I'm surprised there isn't more interest for looking into the Ulrican business in either Middenland/Nordland, considering how crucial that relationship is for the current Eonir alliance.
[X] Middenland
[X] Nordland
[X] Elementalism
[X] Sofia
[X] Gretel
[X] House Filuan
[X] The Black Water Canal
Some backlog questions I had if you don't mind shedding light on them
@Boney, sorry for bombarding them all at once:
- Are Verenans from the Empire barred from the Great Library of Verena in Marienburg? If yes, how do they feel about that.
- Do we know anything about how extensive/prestigious Verena's library in Nuln is, or the amount of "book loot" we could've acquired from them?
- What's stopping us from importing Eastern books by putting a higher price? So that their price-per-poundage is comparable to exotic trade goods like spices. (Is this a dumb question, is it too expensive to do so in bulk?)
4. Are people getting worried about Roswita's seeming lack of plans for her succession (enough to affect local politics)?
5. Speaking of which, are Roswita's siblings still being kept hidden away, rather than being brought to Stirland now that she's better established?
6. Did Mathilde give a report to Roswita that the Alberich business was handled afterwards?
7. Is the mother of Boris' two known illegitimate children the same person? Couldn't find it in canon details.
8. Would it be a viable action for Mathilde to write a book on her insights into Dwarven diplomacy/culture? Since the Imperial school of thought overlooks many nuances of Dwarven society based on her meeting with the Imperial Chamberlain.
9. As a Grey Wizard, did Mathilde not qualify for the position of Belegar's diplomat back when the K8P council was being setup? (As it wasn't an available choice)
10. How does one become a Magister Vigilant, is that a dedicated role where it's your main responsibility like the Waystone Project?
11. Is Mathilde considered an unofficial Magister Vigilant?
12. How many papers does the standard Magister or LM churn out in a year, or to be more specific: how high/low is Mathilde's rate of publishing compared to the average?
13. Was Tochter active in Wurtbad/Stirland during Mathilde's Spymaster years? Do we know how old she is?
14. Did Solmann end up getting inspiration for his Azyr elemental magic from Ljiljana during the Karag Dum expedition?
15. Is there a canon date/year for the first Karag Dum Expedition OTL, the one that led to Gotrek becoming a Slayer?
16. What happens to vampires eaten by Strigoi, presumably the parts inside of the Strigoi are prevented from ressurrecting?
17. Is
Gnoldron, a lost ancient Runesmith hammer from Stone & Steel, canon to the quest? If so, was it recovered with the return of Karak Vlag?
18. Would
Koros-dar Nael, an Elven Liche from WHFRP 2ED, canon to the quest?
Also had some potentially repeated questions but my search-fu is a bit rusty, not sure if they were answered before:
- I think you said you were willing to run the quest if the thread somehow voted to go off the deep end (like becoming Nagash 2.0), but is a involuntary change (like being forcibly turned into a Vampire) a quest-ending proposition?
- With the Dwarf Favor system becoming obsolete, what would it require for Mathilde to inspect the Phoenix Crown now?
- Just to confirm, Was Alric able to have that much influence over Egrimm because he was both his Patriarch and former Master?
- When first meeting Alkharad, did he not recognize the Ulgu Shadowsteed? Since he listed off guesses like a Myrmidian priestess or Witch Hunter, who shouldn't know that spell. (Vaguely remember this might be a repeated question)
- This is probably an oversight on my part, since it would've been done if possible: can Johann remove his tainted chamon eyesockets then regenerate it with Ghyran?