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I've added an Egrimm section if you want to put him to work immediately, as he will be arriving at about the same time as Johann and Max.

Taal and Rhya have been pitched as possibilities for the Cults due to the Belthani likely having had a significant effect in shaping those Cults. I think we should get working on them after Jades and Ambers.

[ ] Attempt to bring a human Cult into the Waystone Project (specify which)
So first thought: I like muscle elf, he seems good people.

second thought: get dwarf should be first action, we have no cards and are bluffing a royal flush, let's actually get the one card that we know we need.

thrid thought: @BoneyM can we get an action: 'the elf's keep assuming Ranald and this Loec are the same god, I don't know about that, but it's worth at least having a look into.
"There are two metal-Mages I work with that will be joining me here, and both are also fighters. One archer, one with fists."

"A fist metal-Mage?" He considers that for a while. "That must be interesting. I would like to meet them."

"I'll introduce you," you say, and he nods.
*walks by carrying multiple planks of wood*
Oh, don't mind me, this is just in case it turns out someone needs to build a new ship in the coming days(updates).

We're new to the area, you know, we can't be sure how much the local shipwrights need.
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@BoneyM I really really hate doing this because I don't want to add more to your plate, but we don't know Egrimm's stats or skills and I can't remember if we have his full spell list (we probably do from Dum I think, it included the Journeymen though). I only mention this since the learn a skill/learn a spell implies we have that knowledge.
[ ] Investigate the possibility of using one Wind to directly manipulate another.
This probably shouldn't be there anymore, I think.

For the turn I feel like we should start on the runesmiths ASAP, no guarantee the first ones we approach will be willing to join the project I can easily see us having to visit a few different karaks before we get a bite. We should also spend some time settling into Laurelorn, if we are going to work there we should get a better feel for the local culture.
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thrid thought: @BoneyM can we get an action: 'the elf's keep assuming Ranald and this Loec are the same god, I don't know about that, but it's worth at least having a look into.

Mathilde doesn't really have any ins to figure that out, and going up to Priests and asking 'is your God another race's God in a funny hat and false moustache' usually goes poorly.

@BoneyM I really really hate doing this because I don't want to add more to your plate, but we don't know Egrimm's stats or skills and I can't remember if we have his full spell list (we probably do from Dum I think, it included the Journeymen though). I only mention this since the learn a skill/learn a spell implies we have that knowledge.

The options are more there so I don't have to update that part when Mathilde knows him better.

This probably shouldn't be there anymore, I think.

"The Rainbow Falls are ahead," he says, raising his voice, "and they are loud enough to deafen those that spend too much time there.
Change to 'And'.

Without noticing you've crossed into the area surrounding Tor Lithanel, the home of the Faniour 'Forestborn' citizens - those descended from refugees that sought shelter in Laurelorn during the War of the Beard, and as such forbidden by ancient decree from living within the walls of the city of Tor Lithanel.
Should she instead be thinking of it as the War of Vengeance? I'm not sure if her long association with dwarves should've gotten her to thinking of the war with that name by default or not.

The streets are much less crowded than those of human cities, though more than Dwarven Karaks, and instead of the leather, leaves and barks of those outside the walls, those inside are dressed in silks and jewels, and many gawk at you just as hard as you're tempted to gawk back at them.
Missing an oxford comma. Change to 'leather, leaves, and barks'.
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I'm currently wondering if the recruit an Order or recruit a Cult option limits us to only one Order or one Cult per AP or we can choose two. I would vastly prefer doing "Get both Amber and Jade" and "get Taal and Rhya" as actions, although it might be overstepping to attempt such a thing. I'm just overwhelmed by how many choices there are.
[ ] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (specify which)

is there anyway for us to use our connections to get some help picking people from Kragg and Thorek?

being able to ask things like 'know anyone in your guild that would be good for this job' is literally the definition of 'using your professional connections'.

meditation: even if it just changes it 'attempt from a Karak' to 'attempt from all the Karak's' to rep Thorek saying 'that guy in the evermountn is not completely awful, and this apprentice of main is only a little shabbily'
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In terms of recruitment the dwarves and at least one college seem like must picks, that plus the two options for setting up infrastructure effectively only leave us with 1 option to play with.

It's a continuation of the sentence, so it doesn't get capitalized.

Should she instead be thinking of it as the War of Vengeance? I'm not sure if her long association with dwarves should've gotten her to thinking of the war with that name by default or not.

Not when she's thinking in Eltharin.

Missing an oxford comma. CHange to 'leather, leaves, and barks'.

Oxford comma is not a hard and fast rule outside of American English, it's something that can be applied when it would remove ambiguity.
Made a quick table for the six major houses Mathilde thinks would be most useful.

ThyriolanSapheryHoethStrong DislikeConcerned about waystones
EcthelionSapheryHoethLooks Down on HumansOpen to relations with the Empire
TindomielSapheryHekartiLikesWorships the Goddess of Dark Magic
FanpatarYvresseLadrielleOpen Minded, ImpressedHouse of Prince Galenstra, warden of Rain, very open minded, likes guns, Worships Goddess of Mists
EllemakilAverlornUlricShared faithWorships a human god, swayed by the Queen
Malforric???AsuryanNoIsolationist, Warden of the Sun, two votes, second in power to the queen

There's also the Frost and Storm Wards. This "Stormwitch" sounds like an interesting person, I'd like to meet them. Also, the absence of the Grey Lords in our notes is... concerning.

Edit: adding a table for the four wards.

FrostCadaethForestbornLikesForestborn and "Forest beings", former domain of Elwyn, Ambassador to Middenheim
RainPrince GalenstraFanpatarOpen MindedMajor house, likes guns, willing to give humans a chance to prove themselves
StormKaia, the StormwitchForestbornWants connectionsForestborn, advocates peaceful relations with the Empire, the Druchii and the Norscans
SunLady DelynnaMalforricOpposedMajor house, dislikes humans, Triumvirate
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So. Anybody wants to throw numbers as to how much we want to spend on our facilities?
Ok, unless I'm miscalculating we have 3820 total wealth in dwarven gold coins. We owe 2000 of those to Borek but I don't think that debt will come due anytime soon and could potentially be forgiven entirely. I'd love to go for the most expensive options for furnishing but I also don't want to not have the 2000 we owe sitting nice and safe and ready to be handed over.

961 gc
116 silver bars*3=348gc
(1868 Stirland crown/3.9)*3=1436.9 gc
(114 Reikland Crown/3.9)*3=87.7 gc
((1350 ducats*0.95)/3.9)*3=986.5 gc

Add them all up and you get 3820 gc

Edit: Boney M has updated the character sheet since I did my calcs, so they are out of date
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My personal action list would probably be something like: Get Runesmiths (using Thorek as a base, Kragg isn't involved with the Guild's politics so I doubt he'd give good suggestions), get the Amber Order involved (using Dragomas as a base if we can get an audience with him, he's their patriarch and highest authority), 2 actions on setting up our HQ and either spending one on having Max scour the libraries, do Sword Training or do AV. There's a lot we need to get started on so we have a good base to work with.

EIC wise I want to get in contact with Julia or start on the Gunpowder factory. I don't want to poach Julia but we can benefit a lot from her info network, and we have a lot of Niter to exploit for the Gunpowder factory.
Thinking something along the lines of this as a basic plan framework to get a good foundation ready, since we have one free overwork this turn:

[ ] Furnish the living spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (500g)
[ ] Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (2000g)
[ ] MAX: Go through every library of the Colleges you can access for any scrap of information about Waystones. (NEW)
[ ] Attempt to bring a Karak's Runesmiths into the Waystone Project (Azul)
[] {Overwork}



Get the living quarters and research facilities as nice as we feasibly can, to increase its attractiveness to skilled researchers, and get the Azul runesmiths involved, since they're the least hidebound of the Old Holds and have a relatively unbroken line of knowledge.
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Concerning the runesmiths, I'm wondering if it would be better to go straight to Thorek, or if we should make a formal request to the Azul Runesmiths Guild via Prince Kazarik or even King Kazador? Which would be the most polite?
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