Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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With Mira, we're getting paid in exposure. Every other party that we get involved in who is sufficiently dialed in on College politics is going to know that if they ask us for a favor, we aren't going to do the bare minimum but are entirely likely to go above and beyond. Anyone not that dialed in we can refer to Mira as a character reference, and she'll cheerfully sing our praises, as a way of repaying the favor we did her that costs her nothing.

Sure, it would be nice to get paid in exposure and something more concrete, but we prioritized the mission. And that will also factor into the ascended gossip chain about us.
I'm not entirely comfortable with hanging a giant target on Mathilde's back for Alric to aim at by going this public. It's one thing for the college secret police to come out of nowhere to wreck your plans, but, hey, who knows what investigations they've been embroiled in and what leads they've followed, and if it happens that them doing their duty ruins your day, well, that's not the secret police's problem.

It's another thing for a Lady Magister of another College to be publicly acknowledged as purposefully meddling in your plans to gain the favour of a political rival of yours.
Truthfully if we can dissapear him for questioning I would want to capture him.
Mathilde has the authority to make that happen.
Enough authority to keep Alric from sticking his nose into the interrogation if he wants to? I expect that given everything he is going to want get at least some closure.
When it's a former Elector Count fallen to Chaos, Algard absolutely would stonewall Alric to keep that secret buried. This is the sort of nightmare scenario the Grey Order was made to make disappear.
We can make pretty firmly sure that the Empress's secret stays safe...

[X] Capture: Mockery of Death
[X] Capture: Reinforcements

So let's go for the gold! A new Great Deed would be a wonderful resource for assisting the Waystone Project.
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This just occured to me, but a ring is very small. A gauntlet or bangle/big bracelet might be easier to enchant?

Edit: the Amythist anti undead spell + fog spell appeals a lot to me, as it takes two spell effects to make something very new, unlike "laser beam attack, but leadup is hard to notice" which is not as impressive to me.

Dunno how to find the windherding ideas post to link tho, srry .
its hard to come up with ideas when I don't know the ground rules.

but we wont learn the ground rules until we start withe the basics
I'm not sold on this whole "combining effects" approach to Windherding. It seems like shooting too high from zero.

We know that at the petty level, any wind can be made to do just about anything. As the first step, I'd much prefer enchanting something with the same effect from two different winds that go about the task differently and observe the interaction, then slowly scale up and see what issues arise.

As for asking additional payment from Mira, I'd argue against it on the basis that we didn't do it for Mira but for Heidi and we know ranald isn't cheap.
'Imperial Politics' came within a couple of votes of victory twice over in the job selection vote, which is a rather far sight from how necromancy options tend to go.
Sure the Imperial Politics had a lot of voters going for it, but the Necromancy faction has spirit!
its hard to come up with ideas when I don't know the ground rules.

but we wont learn the ground rules until we start withe the basics
Boney's long had a basic maxim of "putting a spell into a small item is harder than a larger item", so I'm fairly confident a ring is harder than a gauntlet, or even a bit of metal that attaches to a gauntlet.

Not that this is particularly relevant to the spell idea, which I rather like.
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@Boney For tying up loose ends, does Alric have any reason to suspect Heidi's identity is fake? I think Alric was hoping to gain the Empress' patronage so he shouldn't suspect her, but thread speculation has me unsure if Alric actually has different motives.

Not that Mathilde knows of, but Mathilde knows very little about what Alric may or may not know.

Also @Boney Will Mathilde be informing Heidi about this Alberich event after its resolved?

Who is informed of what will be decided later.

I have a question though, @Boney are we keeping the Vitae secret or could we experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments as a WEB-MAT action with Egrim?

If so we could just swap my plan around a little and do the Vitae enchantment with Egrim and the Nut with Panoramia.

It's not something you want to be broadcasting since it does have a whiff of daemonology about it, but as your employee Egrimm would be expected to not sweat the small stuff.

I've been so forced on smashing to spells together I've ignored Lore attributes and Masteries, not just Mathys, both other wizards.

@Boney am I way off?

Masteries and lore attributes are valid for Windherding, though Windherding a Mastery means you're stacking two increases in difficulty.

Tbf we haven't really been involved in Imperial politics, but that's because we didn't care not because we couldn't. As you said we do have the connections and the weight. Just not the drive I feel like. (aka boney doesn't want to write Imperial politics when we choose elf and before that dwarf.)

This isn't about what Boney wants, it's what the thread wants, and the Waystone Project won the vote. And Mathilde physically cannot be in two places at once, so she can't simultaneously dedicated herself to the Waystone Project and to Nuln and to Sylvania and to the Empress. If you chase two rabbits, you catch none.

To be clear, the above is a guess at Boney's motivations. It also makes sense for the in universe flavor, but I assume making it so it actually gets used was the primary intention. Otherwise, it would be a bitch to handle. Either Boney has to stop for a vote each time a chance to use it comes up, or else decide himself and get bitched at for a miscast (and understandably), or allow super complicated conditional action plans and probably still get bitched at.

The first option kneecaps the pacing and is unfun for everyone, the second option produces lots of strife and is especially unfun for Boney, and the final option makes GMing a chore, probably still causes lots of strife, and is still unfun for Boney. I suspect Boney was quite glad that the thread didn't really go for BM (I think even learning the first was a result of the dice deciding Mathilde was cleared now while she was trying to learn a bunch of random spells). And then the staff allowed the option of BM that also avoid this issue, at the cost of restricting which spells can be used (at non-BM difficulty). Which I suspect is one reason why an effect that powerful even turned up, for all that the roll was quite good, that first try staff is still comparable to Kragg's work where the impact on Mathilde's style is concerned.

@Boney Out of curiosity, did you have any plans for how to handle it if the thread did decide to learn BM spells back when Mathilde couldn't safely cast them? I don't think it's going to happen nowadays, but I don't remember what the sentiment was back then. But it sounds like a total pain for a GM, and I really don't know how I'd handle it.
(I'm also curious if I got your motivation/thoughts correct, and whether that was a concern)

I think this sort of thing is overstated. I'm given tacit permission for Mathilde to get up to life-endangering shenanigans every time the thread sticks her on a battlefield, and at that point Battle Magic would become valid for Mathilde to use without polling the thread whenever the risk of failing is less than the danger of not attempting, because the thread would have signed off on that possibility when they added that tool to her belt.
I want to kill him for following Slaanesh but I also want to find out who was helping him. If we kill him without the ported knowing they will bring the body to where they were suppose to be. Which means we can find more cultist of Slannesh to kill. Which is good for the empire, chaos, and Mathilde reputation. The only thing is Mathilde will also have a lot of Slaanesh followers max at her. First she destroyed that horrible demons trapped Karak, bringing it back to the materium. Now she is stopping a dedication to Slaanesh.
Username confirmed? :V

[x] Kill: Shadow Knives
whiff of daemonology
Ahem. Surely thou meanst Apparitionology. =P ;)
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And Mathilde physically cannot be in two places at once

Hmm. I have recently been reading some fics and novels where it is actually an option for some characters, like creating constructs that consciousness can be projected into, or outright clones with a unified mind behind them.

Is it something theoretically achievable using WH magic in general, and Mathilde's magic (plus Windherding) specifically?
Hmm. I have recently been reading some fics and novels where it is actually an option for some characters, like creating constructs that consciousness can be projected into, or outright clones with a unified mind behind them.

Is it something theoretically achievable using WH magic in general, and Mathilde's magic (plus Windherding) specifically?

Fairly sure we're already doing that with Wolf, but I suspect the range is limited, so we couldn't send him to advise the Emperor on policy whilst we nerd out with the elves, or vise versa.
Hmm. I have recently been reading some fics and novels where it is actually an option for some characters, like creating constructs that consciousness can be projected into, or outright clones with a unified mind behind them.

Is it something theoretically achievable using WH magic in general, and Mathilde's magic (plus Windherding) specifically?
... There's certain phenomena in Warhammer that could theoretically allow for such things. The Lore of the Hedge has a spell that lets you astrally project and leave your body behind, though the body becomes unresponsive to any stimuli. And there is a mutation where you literally split off and grow an identical clone of yourself.

For fairly self-evident reasons, neither of these avenues are available for an Imperial Wizard to pursue, Lady Magister or no.
Hmm. I have recently been reading some fics and novels where it is actually an option for some characters, like creating constructs that consciousness can be projected into, or outright clones with a unified mind behind them.

Is it something theoretically achievable using WH magic in general, and Mathilde's magic (plus Windherding) specifically?

Most implementations of this wouldn't get around only being in one place at once, merely making it so that travel time between places is effectively instant. For a human to be working on two different things in two different places at the same time would require radically altering the nature of their consciousness, and the list of beings and powers capable of making those alterations is very Daemon-y.
@Jyn Ryvia what about an object that combines Burning Shadows and Radiant Sentinel. Instead of parrying it carries around something to cast a shadow and burn anything near you. We already built a super weapon that uses burning shadows, now make a portable weapon.
@Boney is something like this possible? I'm imagining some kind of floating shadow lantern, maybe only facing in one direction like a spotlight if needed for targeting. I'm specifically wondering about if attaching something physical to the light is even possible, about removing the automatic parrying, and about targeting. For targeting would it be able to target enemies because the base spell can detect them to parry attacks? Would it just be aimed in a direction and attack anything in that direction? Would there have to be something so it does not damage the user if manually aimed?
@Boney is something like this possible? I'm imagining some kind of floating shadow lantern, maybe only facing in one direction like a spotlight if needed for targeting. I'm specifically wondering about if attaching something physical to the light is even possible, about removing the automatic parrying, and about targeting. For targeting would it be able to target enemies because the base spell can detect them to parry attacks? Would it just be aimed in a direction and attack anything in that direction? Would there have to be something so it does not damage the user if manually aimed?

Try it and find out.
Sure the Imperial Politics had a lot of voters going for it, but the Necromancy faction has spirit!

Boney's long had a basic maxim of "putting a spell into a small item is harder than a larger item", so I'm fairly confident a ring is harder than a gauntlet, or even a bit of metal that attaches to a gauntlet.

Not that this is particularly relevant to the spell idea, which I rather like.
Yeah, I have to agree here. I like the core idea inherent in the Ring of Sudden Dawn, of a weapon that's unobtrusive until it's very suddenly very obvious, (especially with how it seems to vaguely call back to one of Number None's trinkets for me) but with just how often we see talk of size coming into play with enchantments, even in the narrative of the windherding update itself, ("the enchantment was only saved because Egrimm was able to fit everything into the handrest" and all that) that the most iffy bit to me seems to be the "ring" portion of it.

If you put that on a cuirass for a chest beam laser? or a cloak and its clasp? (or, yes, a gauntlet or long glove) I think it's more likely to work, at least at our current level of skill with windherding.
I'm wondering how well people actually understand the favor economy here.
Favour is abstraction, it does not allow us to walk up to a specific mage and get things from them.
There is a very clear difference between someone doing something generally useful asking around if anyone would have time to help them with a thing, and us doing a pro active "favour" to a specific magister and then asking them to pay us afterwards when we have made no prior agreement, especially when we already negotiated with her for favours earlier.
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