Fantasy Addict
- Pronouns
- She/Her
By the way, as confusing as it is that one of our Ducklings has a spell of the exact same name:
It should be noted that this is another example of the RPG toning down Battle Magic spells and throwing them in the RPG without changing the name. So you get Flaming Sword of Rhuin, which gives you the caster a flame sword, but it doesn't even compare to the BM Flaming Sword of Rhuin, which boosts all the weapons of all the people in a unit in a long range. This includes both ranged and close combat weapons, making them all fiery and magical.Flame Saber: Adela is growing increasingly skilled with the Flaming Sword of Rhuin.
We all know the whole Fireball debacle, but at least there you can differentiate between Fireball and Fire Ball. Two very different spellings. Clearly.