ALSO have their own weirdo pantheon and don't generally directly fall to chaos, but apart from that and being small, it's hard to see much else as a connection.

Dwarfs fall to Chaos much more than Orcs and Goblins.
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