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Do you think we should share the Skaven engineering books with the College of Engineering? (With Collegiate/Imperial approval of course)
I only recall the 'straight man' stuff happening when we started courting Panoramia, but I wasn't aware it was before. I mostly remember Panoramia being the impressionable young Magister that wanted to help.
That was the case back in K8P, but it changed pretty rapidly by the time the Duckling club started. Panoramia finding a home in K8P, becoming confident in her abilities, and seeing that Mathilde was putting on a front because Wolf was still a happy little doggy instead of a ferocious attack dog meant she could let loose without being worried Mathilde would pop up out of nowhere to scold her like she did back during the sieges.
:confused: Egrimm got a cloak made from the hair of Slaanesh? And Slaanesh actually has hair? Along with that the cloak did not spontanious evaporate outside of the Aether due to what it is made of? That is honestly strange to even hear about.
You're assuming the novels play by the rules. They don't. GW barely has a mandate for Black Library aside from not killing named characters unless the books straight up say they're dead. Otherwise anything goes.
We could, I suppose, make some or all of those copying deals reciprocal. Either to shake some of the harder to shake books out of them, or out of the kindness of our hearts. It doesn't really cost us anything, does it? Most people can't afford infinite scribes, so it's not like copies of KAU are going to pop up in Nuln and dilute our brand. It might even earn us some favour with the Verenan Lorekeepers, because it demonstrated that we really do believe in spreading knowledge rather than hoarding it. Share the wealth, help the poor folk of the Universität in those troubled times!

Except for the elementalists, those guys we're taking to the cleaners.
My guess about how Boney is going to do it, if we do in fact try to do this, is that there will be Diplomacy rolls against various DCs for every institution that the Elector-Count can browbeat into playing ball with us (so, at the very least the University and the Gunnery School, and probably some others), which dictate how willing they are to play ball and whether we'd need to offer additional carrots to sweeten the deal with individual folks.

But yeah, I'm willing to do reciprocal agreements of our for-public-consumption material with the University. The academic rival of my academic rival is my friend, after all.
Do you think we should share the Skaven engineering books with the College of Engineering? (With Collegiate/Imperial approval of course)
Since we sold it to them, the Gold College is probably handling all the Skaven tech tree stuff, including disseminating the translated books to approved parties. If we want to know what they're doing with it, vote for them the next time the social turn comes round.
You're assuming the novels play by the rules. They don't. GW barely has a mandate for Black Library aside from not killing named characters unless the books straight up say they're dead. Otherwise anything goes.
I'm not aware if that's in the novel, I got it from the Changeling's entry in the army books.
:confused: Egrimm got a cloak made from the hair of Slaanesh? And Slaanesh actually has hair? Along with that the cloak did not spontanious evaporate outside of the Aether due to what it is made of? That is honestly strange to even hear about.

It's symbolic, I'd assume. The Changeling, as a servant/part of Tzeentch, stole something from Slaanesh...some aspect of his beauty, probably, given the symbolic connotations of long hair, and like all Chaos artifacts, that symbolic power was shaped into physical reality.

And I actually can't find a reference to Egrimm having it, though I also found the 'Changeling stealing it' reference mentioned previously.

Which one? 4th? That would fit. 5th wouldn't be out of the question.

The changeling stealing Slaanesh's hair is definitely in 8th. Might be in other ones as well, but that's the one I've read and it's in there.
:confused: Egrimm got a cloak made from the hair of Slaanesh? And Slaanesh actually has hair? Along with that the cloak did not spontanious evaporate outside of the Aether due to what it is made of? That is honestly strange to even hear about.
Old pic
Newer pic
Dragonball meme
Slaanesh has hair, q.e.d

Edit: my dragonball meme is not working. Probably the source is too close to 4chan.
Anyway it features emps and Slaanesh with "no, you can't grind meat on these abs"
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That was the case back in K8P, but it changed pretty rapidly by the time the Duckling club started. Panoramia finding a home in K8P, becoming confident in her abilities, and seeing that Mathilde was putting on a front because Wolf was still a happy little doggy instead of a ferocious attack dog meant she could let loose without being worried Mathilde would pop up out of nowhere to scold her like she did back during the sieges.

I think another thing that helped was that about 20 minutes after the scolding Mathilde then tried and failed to bake a pie with Pan. The emotional whiplash from that aged her by about 15 years.
Off-topic, but was there a specific reason why the Changeling did it? Or did they just do it for the shits and giggles?
It just says that the Changeling cut it away and wove it into a cloak, which Tzeentch presented to Egrimm.

Knowing the Changeling, it was probably just shits and giggles.

And I actually can't find a reference to Egrimm having it, though I also found the 'Changeling stealing it' reference mentioned previously.
Egrimm hasn't had an entry since 5th.
Huh. Well then. I suppose there is no reason for logic to exist. I guess Slaanesh, a God of Chaos, goes to sleep.
Off-topic, but was there a specific reason why the Changeling did it? Or did they just do it for the shits and giggles?
Changeling does shit for shits and giggles. Only real characterisation I remember is from End Times, where he had to keep a secret identity but he couldn't help himself and kept doing malicious pranks to keep himself amused.
That was the case back in K8P, but it changed pretty rapidly by the time the Duckling club started. Panoramia finding a home in K8P, becoming confident in her abilities, and seeing that Mathilde was putting on a front because Wolf was still a happy little doggy instead of a ferocious attack dog meant she could let loose without being worried Mathilde would pop up out of nowhere to scold her like she did back during the sieges.

Hm. Guess I'll have to reread - not that there's any problems with that. At least I can reread Mathilde courting Panoramia and other shenanigans from K8P.
I only recall the 'straight man' stuff happening when we started courting Panoramia, but I wasn't aware it was before. I mostly remember Panoramia being the impressionable young Magister that wanted to help.
It's been a while since I've read the quest, but that mostly matches my recollection, yeah. Mathilde has a bit of a dynamic with all her subordinates where she starts out projecting an image of the big scary grey magister in case she needs to enforce discipline but as they get to know her they realize she's actually pretty reasonable and they don't need to freak out about her. I remember Pan claiming that shared dynamic as uniquely her own as being the main thing that annoyed me about her during the romance rounds.
It's been a while since I've read the quest, but that mostly matches my recollection, yeah. Mathilde has a bit of a dynamic with all her subordinates where she starts out projecting an image of the big scary grey magister in case she needs to enforce discipline but as they get to know her they realize she's actually pretty reasonable and they don't need to freak out about her. I remember Pan claiming that shared dynamic as uniquely her own as being the main thing that annoyed me about her during the romance rounds.

Again, I barely remember what Panoramia was like before we got into a relationship with her, so I don't remember her claiming such a thing. Even then, I don't really recall disliking anything during the romance rounds with her. As for the ducklings, I remember Panoramia being the only duckling who got scolded, so maybe it was something to do with that? I should definitely reread, but to each their own, I suppose.
'reciprocal agreements of our for-public-consumption material with the University'

I think we are going to hit another cultural wall with this thinking.

not only do I think Mathys first instant is probably not going to be 'be reciprocal even when I can take everything and give nothing.'

But telling a lot of these organizations that we would be willing to share our stuff for their stuff even when we don't have too, will actually make them less likely to trade.

Because they will think that she will freely trade 'their stuff' that she got with the next group!

the horror!
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I don't think Grey Wizard style exist anyway. More likely collage would fob Mathilde to their allied Knightly Order -they have one of those- . Now if we were to create Shadow Sword spell collage might create a style for it but as it is I don't think they have anything that is unique.
If Mathilde tried to use a weapon that wasn't a greatsword, would she still be able to use her martial stat when using it?
Precedent would be that it's reduced- Abelhelm's martial was lowered for the time that he was Elector Count because he'd always used a halberd and now he was using a Runefang and hadn't gotten used to it yet.
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