[X] [Public Report]: Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 90%.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight itwill be impossible.
[X] [Private Report]: We captured the damn Snake, we yet have to find out what exactly happened to it in that box, but it's not bothering me anymore, so no risk for you to loose your spymaster over that.
[X] [Boon]: Trading company (found a new trading company in the vacuum using the League's confiscated resources, with the official backing of Stirland)
[X] [Orders]:
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The spell used by the informants is like nothing you've heard of before. You want to see if you can detect or replicate it.
-[X] Something your new Lieutenant said gave you an idea. Investigate the shores of the Black Water, see if it can truly be tamed.
-[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
-[X] The Wurtbad Thieves Guild, despite barely being a loose gossip network, really came through during the take-down of the Stirlandian League. Maybe you should cultivate this useful tool.