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You could show it as your literal Masterpiece, yes. It would definitely raise some eyebrows back at the College.
The we just Derpwizard and Surprise! Greatsword(!) our way through the Trial. Magister Weber, Ho!

But more seriously... @BoneyM realistically speaking how much more shadowmagic spell training would we need? I know we know hardly any spells... so If we painted ourselves as more of an enchantment and theory specialist? IIRC you don't need to win the duel, just make a good showing.
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I think our best option would be to get permission to organize the Thieves Guild as it not only gives us a very useful intelligence asset but it also provides a revenue streams and unlike the Merchant Guild it would be playing to our strengths. Not to mention it can be expanded to allow the future formation of Smoke Knights later on.
It's also a good opportunity to do it in a way that Van Hal would be okay with; lots can go wrong between establishing a proper thieves guild and telling him about it, but if we start with his private permission it undercuts any political undercutting anybody else might try on us.
@Sinsystems has the right of it. Organization of the Thieves' Guild under our aegis and Van Hal's approval, and some preliminary groundwork laid for Smoke Knights later down the line. I like that plan. ^_^
A huge revenue stream that requires us to run it and address it directly. And neither we or our chief minion have the Stewardship for that.
And we are NOT the people who should be running it. Stewardship 10, hello? we'll wind up overwhelmed and it will be a time sink. Make it Wilhelmina's baby.
1) A score of 12 would qualify us for the job of running Stewardship for the entirety of Stirland.
2) We can acquire more minions. "Burgher" isn't exactly a unique skillset.
3) We'd have "official backing".

Realistically, what do you expect from taking that Smoke Knights action now? Do you realize we'd have to sink a ton of actions into training them ourselves, as the Count can't exactly arrange sneaky people on a whim?

Sneaky Knights isn't a plan for which we are ready to enact.

@BoneyM How can we expect said official backing to help us? Would be it actually that hard for Mathilde to run it? How hard would it be to go to Anton for another underling? They don't need to be shady and sneaky, just a good burgher.
We have no need for an adventuring party beyond what the guy in charge of the entirety of Stirland could give us when we need one.
It's also a good opportunity to do it in a way that Van Hal would be okay with; lots can go wrong between establishing a proper thieves guild and telling him about it, but if we start with his private permission it undercuts any political undercutting anybody else might try on us.
There's an option to propose doing it under the Orders section. Van Hal isn't in a position to grant us a Thieves guild, the favour would be his guaranteed approval. Or we could just ask.
[X] [Boon] permission to reorganize the Wurtbad Thieves Guild as an intelligence tool and also maybe a secret order of stealth fighters
I think we should absolutely take the Trade Guild. It gives us income, minions, and a big, legit information network.

It's also the single most unique opportunity in this circumstance, we just created an enormous vacuum here. We have the sheep, we have the machinery. No other boon will have the same potency if chosen at this time, and this boom won't ever have the same potency as it has right now.
Then we'd have to actually run a trade guild. Not really a fan.

With Sheep!, we can just hire some people from... well, probably not Biderhof, but sheep shearers and shepherds would be cheaper to hire than traders and accountants.
There's an option to propose doing it under the Orders section. Van Hal isn't in a position to grant us a Thieves guild, the favour would be his guaranteed approval. Or we could just ask.
Yes, I know it's his approval, but they're two different levels of quality there.

One is mundane, and one is exceptional. Boons are important.
I'd leave out the secret order, that can come later.
If it's a secret order, we should probably keep it a secret until it's relevant, Ranald liking secrets and all.
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But more seriously... @BoneyM realistically speaking how much more shadowmagic spell training would we need? I know we know hardly any spells... so If we painted ourselves as more of an enchantment and theory specialist? IIRC you don't need to win the duel, just make a good showing.

If you roll well for the duel you could pass now. You've got a number of practical triumphs under your belt and Weber's Box would stand as a Masterpiece.

@BoneyM How can we expect said official backing to help us? Would be it actually that hard for Mathilde to run it? How hard would it be to go to Anton for another underling? They don't need to be shady and sneaky, just a good burgher.

The backing would mean that a) instead of just being a trade company it'd be Stirland's trade company and b) you can use the warehouses and wagons of the Stirlandian League, saving you the necessary start-up capital. You'd have to find someone suitably skilled to run it, but that shouldn't be difficult - hell, Julia would know somebody suitable if you don't mind giving more influence to Flensburgians.

@BoneyM is it possible to turn Mathilde into an immortal by mastering Ulgu to a ridiculous extent? Like what Elspeth von Draken did with Shyish.

IMO, incredibly advanced mastery of any wind of magic can lead to immortality as long as you don't mind the trade-offs, which would probably start at 'literally every Arcane Mark'.

@various - there's two paths to 'smoke knight'. Starting with someone sneaky, and teaching them to also be a knight; or starting with a knight, and teaching them to be sneaky. Van Hal's Boon can't really help with the former, but could give you a big head start to the latter.
@various - there's two paths to 'smoke knight'. Starting with someone sneaky, and teaching them to also be a knight; or starting with a knight, and teaching them to be sneaky. Van Hal's Boon can't really help with the former, but could give you a big head start to the latter.
Pick the armed force, then focus on Investigating the ability to set spells in people and learn Take No Heed. Your men could have an on-command SEP field.

You could have them ready in 6 months.
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The schroeinger snake is, potentially, an infinite gold generator. We need a fortified box to put the box and an enchanted box to put the fortified box in, with only a tube to let the sweet magic flow. Security, dudes.
It's amazing what can be generated from the simple mention of Smoke Knights, still I would be all for starting their creation.
Honestly, I can't even begin to describe the sheer value that exists in a pure magic spigot that spits out Qhyash in a physical form that can be interacted with. Even if humans can't actually use Qhyash, it can still be used to distill any other Wind you want without directly interacting with it, which means that we've got the potential to make Enchantments that aren't tied to Ulgu's thematics--because we have a ready made tap of pure magical energy that for some reason doesn't collapse into Dhar like it probably should.

Like, we'll have a colossal amount of research and practice to make this work, but Weber's Box is the sort of impossible-to-duplicate opportunity that can be leveraged to eventually rise to being a full out Wizard Lord.

We just found our lever to become a Lord level character. Now we just need the right place to stand and enough power to shove it right in there.
Honestly, I can't even begin to describe the sheer value that exists in a pure magic spigot that spits out Qhyash in a physical form that can be interacted with. Even if humans can't actually use Qhyash, it can still be used to distill any other Wind you want without directly interacting with it, which means that we've got the potential to make Enchantments that aren't tied to Ulgu's thematics--because we have a ready made tap of pure magical energy that for some reason doesn't collapse into Dhar like it probably should.

Like, we'll have a colossal amount of research and practice to make this work, but Weber's Box is the sort of impossible-to-duplicate opportunity that can be leveraged to eventually rise to being a full out Wizard Lord.

We just found our lever to become a Lord level character. Now we just need the right place to stand and enough power to shove it right in there.
Hmm. As a note to temper expectations... we don't know that the stream will be everlasting. How much raw Qhyash does an Asp have in it? Is that even the right question?

I'm kind of in favour of hurrying back to our College for the Trial in case it does cut off.
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[X] [Public Report]: Nearly complete success in taking over the League. We have enough information to rebuild trading networks, enough prisoners to make examples or show mercy as desired. Even physical assets have been captured to 90%.
-[X] It is unlikely the League would recover even if left alone from now on, under careful oversight itwill be impossible.

[X] [Private Report]: We captured the damn Snake, we yet have to find out what exactly happened to it in that box, but it's not bothering me anymore, so no risk for you to loose your spymaster over that.

[X] [Boon]: Trading company (found a new trading company in the vacuum using the League's confiscated resources, with the official backing of Stirland)

[X] [Orders]:
-[X] The disappearance of your predecessor is very concerning, but according to the Stirlandian League he's pulled out of the game with all his ill-gotten gains. If you're not willing to let that go, maybe you could track him down anyway.
-[X] The spell used by the informants is like nothing you've heard of before. You want to see if you can detect or replicate it.
-[X] Something your new Lieutenant said gave you an idea. Investigate the shores of the Black Water, see if it can truly be tamed.
-[X] If we've got vampire troubles, maybe you should spend some time investigating how to counter vampiric infiltration.
-[X] The Wurtbad Thieves Guild, despite barely being a loose gossip network, really came through during the take-down of the Stirlandian League. Maybe you should cultivate this useful tool.
Hmm. As a note to temper expectations... we don't know that the stream will be everlasting. How much raw Qhyash does an Asp have in it? Is that even the right question?

Honestly, I don't think we're actually draining the Asp, so much as it's the magical leakage of an aetheryic entity being essentially trapped in a state where it both is and is not. The energy that would normally flow to make up its form and thought is instead just spilling out in the general area, but the flow isn't stopping because it's not dead. The potential still exists, and so the flows keep spilling out and sublimating back into the Winds of Magic if not contained.

It doesn't stagnate (Which is what leads to Dhar) because if it's contained, the magic thinks that it's where it's supposed to be instead of just sinking and melt together. In short, it literally tricks reality into spilling out a portion of pure magical energy, which can be tapped at need, though the actual production rate is fixed and any that isn't used just dissolves harmlessly back into the Immaterium.
Hmm. As a note to temper expectations... we don't know that the stream will be everlasting. How much raw Qhyash does an Asp have in it? Is that even the right question?

I'm kind of in favour of hurrying back to our College for the Trial in case it does cut off.
Given the QM said it was a Schrodinger's snake, it unlikely for the flow to stop. The snake is not dying, but rather simultaneously dead and alive at the same time reinforcing the box is a good idea though.

Edit: Smoke Knighted.
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