Karag Dum: the Third Schism of the Karaz Ankor, including Observations on the Shadowgave, by L.M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), Thane Borek Forkbeard (Karag Dum), Prince Asarnil (Caledor), L.M.(E). Ljiljana (H.L.V.), Head Ranger Snorri Farstrider (Karak Kadrin), Head Engineer Gotrek Gurnisson (S·T·T·L), Preceptor Joerg von Zavstra (K. Taal's Fury), Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart the Younger (Ulrikadrin), M. Egrimm van Horstmann (Light), M. Esber (Amber) & M. Seija (Amber), M. Johann (Gold), M. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), M. Michel Solmann (Celestial), J. Alexandra Kohler (Bright), J. Barbitus (Light), J. Citharus (Light), J. Cyrston von Danling (Jade), J. Timpania (Light), 2487.
Observations on the Borderlands of Chaos, by L.M. Mathilde Weber (Grey), M. Egrimm van Horstmann (Light), M. Esber (Amber) & M. Seija (Amber), M. Johann (Gold), M. Maximilian de Gaynesford (Gold), M. Michel Solmann (Celestial), J. Alexandra Kohler (Bright), J. Barbitus (Light), J. Citharus (Light), J. Cyrston von Danling (Jade), J. Timpania (Light), 2487.