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At which point the Shallyans would beat the Everchosen's head in. Everchosen follow all four Chaos Gods after all.

Right, their one exception to the Pacifism Rule is anything/everything related to Nurgle.

"I am not related to Nurgle, honest-not lying, can you help-aid me stupid-merciful lady? Yes-yes."

"I iz urt. Elp me git my elff before I crump."

"Ah, sweet mademoiselle, I am an elf, like any other. Can you heal me, and perhaps we can engage in sexual intercourse after?"

(I am not putting a vampire here because they may run afoul the never halt a soul principle, but these other edge use cases described certainly seem to have no loopholes to NOT get healed)
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Out of curiosity, how many decorative skull adornments are on Mathilde's clothes and armour?
More important question that must be answered @Boney.

Does Mathy ever where the decorative skull 💀

Because if the skull thing is as prevalent as canon and the RPGs. Then She most have, at lest at some of the bigger events like the lectures or that college party.
No, Grey Wizard formal dress is a sword on one hip and a book holster on the other.
Plus, I'm pretty sure we made Mathilde's current robes on-screen.
Never refuse healing to a supplicant genuinely in need.

Supplicant: A person making a humble or earnest plea to someone in power or authority.

If a Skaven or an Ork or a Druchii manages to convince a Shallyan that they are genuinely supplicating themselves towards Shallya, then and only then does the Shallyan have the duty to heal them.
So what separates a true supplication from "plz heal"? Besides genuinely wanting to be healed, what other mentalities must the petitioner have?
Genuine willingness to adopt the worship of Shallya, which is generally believed to be incompatible with continuing to worship the Chaos Gods, the Horned Rat, Gork and Mork, and so on.
Interestingly, that means if they did, the Shallyans wouldn't be mean about it and treat them just as well… as least according to their scriptures.
Does divine magic work the same way as wind-based magic, with arcane marks and whatnot?
Because Mathilde seems to channel/borrow power from a lot of deities. And if any divine magic is going to jive with Ulgu it's gonna be Ranald's.

Close enough that there's no chance of wielding divine magic.

There is absolutely no possibility of Mathilde ever wielding Divine Magic, at all, under any circumstances, ever.

If I had to guess why blessings were fine, its cause Mathilde isn't the one manipulating the energies, and the blessings themselves are probably 'external' so as not to interfere with her ulgu soul.

Or its just cause they're gods and can do what they want.
While that was about carrying an actual skull around, I was pondering where we've got small skull icons adorning our trappings like this guy's (ignore the skull hanging from his hip). I could've worded it more accurately.
Our clothes would probably be more in Karaz Ankor styles, I don't know if they have skull aesthetics also.
Maybe the markings on our robes that signify our rank include skulls?
"Ah, sweet mademoiselle, I am an elf, like any other. Can you heal me, and perhaps we can engage in sexual intercourse after?"
Oh no, the dark elves have learned about the "be blatantly interested in fucking the shallyan so they send you the old lady shallyans, and thus the most experienced shallyans, and thus you get better healing" trick! (An actual canonical thing experienced adventurers in warhams do.)
A Letter from Anton
To My Dearest Friend.

First of all, my last Loremaster to D4, taking your Dragon... But yes, I did notice that your archer will be taking my Everqueen in your next move after I lifted my hand, But I'm not too fond of cheating, so that's game. The first move of the next game is yours.

I must say, Mathy, that while I know when I introduced you to the current trend of High Elf(Asur, yes?) chess and its rules, you would be beating me in short order. But I at least wanted to win the first few games. You are a tyrant, I say! How can you be so cruel to your old friend?

So to start in earnest.

I'm glad to hear that you are in good health and that your project with the wood elves (was that Enoir or Eonir, I would hate to get it wrong if they are truly trying to make friends with us.) is going swimmingly, Though I do wish you could actually tell me what it's about, writing that 'there was a problem in Ostermark, I fixed it, so Kislav agreed to send me their magic wielders' is more worry inducing then illuminating. And don't think I don't know you are doing it on purpose. While I won't hide that it would be my wish to have you back in Striland with myself and Wil, at least King Iornhammer was happy to let you reveal your projects and adventures.

Speaking of Wil, she is in good health as well, But if you have the time, it would be a good idea to see her. she would never say it, But the empty house is hitting her much harder than it did when her boys left, she lives in her office these days, and not just because she is as bad a workaholic as yourself.

In other news: You will be glad to hear that ' wizard chic' has finally started to die out, at least in Stirland. Having so many actual wizards running around getting offended by it seems to be finally getting to the youngsters. (odd, to say 'the youngster's, the time has truly flown from that day crowding around the one good fire.) but I'm happy to say that a new, and more personally mortifying for you, trended has replaced it.

One day, as I was in Wurtbad to sort out some issues with double taxing some of the shepherds whose roams cross a border with one of my neighbours, good old Gustav von Jungfreud, still as wilded and active as ever (I would think he had a wizards condition if his waist-band wasn't losing ground to a gut that is at odds with the muscles of his arms and legs and still dark hair) sits down next to me to share a drink in one of the new lounges (the room was the one Greatswords found that monstrous badger nesting in the corner) to share a drink. And as we talked, he let me know of a funny new tradition among the Pistoliers.

It seems that the young lads and lasses have come up with the idea that whenever one of them has to ride a message past a village or town suspected to have necromancer or vampire sneaking around (so most of Sylvania still), the rider will be given use of the fastest black stead, stuffed into a long grey cloak and hood, and have smoking wick-ropes of hemp tided to themselves and the beast to create a hazy effect around them.

They would then ride passed the place, possible stop and linger menacingly insight of the place if it was safe enough, before riding off; later removing it all and putting it into a bag before the next town so that the figure seemed to just disappeared.

Most hilariously, it has worked at least two times, the villains revelling themselves in their hasty attempt to escape 'The Riders'.

If you have a message to send to them about this, I would be happy to deliver it.

As for myself and Blutdorf, All is peaceful, barring that issue around overtaxing those poor shepherds, but these types of 'two-step forward, one step back' issues seem just to be a part of running an estate. We struggled to make sure that the taxes were paid. The young Van Hal is struggling with all taxes being paid, including the stupid and destructive ones that should have gone years ago. But I got it sorted and sent them some old bottles of wine from the cellar.

They can sell it and make their year, or drink it if they prefer, but I do think they are happy now.

Dad is doing well, a little less with me every day, But happy and enjoying his hunting.

I could use your counsel on something; Reinhild has been a bit cold the last few weeks or so after a visit from her father; I was honest when I said that I am content with our special friendship, But I also do not hate the idea of it changing in the future if things just happen that way, I just don't see the need to chase it.

But she most defiantly hates the idea, possible the very concept of marriage and children itself. I think she may have grown up with the assumption that it would be the death of her dreams and ambitions, and while I would hope that I never give such an impression that I would take her first love from her, that gut revolution has stayed.

Funny that we are at our closest, when the things that could bind us are farthest away.

If this cold shoulder goes on, I would ask you, do I confront her and assure her that I have no intentions on vows and contracts and would never go behind her back to make dealing with her family in such a way? Or do I just stay back and let the storm blow over? my instinct has always been straight honesty, But I am wise enough to now know that my 'legendary' charm was ignorance mixed with luck; I'm not so sure the luck sticks when I know what's wrong.

Waiting for your reply, and news about your planned date through an actually magical forest.

your loyal friend.
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Anton is still too good for this world. All the Chaos and non-Chaos gods are conspiring to prevent him from siring children. The Chaos ones because they fear what said child will be like, and the non-Chaos ones because they fear said child seeing a world not fit for their brand of cinnamon bun.
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While I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment I do not think his name is actually Anton III. That is what historians call nobles and kings to distinguish them from their predecessors, but one is not generally refereed to as that in life.
Look, a compromise has to be made. His grandfather is alive and named Anton Senior. His father is alive and named Anton Jr. What are we supposed to call him? Anton Sophomore?

Young Anton.

The Heir.

Anton the [insert feat here].

Anton. (distinguished from Senior and Junior due to not having any further name thing attached)

The Counts lad.

That kinda stuff.
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