Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm not looking to bank forty favors though. I'm looking to get a cool dwarf-forged piece for 10-15 favors, which is a super-good weapon, and then spend the other favors on other things which also matter but they're harder to quantify than wargame stats. For example, studying Skavenlore, which the dwarfs are long on and the Empire is short on. Or getting a tower with built-in magical grounding for experiments.

To be fair the Empire is short of Skaven-lore at lest in part intentionally, the Conspiracy of Silence makes it hard to share information about the rat men who definitely don't exist. The ironic part of this is that it mostly works, skaven are a cowardly bunch who are more likely to fight when pocked than atack on their own so races that know more about the Skaven get attacked by the Skaven more, likely as a consequence of clashes with the defenders.
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Dwarven Pistol: A cutting-edge single-shot Dwarven design, this fires a massive, spiralling bullet with extreme velocity and decent accuracy.

In all seriousness, I'd campaign for getting that pistol. Well, that or

Marksdwarf's Pistol: This pistol is based on the tried and true single-shot design that still reigns supreme in the Empire, but both the firearm itself and the odd self-contained capsules of powder and ball are so finely built that the only restriction on accuracy is the wielder. It is currently missing the handle, for the simple reason that one will be built to match the wielder's hand when it is purchased.

if we can find a way to massively buff it's killyness, even at the cost of making ammo expensive and time-consuming to make. We will not need that many, anyway - it's a specialist tool and not meant to replace the revolver.

The Karag Lhune operation proved that our revolver, while a great self-defense weapon, is a mediocre assassination tool, and given our insistence in engaging in sabotage and assassination whenever we go scouting, we need a range assassination option. While a sniper rifle, preferably enchanted to be completely silent, is obviously better in this role, I am concerned about its bulkiness. Mathilde is going to be lugging around a large melee weapon of some kind (because Mathilde), and, probably, an equally bulky magical staff. Asking her to carry a long rifle is well is just cruel, and dwarves make good sniper pistols.
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Would it be possible to get a high quality axe blade for a bunch of dwarf favor and then combine that with a haft which is capable of grounding magic effectively also for a bunch of dwarf favor?

If so that would definitely make an axe very desirable since we'd effectively be able to combine two different items into the one slot. Also it would allow us to spend some favor now and more favor later which we couldn't with a sword.

To further explain what I mean,
25 favor axe blade of ultra killiness
25 favor axe haft of ultra magic safetyness
Combine to make the ultimate weapon. (This was just as an example to get my point across. Might be 15 axe blade and 5 haft or whatever other combo you desire)
I'm not looking to bank forty favors though. I'm looking to get a cool dwarf-forged piece for 10-15 favors, which is a super-good weapon, and then spend the other favors on other things which also matter but they're harder to quantify than wargame stats. For example, studying Skavenlore, which the dwarfs are long on and the Empire is short on. Or getting a tower with built-in magical grounding for experiments.
just like you are not looking to bank 40 favors, most people who want a really killy sword aren't looking to 1v1 the avatar of khorne. I just want a really killy sword to make assassingating warbosses, warlord, etc. less risky.
As you are not the DM, and again, we have absolute proof that a 15 favor item was beyond the wildest dreams of a 10 favor runesmith, I'm willing to bet you are wrong. Categorically so.
Mechanical power of the weapon beyond a certain minimum isn't hugely important. She's a wizard, a spy, a scholar and a leader too. I wouldn't mind approval voting for 15, 20 and 25 favor runeswords. It all costs as many actions of doing things to the above roles.

Retraining to axe for more melee kill is a cost I find uninteresting regardless, and requesting a legendary weapon for which you have zero skill in and intend to train exclusively just because they can make better items in that category makes little IC sense.

Its incidentally, narratively ill fitting, given that Mathilde respects the dwarfs for everything BUT what the axes symbolise.
She respects them for their steadfastness, for the brilliance of their craft and the way they preserve their wisdom.
The axes are more tragic than anything
Hey, don't lump the Maximum OverSword crowd in with that one guy who wants an axe! There are... Multiple of us!
Fair enough
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The assumption that we will keep assassinating warlords reminds me of that XKCD comic about extrapolation. Now that we aren't clearing the way for an army I am much less willing to risk that nonsense.
I'm still wondering why everyone wants to focus on weaponry. I mean, if we look at our pasts favor useage, it's been primarily focused on combat capabilities.

We have other stuff that needs to be done beyond smashing things. Mathilde is not the Martial advisor, we don't stand in the battle line smashing stuff.

I think this is an unfortunate artifact of combat tools being easiest to figure out as a favour-sink.
Like, "I want a very killy sword" is simple and straightforward and probably is going to be of use in some way.

Something like "spend favours to learn hard to get tidbits of dwarf lore about the world or some of their rare books" can be crucial for a good spy, but it can also not really come in handy at all. Plus for any given topic we'd have to...well, freeform it.

Yeah, I think that's a way to put it. Spending favours on non-combat items is, in a way, similar to trying to make a freeform write-in in a vote. It's just really more complicated - remember how @BoneyM cut short the write-in votes for Citadel, for example.

Maybe we'd be more into spending favours for non-combat items if given some straightforward options to spend favours (analogous to Fire/Shadow/Explosions/Projectiles vote), for example, idk:

Pick as many as you can afford from:
[10 Favours] Dwarf Lore: Impressed by KaK records, get a collection of books on dwarf history - with their millenia of records, they probably forgot a myriad of things Empire does not even suspect of ever existing.
- [5 Favours More] Get a right to reveal information from books to Colleges and to create copies. Knowledge must not die.
[5 Favours] Dwarf Politics. Spend the dwarf feeling of owing to you on getting ins with any bigwigs in their politics, to ensure every dwarf (aside from KaK folks) will always at least hear you out.
[5 Favours] Dwarf Trade. Get EIC an in with a couple of dwarf traders. Getting them into the trade with Karak Azul while it is just getting started is bound to get a tidy profit...all for the good of Empire of course.
[10 Favours] Dwarf Fighting. Get good tutors on dwarf ways of fighting - learn at least basics of using crossbow, tunnel fighting (you will have to do that at some point), demolitions and so on.
[5 Favours] Dwarf Insiders. Dwarfs think they owe you; use it to make them talk to you about things. [Gains Spy Ring/Rumour Mill]
[] Write-in?

Basically, I doubt we are going to spend all that much favours on something complex if it is, how do I put it....if it requires a de-facto freeform vote? Not sure I am getting what I mean across, sorry.

just like you are not looking to bank 40 favors, most people who want a really killy sword aren't looking to 1v1 the avatar of khorne. I just want a really killy sword to make assassingating warbosses, warlord, etc. less risky.

Point of order: most of our assassinations to date did not rely on sword's quality, but rather on being in right place in right time to do the deed with regular tools. :V
Would it be possible to get a high quality axe blade for a bunch of dwarf favor and then combine that with a haft which is capable of grounding magic effectively also for a bunch of dwarf favor?

If so that would definitely make an axe very desirable since we'd effectively be able to combine two different items into the one slot. Also it would allow us to spend some favor now and more favor later which we couldn't with a sword.
I think so, but it would have the critical flaws of, firstly, not being a greatsword, and secondly, the haft probably being destroyed the moment we miscast and need to use it to ground out the energies; grounding rods are consumables.
in and intend to train exclusively just because they can make better items in that category makes little IC sense.
When you are comissioning a one-off masterpiece, getting the best one you can is perfectly sensible.

Because, again, you can't change the weapon after the order. But 1-2 months of effort over a year is trivial compared to getting far more from said masterpiece.

In fact, getting gud with axes has been an option since we started marching towards K8P, precisely because people realized this entire deal with getting a superb weapon from dwarves due favor from the campaign.
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Its incidentally, narratively ill fitting, given that Mathilde respects the dwarfs for everything BUT what the axes symbolise.
She respects them for their steadfastness, for the brilliance of their craft and the way they preserve their wisdom.
The axes are more tragic than anything

That's a really good point. I was on the fence on the whole axe thing before though leaning away because of the time sink, but with this point I have to agree an ax does not fit her character.
I wonder if we could commission a really killy item from the dwarves, some sort of belt of runic explosive that can be sent to the Grey college by way of Mathilde with a note saying "Use in case of Nagash or Everchosen" then the sneakiest grey wizard sneaks it in and there goes the threat.
I think grudges are way closer than axes to the "symbol of what is wrong with dwarfs".
It's just a tool preference, in the same way as Sigmar priests love hammers and Ranald like dagger users. They do have spears and crossbows and guns after all.

So I'd rather point at slowness to adapt new tech, grudges and lack of cavalry, or something. Axe vs sword is a bit of a nothingburger of a cultural quirk compared to that, in my eyes.
I think grudges are way closer than axes to the "symbol of what is wrong with dwarfs".
It's just a tool preference, in the same way as Sigmar priests love hammers and Ranald like dagger users. They do have spears and crossbows and guns after all.

So I'd rather point at slowness to adapt new tech, grudges and lack of cavalry, or something. Axe vs sword is a bit of a nothingburger of a cultural quirk compared to that, in my eyes.

I think @veekie meant that two handed axes are the preferred weapons of slayers and that is pretty much the extreme of the suicidal mindset that is afflicting Karak Ankor.
I wonder if we could commission a really killy item from the dwarves, some sort of belt of runic explosive that can be sent to the Grey college by way of Mathilde with a note saying "Use in case of Nagash or Everchosen" then the sneakiest grey wizard sneaks it in and there goes the threat.

There's not going to be a single 'use this item get rid of epic hero' thing.

Just no. If the Everchosen or Nagash would be easy to gank using an item made due to favours instead of an uber-epic ultimate tier item then they wouldn't be the Everchosen or Nagash.
I think @veekie meant that two handed axes are the preferred weapons of slayers and that is pretty much the extreme of the suicidal mindset that is afflicting Karak Ankor.

Well, it's not a bad point. I would not think Mathilde would view it this way before that, but it would most certainly make for a fun protagonist viewpoint quirk.

The Slayers Charge and KaK confrontation with High King left an impression after all.

There's not going to be a single 'use this item get rid of epic hero' thing.

Just no. If the Everchosen or Nagash would be easy to gank using an item made due to favours instead of an uber-epic ultimate tier item then they wouldn't be the Everchosen or Nagash.
Fellblade? :V

It's not a single use item, but its wielders tend to be, due to warpstone and all.
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I think so, but it would have the critical flaws of, firstly, not being a greatsword, and secondly, the haft probably being destroyed the moment we miscast and need to use it to ground out the energies; grounding rods are consumables.
That's interesting. It would mean if the dwarf runic haft is capable of working without being destroyed an axe would likely be a superior choice over the sword simply for that two-in-one ability.

If it isn't then I don't really care whether it's a sword or axe, it's a difference of 1 favor or 1 action or so. Not that huge a difference. I don't really care all that much for the symbolism either way, a weapon is used for killing stuff and we should use whatever we're good with and have available rather than whichever looks good on a poster, or sounds nice in a poem.
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Hey, don't lump the Maximum OverSword crowd in with that one guy who wants an axe! There are... Multiple of us!

It being a sword is a goal in and of itself. An axe might be better, but I don't want an axe, I want a sword.

I would prefer max favour sword too.

That said.... I would be happy to get a Handaxe/Gun Runed Hybrid Weapon as a Subweapon.

Plus a Max Quality Greatsword of Grommil can be wielded one handed, which means we can use both weapons or use one while casting magic.

I'll be honest, I'd prefer pretty much anything over this. Especially as I suspect this would require a lot more training than learning to use an axe, simply because now we'd need to learn a shortsword and a whip.

Well it would not be a Shortsword for one, the idea is to have a very light but tough Greatsword that is segmented like the Ivy Whipsword.

We need training no matter what we do anyway.

But it is a Magic Sword that is able to react semi independantly, so it's very nature is beneficial to learning as it teaches you to wield it in effect.

Besides.... Whips are also useful for retrieving items and for mobility, swing across a chasm like indiana jones! You know you want to!
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It would mean if the dwarf runic haft is capable of working without being destroyed
But, that's the thing, we're talking about the perils of the warp here. No matter how small the chance, us possibly destroying our primary weapon every time we cast is an unacceptable risk. Like, there are acceptable risks, such as not coming back alive from going on our lonesome into an orcish stronghold, but what makes this one unacceptable is that it's costly and avoidable by virtue of just not using a consumable item as the handle for our primary weapon. It's wasteful, more like, and not particularly handy for what it's trying to do.

Plus, all Rune Weapons are hand weapons, so even if we get the Maximum OverSword we can still hold a staff in the other hand when we need to. It'd take a bit of retraining to learn to wield one-handed, but I'm not against axes because I don't like training, I'm against them because I do like swords.
We need training no matter what we do anyway.

But it is a Magic Sword that is able to react semi independantly, so it's very nature is beneficial to learning as it teaches you to wield it in effect.

Besides.... Whips are also useful for retrieving items and for mobility, swing across a chasm like indiana jones! You know you want to!
I'm pretty sure that Boney just meant the whip-bit, not the part where it's some sort of alchemical familiar who can cast magic and stuff. That'd be ridiculous.

And even the whip part is a bit silly, you know?
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Belt of the Unshackled Mountain. I love that it's so absolutely anti-vampire.

One scene I want to see: Mathilde strangling a powerful vampire with Kragg's belt.
Any way on the subject of favours for things for our potential wizard tower I think it's rather unlikely they can do anything to help rune wise for one major reason. They've lost the knowledge of how to do it.

The anvils of doom are what they craft their runic items on and they categorically can't make any more of them. They've lost the knowledge of how to forge the Rune of Sorcery which is what they use to channel the winds of magic into runes. With out the Rune of Sorcery I don't see how they could help our wizard tower deal with surges of magic.
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