Why are you all so convinced that Alric is this evil scheming bastard that is going to destroy the project that you are justifying ignoring protocol, even though ignoring protocol makes us look more suspicious and vulnerable to criticism? And for what? so we don't have to tell four highly trusted and competent wizards that their underlings are breaking the most important rule about magic? Why is it so important that Alric, Algard, Feldmann, and Paranoth are left in the dark about us breaking Article 7? They are the ones who need to know most of all, so that they can then protect us from external criticism.
We are breaking Article 7—the article that justifies the hunting and killing of wizards. We want it so that no one can criticise our behaviour. Ignoring the normal, formal channels for applying for this exception—channels we have previously benefited from—makes us look suspicious. What are we doing that's so dark and forbidden we had to hide it not just from our own patriarch, but from every patriarch aligned with the waystone project?
If someone asks Algard "hey, is Mathilde supposed to working with Dhar?" and he goes "... I don't think so?" what do you think will happen next? Or he could go "yes, I have a note here from the Emperor that she has permission to do that, and no, you don't have permission to know what she's doing." Which do you think is better? I don't want Algard to feel like we don't trust him, and I definitely don't want him to feel he can't trust us. Lets not cut him out of the loop—hell, this isn't a cut, it's an amputation!