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Okay, analysis time.

"Do you what tickles me most about all of this?" […] "It's that every word I say will further excavate a warren of bad decisions that you will have to scurry your way through. Do you tell your little friends that you have thinned the one border of their reclaimed home that they cannot guard themselves? Do you tell them that you have been singled out for special attention by a one of the Eyes of Tzeentch, the very one that once ensnared their brothers in the far north and begun the twilight of their race?"
Trying to on Mathilde's paranoia, and to put pressure on her relationship with the dwarves. Not sure about what the Eye of Tzeentch thing is, nor which group of dwarves this daemon was messing with.

"What about your little magic club? They've already fretted about this very possibility, haven't they? Can they distinguish between a few whispered words and a full ensnaring of a soul? Could they dare to take such a chance that one such as you might already be suborned when you have the trust and ear of so many? Of course not. You already know what their response would be, because you've already delivered it unto another. The blood on your hands matches that on the crown on your friend's head."
Now it's switching to the Colleges, and how Mathilde might be executed if she tells about this. Not sure which friend they're talking about, but I've narrowed it to either Belegar or Heidi. Probably Belegar?

"Do you know how much effort it normally takes to craft a platter of truth and lies that will so haunt a mortal that they will spend the rest of their days trying their best to decorticate it? But you and yours who have so wonderfully usurped the Sword of Tlanxla have so twisted your own minds that I could say anything or nothing and you will dwell obligingly on it forever. If I said 'I like your hat' - and I really, really do - you will wonder, is this an example of the pettiest of statements for you to nevertheless obsess over, to demonstrate that I can command your mind through only your ears? Or am I making a deeper statement about how truly it pleases the Lord of Sorcery for a witch to wear the garb of those that would hunt her? Am I masking truth in lies, or lies in truth? Would it only be a truth if you decide it a lie, or only a lie if you decide it a truth? Or is eternal indecision that which I seek?"
Discussing the Grey Order, and Ulgu-wielders' tendency towards overthinking paranoia.

WTF does this even mean? Has it got to do with the old ones?
Ulgu, which has a sword as a symbol.
Do you tell them that you have been singled out for special attention by a one of the Eyes of Tzeentch, the very one that once ensnared their brothers in the far north and begun the twilight of their race?"

What about your little magic club? They've already fretted about this very possibility, haven't they? Can they distinguish between a few whispered words and a full ensnaring of a soul?
Mathilde: OK, so I did a little oopsie but since noone made of matter was here to see it, it didn't happen.

Mini Mathilde raises her hand.

Mathilde: noone of matter!
Don't know about that. If someone hears that we're a promising candidate for the 13th everchosen they might just kill us out of precaution.
Now Grey's are paranoid but there not stupid them trying to kill us over a "maybe" is exactly the type of scenario that Chaos would set up to have us become said everchosen. Do remember the Grey's have a lot of experience fighting Chaos, it's part of there job after all I seriously doubt they'll try kill us off the hook if we immediately report this to them. Interrogate us and leave no stone unturned sure but not kill us off the bat.
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Honestly seems like a horrible idea. Cause we know what route they will take to resolve that issue.

Don't know about that. If someone hears that we're a promising candidate for the 13th everchosen they might just kill us out of precaution.
Consider, please;


An Everchosen is a BIG FUCKING DEAL, the last time one came around it was only stopped thanks to Magnus "Rolled All Sixes On His Stats" The Pious. If we can take a potential candidate out of the game, even by sacrificing ourselves... maybe we should.
Y'all think Ranald might be able to help us out here? Bet he doesn't like Tzeentch laying a claim on the soul of one of his favorite dwarven followers.
How fitting considering how old this work of ours is.

Anyways, we appear to have been given the poisoned offer of using Chaos to prevent Chaos from being the worst Chaos it can be as the latest Everchosen.

Needless to say, I think everyone is genre savvy enough to recall how those things tend to go, of becoming evil to stop a greater (at the time) foretold evil.
Ok, but hear me out.
What if we pretend to accept, and then, in the moment of ascension, do what we did to Mork (or was it Gork?) and help Ranald mug Chaos?
I see no way this plan could go wrong in any way, shape or form.
Consider, please;


An Everchosen is a BIG FUCKING DEAL, the last time one came around it was only stopped thanks to Magnus "Rolled All Sixes On His Stats" The Pious. If we can take a potential candidate out of the game, even by sacrificing ourselves... maybe we should.
I think this is a really bad line of thinking to go down. Not to be rude here but I'm just not going to engage with it.
Do you tell your little friends that you have thinned the one border of their reclaimed home that they cannot guard themselves?
"What about your little magic club? They've already fretted about this very possibility, haven't they? Can they distinguish between a few whispered words and a full ensnaring of a soul?

Did we create the most Magic Friendly Dwarfhold on the planet, Just to make it one of the least safe Dwarfholds for magic?
I'd normally call it all hot bluster on His part if not for the new Trait.
Oh no. We NOT going down the route of Everchosen. We are NOT going to work for those four tumors that kill themselves gods.

If that damn bird shows up again and tries to tempt us we are going to turn him into dust or hack him to bloody pieces.
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Consider, please;


An Everchosen is a BIG FUCKING DEAL, the last time one came around it was only stopped thanks to Magnus "Rolled All Sixes On His Stats" The Pious. If we can take a potential candidate out of the game, even by sacrificing ourselves... maybe we should.
Mathilde dying doesn't stop the Everchosen, just means its not her.
Guys, the demon basically laid it out. This isn't a claim, it's an offer. If there's one thing we could trust the demon to be right about, it's that the Chaos Gods would be bored as shit. Maybe Mathilde wouldn't have a hope of resisting Chaos as the Everchosen, but that doesn't matter. Going all paranoid over it is literally what the demon poked fun at Mathilde over, she almost certainly isn't gonna be soul marked because that'd take the fun out of it.
I don't think there's anything in particular about this that suggests a mutation, unless we continue hearing words after this update.
Tendrils of the purest magic burrowing through reality seep into your now magic-starved soul and your grip on reality redoubles and redoubles again.
You don't even know where to begin rejecting the strength that even the slightest wisp of the energies of the Changer of Ways has given you, and even if you could, it would render you unable to do that which needs to be done.
Blessing, mutation, when it comes to Chaos there's not much difference.

Probably relatively easy to hide, all things considered. It's not in Chaos' interest to force us out of our cushy position immediately.
Don't know about that. If someone hears that we're a promising candidate for the 13th everchosen they might just kill us out of precaution.
What, that chaos wants to recruit us?
Chaos wants, if it has the option, to recruit most people, and wants to recruit people more if they're more accomplished. Undoubtably, just about everyone of any power in the empire and beyond is considered a nice stretch goal by chaos, and a good portion of the most powerful people would be considered promising candidates for being the Everchosen. Just about evvery elector count, patriarch,, or head of a church is going to be in some way a candidate for being the everchosen, if chaos can get them. Chaos failed to turn us while we were in the wastes, and frankly hasn't made that much progress since.
No one would be that threatened by the knowledge that chaos wants to recruit us, nor would that knowledge be new.
Did we create the most Magic Friendly Dwarfhold on the planet, Just to make it one of the least safe Dwarfholds for magic?
I'd normally call it all hot bluster on His part if not for the new Trait.
I think that's the Daemon suggesting the Colleges might go all 'fire and sword' if they found out what just happened.

The rift is closed, so there shouldn't be any further whispers to anyone else...
WTF does this even mean? Has it got to do with the old ones?
Another way to refer to Ulgu i think. He was referring to and making fun of the willing cultivation of extreme paranoia of Grey Order.

Anyway, we got approached by Kairos himself, and were offered a job offer, while he tried to feed us some bullshit about Egrimm and Alric being possible candidates we defanged. I say we ignore whatever the fuck it is he said and pray to Ranald, because in him lies our surety in times like these.

Does anyone have any idea what the three generations of warlord refer to?
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I'm going to treat everything he said as complete bullshit, by the way, and I'd recommend that everyone else does too. The only thing we can actually verify here is that Elector Count whatshisface was an everchosen candidate and that's from metaknowledge. We get nothing by even entertaining anything he said as factual.
WTF does this even mean? Has it got to do with the old ones?
Tlanxla is both the name of an Old One and a Temple-City; the Old One is a warrior who is noted to ride around in a sky chariot, and the Temple-City also has associations with the heavens and sky.

Why the daemon brings it up in reference to Mathilde is less clear; from context it likely that "you and yours who have so wonderfully usurped the Sword of Tlanxla" means either the Grey Order in specific or just those of the 'Order' factions in general. The implication would either be that tlanxla had some association with Ulgu/paranoia/Secret Police-y things or the tendency of those on the good side of things to get so bent out of shape by the words of daemons, looking for landmines in every word a daemon speaks and in doing so inventing more dangers than the daemons could ever actually plant. I like the potential of Tlanxla possibily being a Ulgu/Secret Police Old One for simplicity, but don't know of much in canon to support it (not that i'm very well read in Warhammer canon, I just hyperfocused on Lizardmen lore for a while for a quest I ran).
We shouldn't panic immediately here remember she is only a contender for Everchosen not the shoe in, so let's not get in a tizzy here quite yet I am of a mind to report this to our superiors in the Grey college none of them are fools and won't make any immediate rash decisions I think that's a good first step to take.
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