The forest eventually comes to an abrupt halt and gives way to a wide open meadow of short grass surrounding the banks of the Schaukel, and on the other side stands the walls of Tor Lithanel, pure-white marble stretching far above even the tallest trees with slender, graceful buttresses and arches adding texture to what would otherwise be a forbidding blank expanse of stone. An open drawbridge stretches across the Schaukel towards you, and you have to nudge your Shadowsteed to catch back up to Kadoh as it had responded to your unspoken desire to take in the sight by slowing. And as you pass through the shockingly long tunnel from one end of the wall's base to the other, your breath is taken away once more as you emerge into Tor Lithanel itself. All around you are buildings of pure-white marble that would fade to monotony if it weren't for artistic arrangements of living vines dotted with fruits and berries, and in what must be deliberate mimicry of the vines are inlaid veins of silver and gold with 'fruits' of large and shimmering jewels. But instead of the towering structures you expected every building ends after a uniform two stories, and the reason for that is quickly apparent, as every street is split in two by a line of trees basking in the sunlight, each heavy with fruits and nuts of every variety you've ever seen and many you don't recognize.
You follow Kadoh through the streets in something of a daze, taking in the sights. The streets are much less crowded than those of human cities, though more than Dwarven Karaks, and instead of the leather, leaves and barks of those outside the walls, those inside are dressed in silks and jewels, and many gawk at you just as hard as you're tempted to gawk back at them. Above you the sky is broken by three towers, the only things that break the otherwise even skyline: one of silver, one of obsidian, and one of marble. Every building seems dotted with doorways or openings for small shops or what seem to be taverns, and it seems like you're never out of line of sight from somewhere to get food or drink, even if the trees weren't offering an endless bounty.