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You mean the trip where she almost died more than once and in fact did risk corruption by a daemon? Because I feel that that is evidence that there IS a risk of corruption, even for someone as good as Mathilde. Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean there wasn't a risk, or that there won't be risks in the future if not managed.
Yes, there was a risk of corruption on that trip, and yes, it could have turned out far worse for Mathilde. But guess what? That's true of literally everything we've done in this entire quest. We could have very well died to those wights in Stirland. We could have been mortally wounded beside Abelhelm at Drakenhof. We could have died many times over during the reclamation of Karak Eight Peaks. We could have died to the snake spirit we've got trapped in a mirror box at any point before we trapped it. We could have blown ourselves up with a miscast with any spell we cast, and still very well might at some point.

Hell, we live on a world where corruption and horrific death can come from something as innocuous as staring at the moon on a wrong night.

There's no point dwelling on what actions have a risk of corruption as a wizard, because at that point we should just swear off on magic forever and lock ourselves in a palace vault where the door only ever opens to receive food shipments. Warhammer is a grim and perilous setting to be in, that's just a fact of life.
I reiterate that in the event Faith wins, I do not want him to endorse the research. For Ranald himself, he should prioritize rebuilding his bonds with the other gods over this, and if we get found out without telling him, well - the consequences for him, specifically, would be quite minor. He could tell us to stop, then turn back to the rest and say "problem solved".

Turning this into "Ranald steals divinity 2, electric boogaloo", on the other hand...

I care about him. And I do not see "but maybe it's a dice roll where a 6 is a thumbs up" as a positive.
That's...really superficial given that even the coolest of guys can be bad or otherwise give cause to not always lean with them.

Edit: As a Friend we do have a right to keeping things to ourselves, just as Ranald probably has thousands of little dirty secrets throughout Mathilde's life, but we don't ask nor does Ranald necessarily ask for forgiveness.
People are allowed to vote for superficial reasons. There are people who have said that they're voting for Truth because it's an opportunity to stir shit up in Mathilde's life. That's not what I'd consider a good reason to do things, but in the context of this quest it's fine. It's valid. You don't need to pass a poll test of "are you voting for seriously thought-out reasons" to vote in this quest; surface impressions, aesthetic, memes, whim, all of those are totally fine reasons to vote.
I'd just like to note that the Chaos Sippy Cup came really very close to getting Mathilde:

So its maybe not the best example for how not dangerous this is.

We also explicitly do not know whether or not gods could act through their finger prints.

There is absolutely some inherent danger here and I will be advocating for all the precautions if we go this route.
well obviously we should take all reasonable precautions, i'm not proposing that we yeet ourselves directly into the realms of chaos to collect samples or anything.
just because background radiation exists and we have a radiation suit is no reason to start a heavy isotope collection in our house, also you mean the cup we almost drank from that turns you into a deamon
IMO its like being worried about cyanide poisoning because you eat apples sometimes. it is explicitly a very smol amount of power in the crystals.

and yes, that cup. In the future I propose we aim a little lower than one of the foremost artifacts of chaos undivided while making sure that any such gods know we're there, since that seems to be about the limit of our abilities.
People are allowed to vote for superficial reasons. There are people who have said that they're voting for Truth because it's an opportunity to stir shit up in Mathilde's life. That's not what I'd consider a good reason to do things, but in the context of this quest it's fine. It's valid. You don't need to pass a poll test of "are you voting for seriously thought-out reasons" to vote in this quest; surface impressions, aesthetic, memes, whim, all of those are totally fine reasons to vote.
I suppose that's true, but it's different in a way, given there's an entirely different conclusion as one has an objective and the other is basing it off of appearances. It just bothers me, as it feels like something that doesn't hold a sense of what it wants to do.
There's no point dwelling on what actions have a risk of corruption as a wizard, because at that point we should just swear off on magic forever and lock ourselves in a palace vault where the door only ever opens to receive food shipments. Warhammer is a grim and perilous setting to be in, that's just a fact of life.

This is a bit of a difference to the original claims, which were that risk was non-existent or minimal:

As opposed to when we trekked for months into the very backyard of said evil gods, stole one of their favourite mugs and carried it most of the way home, yet didn't have any corruption to show for it?
in what way could this possibly be leading to chaosquest? if anything this is the best way to screw over chaos by denying them any legitimacy when they change their names and put on fake moustaches.
This is a bit of a difference to the original claims, which were that risk was non-existent or minimal:
really , if we want non-existent risk of chaos corruption, retiring and staring at the wall for the rest of our lives might do the trick, I simply do not think the risk is significantly higher than average, where we , you know, cast spells occasionally.
This is a bit of a difference to the original claims, which were that risk was non-existent or minimal:
The point I was making is that risks haven't stopped us before, nor should they. We've dealt with worse than this and come out of the other end no worse for wear. If we were so afraid of Chaos corruption, why did we choose to trek into the Chaos Wastes?
The point I was making is that risks haven't stopped us before, nor should they. We've dealt with worse than this and come out of the other end no worse for wear. If we were so afraid of Chaos corruption, why did we choose to trek into the Chaos Wastes?

And my point was that those risks are an entirely valid thing for someone to be concerned about, and should not be minimized, especially given that said trek into the Chaos Wastes was rather dangerous.
And my point was that those risks are an entirely valid thing for someone to be concerned about, and should not be minimized, especially given that said trek into the Chaos Wastes was rather dangerous.
The people won't vote for chaos, at worst we'll get some cool mutations we have to spend a small amount of effort to hide while in the empire
The people won't vote for chaos, at worst we'll get some cool mutations we have to spend a small amount of effort to hide while in the empire

I've not read the Warhammer Fantasy RPG books myself, but from what I've heard in this quest getting a Chaos mutation involves rolling a d1000 and includes such gems as having your head replaced with a bull's.

I'm actually amazed I need to say this, but Chaos mutations are kinda bad. :V
I've not read the Warhammer Fantasy RPG books myself, but from what I've heard in this quest getting a Chaos mutation involves rolling a d1000 and includes such gems as having your head replaced with a bull's.

I'm actually amazed I need to say this, but Chaos mutations are kinda bad. :V
yes, they are, we should take the option that saves the most citizens of the empire from such a horrible fate. I believe that being able to tell the difference between Sigmar in a funny hat and Khorne in a fake moustache should do the trick better than Ranald Headpats, it is unfortunate, but for the greater good I believe we should settle for Ice Dragon Headpats.
I feel like there's a lot of talking about 'risk' that skips the 'reward' question. Yes, risk is something we have and should forge ahead in spite of, but, like, we've generally done that because of discrete goals, not, well, an uncertain research option.
yes, they are, we should take the option that saves the most citizens of the empire from such a horrible fate. I believe that being able to tell the difference between Sigmar in a funny hat and Khorne in a fake moustache should do the trick better than Ranald Headpats, it is unfortunate, but for the greater good I believe we should settle for Ice Dragon Headpats.
Wouldn't spending more time on Waystones instead of tracking down every new cult potentially have more lives saved from chaos tho
We need a truly utilitarian perspective for this, so what about if there's a trolley that may or may not be chaotic going down rails that'll hit five people-
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I've not read the Warhammer Fantasy RPG books myself, but from what I've heard in this quest getting a Chaos mutation involves rolling a d1000 and includes such gems as having your head replaced with a bull's.

I'm actually amazed I need to say this, but Chaos mutations are kinda bad. :V
Hey, why pay College Favor for a Dragonflask when you can instead hope for a 5/1000 chance to roll Breathes Fire :V (That's for the only d1000 table I could find, the one in the RPG I'm looking at right now is only d100 and doesn't have anything cool)
Edit: The cool mutations are in Tome of Corruption instead
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