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I'd say more divine mystery if you want to be nitpicky about it, but true we still did get something out of it, both OOC and IC. So I'm not overly bothered about the truth things anymore, but it is a shame that the whole crystal part won't likely be expanded upon.
Also… I'm not sure we lose the research? I don't think Ranald told us to stop or anything, unless I'm missing something?
Why is everyone so excited over this? Sorry, but did i miss something like will they end Chaos? Also, is being twin daughters more significant? What happens if they were sons instead (will they become the human version of Gork and Mork)? Or a girl and a boy? Its alright i guess though do we really need new gods? Also i learned that choughs are a type of crows so thats something as well.
So can we just do this constantly. Not for rewards mind you but as a treat for ranald. Like having a pint with a friend. We Crack open a cold one and ranald gets divine juice. It's good bonding.
I think they are like, literally 2 years old though, that's why Ranald wanted to make up with the inlaws so bad.

Why 2 years old??

The only major Ranald related event has been stealing Mork's energy which was about a decade ago.

We sacrificed research and got literally divine headpats. I call that a good trade.

We did get an introduction to the family; something which is secret enough that Mathilde with her towering knowledge of lore didn't even have a hint existed.

It might be slightly less broadly revelatory than the Truth option but it is more than headpats.

Pretty sure it's not an invitation to research, unless you call scouring the continents looking for Ranald's Children research. I doubt we're getting them into a lab and looking at them through a microscope.

Not of Their nature but the new face of the Coin is directly useful for making contact with their cults. Ranald wouldn't have given Mathilde a backstage VIP pass if said pass was never expected to be used.
Yeah, this seems pretty legit. New buddies! New friends to talk to! New inroads to divine pals and their followers! We just need to, erm, figure out for sure who they are…
Turn the coin to that face then pray to each of the gods in turn, maybe :V?
Why is everyone so excited over this? Sorry, but did i miss something like will they end Chaos? Also, is being twin daughters more significant? What happens if they were sons instead (will they become the human version of Gork and Mork)? Or a girl and a boy? Its alright i guess though do we really need new gods? Also i learned that choughs are a type of crows so thats something as well.
Has anybody said anything about them being two daughters significant? It's just a thing. Identical twins are typically the same gender (unless one of them is trans).

The reason we're excited is because we know that our friend Ranald has children, which is always a chance for excitement. We like Ranald, and he revealed a pretty deep secret to us. Have you ever had a friend tell you they had children? It's usually pretty fun and exciting. They don't need to end Chaos, it's just nice to hear.
Not of Their nature but the new face of the Coin is directly useful for making contact with their cults. Ranald wouldn't have given Mathilde a backstage VIP pass if said pass was never expected to be used.

It's useful after we make contact as it makes them trust Mathilde. It doesn't help with identifying or finding them.
I don't know, considering we never even knew they existed before now!

There are a large number of minor deities worshipped in the Empire that we neither know nor care about. What difference does adding two more to that pile make?
... Huuuh... This... makes me wonder about things like the, whatchimacallit, the Ellinili once more; those spirits or gods that the Elves say were the offspring of destructive gods.

So... We were given a revelation that gods can have kids. And that Ranald himself has kids.

This raises even more questions about the history of Gods and Cults -- for instance, that one theory that Gods were like venn-diagrams and that either the God himself would deliberately shift his territory around and shift how he presents himself to other cultures or peoples, and theories about Gods rebranding themselves as different Gods later on? (Such as proto-Ranald to Qaph to Ranald.) Now, we also have the possibility that the reason Gods change aren't just because they undergo character development (the way any person would) or cultural change... but also because they give some of their territories away to their heirs, or they die and get replaced by their heirs, and so on.

Also; wtf wtf. There are religions and cults following Ranald's daughters? What? I mean... are they really small gods, and so they mostly keep their heads down? Or is there more reason for them to be secret? What?

... And why did this get revealed to us? What? Was it relevant to some of our goals or the irons we have in the fire, or was it just Ranald deciding to share a secret of his after we shared an accomplishment and secret of our's?

How do gods have kids anyway? Also, do gods adopt kids?

... Did Ulric help raise Sigmar to godhood? Gah. What?
The Children, to my best guess, unless they are already goddesses or established Demigods, might be based on Math and Hilda(I don't think I got her name right)? As they were the ones pretty much established to have been working with at least Ranald...So perhaps it is a more metaphorical/conceptual thing where Math is considered a part of a Daughter?
He could have given Mathilde some sort of sanction, and didn't. Instead He gave Mathilde some related insight on His own terms. That matter of divine fingerprints should be treated as closed.
Fair enough. I just wasn't sure with all the speculation of him probably telling us no that it would actually be a no.

Anyways, sister gods—though we can't really rely on that, given we didn't even know Ranald had family at all—one mostly like Ranald with a bit of Shallya, and one mostly like Shallya with a bit of Ranald. Any ideas?
Has anybody said anything about them being two daughters significant? It's just a thing. Identical twins are typically the same gender (unless one of them is trans).

The reason we're excited is because we know that our friend Ranald has children, which is always a chance for excitement. We like Ranald, and he revealed a pretty deep secret to us. Have you ever had a friend tell you they had children? It's usually pretty fun and exciting. They don't need to end Chaos, it's just nice to hear.

I do think we as a thread should probably treat it as such, we should not expect relevant or useful things out of Ranald's children just for existing. I mean think about it this way, your friend just told you he has kids, is the first reasonable reaction 'How can they help me with my quantum physics research?'
I am quite happy with the outcome. We got headpats and some knowledge, which is more than I wanted, for giving up on yet another project on the backlog we'd never get to.
… damn.

Mathilde: "So here's how I prove I can keep a secret."

Ranald: "Well gosh, pretty impressive. Btw, I'm a dad."

Mathilde: "What."

Ranald: "I'm a man with many facets, okay."

It's more Ranalds all the way down, isn't it. The more we'll find out about him, the more Aspects he'll demonstrate.
So... We were given a revelation that gods can have kids. And that Ranald himself has kids.
I keep seeing this, and I understand that it may be easy to forget, but we've always known that gods can have kids. Or at least that people say they have kids. Manaan is Taal and Rhya's son, Shallya and Myrmidia are Morr and Verena's daughters, Isha is sometimes viewed as Asuryan and Lileath's daughter (lore conflicts flips things around which is weird). The Dwarf Ancestor Gods are well known for having children, but you might consider that different. It's not a particularly new development.
I do think we as a thread should probably treat it as such, we should not expect relevant or useful things out of Ranald's children just for existing. I mean think about it this way, your friend just told you he has kids, is the first reasonable reaction 'How can they help me with my quantum physics research?'
Depends on the tech level of the setting and how handwavy the psychics are, given I could see a Si-fi plot using young children's brains as part of a quantum device, due to the idea of human brains being such quantum machines. Which is unproved and far as I'm aware very unlikely so far. That and how much morals do you throw out the window is of course a given with the former idea.
So, we don't know who the daughters are, but the fact they exist, proves some things about the nature of gods.
1) the relationships between the gods are not just mythical associations created by their followers
2) ranald and shallya have a thing, and not just in Mathilde's romance novel addled mind
3) gods can make more gods, presumably independently of their followers beliefs.

If this is anything like the cytharai Elnill, the daughters are minor goddesses with a domain related to their parent's domains.

@Boney since Ranald altered the painting, is there a trace of divine energy on it? Something we could get a priest to look at?

Also, is Ranald a good painter?
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