It's kinda odd to me that brettonia had such a powerful navy, given that France has never really been a naval power. Plus, the way that shipbuilding comes out of a trading or raiding economy, not a major one. Is there any history of a naval culture in the splatbooks, or did they just graft the Hanseatic league onto Arthurian legend and pretend the cultural disconnects didn't exist?
Brettonia is a elven plot to get humans to die in the service of Elven goals, and Elves are navel powers. There is also that the ban on canons and such weapons isn't extended to ships, so Brettonian ships use gunpowder.
It's kinda odd to me that brettonia had such a powerful navy, given that France has never really been a naval power. Plus, the way that shipbuilding comes out of a trading or raiding economy, not a major one. Is there any history of a naval culture in the splatbooks, or did they just graft the Hanseatic league onto Arthurian legend and pretend the cultural disconnects didn't exist?
I think Bretonia got that from the English side of its heritage, it is King Arthur land after all. Albion does not get all the cultural space of Britain because it is all druids and woad covered tribesmen/.
It's kinda odd to me that brettonia had such a powerful navy, given that France has never really been a naval power. Plus, the way that shipbuilding comes out of a trading or raiding economy, not a major one. Is there any history of a naval culture in the splatbooks, or did they just graft the Hanseatic league onto Arthurian legend and pretend the cultural disconnects didn't exist?
Man O'War was a Warhammer naval wargame back in the 90s.
Partly there's a disconnect, because Man O'War was written around the time of 4th edition, before Bretonnia was Arthurian at all and still had cannons in their roster. But there hasn't been any more recent source that really touches on the Bretonnian navy, and the only time it's even brought up (Mousillon sourcebook Barony of the Damned) it's still indicated that the Bretonnian ships used cannons.
Huh. So, basically, there's a culture of cannon and seafaring independent of the main culture but growing from the same roots under the same governmental constraints. With no outside injections of culture either.
Pretty sus.
I'd be fascinated to see what an actual attempt to explain that would look like.
Seperate speculation topic, one that might even be novel:
What is going to go in Ziflin? At some point the rat stench is going to disapate, and then there's the whole mountain that used to be the primary industrial center empty. Miners are in Karagril, smelters are in Mhorn, gyrocopter engineering in Lhune, and cannon manufacturing is in Nar. Are there any major needs left unfilled?
What would be able to take advantage of the location?
Man O'War was a Warhammer naval wargame back in the 90s.
Partly there's a disconnect, because Man O'War was written around the time of 4th edition, before Bretonnia was Arthurian at all and still had cannons in their roster. But there hasn't been any more recent source that really touches on the Bretonnian navy, and the only time it's even brought up (Mousillon sourcebook Barony of the Damned) it's still indicated that the Bretonnian ships used cannons.
Poorly conceived canon that never can get ditched for the lose. Imagine if Dwarf Necromancers got included in a spin off game, and could never be excised from the universe from that point on.
"Fucking Norscans and elves keep raiding us, let's build a ton of boats to fuck them up."
"Fucking Norscans and elves are better at boating than us and keep sinking our ships. Let's grab some cannons from the beer drinkers and blast them apart. If anyone asks: we're not in Bretonnia, so it's ok."
And the dukes, who like not paying to constantly rebuilt their coastal towns, nod in happy agreement.
Brettonia is a elven plot to get humans to die in the service of Elven goals, and Elves are navel powers. There is also that the ban on canons and such weapons isn't extended to ships, so Brettonian ships use gunpowder.
It'd be interesting to see, in a world where the ET didn't happen, if this widely became known and what the reaction would be. Probably be a split between traditionalists, those that don't believe it and the Lady's most ardent followers, and those that who want to modernise Brettonia and worshippers of other gods.
Maybe the Navy breaks loose and becomes it's own power
Poorly conceived canon that never can get ditched for the lose. Imagine if Dwarf Necromancers got included in a spin off game, and could never be excised from the universe from that point on.
I think the main issue is that Man O'War is the only source that exists for the Brettonian navy. In general, their navy should be a fairly important part of the country… but that's the only source that exists, so it's what people draw on.
If GW had ever done an updated Man O'War, we'd have probably seen the navy changed. Or at least justified in the face of later lore.
As it is, the only justifications that exist are fanon made with strings on a cork board.
It's stated that the Bretonnian navy (and coastline) was devastated by the Skaven in the late 2300s, and the king gave funds for improving the navy. So there's this story going around the fandom that the Duke of Bordeleaux justified updating the navy with cannons by saying "Gunpowder is only banned in the land of Bretonnia." But I've never seen a source for it.
(Also, there's no source for gunpowder being banned in Bretonnia, and Knights of the Grail explicitly says it isn't)
I think the main issue is that Man O'War is the only source that exists for the Brettonian navy. In general, their navy should be a fairly important part of the country… but that's the only source that exists, so it's what people draw on.
If GW had ever done an updated Man O'War, we'd have probably seen the navy changed. Or at least justified in the face of later lore.
As it is, the only justifications that exist are fanon made with strings on a cork board.
It's stated that the Bretonnian navy (and coastline) was devastated by the Skaven in the late 2300s, and the king gave funds for improving the navy. So there's this story going around the fandom that the Duke of Bordeleaux justified updating the navy with cannons by saying "Gunpowder is only banned in the land of Bretonnia." But I've never seen a source for it.
(Also, there's no source for gunpowder being banned in Bretonnia, and Knights of the Grail explicitly says it isn't)
I think the main issue is that Man O'War is the only source that exists for the Brettonian navy. In general, their navy should be a fairly important part of the country… but that's the only source that exists, so it's what people draw on.
If GW had ever done an updated Man O'War, we'd have probably seen the navy changed. Or at least justified in the face of later lore.
As it is, the only justifications that exist are fanon made with strings on a cork board.
It's stated that the Bretonnian navy (and coastline) was devastated by the Skaven in the late 2300s, and the king gave funds for improving the navy. So there's this story going around the fandom that the Duke of Bordeleaux justified updating the navy with cannons by saying "Gunpowder is only banned in the land of Bretonnia." But I've never seen a source for it.
(Also, there's no source for gunpowder being banned in Bretonnia, and Knights of the Grail explicitly says it isn't)
The primary sin of the Brettonian Navy is that they are in no way on theme with the rest of the nation as it is presented. Damsels as cannon equivalents, sure. Ramming and boarding, why not. A ranged attack that literally represents a blessed knight on a water walking fey horse charging out and hitting the enemy with his sword, absolutely. Ships of the line with majestic cannon decks, yeah no. The entire mechanism of a conventional first tier navy and the sort of mercantile and trading tradition that usually has to happen to spawn one shouldn't in any way mesh with Brettonian psychoses. It's basically bullshit all the way down, with the whole cannon thing just being the distraction carnifex figurehead on the tip of the implausibility iceberg, to mix my metaphors as badly as the Brettonian navy mixes its themes. Even the Skaven being the primary inciting threat that makes a difference is baffling in its bullshittery when the Norscans and Druchi insist on existing.
But because it is the primary theme of complaint that dominates these discussions, saying that since the Brettonian army list had cannons at one point so their crushing naval superiority can plausibly be based on it would be about the same as centering the navy of another power on a short lived peripheral afterthought that they had as an option a some point. Like if the imperial navy was somehow centered on Ogres in the initial Man'O'War release, and then thirty years later that was still the case.
After considering your options and being tempted by some of the only moderately dubious ones, you dismiss them. The debt was for gold, you'll pay gold. You've done some bad things in the name of necessity before and undoubtedly you'll have to do so again in the future, but here and now you have the luxury to do what is right. All that's left to do is to find out where you can find Gotrek's widow, and come to think of it, you should probably stop referring to her as 'Gotrek's widow'. You check your notes for her name and mentally rephrase: you'll give the gold to Gotrek's widow-
Moving very carefully, you turn back to the notes and reread the name, watching your own thoughts process it. It's Helga - you recognize that, so it's not that the name isn't being remembered, it's that it's not registering as the proper label for that individual. The phrase 'Gotrek's widow' is... overruling it? No, not so dramatic. It's more like you're considering it the more proper way to mentally refer to them, the same way you think of Max as Max instead of Magister Maximilian de Gaynesford. And once you identify that it's an increased conceptual emphasis rather than anything more insidious, it's not hard to guess why the title of 'widow' has accreted more weight. You incurred a debt to this woman on the steppes of Kislev, after all. The only question is whether it's just happenstance, the metaphysical equivalent of tracking mud in on your shoes, or whether it's the sign of some sort of actual external attention. You cast your senses around and detect nothing out of the ordinary, but you know that doesn't really tell you much. Your Magesight is good, but it's not good enough to spot the mere attention of a God if they don't want it to be spotted.
Now doubly glad you decided as you did, you make your way down Karag Nar towards where - you make a mental effort - to where Helga has recently set up her business at ground level. That there's only a faint whiff of blood and sawdust in the air speaks well of her standards of cleanliness, and the inside is all clean bare stone and racks of gleaming steel implements. The woman herself is tanned and has short dark hair hanging loose around her ears, and though partially hidden by a clean apron, the long dagger on her waist seems very unlike a surgical implement. "What can I do for you, Lady Magister?" she asks, her Reikspiel bearing a trace of an Ostermark accent as she looks you over. "Your lot usually get each other to sort out your problems. Haircut then, is it?"
You frown at the idea. Your hair has gotten rather long, but it's not often you hear a Dwarf talk of cutting it as anything but an insult. "I'm not here as a customer. During the Karag Dum Expedition I incurred a debt to Borek Forkbeard, who now seeks the Path of Grimnir and has passed that debt on to you, in gratitude and sorrow for Gotrek Gurnisson's part of the Expedition."
You place a large and rather ungainly bag of gold coins on a bench with a chorus of clinking, and she approaches the bag dubiously and her eyes widen at the contents. Even for a skilled and accredited physician that much gold represents several decades of income. She seems rather taken aback, and after processing the sight for a few moments she simply says "Thank you, Lady Magister."
That somewhat takes you aback - Dwarves don't thank someone directly for repaying a debt, as thanks could imply that there was ever any doubt of it being repaid. Instead they would express gratitude in roundabout ways like thanking the promptness of the repayment or their gladness to have assisted in the first place. But that's not really true, is it? You take a moment to properly formulate the truth of the matter in your mind: Dwarves adhering to the mainstream culture of the Karaz Ankor act in that way. But Helga is an Imperial Dwarf, and Clanless besides, and even when moving to a Karak she's taken a home within the human quarter of it. Looking around the room you can see a shrine to Shallya tucked away in a corner, and while there is an icon to Valaya on one of the walls, it's no larger or more prominent than the one to Groplotta, the Halfling Goddess of Herbalism. "You're quite welcome," your mouth has been continuing while you thought. "Without Gotrek's machines, the Expedition would have been much less likely to achieve what success it did."
"And once he built them, he wasn't going to let them go on their quest without him," she says with a deep sigh, passing a hand over her face - a Morrite salute used when speaking of a deceased loved one, in the hopes that He has taken them to His realm. "He never was the sort to do anything halfway." She snorts in sudden, bleak mirth. "Gurna would be a bastard if he was."
You don't know how to respond to that, so you don't.
Your first tentative steps into researching the Waystones have been somewhat promising, but more than that, they've been eye-opening. Your mapping of the nexuses of the Empire has indicated that while things might not be quite as dire as you feared, the ability to continue distinguishing between the eastern Old World and the encroaching Chaos Wastes is the transmitting of magical energy through Marienburg and Athel Loren - two polities that can be rather difficult, to put it lightly. You'd guess that if you briefed the Council of State on this, the first follow-up question they'd have is about whether it would be possible to bypass them, and right now the best answer you could give is that Ulthuan seems to be capable of doing so. An answer that would likely be better received is one that either put forward the possibility of reactivating a nexus in southwestern Reikland, or erecting entirely new Waystones in a chain along Axe Bite Pass or the Gisoreux Gap. Possibly multiple chains in parallel to manage the throughput that would be required.
But that's rather getting ahead of yourself, because on the topic of erecting entirely new Waystones, you have the revelation that something inside of the current network is capable of disapproving of your meddling with the network. That leads you to the choice of trying to negotiate with Ulthuan or Naggaroth for a way to communicate with that intelligence, or making a new method of magical transmission from scratch to feed into the existing network without needing it to approve of your efforts. You also have a number of possibilities for creating tributaries, which has the exciting possibility of turning into a theological minefield as most of the promising possibilities rely on the intercession of Gods or other ephemeral beings. The Empire has a lot of fine qualities, but widespread agreement on theological matters are not among them.
Still, if it was going to be easy, you wouldn't have had to spend so much time gathering together resources and expertise from throughout the Old World.
You have five action points (AP) you can apply without engaging in overwork. For every two AP spent across all members of WEB-MAT, including recruiting new members, you can spend one 'free' additional AP with any member of WEB-MAT. WEB-MAT actions are performed by Mathilde alongside that person when possible, such as studying something alongside that person, cowriting a paper together, one teaching the other, both of them learning something new, et cetera.
Current overwork status: [-] [ ] [ ] Each box will be filled by one action of overwork, and will take the two turns after that to fade as you recover. The first box incurs no penalty. The second will give a -10 penalty to all actions during the first turn of recovery. The third will give a -20 penalty to all actions on both turns of recovery.
Overwork incurs no penalties on the turns taken, only on the turns recovering from it. You can take as many actions of overwork as you have unfilled boxes.
When you use overwork it fills the left-most empty box, so [-][ ][ ] becomes [-][+][ ], not [+][-][ ]. All boxes recover in parallel and independent from one another, but second and third apply maluses on your actions during that cooldown period.
WEB-MAT: Magister Maximilian de Gaynesford, Gold Wizard
[ ] MAX: Learning: specify what and from who. You may pay for a trainer.
[ ] MAX: Study an artefact: specify which.
[ ] MAX: Receive dictation: specify which two papers or one book will be written.
WEB-MAT: Magister Johann, Gold Wizard
[ ] JOHANN: Learning: specify what and from who. You may pay for a trainer.
[ ] JOHANN: Study an artefact: specify which.
[ ] JOHANN: Write a paper: specify which.
WEB-MAT: Lord Magister Egrimm van Horstmann, Light Wizard
[ ] EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm (specify what)
[ ] EGRIMM: Learning: specify what from who. You may pay for a trainer.
[ ] EGRIMM: Study an artefact: specify which.
[ ] EGRIMM: Write a paper: specify which.
WEB-MAT: Other
[ ] WEB-MAT: Hunt an apparition with a member of WEB-MAT (specify who and which)
[ ] WEB-MAT: Attempt to recruit someone to WEB-MAT (specify who)
[ ] WEB-MAT: Enchant or otherwise modify your Gyrocarriage (specify how)
The Waystone Project, Recruitment
[ ] Attempt to bring an Order into the Waystone Project (specify which)
[ ] Attempt to bring a non-Order magical tradition into the Waystone Project (specify which)
[ ] Attempt to bring a human Cult into the Waystone Project (specify which)
[ ] Attempt to bring a Major House or Ward into the Waystone Project (specify which)
[ ] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (specify which)
The Waystone Project, Research
[ ] Waystone: Capstone
[ ] Waystone: Runes
[ ] Waystone: Foundation
[-] Waystone: Build an Elven Waystone Requires Capstone, Runes, Foundation, and Leylines to be fully and successfully completed.
[ ] Waystone: Nexuses Specify which: Marienburg (Almshoven and Fort Solace), Forest of Shadows (Brass Keep, Blood Fane, Tower of Melkhior), Reikland (Axe Bite Pass and Grey Lady Pass), Mordheim, Los Cabos, Bugman's Brewery.
[ ] Waystone: Tributaries Specify which type: Scythian, Lornalim.
[ ] Waystone: Mapping Specify two of: Bretonnia, Tilea, Estalia, Araby, Badlands.
[ ] Waystone: Other Networks Specify which: Karaz Ankor, Kislev, Laurelorn, Athel Loren, Nehekhara.
For the above options, as well as any option-specific specifications, also state who you will be researching this with. You can specify as many or as few members of the Project as you please, as well as bringing in people from outside the Project if you pay for their services or convince them in some other way. If the only ones involved are members of WEB-MAT the action can count as a WEB-MAT action. In general the fastest progress will be made by involving only those with the most applicable knowledge, but also keep in mind how each individual might feel about being included or excluded in a particular investigation.
Lovely Laurelorn
[ ] Explore the wonders of the ancient and beautiful city of Tor Lithanel.
[ ] Explore one of the Wards of Laurelorn (specify which: Storm, Rain, Frost)
[ ] Receive training: specify who and what. (acquaintances may train you for free, or you can hire someone with money or favours)
[ ] Attempt to learn Battle Magic at the Grey College. (1 College Favour per attempt)
[ ] Attempt to gain control of one of your Arcane Marks (specify which)
[ ] Try to see through Pall of Darkness with your improved magical senses.
[ ] Practice shooting while invisible. (applies to Substance of Shadow and Invisibility)
[ ] Branulhune's ability to disappear and reappear at a thought allows entirely new forms of combat. Continue to work on them.
[ ] Attempt to finish off the Grey College spellbook by learning Shadow of Death, Cloak Activity, and the MAPP.
Research and Publishing:
[ ] Study an artefact: select which.
[ ] Write a paper: select which.
[ ] Write something else: write in.
Once per turn, you can write a paper or write a 'something else' without spending an action thanks to your Tower of Serenity.
[ ] The Second Secret of Dhar teaches how to collapse it upon itself. Practice upon local Dhar taint, and very cautiously see if this works with Warpstone.
Aethyric Vitae (19 gallons):
[-] Create Orbs of Sorcery solo (requires one of each Power Stone) (insufficient CF) Mathilde will have full control over what happens with the resultant Orbs, including the option of presenting the full collection as a shockingly impressive fait accompli. Any Power Stones Mathilde does not have will be acquired for 5 CF each.
[ ] Create Orbs of Sorcery with College buy-in (no cost) Mathilde will not have to source her own materials, but will have to negotiate in advance what happens with the resultant Orbs.
[ ] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to being subjected to power stone creation methods.
[ ] Using the secrets you already know of the Vitae, attempt to weaponize it.
Enchantment and Spell Creation:
[ ] Enchant an item: specify what and how (current skill level allows for Fiendishly Complex spells and lower; you may use Windherder to attempt to enchant something with spells from different Winds)
[ ] Attempt to create a spell (see Approved Spells threadmark)
[ ] Attempt to codify Rite of Way so that others can learn it.
[ ] Attempt to capture an Apparition (optional: specify which)
[ ] Turn a staff (specify for whom) (optional: specify from what)
Foreign Relations:
[ ] Involve yourself in current affairs: specify what and how.
Current examples: Eastern Stirland pacification, Marienburg affair, Black Waters project
[ ] [ ] [ ] Travel to Nagarythe at the invitation of Ambassador Daroir, and join their eternal war against Naggarothi invaders for three months.
Personal Relations:
[ ] Spend time assisting or ingratiating yourself with someone else: specify who and how.
[ ] Spend time investigating a character without their knowledge: specify who.
[ ] Teach Eike (specify what)
[ ] Wolf is fully grown, very smart, and a Very Good Boy. Train him further. (specify what he will be taught)
[ ] Wolf is fully grown and very magical. Deepen your familiar bond. (may unlock a new familiar ability; risks obsession)
The Eastern Imperial Company Your share of EIC profits: 200 crowns / turn
Current Focus of the EIC: Eastern Stirland
EIC Handler: The Hochlander The first AP spent in this category is free. Any additional choices cost 1 AP.
[ ] EIC: Completely hand over management of the EIC intelligence apparatus to the Hochlander.
[ ] EIC: Found an auditors division, to make sure the ledgers are in order.
[ ] EIC: Insert agents into a particular province, cult, company, or institution to start gathering their secrets. (specify who)
[ ] EIC: Reach out to Roswita, and have the EIC start passing on tips about any tax evasion or other naughtiness by the EIC's rivals.
[ ] EIC: Improve and expand the EIC's paramilitary river navy. (optional: specify how)
[ ] EIC: Have the EIC keep tabs on mercenaries so that they can be more easily hired if needed.
[ ] EIC: Gather as much Ithilmar from throughout the Old World as possible to resell to the Eonir for a one-time profit (NEW)
[ ] EIC: Attempt to establish a trade route with the Eonir (pick one: spices, ore, charcoal) (NEW)
[ ] EIC: Negotiate and plan a magical route through the Schadensumpf to allow for easier trade with the Eonir without compromising their defences (NEW)
Status: Being colonized by a new We, not yet open to the general public. The first AP spent in this category is free. Any additional choices cost 1 AP.
[ ] Go about recruiting an army of scribes so you can start copying entire libraries of material.
[ ] Seek the publishing contacts to start acquiring large amounts of books from a nearby realm (specify which: Bretonnia, Kislev, Tilea/Estalia, Araby) Gives wide and easy access within a language, but is subject to local restrictions and is a less efficient use of the Library's acquisition budget than other methods.
[ ] Seek an exchange arrangement with another Library or a Karak's archives to be able to make copies of their corpus (specify which, eg: Great Library of Marienburg, Great Library of Altdorf, Ancient Library of Carroburg, Karaz-a-Karak Archives, Karak Vlag Archives) Difficulty will depend on the size, prestige, and disposition of the library in question, and the relative impressiveness of Kron-Azril-Ungol.
[ ] Seek an agreement with a Cult to have access to their libraries (specify which, eg: Verenans, Myrmidians, Sigmarites) Difficulty will vary heavily depending on the Cult in question, but can allow access to rare tomes and esoteric subjects.
[ ] Set up a no-questions-asked bounty system for books within the Cult of Ranald Results will be unreliable and depending on what is sought may result in blowback, but this may allow you to acquire books that would otherwise be entirely inaccessible.
Apprentice Eike Hochschild
Specify which of the above actions Eike will be present for and (hopefully) learning from, as well as what she will be directed to study when she's not doing so. Her study may involve lessons you pay for, or tutoring from your employees and allies. These do not cost AP.
[ ] Eike Actions:
[ ] Eike Study:
Ranald's Coin - specify which face it will be set to
[ ] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to. A +20 bonus to up to two dice rolls resulting from a single chosen action.
[ ] The Night Prowler As long as you are outside of private property and within a town or city, nobody will question your presence and nobody will be able to find you if you do not wish them to.
[ ] The Deceiver: specify how this will be used. Lies you have developed beforehand will be delivered perfectly. The listener may believe you to be mistaken, but they will never believe that you are lying. Cannot be used to tell truths.
[ ] The Protector When you act in a way that defends an individual or group from a danger that you did not cause, they will become aware of what you have done and will believe you acted selflessly in doing so. Rule of thumb: if you have to explain why this might apply, it probably doesn't.
[ ] The Father Ranald's daughters, and Their followers, will recognize you as being worthy of trust and faith.
Ranald's Coin (note from Ranald: don't)
Vampire skulls
Branulhune - investigate the odd flash when it is desummoned underwater
Books and rubbings from an Asur explorer of Lustria and the Southlands
The Vampire Prophecies of W'Soran
Vlad von Carstein's study notes of the Carstein Ring Ghyran Nut
Kurgan Shrine to Mannslieb
Kurgan enchanted weapons
Note: Fresh and Refreshed papers confer a +10 bonus; faded ones a -10 malus.
Papers get one step less 'fresh' each turn: Fresh; Fading; Mostly Faded: Faded. Only the first and last have an effect on the diceroll.
Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands (FADED)
Comprehensive notes on possible terrain obstacles (FADED)
Waaagh energy and magic witnessed during the Expedition (FADED)
The Black Orc Warboss' worship of Only Gork, and what you saw of the Rogue Idol ritual (FADED)
Preliminary paper on Aethyric Vitae (TIMELESS)
Coins of Nehekhara's Fifth Dynasty (TIMELESS)
You can literally write the book on a topic for the same amount of effort as two papers; this can be split over multiple turns. You don't need to have all the pieces to do so, but it would be more efficient and impressive if you did.
Windsoak Mushrooms (missing: Chamon, Shyish) (2/3 completed)
The Currency of Strygos
The Currency of Tylos
Coins of Nehekhara's Fourth Dynasty
Coins of Nehekhara's Sixth Dynasty
- There will be a 18-hour moratorium. Voting will be in plan format.
- The point of the Apprenticeship system is that it lets Apprentices learn without being significant drains on the time and efforts of their Master. Eike has been trained to the point that she can tag along on most endeavours and make herself useful enough to make up for time spent explaining things to her. As long as Eike is being brought along on at least one action per turn, you are meeting what the Colleges would consider to be your minimum obligations to her as your Apprentice. Whether Mathilde is to exceed that minimum, and if so by how much, is entirely a personal decision, not a matter of obligation.
- I'm deliberately keeping the options for Eike's self-direction vague and open-ended because this is not something Mathilde will be closely monitoring. Instructions can be simple, like 'study diplomacy', or as complicated as 'study music theory and learn Khazalid in preparation for being taught Dwarven War Yodeling'. I will not penalize Eike for being given a series of ultraspecific six-month cram sessions instead of a balanced syllabus.
Boney, I am sorry to respond to a really excellent turn start post by asking you to do more work, but I will point out that we lack an entry for Eike on the Dramatis Personae and it is going to be difficult to discuss what skills she ought to have if we do not know what skills she does have. Perhaps just tossing her raw stats into a spoiler inside the turnpost and maybe a mention of the fact that at this point in her education she does not actually know any spells (if that's true, which I'm not sure it is)? We don't need a full writeup, just enough to establish common ground.
That was a concerning bit of mental contamination. Might have been a nothingburger borne from paranoia, but it might also have been a more subtle sabotage by something like the Changer who doesn't like how things are going.
Writing on a laptop balanced on a sofa arm because there are two dogs asleep in your lap has many fine accoutrements, but actually writing what you're trying to write is not one of them.
Boney, I am sorry to respond to a really excellent turn start post by asking you to do more work, but I will point out that we lack an entry for Eike on the Dramatis Personae and it is going to be difficult to discuss what skills she ought to have if we do not know what skills she does have. Perhaps just tossing her raw stats into a spoiler inside the turnpost and maybe a mention of the fact that at this point in her education she does not actually know any spells (if that's true, which I'm not sure it is)? We don't need a full writeup, just enough to establish common ground.
Mathilde's knowledge of Eike's stats is limited to the dialogue with the Dean. A Dramatis Personae section for her is going to start getting filled out as Mathilde is able to judge her abilities for herself.
Nice to see a glimpse of the Imperial dwarves. They usually get crowded out of the narrative by the mountain dwarves and I like to see a bit about how they've adapted to life among humans.
Throwing an idea out here, a silence spell might let the passengers talk to one another at something less than a full-throated bellow while flying.
While I hardly have as close an eye turned to the Waystone project as some, I'd like to do a development choice, so we can wave something concrete around if we're asked about results.
That was a concerning bit of mental contamination. Might have been a nothingburger borne from paranoia, but it might also have been a more subtle sabotage by something like the Changer who doesn't like how things are going.
Pretty clearly some magical resonance from Kislev's Ancient Widow given the context. If we had elected to renege in full or in part it might have gone poorly.
Instructions can be simple, like 'study diplomacy', or as complicated as 'study music theory and learn Khazalid in preparation for being taught Dwarven War Yodeling'.
Alright everyone, I think Boney has dropped enough hints about it, we gotta start the Dwarven War Yodeling tech tree asap. Only have so long Chaos finds a new champion.
Starting Eike on Dwarven and Elvish language and culture is a good starting point, and we can spend time getting to know her. If we want to do more, trying to help her practice her version of windsight is a good magical starting point, and something we are quite good at.
Is Tributary Design necessary for the Tributary Prototype, helpful to it, or separate but still necessary for the final product? Also, would it be correct to assume assume Keyphrase Negotiation would go better if we had more of the Project to show off or negotiate with?
[ ] EIC: Negotiate and plan a magical route through the Schadensumpf to allow for easier trade with the Eonir without compromising their defences (NEW)
This one is very neat and we've floated the possibility before, but I feel like we'd rather take it after we've codified Rite of Way, if we can pull it off.
It's a precursor. In the last action, it seems that some of our researchers already autosuceeded at the Design phase (put together a set of theoretical instructions for making a Belthani-style tributary) and are now ready to jump right into the Prototype (actually trying to make one).
Writing on a laptop balanced on a sofa arm because there are two dogs asleep in your lap has many fine accoutrements, but actually writing what you're trying to write is not one of them.
Mathilde's knowledge of Eike's stats is limited to the dialogue with the Dean. A Dramatis Personae section for her is going to start getting filled out as Mathilde is able to judge her abilities for herself.
For some reason I thought we'd seen her full stats, but no, you only rolled for best/worst/wants to be in the thread, which is what the Dean told us. My mistake.
Starting Eike on Dwarven and Elvish language and culture is a good starting point, and we can spend time getting to know her. If we want to do more, trying to help her practice her version of windsight is a good magical starting point, and something we are quite good at.
Yeah, this is my take, and I think a lot of people wanted to take her along for a Laurelorn action as well. She should speak Eltharin by this point in the Grey College curriculum, or at least have the basics, and learning the Eonir dialect shouldn't be too hard even without the Polyglot trait.
This one is very neat and we've floated the possibility before, but I feel like we'd rather take it after we've codified Rite of Way, if we can pull it off.
Has there been WoB on the subject? The thread has a bad habit of assigning itself homework it has to do before it can do the thing it wants to do, instead of just trying to do the thing.
Anyway, good night team, I look forward to twenty new pages by the time I wake up. My personal vote is to try to get one of the Waystone actions a WEB-MAT action so we can WEB-MAT the exploring Laurelorn with Johann and get a free WEB-MAT for Max papers/studying an artifact with someone/Windherding/getting Egrimm to write the fucking Windfall paper so he'll trust us that we're not his last boss, plus AV Powerstone research.