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Given that the only Waystone model we know of so far involves a Dhar machine I think it is fair to say we will need elves to make it, since they are the only ones who can safely touch the Dhar to make it part of the enchantment
Given that humans have made waystones, it's a pretty solid assumption that humans can make waystones. Now, could be that the process drove those humans mad, but the work with wind herding/tongs indicates you don't need to manipulate dhar directly. So I don't think they're a requirement.
Given that humans have made waystones, it's a pretty solid assumption that humans can make waystones. Now, could be that the process drove those humans mad, but the work with wind herding/tongs indicates you don't need to manipulate dhar directly. So I don't think they're a requirement.

Might well be the case, but so far the only example we have involves making a Dhar machine. The other way I could see it working for humans would be if they did not touch the winds at all and used spirits to touch the bad magic like the Hedgewise and the Hags.
The thing is, the Emperor is also capable of granting official approval. I don't get where the idea of Imperial Dispensation being only a hair away from not asking for permission entirely comes from.
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When i first read the vote, i was kinda ambivalent on wether to go college or imperial.
Because, in the end, i don't think it is that big of a difference.
In the end, i chose College for a fairly simple reason.

Because we can.

No need for subterfuge, no need for skullduggery, lies, deception or avoiding procedure.
We can just walk to Dragomas, get our papers in order and move on with our lives.
And if/when someone has an issue, they can go complain to Dragomas about it, and we can move on with our project knowing our but is as covered as it can be.
I mean, several of the Old Ones taught humans made Waystones. There are presumely safe ways to handle the crafting of a waystone for humans. I'd guess the Dhar crafting aspect might be something you can turn on and off, so you can safely construct a waystone, and it will be inactive, untill you turn it on.

At the very least, Albion does seem to generally hint in the direction, that while waystone may need Dhar to function, you don't need Dhar to craft them. At least in a manner that is harmfull to humans
You know, I wonder if there are similarities between the vortex that vampires' souls have been turned into and Waystones.

Both can absorb souls and both can suck in the Winds of Magic and turn them into Dhar. The difference is that a Waystone is connected to the Aethyr via the leylines and the Great Vortex and a vampire's is both cut off from the Aethyr and spending energy to keep active, so the absorbed power is consumed rather than sent on for disposal.
I mean, several of the Old Ones taught humans made Waystones. There are presumely safe ways to handle the crafting of a waystone for humans. I'd guess the Dhar crafting aspect might be something you can turn on and off, so you can safely construct a waystone, and it will be inactive, untill you turn it on.

At the very least, Albion does seem to generally hint in the direction, that while waystone may need Dhar to function, you don't need Dhar to craft them. At least in a manner that is harmfull to humans
I think you only need to handle Dhar with Dhar mindset if you're trying to make it do SOMETHING.

Waystones may use that extra something, but the basic tributary function we learn about seems not to actually need that. Its the same level of control over Dhar as grounding a miscast, you know how the energy will travel, so you create that circumstance and let it rip.

Safe enough, but would require some rather precise tolerances.
You know, I wonder if there are similarities between the vortex that vampires' souls have been turned into and Waystones.

Both can absorb souls and both can suck in the Winds of Magic and turn them into Dhar. The difference is that a Waystone is connected to the Aethyr via the leylines and the Great Vortex and a vampire's is both cut off from the Aethyr and spending energy to keep active, so the absorbed power is consumed rather than sent on for disposal.

In that sense the vampire soul may be a bit like the Rune of Valya... or even the Rune of Valaya's Vengeance, sure the latter is a lot more crude since it just makes Dhar into fire rather than into a vampire with thoughts and feelings and stuff, but we have seen an instance of Dhar being drawn into a place and made use of.
Thats the thing. To what knowledge the minister/emperor can judge us ok or not to proceed.

He must ask Dragomas, and in this case he will ask in... all 7 of the collage head? Or make decision himself?

Your right, but as the only thing holding a group of over powered magic users is the articles and the lawful consequences of their action.. i would think obidience to the law (and how far you can bent them) is second nature to them.

Its not just us, its the impact of the wizarding world at large.
In my example, if Emperor is, you know, Emperor, then Dragomas would be some sort of Minister. If we go to the Emperor - he consults with Dragomas and does us a Dispensation. If we go to Dragomas, he does us a Dispensation and sends memo to a few Patriarchs that their students are allowed to study dark magic. Mathilde has enough cred to not be seriously checked by anyone unless something happen.
Things that people argue about mostly theoretical indirect political consequences.
I just think that if we bypass the proper procedure, it automatically implies we have something to hide from the Colleges in the minds of those already predisposed to dislike the Colleges. It also opens the whole relationship with the Empress and future Emperor thing to some hefty criticism from anti-magic people
The fun fact is that we are hiding things from Colleges. We won't tell them "We just found that Waystones can be set into automatic Dhar production mode", we tell them "There is a need to research Waystones, that involves possible picking at a bit of dark magic, can we do that?"
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The fun fact is that we are hiding things from Colleges. We won't tell them "We just find that Waystones can be set into automatic Dhar production mode", we tell them "There is a need to research Waystones, that involves possible picking at a bit of dark magic, can we do that?"

Er... why would we do that? I mean reasonably the conversation would go something like this:
Mathilde: I need you to rule something is not dark magic
Dgragonas: What?
Mathilde: I think many if not all waystones make Dhar as part of their functioning so to make one you would have to make a Dhar machine

'Posibily picking up a bit of dark magic' is so general that the only answer you can give to that is a nice warm pyre since it is a breach of Article 7. The way Boney explained study into Dhar is that the college rules whatever you are doing not dark magic and in order to do that they need some details.
Er... why would we do that? I mean reasonably the conversation would go something like this:
Mathilde: I need you to rule something is not dark magic
Dgragonas: What?
Mathilde: I think many if not all waystones make Dhar as part of their functioning so to make one you would have to make a Dhar machine

'Posibily picking up a bit of dark magic' is so general that the only answer you can give to that is a nice warm pyre since it is a breach of Article 7. The way Boney explained study into Dhar is that the college rules whatever you are doing not dark magic and in order to do that they need some details.
Well, my wording was of course oversimplistic and a bit sarcastic, but I was referring to this:
The actual wording would be something like 'it is possible that the investigation of the Waystone Project may include the study of phenomenon that involve Dark Magic and thus run afoul of a strict reading of Article 7, and these wizards hereby have dispensation to perform this study without it being considered an Abominable Act'.
Well yeah that is what it would say on our permission slip, but that does not mean Dragonas will not ask us what the phenomenon are, or at least I cannot see any reason why he wouldn't ask.
I don't really know. I mean, I would expect Mathilde to tell Dragomas truth and ask him to be quiet about it. But since that was quote from Boney, I assume that it is how it will be. Either I understood it wrong or Dragomas trusts Mathilde enough to not to press for details.
[X] Imperial Dispensation

Wanna see more Heidi interaction and also see Mathilde meet the Emperor. We've proven we're very much a rule follower, going over the College's heads in this one case isn't going to do much because we still followed the ultimate authority.
The Lores I mentioned work the same as any other magic- Winds, High, Dark, Great Maw, Big and Little Waaagh, etc.

My understanding is, you try to cast a spell, you roll dice (d6s) equal to your Wizard level, if you get any doubles that's a miscast, if you get over the cost of the spell you successfully cast it.

Warrior Priests on tabletop (basically all Sigmar, except for Ulric back in Storm of Chaos) have a set of Battle Prayers that generally have somewhat smaller effects and much lower range (only effects the unit the Warrior Priest is part of) but I don't think they miscast. Not sure you roll for them, either.

If I got anything wrong, anybody with actual tabletop experience please correct me.
So I think you're basing this on some slightly older mechanics. Magic changed between editions but as of 8th it worked like this:

1. Roll 2d6 for the Winds of Magic. The total is your power dice (how many dice you get for casting spells). The higher of the two dice is used as your opponent's dispell dice (how many dice they get to stop you from casting spells).
2. Channel more dice (every Wizard and some other models roll a d6, 6s add 1 die to the owners respective pools of dice). Also add dice from anything that says you get more dice.
3. Pick a spell one of your Wizards can cast. Roll a number of dice from 1-6, then add the Wizard's casting level.
4. If you rolled high enough to meet the casting value, the spell is cast. If the total on the dice you rolled is 3 or less, the spell fails even if you meet the casting value. If you failed to meet the casting value, the casting. Wizard cannot attempt any more spells this phase. If you rolled 2 6s, you have cast with irresistable force and also you have miscast, skip the next step. Rolling 2 6s means your spell succeeds, regardless of if your meet the casting value.
5. Your opponent may choose to dispel. They pick a wizard to dispel with (if they have no wizard they still get to try to dispel, you just don't add a Wizard level to your roll). They roll as many dispel dice as they desire, and add their dispellign Wizard's level to the result. If they equal or beat your casting roll, the spell is dispelled. If They roll double 6s, the spell is dispelled regardless of whetehr they beat your roll.
6. Resolve the results of your spell (damage etc.). If you miscast, roll on the miscast table.

Priest prayers are a particular form of spell known as an innate bound spell. Bound spells do not get Wizard levels added to their casting rolls, and if they miscast, all that happens is the item breaks. If innate bound spells miscast, the model simply cannot cast anymore this turn. Bound spells also typically have very low casting values.

He can't just go, "Mathilde, you're so special, you get to do bad magic". I imagine anything active would be quite dicey. Building, not just studying a waystone that deliberately creates dhar would be such a thing.

On the other hand, the Emperor could, in principle, allow someone to freely do bad magic. In most cases, it would just require a huge amount of political capital, and face pushback from just about anyone. But if we ever get that far, we might have to revisit that topic.
I think the Emperor would have to pass a law to allow a Wizard to freely use dark magic. Laws and ideals > the Emperor in the Articles.

There's probably something in Ghrond...
Ah yes, a perfect target for the Library to book share with.
Ah yes, a perfect target for the Library to book share with.
You don't even need to worry about silly things like getting scribes to make copies, whether your own library is prestigious enough, and asking for permission in the first place! Just make sure that the blood on your sword splatters away from the books, and hope you or your backup have enough transport space. Said transport should also move fast enough to get away before enemy reinforcements arrive.
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You don't even need to worry about silly things like getting scribes to make copies, whether your own library is prestigious enough, and asking for permission in the first place! Just make sure that the blood on your sword splatters away from the books, and hope you or your backup have enough transport space. Said transport should also move fast enough to get away before enemy reinforcements arrive.

Soo... Cython? He does have a bone to pick with the dark elves.
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