Its more of a Spartan thing, they throw away babies who aren't fat enough since they deem them weak.

Most die this way, but the few that survive become Gorgers and in times of war Maw priests can herd them and use them as shocktroops.
I wounder what becomes of them in Ostland seeing as that practice is certainly not allowed (if nothing else no maw priests to enforce it and the Shayalens would certainly try to rescue them), do they just grow up to be slightly skinner but still sort of fat ogres or do they grow up looking like mussel bound body builders without a hint of fat on them
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I wounder what becomes of them in Ostland seeing as that practice is certainly not allowed (if nothing else no maw priests to enforce it and the Shayalens would certainly try to rescue them), do they just grow up to be slightly skinner but still sort of fat ogres or do they grow up looking like mussel bound body builders without a hint of fat on them

Someone actually wrote a canonized omake about such a case:

A Huntress's Rise

Slip Softstep Breakbow Beastslayer was a most unusual ogre, in the opinion of most of the ogres who met her. In another world, where their ancestors never left the Mountains of Mourn and the great Lord Sir Captain Headmaster Urgdug Greatbellow Thunderbringer Daemonthumper Dragonrippa Giantbreaker Deathcheater Castleshatterer Maelstrombringer Beastcrush Overfather Monstertosser Ratsmasher Thronewielder Wormbreak Heartswallower Dragoneater Dal Bolg Tyrant Breaker Maw-Stomp Dawongr Treebreaker the Tremendously Sizable Knight of Trofurt would have been a mighty and terrifying tyrant before dying in the cannibalistic cycle of fratricide that is the way of ogres in those parts, Slip would have suffered a more pitiful fate.

Slip was born lean.

In that other world, she would have immediately been determined too weak and scrawny at her birth and sealed within the warpstone-laced tunnels beneath the Mountains of Mourn where she would either have died quick or suffered long, mutating into one of the horrifying eating machines known as gorgers. None can say what the outcome would have been, but perhaps her fate in this world so far could provide a hint.

She was called Slip because she was the littlest slip of an ogress the caretakers of her youth had ever seen, though the people of that nameless village tucked away in the eastern parts of the once-named Forest of Shadows only really had the memory of her parents to compare her with. Born paunchless and sickly small in the eyes of other ogres, yet still considerably larger and more physically capable than any human child, Slip had also shown a remarkable ability to slip away from her caretakers if unattended for an instance, much to the dismay of many a larder before she was successfully taught any better. It was for this they began to call her Softstep, knowing that names associated with deeds were important in ogre culture.

Her parents may not have appreciated the names the villagers bestowed upon her. In fact, the social stigma from other Imperial ogres, as much as their culture had shifted from the values of their eastern kin, may in fact have been the key factor that pushed Rhug Plowback and Gatha Stumpripper to settle with their newborn babe in a sleepy little village in the depths of the forest.

To the salvation of the village but the doom of the new parents, they did so mere months before the start of the Vampire War.

As deep in the forest as they were, the hunters and servants of Taal who frequented the land around settlement were among the first to notice the surge of the gathered undead in those parts. With barely enough time to send out a messenger (doomed to die, his message undelivered) and even begin to prepare for the worst, Rhug and Gatha demonstrated the incredible feats that even the humblest of ogres could be spurred to in the right circumstances.

Gatha had made her living ripping up and hauling trees, while Rhug had great fun pulling up and rearranging large stones to make space for fields for farming, which he took great fun in helping care for by pulling plows better than any man had ever seen (or so he was told). Faced with the imminent horde of the dead, the two worked together day and night with little pause for food or rest, a display of stamina and determination that shocked their newfound neighbors. They tore up and shuffled about enough wood and earth and rock to fully enclose the tiny village in a fortified mound that they would survive the war within.

Yet enough food to support two ogres through the long siege of the dead they had not.

Simple as they were, Rhug Plowback and Gatha Stumpripper had known this. The crude walls they had built did not have a gate through which their bulk could fit.

In twin acts of compassion and concern for their scrawny babe and human neighbors that would have been beyond the comprehension of their cousins in the Mountains of Mourn, the pair fought the tides of the unhallowed dead that swarmed the defenses they had created. They did so with might and ferocity their savage kin would have found quite familiar.

They fought and fought and fought against the shambling masses. They stomped. They clubbed. They swatted and smashed.

They died.

They died surrounded by so many pulverized dead that the remaining horde never fully breached the makeshift defenses before the wrath of the Steel Bull saw the village freed.

Yet died they did, a pair among the unknowable number of humble heroes of the Vampire War who fought and died in the cursed woods in the darkest days Ostland had faced in recent memory.

Unknown to the wider province, let alone the peoples beyond, the people of that sleepy little village would nonetheless never forget their sacrifice for as long as they lived.

Slip grew up hearing the tale of her parents' sacrifice with the other village children alongside the tales of the incredible bravery and deeds of the likes of Urgdug Greatbellow and Frederick Von Hohenzollern himself. Eternally indebted to their fallen heroes, the people of the village cared for her as best as they could and knew how.

She was taught very young to not eat all the twigs and rocks and dirt and tools and toys and furniture that she happily chewed through as she toddled about. She was fed as best as the little village could manage, an amount of food that would have been seen by most Imperial ogre parents as near abusively little.

Her weight quickly raised once she was fast and coordinated enough to sneak up on and snatch any animal she could catch in the forests around her, yet the teachings of her devoutly Taalite caretakers meant she quickly learned to not cause excessive harm to the woodlands around them.

By her second decade she was large and strong and skilled enough to range into the woods to catch increasingly large beasts and even some of the less dangerous monsters of the forest, either to help sustain herself or to return the meat and hides to the village that was her home. Even then, though she was already taller than the tallest men in the village her taut and musclebound form lacked the protruding gut of her own people, a feature she had never been taught to desire, yet she knew its absence seemed to put off the few ogres she met in her youth.

It was during her wandering in the woods that she was first introduced to the mysteries of Taal by his servants who walked the land. From them she learned what resources of the deep woods would best help her and hers, how to gather them, and how much would be too much to take. She was also taught more and more about the dangers of the forests that even she could not face alone, be they beastmen or greenskins or unnamed horrors of the deepest and darkest woods.

It was in watching the servants of Taal go about their work in defending the forests from those who would despoil it, human, ogre, or otherwise, that she first desired to use a bow as they did and slay beasts and monsters from farther than she had thought possible.

She had broken half the bows in the village with her superhuman strength before the villagers got her to stop trying their limited number of man-made bows. Her desire to use a bow would not be met for many years yet, but her second Big Name had been found.

As she entered her third decade of life she had grown even larger and more skilled, but as rippling in muscle as she was, she barely scrapped seven feet in height and still lacked the anticipated gut of a young ogress. Her woodcraft was nonetheless remarkably strong for her age, and she roamed further and further from her home, rapidly growing wary as she encounter more and more beastmen in her woods, in increasingly organized numbers the likes of which she had never seen before.

Having only barely escaped capture by several bands of the foul creatures (mainly by tricking, trapping, and killing those pursuers who managed to keep up with her), she raced as quickly as she could to her lifelong home without drawing undue attention to herself.

When she arrived, she found only ruin.

Caught unawares, the little nameless village, whose still standing ramshackle walls had helped it survive the Vampire War of 2315, was one of the many nameless casualties of the eastern forests of Ostland in 2334.

And so for a number of years Slip Softstep Breakbow was unseen by man or ogre or hafling save those who walked the deep woods, servants of Taal or Amber Wizards or elf, man, or halfling mercenaries who roamed the wilds on the Count's behalf.

It was during these years that she became more exposed to the culture of Imperial ogres than she ever had been before, if through the lens of fellow Taalite ogres who were themselves seen as rather odd by their more urban or Esmeraldan counterparts.

It was during these years that she broke many more progressively larger bows, skilled at but dissatisfied with hurtling javelins and still seeking her childhood dream.

It was also during these years, fighting alongside other frequenters of the woods in loose affiliation with the Hohenzollern purges of the woods, that she earned her third Big Name.

Though she had no taste for their chaos-tainted hides, her favorite prey by far were the beastmen she loathed so much. Working alongside these mercenaries, those Taalites, or this or that Amber Wizard, Slip stalked and slaughtered any beastmen she could sniff out.

The numbers of her hated foes waned and waxed, growing more and more as of late, yet never did she tire of her hunt, and never would she cease in protecting and cleansing the domain of the King of the Gods. Still small and still lean, due to the sheer number of the bestial menaces she had cut down, from pathetic ungors to mighty minotaurs too foolish to survive her savage cunning, her fellow ogres of the woods saw fit to bestow upon her the name Beastslayer.

This would have been the favorite name of Slip Softstep Breakbow Beastslayer if her earlier names hadn't been bestowed by the first family she could ever remember, who lived now only in her memory.

After years of living in this way, breaking bows, slaying beasts, and wandering the Hohenzollern Forest in her unending hunt, Slip heard tale that the Count was calling out for ogres to wield incredible bows designed for ogre hands against his enemies. And Slip knew that the Hohenzollerns saw the beastmen as their enemies, and maybe even have hated them close to as much as she did! Maybe.

And so, in the year 2343 IC, Slip was one among the hundred ogres the Steel Bull recruited to carry the bows he had made especially for them. She was by far the smallest among them, both in height and girth, and among the least educated as far as the standards of the Greatbellow Academy went, which the wise in her company quickly learned not to make a fuss about.

In spite of the doubts of others, through great effort her skill with her new bow rose rapidly, yet not quite so rapidly as that of Smarbog Whisperstomp Farslayer, whose incredible skill she would only admit if greatly pressed (and not a little drunk) she could not help but find both worthy of envy and startlingly attractive.

Nevertheless, her skill with her bow made her stand out nearly as much as her lack of stature among her fellows, and her ability to stalk and slaughter her chosen foe only grew with the new gear and skills she acquired.

In another world, the ogress that would have been Slip Softstep Breakbow Beastslayer may well have become a truly terrifying gorger, a menacing and mutated super predator of the Mountains of Mourn. In the world as it is, Slip is far less monstrous creature, yet a far more deadly huntress, in no small part thanks to the compassion of her long dead parents, the kindness of her lost adopted family, and opportunities provided to her by the Elector Count of Ostland. And this young huntress, along with many of her Taalite companions, is yet on the rise.

Felt inspired by the TWWIII ogre trailer coming out, so here's this.
I wounder what becomes of them in Ostland seeing as that practice is certainly not allowed (if nothing else no maw priests to enforce it and the Shayalens would certainly try to rescue them), do they just grow up to be slightly skinner but still sort of fat ogres or do they grow up looking like mussel bound body builders without a hint of fat on them
I mean... most just grow up as normal ogres I assume? Ogres only become gorgers if starved all the time and mutated by Warpstone that are in said tunnels in homeland. Just cause an ogre is born less fat than the rest, doesn't mean there is anything truly different with it. It will likely grow into a normal healthy ogre if given a decent diet.

We do have relatively sinner ogres around in the form of the ogre archers, those who take to Taal to most, and still fat, but more stout and such rather than truly skinny.
Hmm, if we do manage to actually breach all the way to the top of the central Tor, which is a big ask yes, but with a slave army of tens of thousands, all of which are garbed in stolen Druchii weapons and armour, with a controlled stonehorn on top of that, would it not be possible for us to try and have Hultressa go in first with the monstrous beast and then use each other to either blunt any magical traps or dangers lurking around the tower we would need to be made aware of, or shut it down before they could be activated?

And, though this is asking way to much before its all settled, since we now cannot bring either the stonehorn or the salamanders with us, could we not just have the stonehorn, if it survives us pushing it to the top of the tower to kill Alyssa, could we not just leave it alone with a magical command order from Hultressa into its decaying magical collar to try and break the central Archorstone that is in the Tor? Considering the size and destructive dangers these creatures can do once their fully roused to fight, couldn't that be our solution to trying to sink the Ark without having to find a way of blowing it up that would otherwise, directly harm or kill anyone within the blast radius of that thing going off as we make an escape to the mathlann controlled docks?
honestly leaving the stone horn unmuzzled and on the lose on the black ark as we leave might ensure its destruction as its eats it from the inside out enough to cause irreparable damage before the remaining dark elves get a handle on it
We don't have the expertise and Hultressa is already busy with healing and keeping an eye on her kid.

Better to just leave the stonehorn do their own thing while we focus on ours.
not likely, a stonehorn while one tough creature that can break apart mountain tops, is not something I would say that is invincible, from say, 3-4 Sorcerous coven members, or a ton of priests or head priests of certain Elf religons, along with tens of thousands of bleakswords, dreadspears, repeating crossbow throwers, alchemical traps, and just sheer exhaustion from fighting all of this while in a cramped and unknown environment would, in all likelihood, just mean that the damage it could cause not being thrown at the Archorstone, will be quite minimal in comparison to it charging and attacking the powerstone until it cracks and starts a chain reaction where the other stones also start to breakdown and start blowing up and sinking the Ark in a couple of hours to a day or 3 because its a mountain of rock the size of a fairly large island.
I gotta say, the way the women are utterly united in bloodthirst at the beginning, capped off with Natasha not saying a word until she calls on everyone to start killing agains…

*chef's kiss*
There are sailors of Cothique that were caught out at sea while on a trade mission, their ancestral connection to the waters resulting in them being relegated to cleaners of sewage and bodily waste.
Reread made me realize how important these sailors will be, especially since we freed so many slaves. Gonna need as many sailors as possible to man as many ships as we need to try and get everyone off the Ark.

Might not be at sea long, just long enough to land in Norsca, but still important.
[X] Straight To Target: Enough of this. No more distractions. No more other causes. You're going to the Tor, and you're getting your fucking husband back.

Not the most necessary of votes for me, what with how one-sided it is already, but still, gotta support Natasha finally getting her husband back, or die trying