Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.

That was a VERY good omake. From someone not the author, check it out if you haven't!

Difficult to imagine a scenario where Mathilde's in melee and she'd rather pull out a pistol instead of hitting someone with her cannonball sword.

Nah, easy to imagine. Just picture it: Mathilde, in the middle of a big scrum, has just been lept on by three orcs at once and cut three fools in half with a single stroke. There's a second or two where nothing is yet in sword range. So disappear the sword, quikdraw and take a shot or two at the nearest enemy hero, put it away and have the sword back in her r hands in the time it takes for the crowd around her to take the one step to the range where they can be hit.

Oh! And for the five year anniversary, someone should make a banner of all Boney's icons. :)
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We have a pair of runed dwarf-made revolvers that we can use in combat. We rarely do, because Branulhune is usually better at melee and spellcasting is usually better at range. But we've got them on our belt if we need them. I don't think we need to invest more resources into that than we already have; if we need to upgrade our killiness (which I really don't think we do, once we finish Branarhune), there are better options than trying to get Advanced Pistols.

Seriously, though, I genuinely can't remember the last time we fired them in anger. I don't think during the Bookmining or the Kul encampment. Maybe we haven't used them since the original Expedition?
We have a pair of runed dwarf-made revolvers that we can use in combat. We rarely do, because Branulhune is usually better at melee and spellcasting is usually better at range. But we've got them on our belt if we need them. I don't think we need to invest more resources into that than we already have; if we need to upgrade our killiness (which I really don't think we do, once we finish Branarhune), there are better options than trying to get Advanced Pistols.

Seriously, though, I genuinely can't remember the last time we fired them in anger. I don't think during the Bookmining or the Kul encampment. Maybe we haven't used them since the original Expedition?

We shot the demonnette guarding the sippy cup of chaos because Mathilde didn't trust herself to get closer or use magic near it.

And yeah, I agree that we don't need to increase our ranged abilities. After Branarhune (edit: and apparitions) the next killiness upgrades should come in the form of army killers—battle magic, to be precise.
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Or you could have the cannonball sword in the other hand. Which is part of the style Mathilde is developing.
What I'm hearing is we need another greatsword made of elf metal that we enchant to act in a very similar way to our dwarf one. 🤔 I still think we can combine our eventual double disappearing greatsword style with quick drawing pistols for when we are to close to use greatswords affectively.
We have a pair of runed dwarf-made revolvers that we can use in combat. We rarely do, because Branulhune is usually better at melee and spellcasting is usually better at range. But we've got them on our belt if we need them. I don't think we need to invest more resources into that than we already have; if we need to upgrade our killiness (which I really don't think we do, once we finish Branarhune), there are better options than trying to get Advanced Pistols.

Seriously, though, I genuinely can't remember the last time we fired them in anger. I don't think during the Bookmining or the Kul encampment. Maybe we haven't used them since the original Expedition?
We used the revolvers in the Kul encampment, at least. They didn't do much to the Champion of Khorne, but worked fine on humans and a daemonette. (Look at me, I'm the pickle now :V.)

"Impersonating a Wizard is a capital offense." The Daemonette just has time to look startled before your bullet sends Daemonic ichor splashing across the pillows, and you shake your head as your senses immediately begin to clear - except for your hearing, which will be ringing from the gunshot for a while. Perhaps a bullet was an unwise choice, but in the moment you thought it preferable to getting closer or trying to wield magic in a Daemon's presence. You head right for a pile of chests and crates and push hurriedly through them, spilling precious metals and ornamented weapons across the silk floor until you find the case that glows with malign light, and before you realize what your fingers are doing you've opened the clasps and thrown the lid open.


You'd owe a debt of gratitude to the Kurgan that burst into the tent at that moment for breaking your fixation on the liquid if they hadn't immediately drawn blades and attempted to kill you. Thankfully Branulhune is never further than a thought away, and it appears in midair to block the first blade as the second shot from your revolver sends the other two reeling back, trying to avoid it.


One opening is all you need, and you get it when one of them slips on Daemonic ichor and clutches at a second as he fights to retain balance. For one crucial moment, the three-on-one becomes a very lopsided duel as Branulhune shatters the sword of the third Kurgan and goes on bite deep into his torso. The second takes a bullet to the chest as he tries to shrug off the grasping of his fellow, and the one who originally slipped goes sprawling as he tries to duck under Branulhune, and your downward thrust pins him to the silken floor before disappearing once more. You exhale, close the case, and shroud yourself in invisibility once more as you slip out of the tent and back into the tumult.

But not fast enough, as the Champion's muscles swell with unnatural vigour as his swing meets your invisible stomach, causing you to cough and retch as your Aethyric Amour absorbs enough to turn what would have been a bisecting into an extremely painful blow to the gut. You look to the Champion's stomach for the response from your Belt, but instead the collar glows red and blood begins to seep down the Champion's neck, the influence of Khorne somehow denying the Rune of Rancour any purchase on His Champion. You backpedal further, looking for any opening and painfully aware that the impact of the axe has turned you visible once more. The air crackles with energy you can't spare the attention to examine and you can taste blood and bile that you swallow down. You let the staff fall from your fingers, trusting it to be sturdy enough to still be intact should you survive long enough to find it, and draw a revolver from its holster. It probably won't make a dent, but it might prove enough of a distraction...

[???: 48+10(Making Amends)-10(Not Their Idiom)=48 vs 75+10(Hatred)-10(Split Attention)=75.]
[Mathilde vs Khornate Champion 3: 38+23-10(Wounded)=51 vs 64+30-10(Wounded)=84.]

Apparently not, as the Champion ignores the bullets slamming into its torso in favour of swinging his axe once more, meeting Branulhune halfway and sending an agonizing jolt through your arm as the two forces arrest each other. Is the Champion swinging with as much force as Kragg's Rune imparts on Branulhune? Surely not, or it would have cut straight through your Aethyric Armour without effort. It must be the aura of the Blood God dulling it, imposing brutal reality where strength is all that matters, not ephemeral energies and cunning artifice. And that is a battlefield that a Champion of Khorne is much more at home in than you are, as it recovers from the impact much faster than you do and swings the pommel of the axe into you, sending you sprawling.
We have a pair of runed dwarf-made revolvers that we can use in combat. We rarely do, because Branulhune is usually better at melee and spellcasting is usually better at range. But we've got them on our belt if we need them. I don't think we need to invest more resources into that than we already have; if we need to upgrade our killiness (which I really don't think we do, once we finish Branarhune), there are better options than trying to get Advanced Pistols.

Seriously, though, I genuinely can't remember the last time we fired them in anger. I don't think during the Bookmining or the Kul encampment. Maybe we haven't used them since the original Expedition?
We could try to learn how to shoot while invisible or under Substance of Shadow if we really want to upgrade our gun killiness - I'm not sure it'd actually push us towards Advanced Pistols so much as provide a circumstantial modifier that wouldn't otherwise be available; or maybe it'd do both. And frankly, for the sort of situation where we need to fire with them like that, presumably it'd be because we'd feel Branulhune would be less useful (needing range, framing an assassination on someone else, etc).
They don't need to be fired to be of use. There are folks who won't recognize or heed the robes of a Wizard, but a pair of revolvers is a much more universal symbol of not to be messed with.
They are also dwarf made and made more durable by rune of stone, so i guess clubbing someone over the head is not out of question if you want something slightly less lethal than branulhune to the skull and magic is not an option, thought i have difficulty imagining such a situation.
Killing with a bullet is a lot more deniable than cutting someone in half, for sure. Branulhune has got to leave marks that are... Distinctive.

And yeah, sword/staffing it like gandalf would be a cool homage, filtered through grey wizarding.
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Why? And what Shallya training?
Nonlethal option, Eik was wondering about how a Shalayan would believe morally. Methinks she should already know. Also work on adding those spells to a swing of the greatsword eventually through bless weapon. Giving it shadowknives armor bypass? An on hit bewilder effect? In hit drop or dispel or silence? On successful assassination doppelganger of the slain?
Also work on adding those spells to a swing of the greatsword eventually through bless weapon. Giving it shadowknives armor bypass? An on hit bewilder effect? In hit drop or dispel or silence? On successful assassination doppelganger of the slain?
This is Blessed Weapon:
M / Blessed Weapon: For the next hour, the weapon this is cast upon will count as magical for the purposes of damaging creatures resistant to mundane weapons, such as ghosts.
Mastery - Blessed Hands: You instinctively channel Ulgu along any weapon you wield. Any weapon held by you counts as Magical.
- the mastery does not effect the ammunition of wielded ranged weapons, but the ammo can be blessed manually.
If you want a weapon to do any of those other effects, you'd need to enchant that weapon with those other spells instead. With that said, Ulgu's notoriously bad at direct damage, and fairly good at non-lethal status effects, so you wouldn't really need a weapon for that.
This is Blessed Weapon:

If you want a weapon to do any of those other effects, you'd need to enchant that weapon with those other spells instead. With that said, Ulgu's notoriously bad at direct damage, and fairly good at non-lethal status effects, so you wouldn't really need a weapon for that.
Channel the ulgu in a way that adds petty magic? Boney said at some point he was considering an idea of combining two specific spells - adding petty magic to a mastery seems like the first step. Having the opponents sword try to leave their hands mid combat whenever we land a hit seems legit. Imagine fighting Malekith, having him destroy all of our equipment but managing to snag his shield and teleport away!🤣
Okay so here's an Apparition spell idea, 'Mathilde's Impish Animals of Order and Wilds', or MIAOW for short. What is MIAOW, basically Gehenna's Golden Hounds but with four cats instead of two hounds. Why four cats, because four is Ranald's number and cats are his animal. But why four cats? Ulgu is the Wind of thought, so in hopes of altering the Apparitions' behavior the influence of Ranald will be needed.

Ranald orthodoxy says that there are four aspects to His being, Gambler, Night Prowler, Deceiver, and Protector. My desire is for this spell to tie a specific cat to a specific aspect to influence how they behave. That's right, each of the four cats this spell calls forth would be unique. Gambler would be the Serval, Night Prowler would be the Great Cat, Deceiver might not actually be a cat but I'll call it Grimalkin anyway, and Protector would be a Foo Dog or Lion Dog.

Gambler Serval would be the epitome of cat memes a la "What's wrong with your cat?". Night Prowler Great Cat would have a preference for staying in shadows. Deceiver Grimalkin might not be or behave like a cat, it could be a wolf, fox, or gryphon or maybe it'd be something like a Malk from Dresden Files. Protector Lion Dogs would protect places or people, they would stick close to their summoner protecting them.

For a Mathilde only version of the spell the aspect of 'The Father' could be included. Father cat would just be a Tomcat and would be quite friendly towards certain groups of people.
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Oh, I meant that 12 hours from now is the exact 5 year anniversary. Thought you were aiming for it.
Exact anniversaries for this sort of thing are tricky. Unless you know what time it was posted at, it's basically impossible. The date on the first post and my current date match up for example, but they might not match up for people in timezones behind me.