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Edit: Oh, I just realized I said they died fighting Sigmar, instead of fighting Chaos. Fixed. Witch Hunters don't @ me.
I mean to be fair its still fairly cringeworthy that they needed to justify why Sigmar's the only god and all the others are just chaos in hats and came up with that reason.

Like yes, their fanfic version of Sigmar is so personally powerful that he's managing to do what he with a bunch of other gods couldn't do, but he also isn't so strong that the CG aren't puppetting the cults of all the other gods despite him keeping them in the wastes.

It reminds me of the rise of Satan in protestantism, where he went from the more suppressed frozen up to his nips in the ice satan that we see in things like the divine comedy, very much weaker than god, to an active force that is out there doing harm, despite the fact that yes he's weaker than god guys, he's just gods test!

We have to justify the enemy while exemplifying the badassness of the one true god and kinda works I guess.
As the third Anton in a row, he has the informal generational suffix of 'the third', often shortened to 'III'. He is also the heir apparent to the Barony of Blutdorf and would be the third Anton to hold that title, which when he inherits would give him the formal regnal number of III and make him Baron Anton III of Blutdorf. If there had been a Baron Anton of Blutdorf before those that have appeared in the quest, this Anton would still be Anton III but upon inheritance would be Baron Anton IV of Blutdorf.

Imma call him Trip for short.
If there is one thing about Disdain for Sigmar that I regret it is that we likely will never get to dive into the theology of the Man God and his works. I mean there are al sorts of odd magical and mystical aspects of that that a sufficiently trusted wizard could look into: piles of books and scrolls claimed from heretics and donated by the faithful, works of dawi artifice made into foci of Sigmarite faith, hell they have Vlad von Carstein in their basement. Can you imagine doing a paper on 'this is what I learned about the chained up vampire progenitor'? :V

And the funny thing is we might have gotten there if fate had been even just a little kinder. If Van Hall had not died, if he had been healed and regained his faith we would have easily followed him into the path of Sigmaritism free from the politics of the Grand Theogonist. Hell when you think about if faith in Sigmar is not really that opposed to Ranald, not compared to say Verena or even Myrmidia.

Actually thinking about all this I just got an idea @Boney where does the hammer Ghral Maraz suaully reside? Is is always in public where it would be missed, or can be Emperor let us... borrow it for a bit. Obviously I do not mean Lutipold but when/if Mandred becomes Emepror perhaps we might be able to spring for some alone time with it. It would be a hell of a flex to write a paper on it, even if it would be classified.
If there is one thing about Disdain for Sigmar that I regret it is that we likely will never get to dive into the theology of the Man God and his works. I mean there are al sorts of odd magical and mystical aspects of that that a sufficiently trusted wizard could look into: piles of books and scrolls claimed from heretics and donated by the faithful, works of dawi artifice made into foci of Sigmarite faith, hell they have Vlad von Carstein in their basement. Can you imagine doing a paper on 'this is what I learned about the chained up vampire progenitor'? :V

And the funny thing is we might have gotten there if fate had been even just a little kinder. If Van Hall had not died, if he had been healed and regained his faith we would have easily followed him into the path of Sigmaritism free from the politics of the Grand Theogonist. Hell when you think about if faith in Sigmar is not really that opposed to Ranald, not compared to say Verena or even Myrmidia.

Actually thinking about all this I just got an idea @Boney where does the hammer Ghral Maraz suaully reside? Is is always in public where it would be missed, or can be Emperor let us... borrow it for a bit. Obviously I do not mean Lutipold but when/if Mandred becomes Emepror perhaps we might be able to spring for some alone time with it. It would be a hell of a flex to write a paper on it, even if it would be classified.

The Grey Order isn't allowed to know where it's kept because they stole it that one time.
Do you mean Dieter IV? is this what the Grey Order hid when you mentioned the he tried to sell off the imperial regalia?

...How the heck did that guy survived long enough to be formally deposed?
Technically, it was only stated that he tried to steal it when he was deposed and fleeing to Talabecland.

Though it wouldn't exactly be surprising if he was hocking it on a street corner by the week after.
His family was powerful enough to get someone like him on the throne in the first place.

At least, they were.
Dieter's father (Leopold Unfahiger I think?) got the throne after Magnus the Pious, which is one hell of an Emperor to succeed. Dieter got the throne because he was the Emperor's Heir, which gave him an advantage, and he probably didn't do enough by that point to twist people's opinion for him so he was a "safe" choice.
Isn't he stored as a big pile of ashes, just to be sure? He died crumbling into dust, I don't think the Sigmarites tried to change that state of affair.

I seemed to recall he died under the body of the Theogonist being impaled on the same iron spike. I think he is chained up and starving but not ash because the Cult does not know if there is any part of him out of their control. If they turn what they have to ash than any Vlad Ash that is in the wilds of Silvania might be as good a place to grow a new Vlad.
I seemed to recall he died under the body of the Theogonist being impaled on the same iron spike. I think he is chained up and starving but not ash because the Cult does not know if there is any part of him out of their control. If they turn what they have to ash than any Vlad Ash that is in the wilds of Silvania might be as good a place to grow a new Vlad.
I thought he was dusted by the sun, maybe I'm wrong.
The exact circumstances were never relevant to the story. Even in End Times, when he comes back to life, Nagash's revival temporarily made him a god and gave him complete control of Shyish (so much so that the Amethyst college turned to dust and all Amethyst Wizard keeled over dead), and Nagash basically revived Vlad with a fart. Not even the best defences in the Empire can win over Nagash's Authorial Fiat in the End Times.

To be fair, it is basically the only time he wins. Every depiction of Nagash before End Times is basically him being hyped up before he fails spectacularly. Even his model was a joke that people made fun of.
And also, because armour needs to move and you need to take it on and off and no one welds armour together! WTF 4e? Did the writers look up armour and find stuff about tank armour being welded and just run with it?
Heh, look at these Umgi, they haven't even worked out how to put on and take off welded armour yet. No wonder everything they make is so flimsy. :rolleyes:
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