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If the Treaty of Amity and Commerce* applies to the wider Empire, then the Empire may have granted extra-territoriality to all elves within its borders and instead placed them under Ulthuan's exclusive jurisdiction. I can't remember, Boney may have said that doesn't apply here though.

If so though, elves would be exempt from the articles of imperial magic, just as they are from all other imperial law.

* which is very explicitly based on the Unequal Treaties signed between European powers and China, which had similar clauses.
Boney's already said that that treaty was solely between Ulthuan and the Duchy of Westerland, and the dissolution of the Duchy of Westerland has left even that up in the air.

Edit: Boney'd.
Laurelorn use that argument and they are correct, but the Empire has always claimed Laurelorn as their territory. Nordland considers Laurelorn part of their borders. They can't enforce it, but they can definitely make that argument and get decent support for it, especially if it can be pointed to that the Laurelorn Elves practice Dark Magic.
They pretty clearly don't though? Like, I suspect all the maps say that Laurelorn is part of Nordland, but I suspect that at most Nordland considers the western part theirs. Especially as they have a treaty, within which they appear to have stuck to the defined area. There's not really any evidence that the Empire claims Laurelorn as belonging to it in any real way outside of maps, which are both unlikely to be very accurate and are also unlikely to be considered the last word on border claims.
They pretty clearly don't though? Like, I suspect all the maps say that Laurelorn is part of Nordland, but I suspect that at most Nordland considers the western part theirs. Especially as they have a treaty, within which they appear to have stuck to the defined area. There's not really any evidence that the Empire claims Laurelorn as belonging to it in any real way outside of maps, which are both unlikely to be very accurate and are also unlikely to be considered the last word on border claims.
And I'm saying that those technicalities don't matter if the Empire learn that a Magister from the Empire is cooperating with a house full of Dark Magicians and employing and studying that Dark Magic in the process of research right next to the "borders" of Middenland and Nordland. I'm quite certain that the Empire aren't going to just sit there and listen to all the "technically they're not magisters and these aren't the Empire's borders" before they pull out the pitchforks and torches.
Map the chain of logic a Witch Hunter would need to get from 'working with House Tindomiel' to 'working with Dark Magic' and whether they'd have any way to get the data those links are made out of. House what? Dedicated to who? Who's a god of what now? Remember that these people don't have access to the wiki, and probably haven't visited Ghrond to hear Morathi's take on the Hydra Queen.

Hekarti is best known as the Goddess of Dark Magic, but she is the Hydra Queen and has a head for each Wind. She can be considered a more 'pure' Goddess of Magic than Hoeth, who is the God of Knowledge in general and therefore only the God of Magic by default.

Hekarti isn't evil, or at least no more evil than Mathlann.
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And I'm saying that those technicalities don't matter if the Empire learn that a Magister from the Empire is cooperating with a house full of Dark Magicians and employing and studying that Dark Magic in the process of research right next to the "borders" of Middenland and Nordland. I'm quite certain that the Empire aren't going to just sit there and listen to all the "technically they're not magisters and these aren't the Empire's borders" before they pull out the pitchforks and torches.
Actually I suspect most of the consequences for that would fall on Mathilde. She's much more vulnerable, and also less likely to burn down a bunch of important docks while the Empire is in the middle of a pissing match with Marienburg. Yeah, the Empire would probably want to do something about it, but that thing is probably not "immediately declare war". The Empire doesn't actually care if people use Dark Magic away from them, so I think you'd see some form of diplomacy first (eg "get rid of the Dark Magic/Dark Magic users and all is good otherwise bad things"), probably followed up by (or simultaneous with) more serious tools that still aren't "start a war" (eg blockades, clear cutting forest, raids etc. Small things that don't force the Emprie to actually have to assemble the army, because that's expensive and most people don't want to). With the exception of Nordland who will probably immediately start violating the treaty again so that Laurelorn will attack them and they can claim to be defending themselves and then kick off a full-scale war.
Map the chain of logic a Witch Hunter would need to get from 'working with House Tindomiel' to 'working with Dark Magic' and whether they'd have any way to get the data those links are made out of. House what? Dedicated to who? Who's a god of what now? Remember that these people don't have access to the wiki, and probably haven't visited Ghrond to hear Morathi's take on the Hydra Queen.
I know you said that before, but assumption that the person who suggested Tindomiel's assistance's help wasn't that the house would be employing regular Wind magic. It was the assumption that they would be using Dark Magic to help us out. I'm actually perfectly fine cooperating with them as long as they keep the Dark Magic away from us. I have no idea how the magic of Destruction would even help in researching Waystones, nearly every spell available from that lore is destructive and damaging.

EDIT: To avoid pedantry, Dark Magic spells are divided between damaging and hex/curse based spells. Most are damaging, any non damaging spell is a Hex. There is one buff spell that deals damage to you if you roll too well.
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I know you said that before, but assumption that the person who suggested Tindomiel's assistance's help wasn't that the house would be employing regular Wind magic. It was the assumption that they would be using Dark Magic to help us out. I'm actually perfectly fine cooperating with them as long as they keep the Dark Magic away from us. I have no idea how the magic of Destruction would even help in researching Waystones, nearly every spell available from that lore is destructive and damaging.

Hekarti allows Her followers to see and control each of the Winds, and even if we only go off what the Druchii do with that, the Sorceresses of the Dark Convent of Ghrond can and do use spells from all eight Winds, not just Dark Magic.
"There were eight Orders who might have known something, you reduced that to two." Unless one of those other six were sneaky enough to have plausible-seeming basic information in their libraries to convince anyone searching that that was all there was to be found. You could see that of the Grey Order, of course
Hey Boney, I meant to ask this a while ago but forgot - does Mathilde have all of the Grey College's info on Waystones by default because of Algard's enthusiasm for the project, or should we actually check and see if they've got anything hidden away?
I actually wouldn't be completely surprised if the Waystones do use Dark Magic in some way, as the only magical thing we know that attracts multiple Winds is Dhar, as the other Winds repel each other. Given that the Waystone network can safely dump the Dhar in the Great Vortex, it doesn't seem completely impossible that they could use tiny amounts of Dhar to stick the Winds together to flow through the network without the mutual repulsion between them making them burst out to get away from each other.
I actually wouldn't be completely surprised if the Waystones do use Dark Magic in some way, as the only magical thing we know that attracts multiple Winds is Dhar, as the other Winds repel each other. Given that the Waystone network can safely dump the Dhar in the Great Vortex, it doesn't seem completely impossible that they could use tiny amounts of Dhar to stick the Winds together to flow through the network without the mutual repulsion between them making them burst out to get away from each other.
We have seen magic-attracting runes, didn't we?
One thing I very much want to do at some point is attempt to get the white tower of hoeth in on the waystone project. Gods know how it could be done. But the only thing I can contribute to that is a vote plan name of 'Dad finally got his pack of cigs'.
Hey Boney, I meant to ask this a while ago but forgot - does Mathilde have all of the Grey College's info on Waystones by default because of Algard's enthusiasm for the project, or should we actually check and see if they've got anything hidden away?
Grey culture is not conducive to sharing, it's Likely we got most of it that's not connected to the Hedgefolk, but I won't assume.
The only Grey College precursors she's aware of are the Hedgewise, and if there's a transcription of their varied oral traditions somewhere she hasn't been told about it.
So you're saying Mathilde has no knowledge about it, until she finds a convenient source of exposition that doesn't require her to admit ignorance and she always knew this entire time?
It would be pretty interesting to here a member of House Tindomiel's philosophical position on Dark Magic, if indeed they do consider it acceptable to use it in some circumstances*. Mathilde considered Frederick van Hal a tragic hero in some ways, so she may be more open to understanding, if not agreeing with whatever their position is.

* elves' apparently resistance to mutation and their philosophy of using the Winds might (or might not) allow them to safely use it in limited controlled circumstances, like we can use radioactive materials. Considering non-dark elves' consider it a sad necessity to sometimes embody Khaine and kill someone, perhaps they also sometimes consider it a sad necessity to embody Hekarti and use naturally occurring dark magic (perhaps at one remove, using Hakarti's favour and the blood sacrifices involved), to do something important enough.

Wild speculation, but I wonder if dark elf sorcery is something much more like Necromancy than is usually understood, using tongs of Hekarti's divine power to manipulate Dhar at one remove. As divine power isn't one of the Winds, the tongs wouldn't be corrupted. Something one of the descriptions of dark elf sorcery pretty explicitly specifies is that they don't consider using the individual Winds sorcery**, just their use of Dark Magic, Wind casting is something else.

** which in turn opens up the potential for male dark elf spellcasters that don't use Dhar, as it's specifically male sorcerers that are forbidden.

We have seen magic-attracting runes, didn't we?

I think we saw magic repelling rather than magic attracting runes.
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One thing I very much want to do at some point is attempt to get the white tower of hoeth in on the waystone project. Gods know how it could be done. But the only thing I can contribute to that is a vote plan name of 'Dad finally got his pack of cigs'.
In my opinion, the best way to get the Ulthuani elves involved in the project would be to go on our Nagarythe internship with the Protector active, do some extremely cool shit to impress people high up in the Shadow Warrior hierarchy, and trade on our favor with them for introductions to White Tower types.

Obviously, this is a plan with more than two challenges, but I think it's fundamentally workable and might be worth doing in a few years.
In my opinion, the best way to get the Ulthuani elves involved in the project would be to go on our Nagarythe internship with the Protector active, do some extremely cool shit to impress people high up in the Shadow Warrior hierarchy, and trade on our favor with them for introductions to White Tower types.

Obviously, this is a plan with more than two challenges, but I think it's fundamentally workable and might be worth doing in a few years.
I would say on that timeframe that's the second best way to get their help. Because the best way to get them on board would be something like a flawed prototype. They'd like more waystone too, after all.
Though it's not like the options can't be combined. A good rep with elfs would certainly help with negotiations.
In my opinion, the best way to get the Ulthuani elves involved in the project would be to go on our Nagarythe internship with the Protector active, do some extremely cool shit to impress people high up in the Shadow Warrior hierarchy, and trade on our favor with them for introductions to White Tower types.

Obviously, this is a plan with more than two challenges, but I think it's fundamentally workable and might be worth doing in a few years.
Three, that they will feel insulted that you would want the white tower types over their magic nerds.
Hey Boney, I meant to ask this a while ago but forgot - does Mathilde have all of the Grey College's info on Waystones by default because of Algard's enthusiasm for the project, or should we actually check and see if they've got anything hidden away?

If the Grey College has information on the topic that Mathilde hasn't been given access to, it would be for an actual reason, not just because she hasn't explicitly asked.
Much though I like to boast about Mathilde's dark and terrible powers, chances are that there's at least one Necrarch hidden somewhere within Empire borders who is more skilled than her.

I blame on her lack of practical experience.
I mean, Melkhior is supposed to be within the Empire's borders, so that does check out.
If the Grey College has information on the topic that Mathilde hasn't been given access to, it would be for an actual reason, not just because she hasn't explicitly asked.
I suppose that when you have to occasionally pretend to invent new levels of security classification in order to protect the knowledge that there are already secrets of that level, you have to be active in deciding who gets read into those rather than just assuming everyone knows the right questions to ask.
I mean, Melkhior is supposed to be within the Empire's borders, so that does check out.
AFAIK Zacharias is currently top dog after kicking Melkhior's butt. Reports on Melkhior's survival seem to be conflicting. It's certainly possible they're both still around and inside the Empire, though.
Who's that?
Isn't Mathilde the best Dhar expert in the Empire? (not that they know it :V)

Some vampires are better than Mathilde if only by dint of experience.

I suppose that when you have to occasionally pretend to invent new levels of security classification in order to protect the knowledge that there are already secrets of that level, you have to be active in deciding who gets read into those rather than just assuming everyone knows the right questions to ask.

Ultimately Mathilde is a LM with a pressing Need to Know. In terms of classification there's only a single person in the Grey College that's more qualified and that's Algard.

Other than that other LMs might have their own secrets just like Mathilde has the Liber Mortis but they won't be institutional knowledge.

Three, that they will feel insulted that you would want the white tower types over their magic nerds.

We don't know if their magic nerds are that nerdy in the way of the Waystone. Ideally we'd rope some of them in and then use their contacts to bring the Tower of Hoeth in as an institution.
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