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Man, I'm still kind of amazed at that interrupt though. We almost certainly saved Lily's life, even if we failed to immediately wreck Drycha with it. And then still slowed down her escape.

Yay for befriending Ice Witches?
Honestly I am down for everything except for Pursue in this situation, even wounded this is not a 1v1 in the enemies preferred turf we want to take
In about 10 years time from now a chaos sorcerer is going to take over Blutdorf and turn all the children into an army of tiny mutants.
…Why? I mean, ignoring the morality because chaos sorceror, an army of tiny anything probably isn't very useful unless you're playing super stealth or something, which is kind of discounted by them being mutants. That's not just horrible, it's dumb.
Honestly I am down for everything except for Pursue in this situation, even wounded this is not a 1v1 in the enemies preferred turf we want to take
Thing is, it's not her preferred turf. It's a turf where she was already getting debuffs.
Dragonflask takes too long. Pursuing is a terrible idea. Attacking could work... But the first reaction should always be to counterspell.
"Stronger" does not mean "invincible".

Drycha seems weak now only because she flubbed all her investigation prep-work and accidentally over-committed to a deep-strike behind enemy lines that got foiled because an invisible mage with the backing of literal divine intervention that she had no idea existed got the drop on her with a cannon sword.

Also keep in mind that the only reason she's fleeing currently is because she has maybe five seconds before the entire Kislevite army comes down on her. If we were fighting her solo, even with her being literally cut in half, something tells me that we wouldn't be feeling so dismissive.
Huh, Blutdorf was in a G&F book.

Everything about the situation has probably been butterflied- Anton as ruler, the EIC, the gun factory, those are all pretty big shake-ups.

Yeah, it was one of the short stories in Troll Slayer. In that timeline, Blutdorf was a small village with no real contact with the rest of the empire—hence why the sorcerer was able to take control without anyone finding out and stopping him until Gotrek and Felix wandered in during their travels.
Mathy knows she was the leader of the force and I am betting that if we get Imperial and maybe Bretonian books on the Asrai we will find out that there is only one user of the wind of shadow among the spirits of that strange wood
I don't think books would contain this level of detail.
Keep in mind how few people can see the winds. A Brettonian who can see which wind drycha is using is a damsel, and if they write books, i don't think they're the kind we can easily get access to.
And i doubt that anyone got close enough to drycha to recognise that it's the same dryad.
Ulgu is very good at not being famous, if you don't want to be.
Right over your blade.

With inhuman speed it twists in mid-air to avoid the swing of Branulhune, and what would have been a fatal swoop turns into an ungainly tumble as it skids through mud and leaf litter. Ljiljana turns with a fistful of ice, redirecting her stream of frost at this new foe, and it is forced to skitter backwards on all fours to avoid it. Heads turn and a cry goes up as the Kreml Guard notice this unexpected intruder behind their lines.
its ok, no one saw it
I don't think books would contain this level of detail.
Keep in mind how few people can see the winds. A Brettonian who can see which wind drycha is using is a damsel, and if they write books, i don't think they're the kind we can easily get access to.
And i doubt that anyone got close enough to drycha to recognise that it's the same dryad.
Ulgu is very good at not being famous, if you don't want to be.
We can get books from the Eonir, though.

If anyone would know, it'd be them.
Reason for Pursue in my mind

Hunt sequence: I really enjoy reading these parts especially when gods get involved which is more likely to happen when in liminal realms

God interactions: My personal favourite part of warhammer and likely bonuses for us

Elf integration: Multiple gods worshipped when performing tasks in their image, Hunting; Ulric, Taal for the continuance of Mathilde's integration to other societies

Death in warp-like spaces: Harder for Drycha to ignore physical damage if spirit intertwined in body closer to warp etc.

Shinies: Drycha could have possessions in the liminal realm hidden away Fang of Taalroth perhaps.

Hostile space to Drycha: It wanted her out maybe it would support or atleast ignore something hunting it.
I would normally assume Drycha has tons of experience with Ulgu and could beat Mathilde in a counterspell duel, but seeing Drycha's unmodified Martial and Intrigue, I'm not making any assumptions anymore. She might have Learning 20 for all I know.
Skill doesn't increase linearly with age—everyone has a physical peak they reach at some point. For Drycha, that appears to be in the 20-25 range. For most humans, that's the 10-15 range. For human heroes, that's 15-25.
She didn't feel like a millennia-old super powerful dryad, a potted plant would have been more troublesome. She will probably fumble her rolls or something and die just
I don't think it's that at all
I think her stats situation are similar to Kazador
[King Kazador vs Unknown Skaven Commander, Northern Defences: Martial, 60+15+20(Thunderhorn)+10(Master Rune of Dismay)=105 vs 68+15+10(Desperate)-10(Communications Cut)-10(Intimidated)-10(Completely Isolated)=63.]
Kazador has a raw martial of 15, which is rather unimpressive for a warrior King renown for how he's been leading his Throng to terrorize the Orcs and Goblins all around his mountains
But that's because his actual effective Martial score is tied up in his traits, which apply when he's specifically leading his Throng from the front

Drycha is similar
Her bonus seems unimpressive, a mere 20 martial and 25 intrigue
But she is likely loaded with traits that massively boost her actual effective bonuses, but only in the right circumstances, we even see one of them: Hidden Watcher
Were this Athel Loren, or a similar forest that wasn't actively rejecting her I'd bet the Intrigue bonus at least would have been even higher than the effective 35 it was sitting at

It is notable that Drycha has fought outside of Athel Loren before, so what gives with her lackluster abilities? But I think I can guess the answer there
She just wasn't prepared for this fight and wasn't taking it very seriously, because as we saw in the last update she was expecting a few isolated villages

If she had been expecting serious resistance then she probably would have worked to stack the deck in her favor
What that would entail I'm not sure, maybe given time and effort she could have suborned the local forest to her will, allowing her homefield advantage traits to come into effect
Maybe she could have brought items of power from Athel Loren
Who knows
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Spellcasting does take some time - we've seen a good dwarven artillery crew aim a gun to our direction and fire in time to interrupt a spell before. An emergency escape spell is presumably faster than whatever battle spell the vampire was trying but there should still be plenty of time for dragonflask.

On the other hand, Drycha is casting with hostile forest and cut in half maluses which should help with counterspelling.

On the gripping hand we're already holding a sword an within a couple of paces.
…Why? I mean, ignoring the morality because chaos sorceror, an army of tiny anything probably isn't very useful unless you're playing super stealth or something, which is kind of discounted by them being mutants. That's not just horrible, it's dumb.

In fairness, the Sorcerer was a University of Altdorf drop out, so he wasn't very bright to begin with. If I remember correctly, he first took the children as hostages, then did experiments on them to understand the nature of mutations, and then realised he basically had a mutant army now, so why not use it?

The "plot twist" of the story was that the children Gotrek and Felix had attempted to save had been turned into mutants and then killed by them as they fought their way through the sorcerers lair.

... it's one of the weaker Gotrek and Felix stories, in my opinion.
I think we should go for sword rather than counter spell we already know we have better marshal then her we don't know if we have better lore.
We can get books from the Eonir, though.

If anyone would know, it'd be them.
I'm not sure of that. Did they ever fight Athel Loren, or have contacts with the Asrai? Both of those people are extremely isolationists and far from each other. I don't know if the Eonir had that many occasions of learning about Drycha.
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