Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
So 30% don't want Apparitions this turn at all. Half are split over which they want to the exclusion of the other, and 20% already offer both options and don't need a subvote. I think if every plan wanted Apparitions and there was just a split over which one, a subvote would be good. There's a substantial number who don't want to play with pokemon at all, though, and others who just don't want to do it this turn and go hunt Druchii instead.
I do agree with boneys post on it. The specific action should have the support of a majority of the thread with all specifications already worked out. Otherwise it gets too easy do a general action and then for a secondary vote to be much lower turn out and make a whole bunch of people unhappy.

Edit: also I might add, turn plans are not votes. There are many more people who vote then have ever made a whole turn plan.
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If we are postponing the Elfcation, can we fit in
[ ] Attempt to finish off the Grey College spellbook by learning Shadow of Death, Cloak Activity, and the MAPP.
before it? Not knowing Cloak Activity seems a bit embarrassing. Especially since it's the kind of sneaky, unassuming spell the near-ageless warcrime squad might have some neat tricks for.
Bonus points if we can learn it simultaneously with Eike because that sounds cute.
If we are postponing the Elfcation, can we fit in
[ ] Attempt to finish off the Grey College spellbook by learning Shadow of Death, Cloak Activity, and the MAPP.
before it? Not knowing Cloak Activity seems a bit embarrassing. Especially since it's the kind of sneaky, unassuming spell the near-ageless warcrime squad might have some neat tricks for.
Bonus points if we can learn it simultaneously with Eike because that sounds cute.
Honestly I'm down for something like that. It's an easy w with a useful spell and some freebies.
If we are postponing the Elfcation, can we fit in
[ ] Attempt to finish off the Grey College spellbook by learning Shadow of Death, Cloak Activity, and the MAPP.
before it? Not knowing Cloak Activity seems a bit embarrassing. Especially since it's the kind of sneaky, unassuming spell the near-ageless warcrime squad might have some neat tricks for.
Bonus points if we can learn it simultaneously with Eike because that sounds cute.

I mean how would the shadow warriors know what a college education in Ulgu looks like? It's not like they would know we have some lack there.

It feels like a bad use of an AP given what else we could do with it, though to be fair I also do not want to do Elfication this turn at all for reasons ranging from:
  • We are in the middle of the Project and we might need a lot of AP next turn to chase down foundation elements/do implementation
  • We might get killed before we finish AV and that would be disappointing
  • We might miss Ulthuan showing up because we are on their continent which would be really inconvenient
  • We would be going to Lothern with a rather pitiful amount of money compared to historical purchase trends
  • It feels a bit jarring to me to have a Karak Dum sized break in the project right now but YMMV
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Bonus points if we can learn it simultaneously with Eike because that sounds cute.
Definitely not happening. She hasn't even gotten started on the Relatively Simple spells, and only knows one Lesser Magic spell. There's no way she'll be able to pick up something from the Moderately Complicated category, especially when she's mechanically incapable of learning it until she gets a Magic score booster.
Definitely not happening. She hasn't even gotten started on the Relatively Simple spells, and only knows one Lesser Magic spell. There's no way she'll be able to pick up something from the Moderately Complicated category, especially when she's mechanically incapable of learning it until she gets a Magic score booster.
Well mapp isn't hard. But I'm uncertain if she learned it already...
Like is on the brink of being able to learn simple spells iirc, could we have her learn one spell to push her over the edge and then teach her Mindhole and Shadowsteed?
I do agree with boneys post on it. The specific action should have the support of a majority of the thread with all specifications already worked out. Otherwise it gets too easy do a general action and then for a secondary vote to be much lower turn out and make a whole bunch of people unhappy.
So do I, in case it wasn't clear. I think you might've missed the final sentence in my post.

Separate to this, and not likely relevant for this particular turn, I note that we've never taken the option of temporarily bringing in expertise for a Waystones action in exchange for payment. I can't think of anyone who'd be useful for Foundations, and we already have both major magical traditions of Kislev on board for rollout of tributaries there.

I don't know when it'd be helpful, actually. We have a pretty wide spread for R&D. And Mathilde's quite capable of hiring local talent if we rollout what we have to their area without us specifying. Maybe a separate Runesmith Guild (Karaz-a-Karak?) if we pursue the Karaz Ankor actions, to take some of the load off of Thorek and provide alternative opinions.
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Huh. That suggests that the White Tower either embraced swording after the Eonir split from Ulthuan, or that the tradition does not come from Hoeth at all.

Which is odd, because by all accounts Verena has had Her sword since the Coming of Chaos.
I think it's the other way around, and that they abandoned the sword aspect of Hoeth.

Marrisith told us upon first meeting us that it is said that Ulgu was the first Wind Hoeth mastered, drawn as it was to his confusion at them. So clearly there is still an association with Ulgu in particular.

Tlanxla being a Lizardman city points to there being something literal to the Asur sword myth and it being more than just metaphor, but as a myth, it would not be hard to contextualize that as the ancient elves taking the Winds and needing to apply them in warfare against Chaos.

It could be that the Eonir looked at those myths and culturally distanced themselves from seeing Ulgu/the Winds as a weapon.

As Cadaeth helpfully told us when planning the project, the Library of Mournings is twice the age of the White Tower. It has withstood the test of time, and doesnt appear to need an active tradition of defenders due to being in the middle of a very well-protected city in the middle of a well-protected forest.
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ALSO lacking the swordmasters makes it seem like it might be more of a just so story about the militarization of the white tower specifically in reaction to the sundering. Technically that happened before the eonir split from ulthuan but honestly it sounds like the CULTURAL divergence from ulthuan may have actually been going on long before the war of the beard itself.
Huh. That suggests that the White Tower either embraced swording after the Eonir split from Ulthuan, or that the tradition does not come from Hoeth at all.

Which is odd, because by all accounts Verena has had Her sword since the Coming of Chaos.
The White Tower was not built until the reign of Bel-Korhadris, some 2000 years after the Asur-Eonir split. There are some indications that the organization that would become the White Tower existed before then, mostly because of Loremasters and Swordmasters showing up in material set during the Sundering and the War of Vengeance, but that could equally be dismissed as the writers not remembering the timeline. Regardless, all sources that I know of agree that the White Tower itself was completed at the end of Bel-Korhadris' reign, in 499 IC.
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Well, with my Father plan out of the way here's a plan I think might actually make some sense this turn:

[ ] Plan Roadmap to Success

-[ ] JOHANN: Hunt an apparition (Rider in Red)
--[ ] COIN: The Gambler
-[ ] MAX: Study an artefact (Lustrian Rubbings)
-[ ] Waystone: Mapping (Tilea, Estalia) (Johann)

-[ ] Waystone: Foundation (Thorek, Hatalath, Sarvoi, Niedzwenka, Egrimm, Elrisse, Tochter, Zlata)
-[ ] Tributary: International (Kislev) (Zlata, Niedzwenka, Aksel, Cadaeth, Tochter)
-[ ] Attempt to create a liminal realm

-[ ] EIC: Negotiate and plan a magical route through the Schadensumpf to allow for easier trade with the Eonir without compromising their defenses
-[ ] KAU: Begin copying the full corpus of a Partner Library (Grand University of Nuln)
-[ ] SERENITY: Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands (Egrimm as primary author)

-[ ] Eike Actions: Lustrian Rubbings , Windfall paper, EIC action
-[ ] Eike Study: Study tradecraft with the Hochlander

This is near identical to @LawsOfRobotics's 'Plan Bring Running Shoes' but it switches Windherding with mapping and accordingly it also changes Eike's study actions (also Tochter is added to the foundation). For reasoning you can mostly just look at his arguments, which I mostly agree with. As for the changes I've made and the reasoning behind them:

I know the mapping action isn't a big priority for a lot of people, but it is something that we need to do at some point and I feel that now that the project is reaching the point of delivering results on other fronts (Waystones and tributaries) it would be nice to have results on that front as well. Mapping Tilea and Estalia almost finishes our map of the Old World network, and besides last turn there was a knife fight between apparition binders and mappers and in the end both lost so now here's a plan that gives us both those things. Order is restored, nature is healing.

Also @LawsOfRobotics very reasonably put Eike on Windherding, which is actually another reason why I want to replace it with mapping: I want Eike to have less stuff on her plate because I think the actions we give her this turn have the potential of being really useful for her education and I want her to have a lot of time to dedicate to each one. This also means Eike can study intrigue instead of enchanting, which I think is better - she's a Grey Wizard and she's been a year with us without doing anything spy related, now is a good time to start.

Regarding the change in personnel on actions: yeah I dunno, I just kind of want every tradition represented so I added Tochter too, and yes this is now an absurdly large group of people but I mean that's what we want right? We think it's likely to be very hard so let's get everyone's input. I don't know, I might end up cutting down the amount of people on the Foundation but I don't know for sure who I'll remove.

I've considered changing the tributary action with a Bugman's nexus action, but Kislev tributaries have the advantage of keeping Aksel and Cadaeth busy while Bugman's would only involve one project member who's on the Foundation action anyway. This is the part of the plan I'm least attached to and I might approval vote stuff that differs on this point.
I mean how would the shadow warriors know what a college education in Ulgu looks like? It's not like they would know we have some lack there.

Isn't the curriculum mostly a bunch of elvish monowind spells that were common enough that even people who settled for nothing below full High Magic knew them? For any spell there is a chance that it's a human invention, but beyond that it's a safe assumption that anything Teclis and his companions knew is 101 to elves specializing in that wind.
We even saw something just like that when we first entered Laurelorn. That random person welcoming us got snobby about the craftsmanship of a spell we had a mastery for.

  • We might miss Ulthuan showing up because we are on their continent which would be really inconvenient

Why would you list this as a potential negative? That sounds like the funniest shit. Imagine the awkwardness for the HE butting it:V
Ah that sounds more reasonable, but why not take the safer route of then teaching her all the lesser magic first? That seems like the more in like with Mathilde's past actions and her focus on safe magic.

Those magics will be more useful for Eike in general. And making her more useful in the short term could be a good idea to some of the actions suggested by the thread. Plus I feel getting Eike to learn the most useful magics first would come in handy if we want to take her to the Elfication.

-[ ] Waystone: Mapping (Tilea, Estalia) (Johann)

I really, really dislike this action. It's one of the most boring ones from all the Waystone actions and I feel almost any other action is more valuable for the project than it.
Isn't the curriculum mostly a bunch of elvish monowind spells that were common enough that even people who settled for nothing below full High Magic knew them? For any spell there is a chance that it's a human invention, but beyond that it's a safe assumption that anything Teclis and his companions knew is 101 to elves specializing in that wind.
We even saw something just like that when we first entered Laurelorn. That random person welcoming us got snobby about the craftsmanship of a spell we had a mastery for.

It it is based on what one weird prodigy of the tower of Hoerth thinks are good mono-wind spells for building up to battle magic as fast as possible. I do not think we can draw much of a conclusion about how the Shadow Walkers will take any part of it.

Why would you list this as a potential negative? That sounds like the funniest shit. Imagine the awkwardness for the HE butting it

I think you mean extreme convenience of us not being here.
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Those magics will be more useful for Eike in general. And making her more useful in the short term could be a good idea to some of the actions suggested by the thread. Plus I feel getting Eike to learn the most useful magics first would come in handy if we want to take her to the Elfication.

Then it's an excellent thing that we do not, in fact, want to take our not-even-halfway to Journeyman apprentice to the land of horrible murdertorture Dhar users who have had centuries to practice their not dying, capturing people for enslavement and torture, and killing anyone they can't capture?
Then it's an excellent thing that we do not, in fact, want to take our not-even-halfway to Journeyman apprentice to the land of horrible murdertorture Dhar users who have had centuries to practice their not dying, capturing people for enslavement and torture, and killing anyone they can't capture?
We just want to leave her in lothern... Which has less murder I will give... But has other problems, like being full of the arrogant sort of elf.
By the way, the brief look into the Indic magical paradigm was fascinating. Given Ulgu's position as a "Battle" Wind, I wonder if they focus on more elemental effects, in contrast to Ashqy's focus on the mental?

It'd also be interesting to see what body parts they associate with Ulgu. Mathilde would get to examine herself and see if those parts correspond to any particular buildup in her own body, which might indicate if these are subtle inclinations a more internally-focused paradigm has picked up on, or a self-fulfilling prophecy only occurring in people who expect it to happen.

I really, really dislike this action. It's one of the most boring ones from all the Waystone actions and I feel almost any other action is more valuable for the project than it.
Meanwhile, I've found the mapping actions to be consistently interesting and important. We get to see a bunch of the world we otherwise wouldn't, learn important things about the Network as a whole and examine the geopolitical implications thereof, and sometimes turn up something really exciting in its own right, like the Reikland nexus.

Tilea I'm especially looking forward to examining, because we'll be seeing if the Skaven are leeching off of the Network as some of us suspect, and might have the opportunity to just turn off a major flow of magic into Skavenblight it's plausible hasn't been noticed yet.
Sure, but would the ability to wipe memories or summon a shadow horse be of anymore use there? I do not think knowing a few simple spells out of order will matter for much of what we are planning.
Shadow horse is always useful because it a) makes you suddenly several feet taller and b) let's you remove yourself from situations you don't like at speed.
There is a reason we chose it as the one spell we could do well at the beginning.
Voting is open