Wizard's robes are often confused with the uniforms of the Colleges of Magic. No formal uniforms exist, but each college does teach that certain fabrics, designs, colours, and accessories help channel the Winds of Magic. Most college wizards compromise between practicality, comfort, and efficacy when it comes to their robes. There are three different grades of wizard robes: Practical, Standard, and Elaborate.
Practical Robes: These costumes are inexpensive, comfortable, and relatively plain. A wizard wearing practical robes may even go unrecognised in many situations.
Example: The practical robes of a Bright Wizard might consist of jerkin, hat, and trousers in various shades of red, orange, and yellow. Embroidered flames may be picked out in gold thread around hems, cuffs, and collars. A small brass key may be worn as an accessory.
Standard Robes: These costumes are more complex and typically include heavy coats or cloaks and distinctive headwear.
Example: The standard robes of an Amber Wizard might consist of suede jerkin and trousers, a heavy fur cloak and a headdress made from the bones or hide of a large animal. Feathers, claws, and teeth will be worn openly as ritualistic fetishes, and the arrow symbol of Ghur is plainly engraved into them.
Elaborate Robes: These costumes are heavy and impractical, often incorporating bulky accessories and reams of cloth woven from magically infused thread. Anyone wearing these robes will be instantly recognised as a wizard.
Example: The elaborate robes of a Light Wizard might consist of several layers of pure white linen. Heavy pieces of jewellery made from gold and inset with small tiles of lapis lazuli are worn at the wrists and neck. A tight skullcap of white calfskin is worn on the head. The costume is finished off with a harness made of golden wire that holds eight candles about the wizard's shoulders.