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It' like watching Am Capones Chicago Empire fall down after a through cleaning by the FBI and IRS.

Very well executed and whoever left better shut up about there involvement or else.

Also what should we get? Ask to have our college debt taken care of? I really like the Knighthood idea personally.
Man, everyone should be impressed with us after that. That kind of raid is probably not something anyone would have been expecting, Mathilde must be coming off as some kind of genius mastermind to everyone.
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So, about our snakey buddy?

Mail back to the Colleges with a note saying something about it being a good study tool?

Or just keep on hand?
Private Report: "So I trapped the snake, and eventually its death spasms seemed to stop. I didn't want to open it and check, but it does seem to be leaking a mysterious fluid that is all colors and none which evaporates in open air. I'm not sure what to do with it. I guess for now I'll just keep bottling it. I've got about four gallons of the stuff by now. ... Maybe I can rent a warehouse, instead of keeping it in my house. ... Outside the city, maybe?"
We should definitely ship some of that snake goo off to the College when we can.

For the boon... I dunno, maybe a holiday to put more training time in? Learn a proper shadow spell, train with the greatswords, spend some time helping our fellow advisors, finally get enchanting equipment God damn.
Aw FUCK yes, shenanigans success!
Thoughts on Boons:
[] Increase in personal pay
-runs into vow of poverty
[] Increase in discretionary income
-do we really need it?
[] A holiday (no assignment next turn)
-what the heck would we even do with ourselves?
[] Knighthood (???)
-oooooh, intriguing. Are wizards allowed to hold title?
[] Sheep! (substantial confiscated grazelands, many sheep, and related woolworking infrastructure in Wodern)
-runs into vow of poverty
[] Trading company (found a new trading company in the vacuum using the League's confiscated resources, with the official backing of Stirland)
-runs into vow of poverty
[] Serving Stirland is reward enough
-kiss ass.
The Trading company has some intelligence benefits. Probably would want a new lieutenant to run the financial side, though.
We can't get titles.
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Let's throw a party for the greatswords, those brave bastards shall become our most loyal of friends!

Which reminds me of an idea for the boon I had but forgot to add to the list, that I've edited in now: your own small military force that answers only to you. Number of men under arms will depend on type, you could get a shitload of archers or a handful of elite outriders or anywhere in between.
So now that it's made it's appearance, I'll reveal the snakerolls: for every action there was a one in ten chance of the Thorned One manifesting during it. It's been a long time since I used probability mathematics but I figured a one in ten chance rolled six times a turn should prove to be a pretty substantial handicap.

It failed every single roll until this turn. The first time Ranald got it, and the second time was just in time for it to be trapped in eternal snake hell.

So, yeah.
somewhere out there in the Chaos Wastes Egrimm van Horstmann just flipped his scrying table over and starting ranting
Oh my.

Is that trapped snek leaking pure Qhyash by dint of being caught in a state where it's neither dead or alive?

We just hit the jackpot in terms of a magical reagent source. Derpwizard indeed.
Just popping in to say that this quest is a gem and I look forward to every update despite having only found it last week and reading it yesterday. Praise Ranald for this fortune!
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For the boon... I dunno, maybe a holiday to put more training time in? Learn a proper shadow spell, train with the greatswords, spend some time helping our fellow advisors, finally get enchanting equipment God damn.
I like the idea of asking Van Hal to make his nobles donate some of their wizard swag to the actual wizard!

But I think you guys should seriously consider
[] Sheep! (substantial confiscated grazelands, many sheep, and related woolworking infrastructure in Wodern)

Sheep are a valuable commodity, I'm told, and now we have a serious surplus.
Well we now have a use for that empty room!

~ ~ ~
"Hey, Matilde, what's in that room?"

"Oh nothing of importance."

"Come now, please tell me? I'll buy you some Wizard Chic."

"Now especially not."

"I kid, but actually."

"Fine, it's filled with gallons of liquid."

"Liquid? That's ominous coming from a Spymaster slash Wizard."

"I'd tell you if I knew for sure. See, this magic snake ... thing is trapped in this box and keeps leaking liquid. I have about twelve gallons of it in that room."

"Sounds like an excessive amount of goo."

"It probably is, but I don't know what else to do with it."

"Use it as paint."

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