Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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People, I think Boney is hitting the 'I'm to polite to say I'm annoyed by the sword question, but I'm annoyed by the sword questions.' Stage.

Boney has said that the difference is marginal, I'm going to trust that the person writing any fight involving that marginal difference will keep it marginal.

Even if narratively there might be a big difference.

But on the other hand, im voting for both because I'm (like I've said before) a completionist.

[x] Both
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Personally i would love to keep the Ulgu orb for a bit and see what we can enchant with it. I bet algard will be ok after we give him the secret to pocket dimensions.
I'm voting for both on principle of swords and because I'm a sick completionist, but mostly swords.

I encourage everyone to not do so, because from Boney's explanation there really is very little extra utility, and finishing it follows the spirit that got the plan voted for. I kinda want to move to other things too, my principles simply don't allow to not vote for maximum sword.

To my fellow both voters, I will point out that we might eventually come back to the style once Mathildd has further grown as a swordswoman, maybe learned from Shadow friends, created a magical sword spell, and such things. I do think another level of swordsmanship is at least plausible by fusing it more fully with her magical abilities.
Make our mountain MUCH MORE KILLY!
I want a magical superweapon that hits the underground.
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I should probably vote.
Am for
[x] Guard bypass
Because a) it's more cool and
B) i actually understand why it is the way it is... Double tap seems complicated for not much gain to me.
People, I think Boney is hitting the 'I'm to polite to say I'm annoyed by the sword question, but I'm annoyed by the sword questions.' Stage.

Boney has said that the difference is marginal, I'm going to trust that the person writing any fight involving that marginal difference will keep it marginal.

Even if narratively there might be a big difference.

But on the other hand, im voting for both because I'm (like I've said before) a completionist.

[x] Both

Yeah, the vote's basically "when fighting a bullshit foe who can somehow parry a teleporting sword that hits like a cannonball, do you want to make your sword intangible for the parry, or do you want sunder their weapon and then try to hit them again for free".

Both are good options. "Both" is also a good option. I'm prioritising the intangible parry myself, because it means we can steal the opponents weapon afterwards, and it might combo with a shadowsword, if we ever decide to make one (and we might not! That's possible too), but sundering is pretty good too, and probably effective against chaos weapons that we can't take for ourselves. I'm hesitant to go for both, simply because of the AP cost, but I don't have a problem committing to an extra training session next turn if we decide we really need it.
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Mathilde replicates one of Fozzrik's flying fortresses with like 10 Azyr orbs on the foundation of a tower.
Complete waste of resources just to flex.
I should probably update my vote.

As much as I do feel like it's in-character for Mathilde to not back down on this, I also have a preference on which one we get if we do get only one, and I can see the arguments for getting only one.

[X] Both
[X] Guard Bypass
Detractors of the Eike Hochschild franchise often complain that Eike is a Mary Sue. Having a tragic background and then turning out to be the heir to a great fortune and also a wizard can be justified as standard book protagonist stuff, but then on top of that she's a talented student and she receives special sword lessons and is talented at that too and she gets the Super Special Mark of Being Good at Magic. Oh, but she has flaws - being too honest and caring too much. Such flaws.

Personally I think it's a good series. At the end of a day it's aimed at kids, and for YA it's actually pretty good writing, though admittedly I did find the first EIC Arc a bit dry. And I think the author does a decent amount of writing to justify some of the scenes that keep coming up in criticism of the work, and that justifying is very often ignored - I can't count the number of times someone complained about the scene where Eike disarmed Master Weber while completely ignorning that she was very clearly noted to be fighting in her off-hand. If I have one problem it's with the author's claim that he rolled dice while writing the story as a way of justifying some of the more unbelievable coincidences. My man, literally no one is buying it, the story is fine and you should just stand by what you've written instead of making up those transparent excuses.

Let's be honest here: the story would have been way more interesting if Mathilde was the protagonist. Eike is fun and all, but Mathilde is a godsdamned action hero. She's not even a 'retired war veteran' type mentor; she literally went on an expedition to the Chaos Wastes a few years before accepting Eike as apprentice, not to mention the whole Druchii Murder Vacation thing. I mean what the fuck.

I know they say everyone is the protagonist of their own story, but Mathilde makes the protagonist feel like a side character in her own story.

It honestly feels like the story was already written with Mathilde as the protagonist, sent off to the editors and they came back saying 'make it more light hearted and kid friendly' because god knows you can't have fantasy targeted at adults, they only read noir mystery and 50 chains of lay, so they just swapped the protagonist to Eike and called it a day.


Mathilde would absolutely die in Eike's show... every other episode. Oh sure, the first time they'd take it seriously. Eike having a bit of a breakdown after receiving the news through a grey order missive or some such (on accident) until she happens upon Mathilde sipping some wine in her Never Ever Explained Dragon Chair Of Doom later in the day after an entire episode of introspection, sadness and grief...

Then it's just a running gag where Eike grows more and more jaded to Mathilde's many ridiculous 'deaths', which are perfectly in character for the stuff she regularly does despite that. As well as discovering that no matter how disgustingly obvious Mathilde makes the fact she's still alive. Most everyone outside of Eight Peaks and the Colleges assumes she's a spirit still desperately trying to fulfil her oaths to her various Lords. Forever trapped by... Divided Loyalties. Which the audience naturally never forgives the creators for literally saying in the show, even as a joke.

Algard faked his death to have more time for his hobbies, this Mathilde made it her hobby.

Alt!Mathilde: "We are not the same."

Edit: also because I've spent the past week or so trying to catch up on the thread and failing, let me just give a somewhat late Welcome Back Boney, it's great to see!
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Sometimes I use >99 as an arbitrary cut-off point for a very good result, sometimes I don't. And a technical crit that actually rolled in the 70s and got dragged upwards by high characteristics and bonuses is less likely to get the golden treatment.
I tell ya what ya wont do:
Ya won't do:

'if more than 50, then X' and 'if less than 50, then Y'.

Again, to precise. You won't do that again.
Actually, on second thought I think I'm going to vote for Both. Sure, it's an extra AP, but we can squeeze that in, and having the flexibility of an intangible parry and a weapon breaking sunder is pretty cool.

[X] Both
That implies that Mathilde has 70 non-Azyr orbs lying around the place.

I'm terrified to think what she might be doing with them.
I like to imagine Mathilde somehow getting all this before revealing AV to Eike or the world.

"Alright, Eike, we need to get 80 powerstones! Ten of each wind. Make sure not to drop any."
"Wait, wha—why?"
"Because dropping crystalized magic in such quantities obviously is a bad idea? Seriously, Eike, I thought the College taught at least that much."
"No, you madwoman, why do you need 80 powerstones?"
"So I can use 10 of them to make a flying castle, of course!"
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"My Emperour! Urgent News! The entire Grey Collage has been murdered down to the last man! This is truly dire news. We need to find the culprit at once!"
"Have you checked the library?"
"...The library sire?"
"Yes, dead shadow wizard's have a mysterious tendency to show up there after dying"
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[X] Guard bypass
[X] Double-tap

Arrakis AP Scheduling teaches attitude of the knife - chopping off what's incomplete and saying: 'Now, it's complete because it's ended here.'
I don't see why people aren't voting for both. We are nearly the best humans alive at swording. Why not go full force into this? I absolutely think it's worth the time.
Mathilde isn't, actually. There are grandmasters in the Empire who've spent the lion's share their self-improvement actions studying the blade, compared to Mathilde who's spent most of that time learning magic. Mathilde's ability to claim mastery level swordswomanship largely comes from learning how to best utilize her one-of-a-kind magic sword's advantages. And even then, a grandmaster wielding a Runefang would still wipe the floor with her in a sword-only fight.
Send some to Ulthuan with an attached note.
"Hey Teclis you big fucking Nerd, Here's your Orbs back."
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Mathilde isn't, actually. There are grandmasters in the Empire who've spent the lion's share their self-improvement actions studying the blade, compared to Mathilde who's spent most of that time learning magic. Mathilde's ability to claim mastery level swordswomanship largely comes from learning how to best utilize her one-of-a-kind magic sword's advantages. And even then, a grandmaster wielding a Runefang would still wipe the floor with her in a sword-only fight.

That is what we have Dragon-flask for. Parry that. Mathilde is best at Jack-of-Many-Trades-Master-of-Enough.
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