Didn't Sun Tzu write, like, an entire chapter or something on mastery of battlefield terrain? Honestly, Rite of Way, in the hands of actual, trained, professional Battle Wizards—and it doesn't matter how many BM spells Mathilde learns, she'll never be a "true" Battle Wizard—would be absolutely game changing.
In-universe historical example—the battle that slew Asavar Kul, during the Great War against Chaos, was won because Kul's army was surrounded on three sides—Magnus, half the Imperial Army, and the Colleges from the front, the dwarves from the flank, and the other half of the Imperial Army from the rear. But how did the Imperial Army get to the rear? Well, they'd initially been sent by Magnus to reinforce Praag, but once they had heard that Praag had fallen, they turned around and marched back to Kislev City as fast as they could. This got them back just in time to catch the Chaos army in a devastating pincer attack from which Kul could not escape from.
Now, the forces of Order got lucky there—if the Imperial army had been slower, or had not decided to turn back, then Kul could have fled to fight another day. Hell, Kul was actually winning at that point—his forces were spilling into Kislev city, Magnus was on the defensive, half of the Dwarves had died trying to break out of the city, Yrtle was dead—and then over the crest of the rise known as the Hill of Heroes the literal cavalry arrived. The whole situation can be described as miraculous—a miracle that Rite of Way promises to reliably deliver when and where it's needed.
Sure, it's not flashy or devastating like Pit or Pendulum—but logistics wins wars, and making sure the right people are in the right place at the right time will change the course of history.
Rite of Way is amazingly representative of Mathlde's approach—it's subtle, easy to overlook, and requires a lot of running around in the background getting all the right levers and gears into place, but once it is set up it allows for her to apply maximum pressure to the weakest vulnerability, with terrifying results.
Pit of Shades will the win the battle. Rite of Way will win the entire damn campaign.