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It's the Great North Road between Marienburg and Middenheim, the Old Forest Road between Middenheim and Wurtbad, the Old Dwarf Road between Wurtbad and Karaz-a-Karak, and the Silver Road between Karaz-a-Karak and Mount Silverspear. Mathilde thinks of the whole thing as the Old Dwarf Road because a) she's a Stirlander and b) because that's an accurate name for it. It was made by the Dwarves 5000 years ago to link Karaz-a-Karak to what is now Marienburg back when they were allies and trading partners with the Elves.

Would Karaz Ghumzul have been established at that point? I don't know another reason why it would loop up north instead of heading past Kor Vanarth/Altdorf
I imagine their first time meeting an untainted dwarf would have been... fought, especially since they would have made the obvious comparison.
According to Tome of Salvation, in the first encounters the Karaz Ankor had with the humans who would form the Imperial tribes, the humans ran from them in abject terror, abandoning their camp to the dwarfs, who named them Umgi for the shoddy craftsmanship of the items that they discovered in said camp.
According to Tome of Salvation, in the first encounters the Karaz Ankor had with the humans who would form the Imperial tribes, the humans ran from them in abject terror, abandoning their camp to the dwarfs, who named them Umgi for the shoddy craftsmanship of the items that they discovered in said camp.

I mean anyone who previously met the Chaos Dwarfs would react like that. I mean afterwards when the humans would have to establish that these stunty folk are not of the spiky variety.
According to Tome of Salvation, in the first encounters the Karaz Ankor had with the humans who would form the Imperial tribes, the humans ran from them in abject terror, abandoning their camp to the dwarfs, who named them Umgi for the shoddy craftsmanship of the items that they discovered in said camp.
Though if memory serves, I think that was the Belthani (or a connected tribe) rather than one of the tribes from the later migration that brought the Teutogen and Unberogen and such to the Reik Basin.
Though the fleets of Cathay and Nippon largely control their coasts, the majority of the waters are dominated by Naggarothi fleets who sail via an underground ocean beneath their continent and into the Far Sea. With Ulthuan's ships having to sail all the way around Lustria just to reach Naggaroth's backyard,

If the Druchii have been raiding Nippon and Cathay coasts for millennia then would it be possible to exchange things with them for books from Cathay or Nippon? Especially Nippon ones cause otherwise I am not sure how we could ever acquire them.
If the Druchii have been raiding Nippon and Cathay coasts for millennia then would it be possible to exchange things with them for books from Cathay or Nippon? Especially Nippon ones cause otherwise I am not sure how we could ever acquire them.

Do we even know anyone who can translate that? I know the Colleges can find Cathayan translators, but Nipponese would be one tier beyond even that with even less trade flowing into the Old World. I think it would be pretty much only traded in elf ships and I do not see the Asur bothering to teach the language of one kind of human to another type on opposite parts of the planet.
Do we even know anyone who can translate that? I know the Colleges can find Cathayan translators, but Nipponese would be one tier beyond even that with even less trade flowing into the Old World. I think it would be pretty much only traded in elf ships and I do not see the Asur bothering to teach the language of one kind of human to another type on opposite parts of the planet.

I assume it must not be that hard since we can learn the language at Altdorf university.

Mathilde can find tutors through the University of Altdorf for Sylvanian, Classical, Tilean, Estalian, Arabyan, Breton, Mootish, Kislevarin, Indie, Cathayan, Nipponese, Norse and Wastelander, which has an arrangement with the Colleges so you can spend College favour there
Do we even know anyone who can translate that? I know the Colleges can find Cathayan translators, but Nipponese would be one tier beyond even that with even less trade flowing into the Old World. I think it would be pretty much only traded in elf ships and I do not see the Asur bothering to teach the language of one kind of human to another type on opposite parts of the planet.
It's old canon, but I believe the Marienburg sourcebook from 1e had people from Nippon living in the city.
I assume it must not be that hard since we can learn the language at Altdorf university.

I'd forgotten than. Than yeah, those are the kinds of books we might trade with the dark elves. Really given how far ranging and comparatively wealthy they are I do not think we will ever run out of things we want from them. Now what we can safely give to the evil elves... that is a question for the ages. I wonder if they take straight gold? I mean the pirate probably does, but we are not as wealthy as we used to be.
Mathilde can find tutors through the University of Altdorf for Sylvanian, Classical, Tilean, Estalian, Arabyan, Breton, Mootish, Kislevarin, Indie, Cathayan, Nipponese, Norse and Wastelander, which has an arrangement with the Colleges so you can spend College favour there. Tar-Eltharin, Fan-Eltharin, Druhir, Orcish, Grumbarth, Dark Tongue, and High Nehekharan can be learned through the Colleges directly. You might be able to find a Low Nehekharan tutor in Araby. Myrmidian Battle Tongue and Thieves Tongue through the right Priests.

University of Altdorf has us covered, they have weebs on their payroll.
Actually you know what? List time

So you want to trade with assholes? What can you give them
The purpose of this list is not to only include things that can be traded perfectly safely, when speaking about the Druchi there is no level at which you are not aiding some kind of monstrous behaviour. The purpose of this list is to identify what can be traded without getting into trouble and while allowing Mathilde to sleep at night

Waagh and Skaven Research
It can only be used against those who are as hostile to us as the Druchi and in the case of the Skaven even more dangerous, Caveat, th information might be sold to the skaven in order to allow them to say make a better rattling gun that cannot be dispelled, though given how backstabby both sides are I don't think there is much danger of peaceful lore exchange and of that lore propagating. Orc information has none of these issues so if we want to be extra safe just trade those.

We do not have a lot of it, but it is a renewable resource and the harm it can cause is minimal. I mean hell we even payed chaos worshipers in the deep warp, compared to those guys the Druchi are downright sane and personable

Crafting materials that we are not actually using not plan to use in the near term
Now hear me out we do not have much use for the lower part of an Ulgu Dryad and a hunk of Azyr dragonbone. Yes we are planning to make Eike a staff when she becomes a Magister but that is a long way from now. I have no doubt we will get more staff materials in the meantime but even if one does not share the optimism I think it is fair to say we could give up one of these for a good enough incentive

Sundry papers that have no significant military impact
Things like the dragon ogre paper or he terrain obstacle one if they are interested... Actually no scratch that last one it has Kragg as a collaborator, he would find a way to glare the Druchi to death though the paper and then were would we be?
Waagh and Skaven Research
I am uncomfortable with Skaven research. Aside from what we have being mostly military stuff there is also the fact that in canon they are allies and there are hints of it here as well so what we give druchi might end at the hands of Skaven themselves and might even lead to shoring of the allience between them.

Like Skyre research worth a lot to other clans which Druchi can sell to and that is a big risk.
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I am uncomfortable with Skaven research. Aside from what we have being mostly military stuff there is also the fact that in canon they are allies and there are hints of it here as well so what we give druchi might end at the hands of Skaven themselves and might even lead to showring of the allience between them.

That is fair, like I said between the greenskin and the skaven stuff the latter is more iffy.
lower part of an Ulgu Dryad

I would be interested in maybe trying this out at some point as part of prepping for some major enchanting project (Maybe Nexuses if we ever try to take a crack at that) So I'd like to keep the legs.

Would using Drycha's legs as the wooden parts (handles mostly) of a 'enchanters kit' (thinking jewellery kit) work?
It would probably result in me rolling a d6 of potential results.
We do not have a lot of it, but it is a renewable resource and the harm it can cause is minimal. I mean hell we even payed chaos worshipers in the deep warp, compared to those guys the Druchi are downright sane and personable

This is what confuses me about the "Druchii are too evil to trade with" argument. We literally gave a Chosen of Slaanesh enough silver to turn themselves into a major regional power.

Sure, it wasn't a lot of silver by Dwarf or Empire standards, but it was still enough to give his tribe a significant boost in wealth and power.

And yet I see nobody upset or regretting this action at all.

Also another thing we can trade would be spices, wines, and other luxuries. Currently the Dark Elves get most of their trade goods from a) the chaos dwarves, b) piracy, or c) from other pirates.

Imagine what they'd be willing to pay for a steady and consistent supply of such high value goods.
I mean... how would that help with something as energy intensive as a nexus? The dryad wood is explicitly more about fine control of a single wind.

We don't particularly know how Nexuses work, I could easily see a case where the amount of energy they work with means the tolerances have to be even tighter though, and more control would be helpful for that.

That was just a single example though, even if it isn't helpful for that I rate keeping the option open for an enchanting boost more highly then using it as barter for some books.
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This is what confuses me about the "Druchii are too evil to trade with" argument. We literally gave a Chosen of Slaanesh enough silver to turn themselves into a major regional power.

Sure, it wasn't a lot of silver by Dwarf or Empire standards, but it was still enough to give his tribe a significant boost in wealth and power.

And yet I see nobody upset or regretting this action at all.

Also another thing we can trade would be spices, wines, and other luxuries. Currently the Dark Elves get most of their trade goods from a) the chaos dwarves, b) piracy, or c) from other pirates.

Imagine what they'd be willing to pay for a steady and consistent supply of such high value goods.

Imagine how much it would improve their economy though, all that taxable income for Maleketh. I am fine throwing a few hundred gold coins at them, but I do not want to make their state meaningfully better off economically.
We don't particularly know how Nexuses work, I could easily see a case where the amount of energy they work with means the tolerances have to be even tighter though, and more control would be helpful for that.

Sure anything is possible, doesn't make it probable though and even if that is the case. Wouldn't we need seven more such foci for all the other winds? If we somehow manage to source that number eight should not be that much of a stretch.
No getting chummy with the Dark Elves.
Okay, i get the hate, but i also would like to actually interact with more dark elves because when we talked they were really interesting and Mathilde literally bought shit from a person so mutated they needed a translator.

And it was a hardline Slaanesh worshipper to boot. And she gave him the money he needed to fully ascend to Slaanesh as quite possibly a daemon prince.

I feel like buying books we might be interested in is the least evil thing here.
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