I somewhat doubt it, not because I think its some inherent thing to them, though it might be they're more predisposed to it from Dhar exposure or something.
But because I feel like the sheer amount of chaos worshipping beastmen would constantly go out of their way to either convert or kill them.
Possibly with even more zeal than they have for killing humans and trying to destroy the trappings of civilization.
I'm sure that there have been cases where groups crop up, but even then the chances of non chaos beastmen finding each other and not the chaos ones seem fairly low.
How direct is the line between Dhar corruption and having your mind made unable to resist the influence of the Four Chaos Gods? Necromancers at least are for the most part not aligned with Chaos despite many of them working with knowledge that is shit at properly isolating themselves from Dhar contamination (due to subpar study material).
I ask because one source of Beastmen is mutated humans and animals being abandoned im the woods and finding each other. Existing Beastman societies might have a religious legacy that aligns them woth Chaos, but Beastherds also get eradicated from time to time, at least in forests that aren't massive or interconnected to multiple provinces. So it seems reasonable to occasionally have Beastherds with little to no cultural continuity. In which case one or more Chaos forces would have to personally intervene to propagate their religion among such young Beastherds.
I'll admit this conversation very much has me wanting to see a society that does something closer to "Yeah, sure sometimes when the green moon shines full, children are born with mouths full of fangs and the fur of beasts but we take care of them all the same. Kids can turn out strange for a lotta reasons; You just gotta raise 'em as best you can."
Isn't that just the Kurgans? Sure, they worship the Chaos Gods. But they also worship at least 10 gods unrelated to Chaos.
I believe it's been said that that paragraph is a result of Tzeentch propaganda trying to ruin the Monkey King's reputation.
I don't know if there have been references pointing in that direction before, but lately the Total War lore outlets have been really pushing that. Complete with four obviously inaccurate descriptions of the Monkey King, each making him look like a dedicated servant of a different Chaos God.
The question is why Orcs come out of the fungus using exclusively male pronouns and male presentation. They're fungoid creatures, they have no reason to have a conception of gender unless they were somehow hardcoded into it, or they collectively looked at humanity's conception of gender and went "yeah we understand their conception of gender and all of us collectively believe we are men and use he/him pronouns".
Is it male presentation or is their default culture just full of stereotypes that among humans are male codes?
They are muscular, violent, competitive to a fault, live in an extremely might makes right culture, don't care about attracting mates, multiply by spreading their seed far and wide without any care for personally nurturing the resulting offspring, and have a language heavily influenced by their enemies, most of whom are from cultures where the majority of warriors are male.
Now yes, that's a Watsonian answer. From a Doylist perspective they started out as parodies of mostly male British hooligans mixed with Tolkien's also purely male-coded race of always evil mongrels. But still, whatever the decisions of the original authors regarding the Orcs in particular, any modern adaptation that isn't trying to do a total rewrite or subversion will pretty much still portray them as a 100% male coded race, even more so than Skaven or Lizardmen. Insofar masculinity and femininity are concrete and distinct things that can ne defined in opposition to each other at all, Orcs biologically lack anything feminine. They are very much not a race of mothers, the way most single gender races actually would be.
This whole thing reminds me a bit of the web serial Worth The Candle, which attempted a bit of a subversion of the all Dwarves are male trope.
There Dwarves are a single gender race with beards and decent physical strength. When they encountered other races (mostly humans) they had a choice of how to communicate their single gender situation to these strangers. And they decided that, given the gender biases of the time among most societies of this race that outnumbered them, it was better to look like a race made up purely of potential warriors with no womanfolk to protect than to try and bridge the culture gap to explain anything more complicated than that.
Warhammer Fantasy wants the beastmen to be a mindless evil faction that you feel totally okay about killing any number of, while not wanting to specifically say "yes, half of the ones you're killing are girls." They also need an explanation for how beastmen keep their population up while most of them are squishy creatures that charge out to die in droves, and to a certain kind of (almost invariably male) mind, the answer "the females of this species are complete brood mares" sounds like a good answer to that kind of mind.
[spits in disgust]
Recently I found out that there's lore of this kind even for the Chaos Dwarves. Disappointed me all over again. Maybe even more so because I was less politically educated back when I first read about Skaven broodmothers.
Specifically there were low armor units of fanatical Chaos Dwarf women, essentially like their version of Slayers (even though though they already have the Infernal Guard filling that cultural role). Except that in this case the "dishonor" is surviving past child bearing age and everything else about them is stuff I don't feel like inflicting on all of you right now.
Rain and rocks have grammatical gender? Is this one of those European things that gender objects, or am I missing something?
German is extreme in that so many things have arbitrary genders that often don't even align with the arbitrary genders of most other European languages.
I couldn't even tell if there is a set of rules governing it, picking up examples it seems extremly arbitrary.
Im German there's a bunch of suffixes that are always female. Off the top of my head, examples include -heit, -keit, -ung and -schaft.
Half remember the beginning of (the?) Skarsnik novel I read 10 years ago insinuating that goblins are biologically capable of gangraping their female captures while slow boiling and roasting the males.
That's the dumbest Warhammer factoid I've heard in a while.
Well, a stone is male, a lamp is female but a girl is neutral in german (though the last one makes a little bit of sense because Mädchen is a dimunitive, and all dimunitives are neutral)
As you said, that one still makes some sense. But what about "das Weib", the closet translation of which is "the female", used just for humans and including negative connotations similar to calling women "females".
I was thinking of adjective order.
(Adjectives in English have to be in the order of:
- Quantity or number
- Quality or opinion
- Size
- Age
- Shape
- Color
- Proper adjective (often nationality, other place of origin, or material)
- Purpose or qualifier
If adjectives aren't in that order, it doesn't sound right to a native speaker, but basically nobody could actually tell you this list off-hand. So you wouldn't say 'silver ancient knife', because it sounds weird compared to 'ancient silver knife')
Oh damn. I never even noticed, despite probably having followed this rule subconsciously.
Hell, I'm a native English speaker who read a lot growing up and this happened multiple times - occasionally I'll still get corrected upon saying a word out loud that I've only ever read before.
I've noticed something related to this with streamers trying to pronounce any fantasy word or strange name ever. Poor guys seem to struggle like they are cursed by their weird language and it can't all be a dyslexia epidemic among gaming content creators, can it?