Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting will open in 1 hour, 38 minutes
Far as I know, the G word is a slur.

EDIT: I'm aware of the fact that the word came from a misconception that the Romani people came from Egypt, and that Warhammer openly utilises this misconception as truth in their real world comparison as another variant of their usual racial insensitivity, but I'm still not sure we should be using the word.
It is considered a slur by the staff, I have seen people infracted for using it.
Good thing I wasn't using it as a slur but rather painting attention to the IRL misconception as opposed to the in-universe connection.
The usual term is "chattel" slavery (referring to the form of slavery typical in, say, the pre-Civil War American south)
Oh, huh. I always thought it was called that because people were owned the way one would own livestock. I didn't even notice that chattel and cattle weren't just two different ways to spell something...
Oh, huh. I always thought it was called that because people were owned the way one would own livestock. I didn't even notice that chattel and cattle weren't just two different ways to spell something...

A chattel is a piece of movable, transferable, physical property.

What puts the chattel in chattel slavery is that the slaves can be independently sold. That differentiates them from something like a serf that is bound to the land and can be sold alongside it, or forms of slavery where title can't be transferred like some forms of debt slavery or state slavery of prisoners.
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
[X] Thorek
[X] Panoramia
[X] The Black Water Canal
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Skull River Ambush
Far as I know, the G word is a slur.

EDIT: I'm aware of the fact that the word came from a misconception that the Romani people came from Egypt, and that Warhammer openly utilises this misconception as truth in their real world comparison as another variant of their usual racial insensitivity, but I'm still not sure we should be using the word.
Turns out, Britain is racist as fuck and the Warhammer writers were noteworthy for only being SOMEWHAT less racist...usually. The other half they found ways to seemingly be more racist.
[X] [SCRIBE] Locals
[X] Skull River Ambush
[X] Panoramia
[X] Brief the Emperor
[X] Middenland
[X] Thorek
Turns out, Britain is racist as fuck and the Warhammer writers were noteworthy for only being SOMEWHAT less racist...usually. The other half they found ways to seemingly be more racist.
The G word may not have registered as being a slur at the time it was used, if it was used in the older material - even today, there are groups of travellers going around unironically referring to themselves as such, and people in good faith referring to them as such. Still, best not to use the term.
@consequences has been going through the thread and reacting to posts, and he just hit this old post of mine, which I remember writing in my head on the way to work and then actually writing while at work, but had forgotten about.
I've been musing about the social turns this morning. I think that some of the disconnects people are having come from there being several different motivations for seeing a social scene, which I will now attempt to classify as Engagement, Discovery, and Closure.

You like something. You know you like it. The opportunity arises to see more of it. You HIT SUBSCRIBE and DESTROY THAT LIKE BUTTON. Pretty straightforward; it is a vote for more engagement with a thing you know you enjoy. Probably if you are Engaged with something, you will continue to be Engaged with it.

You are curious about something. You haven't seen enough of it to develop an informed opinion, but you would like to know more so you can figure out if it's something you can set aside or if you want to transition to a pattern of Engagement.

A thing happened; it might have been recently, it might have been a while ago. An opportunity arises to achieve some degree of resolution, allowing the open question to be tied up. One-and-done.

Last turn, we did these:
  • Heidi. I voted for this to achieve Closure -- she was a weird side character who we'd just gotten two back-to-back staggering revelations about.
  • Roswita (book scene). Again, I voted for this for Closure. Our dismissal from her service was a major turning point for Mathilde, and having a real conversation with her, about herself, her father, and rulership, was something I was jumping up and down for, to properly bookend that narrative arc.
  • Karak Kadrin. I didn't vote for this, but I'd call it Closure/Discovery: it was closure on Alkharad, closure on the tense relationship with the Slayer Keep that people had been wondering about since Belegar's showdown with the High King, and interest in how exactly a grudge-erasing works, since we didn't get to see it at Karaz-a-Karak.
  • Kragg the Grim. Pure Engagement. We love Kragg. I love Kragg. I have made no secret of my desire to adopt him as our curmudgeonly grandpa. Like 80% of my desire for Mathilde to have a reproductively viable relationship is so that I can get the scene where we drop a baby on his lap and he reacts to that. I have a hard time not pushing the Kragg button any time it's available.
  • Kasmir. Closure. We'd wondered what the hell was up with him for a while.
And the four solid frontrunners this time (there is a gap of 20 votes between 4th place and 5th place, larger than the gap between 1st and 4th):
  • Belegar. Engagement. Our boss is having a rough time. We want to understand it.
  • Algard. Closure/Engagement. We paid good Favour to get our other boss out here; he is a really neat character that people enjoy seeing, and also this turn we have done something relevant to his interests. Before he goes back to Altdorf and his busy schedule, people want to talk to him about it.
  • Heidi. Engagement. People love Heidi. People fear Heidi. Heidi doesn't care. Heidi gives no fucks. Heidi is the Chosen of Ranald. (Also, if this quest keeps going, this baby might be our sovereign one day.)
  • Edda. Discovery/Engagement. We've been curious about her for a while, and the situation with the Undumgi is providing fuel for that. Also, people want to engage with the weaving situation.
And the three strongest contenders for fifth place, at time of writing:
  • Roswita (battle wizard scene). Engagement. People like Roswita now and are curious about the Sylvanian situation.
  • Stirland fief. Closure. We haven't been back since we became a Magister. What's going on? How has our steward done in our absence? Is it still a shithole, or did the economic improvements we paid for make a difference? It's a common question that people have when new to the thread: what happened to the fief?
  • Oswald Oswaldson. Discovery, with a hint of Engagement. What is this mad lad's deal? Who is the man behind the memes? What did his cat do to get busted down to Corporal?
From this survey I observe the following two things:
  • Discovery is really hard to get off the ground without other hooks. People in this thread are saying "I don't want to spend a social action on someone who just exists near me," and I see where they're coming from. With limited time for the QM to write, we have to decide what to focus on, and selling pure Discovery is basically impossible: it can get support, however, if there is a mix-in of more recent events that questers want to Engage with or get Closure on (cf. the Edda/Karak Kadrin votes).
  • Questers will jump hard for social scenes that give rewards/information that they're going to get anyway. Last turn we went to Karak Kadrin, despite the fact that we were getting the Dwarf Favour anyway; this turn we're hanging out with Edda to investigate the weaver situation, despite the fact that the EIC is giving us that information anyway, and we are strongly considering hanging out with Roswita, despite the fact that we're going to get information about the Sylvanian campaign anyway. @noliar made a couple of posts annoyed about this: I don't want to put words in his mouth, but I think he feels it's an action tax, since we already paid EIC actions to get that information and now we're paying social actions to get it slightly sooner. I am not sure what to make of it, other than the hypothesis "if we're going to get rewarded or infodumped, we prefer that it happen onscreen so that we can bask in our awesomeness/smugness."
Now, obviously, I'm generalizing from very few data points, a Statistics Sin for which I will undoubtedly be sent to Science Hell. But this has been nagging at me since I woke up, and as I processed it internally, I figured the thread might appreciate it as well.
It's interesting, three-odd years later, to see this categorization system that I made on the very second social turn ever and see how it stacks up, nearly twenty social turns down the line. I think it mostly holds up? Of the top six this turn:
  • Panoramia is Engagement (not yet literally, put a ring on it, hurr hurr) with one of the most popular characters. You don't even need to read the full text of a Panoramia option to know that it's gonna win, she's like Kragg that way.
  • Brief the Emperor: Closure, sort of. It's not closure, per se, but it's a way of wrapping a bow around our first year of real Waystone research and seeing what an authority figure thinks of it. It did a lot better this turn than it did last turn because of the Reikland Nexus, I think.
  • Sylvania: Discovery. Who is this mysterious fellow who took the job we were offered, and will we have to measure his ribcage for a stake in the near future? As I said in my original analysis, Discovery is hard to get off the ground without another hook, and "the guy in charge of Sylvania has the name of a canon vampire" sure is a hook.
  • Thorek: Engagement. Thorek is sadly our only consistent source of dorfiness these days now that we're out of K8P, but he's great, as evidenced by the fact that he is already doing so well in his second social vote in the Laurelorn arc, a feat matched only by Panoramia and Egrimm.
  • Max: Engagement. Our underappreciated golden boy; Johann is the flashy one both literally and figuratively, but Max gets so much shit done and we owe him hard (and have only ever socialed him once before now, on T27, though we saw a lot of him in Duckling Club). I'm pretty hype for this, especially because discovering that several people have Max facecast as me made me a lot more attached to him.
  • Druchii Diplomats: This one I am unsure how to categorize. Engagement because we met them last turn and people want more? Closure because we met them last turn and people want to follow up on their diplomatic outreach? Discovery because we don't really know what the fuck they are really up to? Shrug.
Anyway, fun little blast from the past for me. I love it when people binge the archives and I get to see what past-Pickle wrote. He's so much more clever than I am, and dare I say it more handsome as well.
So just to check, has there been any discussion on how the Druchii-Eonir diplomacy might complicate matters for Elfcation? I would expect both the Druchii and Nagarythe not to take a kind view to hearing about Mathilde benefiting from their sworn enemies and playing them against each other (killing Druchii with Nagarythe vs. fishing for Ulthuan bribes with Druchii assistance).
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So just to check, has there been any discussion on how the Druchii-Eonir diplomacy might complicate matters for Elfcation? I would expect both the Druchii and Nagarythe not to take a kind view to hearing about Mathilde benefiting from their sworn enemies and playing them against each other (killing Druchii with Nagarythe vs. fishing for Ulthuan bribes with Druchii assistance).
As long as we can show that we were working to fuck the druchii over more than we helped, I think we'd be good? But yeah, I'd imagine that if we want to end up with Nagarythe happy with us we'll either have made a lot of dark elves mad at us or have them still be trying to figure out who it was that screwed them over.
and he just hit this old post of mine
That's a damn insightful and useful post.

I notice that I myself tend heavily towards Discovery (at least when it is relevant to either my interest or future main turn stuff), plus a couple where I feel like I choose Engagement more for IC than OOC reasons. I pretty much rarely choose Closure except if it's a now or never kind of thing, because I have an irrational aversion to the feeling of missing out and I do still like headpats as much as the rest of us.

That said, how do you categorize the motivation for things like wanting to run the gamut and check all the marks with socializing the Waystone Project members? There's a bit of both Discovery and Engagement there I guess, but I also felt some kind of roleplaying Obligation, even though we're not supposed to. As if not socialing them was snubbing them in a way, and/or not what I think IC Mathilde would do or at least not what I would want her to do. Does that make sense?

As for the current vote, I feel like I have a slightly different take:
  • Panoramia: Engagement first and foremost, as you said, is probably the reason she wins so much. For me the Obligation (I should find a word with less negative connotations though because I don't mean it negatively) factors in too, because Panoramia is Mathilde's girlfriend and I want that to reflect in the on screen story and in my understanding of Mathilde's day to day. This time though there's the added bonus of Discovery because we'll see Panoramia/Cython stuff for the first time and see more of the Jades in general and her family in particular.
  • Brief the Emperor: I guess there's Closure if you decide to use Closure as partially synonymous with Headpats. But for me it's also Engagement. He is the ruler of our nation and the father of our godchild. If anything I have missed that I couldn't click the Engagement button earlier.
  • Sylvania: Discovery, yes. But also, in a way, Closure? As in, let's look at what's happening to the path not chosen and make sure it's okay despite us not being there, thus getting Closure for the options that lost to the Waystone Project in the massive vote for our future fate. Same reason I wanted to go to Wissenland.
  • Thorek, for me is more about Discovery than Engagement. Not that there isn't also a healthy Engagement element. Thorek is and remains a cool character. But I actually want to find out what he's doing with the Eonir, both for the practical reasons of politicking, but also to see more Eonir culture, more Eonir on Dwarf interactions and more politicking in general because I'm a fan of that kind of stuff.
  • Max: Yeah, I guess that this being mostly just Engagement is why I'm not so interested. I do feel the Obligation thing here again, but it's weaker than it is with the characters I consider family, which are Panoramia, Heidi, Mandred, Belegar and Anton. And while he is a nice dude, he's also around all the time and he never really catched my interest. I guess Obligation is extra strong and does even have some negative connotation because I do feel like my main motivation for voting for him would be that he has been so loyal and useful and not caring about his personal life and interests feels wrong when roleplaying Mathilde.
  • Druchii Diplomats: For me this is clearly and a 100% Discovery. Okay, not true, there's also a slight bit Engagement of wanting to see their edgy and dysfunctional culture fleshed out by the skillful hands of Boney.
Thanks, picklepikkl, for sharing that. I agree with you that you are both clever and handsome (insofar I can judge the latter having seen only your avatar).
  • Druchii Diplomats: This one I am unsure how to categorize. Engagement because we met them last turn and people want more? Closure because we met them last turn and people want to follow up on their diplomatic outreach? Discovery because we don't really know what the fuck they are really up to? Shrug.
They're here to lay out some hooks and see if they get some bites, so that would be Engagement, but we're also suspicious of them so it has shades of Discovery. But you can't really get Closure if you don't know more of how the thing keeps progressing or how it'll reach its conclusion, I think.
So just to check, has there been any discussion on how the Druchii-Eonir diplomacy might complicate matters for Elfcation? I would expect both the Druchii and Nagarythe not to take a kind view to hearing about Mathilde benefiting from their sworn enemies and playing them against each other (killing Druchii with Nagarythe vs. fishing for Ulthuan bribes with Druchii assistance).

That's why I'd like to do the elfcation next turn personally. One action on Capstone, one on Foundation, and three on going over to Ulthuan. Get it done before politics potentially ends the chance for us. Not to mention the fact that considering we were told we'd be taught stuff while over there there's a chance we might just get taught the Leyline Key-phrases if we make a good impression.
As long as we can show that we were working to fuck the druchii over more than we helped, I think we'd be good? But yeah, I'd imagine that if we want to end up with Nagarythe happy with us we'll either have made a lot of dark elves mad at us or have them still be trying to figure out who it was that screwed them over.
I'm not sure if there's any excuse that will appease Nagarythe's raging hate-boner, especially since the Druchii still profit regardless of whatever we do to undermine them - engaging in Druchii diplomacy inflames tensions with Ulthuan and competes for their influence in the Old World.
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Not to mention the fact that considering we were told we'd be taught stuff while over there there's a chance we might just get taught the Leyline Key-phrases if we make a good impression.
I kinda doubt that. Us being taught stuff is far more likely to be things related to killing druuchi. Like learning more about stealth and assassination from people that have spent millennia practicing.
I kinda doubt that. Us being taught stuff is far more likely to be things related to killing druuchi. Like learning more about stealth and assassination from people that have spent millennia practicing.

I wouldn't say it's guaranteed, but he specifically called out their Ulgu tradition when he said we could learn stuff. Something like being taught to tap into waystones to draw Ulgu from them isn't that far a leap from getting some more general keyphrases if we impress whoever is doing the teaching.
Something like being taught to tap into waystones to draw Ulgu from them isn't that far a leap from getting some more general keyphrases if we impress whoever is doing the teaching.
We were promised getting to fight next to shadow warriors and being allowed to take whatever tricks we can glean, not classes at hoeth.
There was no mention of active teaching at all, only the assumption that we could learn by watching.
The idea that they will actively teach us something that a) has nothing to do with our stated purpose there (killing druuchi) and b) could endanger all of Ulthuan in the wrong hands is a pretty big leap imo, and that is assuming waystone stuff isn't a secret of the white tower exclusively.
We were promised getting to fight next to shadow warriors and being allowed to take whatever tricks we can glean, not classes at hoeth.
There was no mention of active teaching at all, only the assumption that we could learn by watching.
The idea that they will actively teach us something that a) has nothing to do with our stated purpose there (killing druuchi) and b) could endanger all of Ulthuan in the wrong hands is a pretty big leap imo, and that is assuming waystone stuff isn't a secret of the white tower exclusively.
White Tower is about 1500 years old or therabouts, the Elven Waystones are at least 4000 years old. I wouldn't doubt the White Tower knows a lot, but I also don't think they're the only ones who know.

Not that I think the Shadow Warriors are particularly interested or that anyone would like to teach us, just wanted to point this out.
We were promised getting to fight next to shadow warriors and being allowed to take whatever tricks we can glean, not classes at hoeth.
There was no mention of active teaching at all, only the assumption that we could learn by watching.
The idea that they will actively teach us something that a) has nothing to do with our stated purpose there (killing druuchi) and b) could endanger all of Ulthuan in the wrong hands is a pretty big leap imo, and that is assuming waystone stuff isn't a secret of the white tower exclusively.

It's obviously ambigous since it's an elf saying it. But I do not think the natural reading of a reply to someone doing you a favor is "Lol, thanks, you can be free labor for us in the future."

To me the implication is pretty natural that they would make it worth her while if she were to go, not just let her pick up whatever scraps she manages to iterate on her own.

That all said once again I'm not claiming it's a guarantee we walk out with codes, just that there's a possibility it could happen.
"I take it from your delivering to me of a Druchii, freshly punched in the face, that you are a connoisseur of punching Druchii in the face. I understand that this is a difficult appetite to sate in your home continent. In stark contrast, we have many Druchii in dire need of being punched in the face at home, you can come hang out and punch all the Druchii in the face that you want and watch how we punch Druchii in the face, which we have had a great deal of time and opportunity to hone the techniques of."

Nagarythe is aware that there are many fields of study that are not relating to punching Druchii in the face. They may, if pressed, even admit that there are legitimate reasons for those other fields to exist. But those topics are not ones regularly taught in the Shadowlands.
That's why I'd like to do the elfcation next turn personally. One action on Capstone, one on Foundation, and three on going over to Ulthuan. Get it done before politics potentially ends the chance for us. Not to mention the fact that considering we were told we'd be taught stuff while over there there's a chance we might just get taught the Leyline Key-phrases if we make a good impression.
I'd rather wait before doing it. It may be only 3 months in-universe, but ooc it's something on the scale of the Karak Dum expedition. It took 29 updates to complete, while we dedicated less than half that to actually do the WP (not counting the various recruitment turns and mini arcs like the Shiroki and Talabheim), which we began only 3 turns ago.

After all the build up we had to do to have the damn thing rolling, I'd prefer for the narrative to stay focused on the project for at least a few turns. We choose to do the Project in March 2021, and actually began in April 2022. That's nearly one year of preparation. So please, can we focus on that and not go on yet another adventure? If you like adventures, the Drakenhof expedition shows that we can have it even during normal turns.
Voting will open in 1 hour, 38 minutes