Yer know, persogally, I fang th' ideg ub ag impegetrable defeb...offensig. Cag foigt ib deg aig no wag ta geb ag eag obber
You know, personally, I think the idea of an impenetrable defence... offensive. Can't fight if there ain't no way to get at each other
Das whag I wug lig ta thag youg stuntigs
That's why I would like to thank you stunties
erg puttig ig sug a big nibes 'ole ferg us ta clamb itoog
For putting in such a big nice hole for us to climb into
Oh! Knew I forgot something. One second. I'll edit into the post at the bottom as well.

1. You know, personally, I find the idea of an impenetrable defense...offensive. Can't fight if dere aint' no way to get at each other.
2. That's why I would like to thank you stunties, for putting in such a nice big hole for us to climb into.
Black Orcs working with a hobgoblin? That's... not a good thing. At all. What could've overcome the hatred from the hobs stabbing the Black Orcs in the back during their rebellion against the Chaos Dwarves?
Well, that's quite the conundrum. Still, Magnus the Pious, Thorgrim, Genevieve? I know who I'm betting on.

Gotta admit, was expecting wyverns and other Orcy flying beasts, not an out and out infiltration of that scale. Scaaaary.
Can you tell me where in the text, it describes Kull as being analogues to the foot? I've been trying to find it, but I think I'm just blind to what Tor might be hinting at?

Ninja turtle me thinks, Shredder and his foot ninja clan.

But bloody hell, a hobgoblin of all things is working with Black Orks and a loyal one?

Looks like with Malagor, the Black Orks really went all out in its recruitment.
For gods sake, I hope our beloved Alchoholic burns down that Black Arc so he can speedrun to break the siege (because it could take years), also because him going to Magnus the Emperor with "so we repealed the attack, took over one of the Black Arc, took 40k dark elves captive, me and few others were stuck on the other arc for few days, we made a deal with only Druchii left who had a matternal instinct left, we destroyed social order in that one, so there is/was an empty black arc somewhere near norsca (which turns out is in civil war).

Although it is more likely that we will intervne in Kislev civil war first. Which also will be intresting.
Now we only need to get free.
I do hope the greenskin explanation as to why Kull and his mob are known as the Shiny Boyz made sense, in that they completely misunderstood/misapplied the concept of a 'shiner' to their people due to the color stuff for the greenskins. every orkoid seemingly on the continent from here to the mountains of Morn is here....couldn't they have at least burned down Zharr-Naggrund before they came here. Typical.

Anyway not sure how they win this, but...I mean not really got a choice. Either they win or the waaargh just snowballs out of control.

Time to surpass Sigmar Magnus.
That's sort of why I had to put a section in about how exhausted the Air Corps were getting themselves. It's an extremely high skill level requirement sort of thing, meaning that they have far more limited personnel in terms of staffing and guard capabilities. Not to mention, there are further major defenses and defensive capabilities, the greenskins have essentially managed to crack open the door but haven't actually penetrated significantly into the mountain. Hence why the dwarfs are fighting to keep them right where they are. Also, the greenskins don't have a super huge amount of greenskins they could rely on to climb the mountain as they have here, quietly and hidden, as any larger grouping than they have done so far would have been detected with far greater ease. So there are pluses and minuses to this situation, both for offense and defensive teams.

Plus, given the descriptions we have from what sources I can find, they spend a lot of time talking about how big the 400 foot walls are, the lava spewers, etc, and also how the big doors don't open except for a four foot high tiny tunnel in them. So clearly, there plainly has to be a way for the elite Air Corps to get out and flying around that doesn't require going through the main gate/walls. So it's a smaller entrance, well guarded, but also the greenskins are *right there* and flooding the basin in front of the mountain with themselves, clambering up and bringing siege weapons, drawing a hell of a lot of attention.

Generally, greenskins are incredibly straight forward, but there is a whole Lore of the Little WAAAGH!! and various sneaky/conniving/cunning things that they can pull off on occasion as well.

Plus, as for the skaven stuff, generally, they do have lots of guards and stuff there, but also skaven really gotta work to get past not only their natural dislike of running around in the open air or especially heights like that, but the ranger patrols that are quite painstakingly thorough.

But it's almost like the rangers were sent out in vast numbers to try and delay and damage the WAAAAGH!! heading for the Everpeak, and then furthermore ended up spread out to continue fighting in various areas.

Exhaustion. Distraction. Spreading thin attention. Slower and more patient movement. Little WAAAAGH!! magics.

Da Colur Purpal.
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Black Orcs working with a hobgoblin? That's... not a good thing. At all. What could've overcome the hatred from the hobs stabbing the Black Orcs in the back during their rebellion against the Chaos Dwarves?
You're forgetting that the reason why they hate hobgoblins is because they betrayed the rest of the greenskins on the cusp of victory, as well as the fact that everything is of lesser importance than war to Orks; even past enmities.

It is entirely reasonable - by Ork standards, anyway - that any hobgoblin could prove themselves useful enough to be worked alongside if they survived the hazing long enough. Of course, it would take a truly exceptional hobgoblin and warlord to raise the chances of such a deal above fractional possibility.

Like, say, an especially tough and sneaky Purple Hobgoblin making a deal with an abnormally smart and disciplined three-headed Warboss.

Which does raise an interesting question of exactly who ripped Metaljaw's original jaw off...
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i mean.... for all of his sneakyness.....

Kull just.... walked in front of three supercombatants of order, two of which wear literal god crafted superweapons.

Like..... wow. If he hadn´t done that he´d be so.... so much trouble later.

But this is just.... a fancy suicide?
I knew the dwarfs would come around with the doomsphere.
Truth is that rhe device only gives the illusion of a chaotic operation, but is rather precise mechanism desingned with one objective in mind killing the enemies of man with maximum prejudice.
couldn't they have at least burned down Zharr-Naggrund before they came here. Typical.
I think they kicked it over and looted a good portion of their kit, going by the last excerpt and the fact a high priest is currently their prisoner.
i mean.... for all of his sneakyness.....

Kull just.... walked in front of three supercombatants of order, two of which wear literal god crafted superweapons.

Like..... wow. If he hadn´t done that he´d be so.... so much trouble later.

But this is just.... a fancy suicide?
I mean, would the Shredder ever turn down a fight?
Sort of wandering about the ladders the orcs are using ? , thing about ladders is the taller a ladder is and the more weight its expected to wear plus the intensity of its use all rise the difficulty for making one that won't collapse , the orcs needs to make ladders tall enough to scale 400 plus foot long walls , strong enough to withstand their immense weight (the are very big and carrying a lot armor plus weaponry) and take a lot of abuse as hundreds if not thousands of orcs will be constantly using them pressuring them with their weight at the same time , cause the orcs are not exactly great craftsmen and those are some demanding ladders they need in large amounts
Sort of wandering about the ladders the orcs are using ? , thing about ladders is the taller a ladder is and the more weight its expected to wear plus the intensity of its use all rise the difficulty for making one that won't collapse , the orcs needs to make ladders tall enough to scale 400 plus foot long walls , strong enough to withstand their immense weight (the are very big and carrying a lot armor plus weaponry) and take a lot of abuse as hundreds if not thousands of orcs will be constantly using them pressuring them with their weight at the same time , cause the orcs are not exactly great craftsmen and those are some demanding ladders they need in large amounts
And flying wingmen are impossible and steam powered tech unfeasible, this is Warhammer. Constructions work if there's a will and a way and a bit of different physics and some magic.
I mean, would the Shredder ever turn down a fight?
i mean.... on one hand no.

But this is not so much turning down a fight as jumping straight into a fleshwolf, feet first.

Like.... yes.

Kull is a super dooper waghboss. But, like....

He´s facing ascended Genieve, Magnus the Pius with Ghal Maraz and Thorgrim with both the az a grimnir and grugni´s hammer.

The only melee combatants who´d i´d give a chance in this match up in all of malus are abhorash and tyrion with widowmaker.


It is to be fair very orky to sneak past all the defenses.... just to instantly attack the biggest most powerfull thing you can fight
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bloody hell, all can do is pray that the battle of everpeak wins, however, if we do win, remember how in the battle of blackfire pass, where the resulting slaughter after sigmar killed the warboss, lowered the number of greenskins to such a degree it would take century's to even pose a threat again despite their fungal reproduction, the slaughter after the siege of everpeak is won will be truly staggering and the greenskins numbers will be lowered to such a extent then the dwarfs and human nations might just know peace for a little bit.

at least from greenskins anyway
I think they kicked it over and looted a good portion of their kit, going by the last excerpt and the fact a high priest is currently their prisoner.
I thought they got that from Ironrock. IIRC they've mined it completely.

As for the Chaos Dwarf (no idea who it is they just called him an overseer IIRC) I mean there's plenty of possible explanations for how they got em.

I don't want to bother people with unneeded questions, but my understanding of the course of events is this.

The Orks were originally led by 4 bigguns, fighting the Great Skaven Clan that was living in Karak 8 Peaks. They won after beating one of the horned rats greater daemons and...maybe killing a lord of decay? Not sure on that front, but one of them died. Karak 8 Peaks was also demolished as a side effect. After that they spent a bit of time demolishing Iron Rock and gathering up all the boyz, which leads to modernity and them trying to destroy Karaz a Karak.

at least from greenskins anyway
Yeah. Between this and the beastmen the problem is that even victory is going to be extremely problematic. There's going to be a power vacuum and friendlies won't be able to rebuild to fill the void in time. Ah well, problems for after victory.

He´s facing ascended Genieve, Magnus the Pius with Ghal Maraz and Thorgrim with both the az a grimnir and grugni´s hammer.

The only melee combatants who´d i´d give a chance in this match up in all of malus are abhorash and tyrion with widowmaker.
Do note I'm not saying they'll loose just asking to keep perspective.

I think that's giving them too much credit. They're all potent fighters with strong weapons to be sure, but none of them are exactly combatant focused people, the hob goblin probably is (in addition to being a sneaky git majorly empowered by the waaargh.) Sure the hobgoblin or Tullaris can't lead a nation, but they don't need too.

Which again isn't to say that they'll lose barring some major bullshit, the problem this is playing to Orkish strengths. If they do kill em (a big if, sneaky git so escape is a very real possibility) then time is still wasted and they're out of position while the orks are hitting them.

Obviously, right now we can't know what impact the mines have had, but this is a battle of attrition and their big strength is that they can essentially throw arbitary we win if you don't have hero counter nonsense at them and the issue is they have a lot more heroes.

Actually speaking of how high up the totem poll is the hobgoblin?


But yeah, AFAICT various factors are going to defacto accomplish what's his name's goal (the beastman leader) of essentially resetting the empire and the old world...well not the old world, but the empire. Even assuming no out right Ls attrition and expenditure of unrecoverable resources is just too damn high.
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