I've been musing about the social turns this morning. I think that some of the disconnects people are having come from there being several different motivations for seeing a social scene, which I will now attempt to classify as
Discovery, and
You like something. You know you like it. The opportunity arises to see more of it. You
DESTROY THAT LIKE BUTTON. Pretty straightforward; it is a vote for more engagement with a thing you know you enjoy. Probably if you are Engaged with something, you will continue to be Engaged with it.
You are curious about something. You haven't seen enough of it to develop an informed opinion, but you would like to know more so you can figure out if it's something you can set aside or if you want to transition to a pattern of Engagement.
A thing happened; it might have been recently, it might have been a while ago. An opportunity arises to achieve some degree of resolution, allowing the open question to be tied up. One-and-done.
Last turn, we did these:
- Heidi. I voted for this to achieve Closure -- she was a weird side character who we'd just gotten two back-to-back staggering revelations about.
- Roswita (book scene). Again, I voted for this for Closure. Our dismissal from her service was a major turning point for Mathilde, and having a real conversation with her, about herself, her father, and rulership, was something I was jumping up and down for, to properly bookend that narrative arc.
- Karak Kadrin. I didn't vote for this, but I'd call it Closure/Discovery: it was closure on Alkharad, closure on the tense relationship with the Slayer Keep that people had been wondering about since Belegar's showdown with the High King, and interest in how exactly a grudge-erasing works, since we didn't get to see it at Karaz-a-Karak.
- Kragg the Grim. Pure Engagement. We love Kragg. I love Kragg. I have made no secret of my desire to adopt him as our curmudgeonly grandpa. Like 80% of my desire for Mathilde to have a reproductively viable relationship is so that I can get the scene where we drop a baby on his lap and he reacts to that. I have a hard time not pushing the Kragg button any time it's available.
- Kasmir. Closure. We'd wondered what the hell was up with him for a while.
And the four solid frontrunners this time (there is a gap of 20 votes between 4th place and 5th place, larger than the gap between 1st and 4th):
- Belegar. Engagement. Our boss is having a rough time. We want to understand it.
- Algard. Closure/Engagement. We paid good Favour to get our other boss out here; he is a really neat character that people enjoy seeing, and also this turn we have done something relevant to his interests. Before he goes back to Altdorf and his busy schedule, people want to talk to him about it.
- Heidi. Engagement. People love Heidi. People fear Heidi. Heidi doesn't care. Heidi gives no fucks. Heidi is the Chosen of Ranald. (Also, if this quest keeps going, this baby might be our sovereign one day.)
- Edda. Discovery/Engagement. We've been curious about her for a while, and the situation with the Undumgi is providing fuel for that. Also, people want to engage with the weaving situation.
And the three strongest contenders for fifth place, at time of writing:
- Roswita (battle wizard scene). Engagement. People like Roswita now and are curious about the Sylvanian situation.
- Stirland fief. Closure. We haven't been back since we became a Magister. What's going on? How has our steward done in our absence? Is it still a shithole, or did the economic improvements we paid for make a difference? It's a common question that people have when new to the thread: what happened to the fief?
- Oswald Oswaldson. Discovery, with a hint of Engagement. What is this mad lad's deal? Who is the man behind the memes? What did his cat do to get busted down to Corporal?
From this survey I observe the following two things:
- Discovery is really hard to get off the ground without other hooks. People in this thread are saying "I don't want to spend a social action on someone who just exists near me," and I see where they're coming from. With limited time for the QM to write, we have to decide what to focus on, and selling pure Discovery is basically impossible: it can get support, however, if there is a mix-in of more recent events that questers want to Engage with or get Closure on (cf. the Edda/Karak Kadrin votes).
- Questers will jump hard for social scenes that give rewards/information that they're going to get anyway. Last turn we went to Karak Kadrin, despite the fact that we were getting the Dwarf Favour anyway; this turn we're hanging out with Edda to investigate the weaver situation, despite the fact that the EIC is giving us that information anyway, and we are strongly considering hanging out with Roswita, despite the fact that we're going to get information about the Sylvanian campaign anyway. @noliar made a couple of posts annoyed about this: I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I think he feels it's an action tax, since we already paid EIC actions to get that information and now we're paying social actions to get it slightly sooner. I am not sure what to make of it, other than the hypothesis "if we're going to get rewarded or infodumped, we prefer that it happen onscreen so that we can bask in our awesomeness/smugness."
Now, obviously, I'm generalizing from very few data points, a Statistics Sin for which I will undoubtedly be sent to Science Hell. But this has been nagging at me since I woke up, and as I processed it internally, I figured the thread might appreciate it as well.