Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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So when do you reckon we'll have enough spare AP to try it? As in, what's our schedule looking like for the next few turns, other than working on the Waystone Project?
So when do you reckon we'll have enough spare AP to try it? As in, what's our schedule looking like for the next few turns, other than working on the Waystone Project?
The problem with thinking like that is, that boney likes to throw stuff at us (like in the last post) so stuff always gets added. If you want to do something it's better to advocate for it directly instead of hoping the backlog clears up, because it sadly rarely does.
It's an option, I bolded for emphasis. Quotes from the most recent turn (39).
Ooh I forgot that we could make staves for other people. For the Orbs of Sorcery flex we need more CF, right? Writing papers is good, but the Gray College explicitly doesn't have a... Staff maker rn.

So, while I don't think any of us want Mathilde to be a professional staff turner, she could offer to make staves for some Magisters on a commission basis for CF. And honestly, equipping Grey Wizards with staves is probably just a good thing to do from an Empire perspective.
Ooh I forgot that we could make staves for other people. For the Orbs of Sorcery flex we need more CF, right? Writing papers is good, but the Gray College explicitly doesn't have a... Staff maker rn.

So, while I don't think any of us want Mathilde to be a professional staff turner, she could offer to make staves for some Magisters on a commission basis for CF. And honestly, equipping Grey Wizards with staves is probably just a good thing to do from an Empire perspective.
That's a idea i had too. Isn't there one of the lord magisters who doesn't have a staff? I don't recall the name but i bet that would give a good amount of favour.
Honestly, I was really sad when I read that Mathilde wouldn't be getting a staff for her promotion because the turner died or something. If we can save a few bright eyed former journeymen from that fate, then I'm all for it lol
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The problem with thinking like that is, that boney likes to throw stuff at us (like in the last post) so stuff always gets added. If you want to do something it's better to advocate for it directly instead of hoping the backlog clears up, because it sadly rarely does.

"We'll social Gretel next turn" they said for the third turn in a row.

Next turn: Boney drops a dozen new and interesting people to talk to.

That's the nature of the beast—advocate for something to happen this turn, because there's no guarantee it'll be able to win next turn.

And yeah, the LM who doesn't have a staff is Starke, the second youngest LM and head of Internal Security. We very carefully don't have a feud with him over our religious differences.
Ooh I forgot that we could make staves for other people. For the Orbs of Sorcery flex we need more CF, right? Writing papers is good, but the Gray College explicitly doesn't have a... Staff maker rn.

So, while I don't think any of us want Mathilde to be a professional staff turner, she could offer to make staves for some Magisters on a commission basis for CF. And honestly, equipping Grey Wizards with staves is probably just a good thing to do from an Empire perspective.
I'd rather do enchanting with Egrimm if we're going to go the AP-->CF route. It's more efficient, using WEB-MAT AP, and it also advances the Windherding project. Plus more Egrimm screentime.
I'd rather do enchanting with Egrimm if we're going to go the AP-->CF route. It's more efficient, using WEB-MAT AP, and it also advances the Windherding project. Plus more Egrimm screentime.

Yeah, I'm on board with this. Honestly, if we want to bring our enchanting to the next level, then investing in Windherding is the way to go. We didn't do too well on the saddle, but made a functional item and there's hints that we could do better next time:

you're confident that if you manage to contribute at least basic competence to a future enchantment you'd be capable of even better things.
Honestly, I was really sad when I read that Mathilde wouldn't be getting a staff for her promotion because the turner died or something. If we can save a few bright eyed former journeymen from that fate, then I'm all for it lol
I'd be fine with staff-turning for someone else as a one-off, but not with taking up the position.

It wouldn't leave much time for other things, and in general, while Mathilde found the first time soothing, it's the sort of thing that she hates.
Yeah I'm all aboard the Windherding train -- actually would it be feasible to do a Windhering enchantment on a staff? I'm thinking it wouldn't be, because staves = casting aids, and multiple winds in a casting aid sounds like Dhar waiting to happen.

But then again, I got the impression that the staff of Mistery could theoretically be used by Celestials? But that's not an enchantment, iirc, that's the innate properties of the material used. Idk.
I'd be fine with staff-turning for someone else as a one-off, but not with taking up the position.

It wouldn't leave much time for other things, and in general, while Mathilde found the first time soothing, it's the sort of thing that she hates.
Oh absolutely being the college turner would suck, but I'm just talking about renewing a tradition in return for college favor. How many journeymen get promoted to magister anyway? Like one every two years? One staff every four turns or so isn't that bad. Actually never mind, Even that sounds bad with the AP hell everyone loves complaining about lol
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On the subject of staff turning, let the record once more show that the staff is the favoured weapon of the Shallyan fate, and that staff turning is a perfectly respectable job for a Wizard which would prefer to have a desk job rather than go out to the world and stab things in the back. Eike is apprenticed to a seasoned enchanter with a proven track record of making great staffs (literally all staffs Mathilde made were really good) and if she inherits the EIC she will have a steady stream of income that she'll have to put to good use due to the vow of povery. One possible use for a lot of money is buying materials for enchanting and staff turning, such as dragon bones and bottom halves of Dryads.
Boney quote on becoming the college staff turner:

I'd be hard-pressed to make staff turning interesting to read a second time, let alone every turn forever. Taking up a completely safe and unchanging career is the stuff of timeskips or retirement, not adventure.

Making the odd staff here and there is fine—we'll probably make one for Eike when she starts her journeying or something—but taking it on as our main responsibility is a no-no.
On the subject of staff turning, let the record once more show that the staff is the favoured weapon of the Shallyan fate, and that staff turning is a perfectly respectable job for a Wizard which would prefer to have a desk job rather than go out to the world and stab things in the back. Eike is apprenticed to a seasoned enchanter with a proven track record of making great staffs (literally all staffs Mathilde made were really good) and if she inherits the EIC she will have a steady stream of income that she'll have to put to good use due to the vow of povery. One possible use for a lot of money is buying materials for enchanting and staff turning, such as dragon bones and bottom halves of Dryads.
That's a really good point. I was thinking that when the time eventually came for Eike to graduate to Magister, like 15+ turns from now, we'd make her a staff. But yeah professional stave turner is absolutely a possible vocation for Eike. Granted we still need to learn more about her, and even if we suggest it she might not go for it, but that's a wonderful idea.

Though actually... Regimand is pretty explicitly getting old. Maybe we should try to convince him to pick up staff turning. It's genuinely useful; it's less dangerous than his usual ventures/adventures; and if he's feeling antsy about aging/not being able to do as much as he used to, it might make him feel better about it. Again, not guaranteed that he'd go for it, and it'd probably use up a Social Action. Then again, hanging out with Wizard Dad is always good.
I think it's way too early to talk about Eike's ultimate path in life, and I think if we started suggesting peaceful retirement to wizard dad he might actually burst into tears.
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Again, i didn't say it's useless, it will have it's place on the battlefield and will do good work there.
But the idea that you can use it to move armies for several hundred miles fast is just not feasible. (Excepting battle altars, but their weird) long range use is (imo) non-viable.
As someone who thinks "RoW from a Battle Altar" is a fantastic idea, as the miscast risk is front-ended in the enchantment stage* what issue do you see with that?

Assuming we get it codified and then someone else does the enchanting work, I'm hoping that it is 'low-end' enough that the enchantment might be achievable with an array of power stones, no morb needed :)

*ignoring any malarkey from foes disrupting the spell in a particular way, of course, but there'd be an army around the item so i'm filing that under "acceptable risks"

I see you have been asked this already.
I think that a RoW Battle Altar would be of great benefit to the Grey College to make and loan out for large campaigns, especially those involving a lot of artillery. I hope that it might be achievable with an array of power stones and failing that; there is soon to be a source of morbs.

The advantage of a RoW BA over any other Grey Spell BA is that it is useful in times outside of battle, and is reliable for commanders to depend upon unlike wizards.
I think it's way too early to talk about Eike's ultimate path in life
She should switch to the Celestials and become a full time chicken farmer.
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Regimand likes being a super spy, and whilst staff turning might be safe, I suspect that he doesn't want to be safe.

Remember, most wizards are fine with the idea that being a wizard is a dangerous occupation. Those that aren't either become sealed, remain as perpetuals, or take up power stone making as their main job. Regimand did none of those, instead pulling off one of the ballsiest double crosses in Grey Order history. Dude hunted a Tzaangor across three provinces by himself, and all he lost was his beard.
Yeah I'm all aboard the Windherding train -- actually would it be feasible to do a Windhering enchantment on a staff? I'm thinking it wouldn't be, because staves = casting aids, and multiple winds in a casting aid sounds like Dhar waiting to happen.
Technically we've seen the Staff of Volans manipulate two winds at once, but...
Sorry if that came off as trying to gotcha, I just wanted clarity because it sounded like trying to windherder staffs in general would be something so obviously unable to work Mathilde wouldn't even need to try it in which case I would scratch it off the list of possibilities.
Something Windherd-enchanted with the explicit intention of allowing massive Ulgu throughput might be capable of things that just whacking an off-the-shelf Chamon spell in there wouldn't. Or it might not. Try it and find out.
I'm not eager to try and find out.
Though actually... Regimand is pretty explicitly getting old. Maybe we should try to convince him to pick up staff turning. It's genuinely useful; it's less dangerous than his usual ventures/adventures; and if he's feeling antsy about aging/not being able to do as much as he used to, it might make him feel better about it. Again, not guaranteed that he'd go for it, and it'd probably use up a Social Action. Then again, hanging out with Wizard Dad is always good.

We don't know if Regimand has the skillset necessary for this - he seems to be a bit more geared towards the in the field type of work (he'd probably make a great teacher for that though; after all he taught Mathilde and she turned out quite well).
As someone who thinks "RoW from a Battle Altar" is a fantastic idea, as the miscast risk is front-ended in the enchantment stage* what issue do you see with that?
Mostly that battle altars are cumbersome, make excellent targets and that the colleges don't like to use them too much. Their probably fine for whole armies (which is a good use case, I'll give you that). One problem I have with them is that we don't know how they actually work. Can they cast continuously or do they need breaks too? How do you control the enchantment to specify what happens and what does not.

Generally i think a battle Altar could work fine but i think we don't know enough about them to actually say so definitely.
Mostly that battle altars are cumbersome, make excellent targets and that the colleges don't like to use them too much. Their probably fine for whole armies (which is a good use case, I'll give you that). One problem I have with them is that we don't know how they actually work. 1Can they cast continuously or do they need breaks too? 2. How do you control the enchantment to specify what happens and what does not.

Generally i think a battle Altar could work fine but i think we don't know enough about them to actually say so definitely.
I think I'm editing-replying past you here, sorry.

The use-case I have in mind is exactly for a whole army on the move - or failing that; the heaviest bits of said army.

1. Even if it can not act continuously, I am confident that after the enchantment has been made, the Battle Altar can be tested to find out if/how the duration varies with time of day, weight of things using it and how terrain quality fits into things.

With those variables discovered, a user-guide can be written up to let whomever is commanding the army know what mileage they can get out of the Altar.

A complicated enough set of sums for a logistics commander to have to keep in mind and plan around, but 200% worth it for getting your cavalry and artillery through the shittest bits of upcoming roads.

2. The same way any other multi-person 'Buffing' enchanted item I expect. Presumably, the operator* would be able to select the targets or location per activation.

*may need a Grey Perpetual to be able to do this, but politically that'd be more feature than bug imo
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I think I'm editing-replying past you here, sorry.

The use-case I have in mind is exactly for a whole army on the move - or failing that; the heaviest bits.

1. Even if it can not act continuously, I am confident that after the enchantment has been made, the Battle Altar can be tested to find out if/how the duration varies with time of day, weight of things using it and how terrain quality fits into things.

With those variables discovered, a user-guide can be written up to let whomever is commanding the army know what mileage they can get out of the Altar.

A complicated enough set of sums for a logistics commander to have to keep in mind and plan around, but 200% worth it for getting your cavalry and artillery through the shittest bits of upcoming roads.

2. The same way any other multi-person 'Buffing' enchanted item I expect. Presumably, the operator* would be able to select the targets or location per activation.

*may need a Grey Perpetual to be able to do this, but politically that'd more feature than bug imo
Oh i absolutely get that, and i think it would probably work, my point is that we don't actually know how battle altars work so speculating too much about them is pointless imo. It could work perfectly well. Or it has some weird interaction that we don't know about.
If we ever make our own battle Altar we will find out but until then it's moot i find.
Oh i absolutely get that, and i think it would probably work, my point is that we don't actually know how battle altars work so speculating too much about them is pointless imo. It could work perfectly well. Or it has some weird interaction that we don't know about.
If we ever make our own battle Altar we will find out but until then it's moot i find.
No. No thank you.
Give a Grey College a RoW BA, and you have created an AP hangry monster.

Teach the Grey College to cast (and therefore enchant) RoW, and you've uh. not made an AP hangry monster.
look, I'm tipsy and I had the beginning of something going into this and I kinda lost it half way through. oh look! a distraction:
No. No thank you.
Give a Grey College a RoW BA, and you have created an AP hangry monster.

Teach the Grey College to cast (and therefore enchant) RoW, and you've uh. not made an AP hangry monster.
look, I'm tipsy and I had the beginning of something going into this and I kinda lost it half way through. oh look! a distraction:
No problem, again i will say that i can totally see a battle Altar working. I just don't want to speculate on how they work or what limitations they may or may not have.
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