our enemies have taken it from us before it is basically unbreakable so it did not break like our clothing and armor.
that's VERY different from taking it out of the bottom of the sea
They've stopped listening man, each sides in their echo chambers and have dug in their heels, All in's don't see the risk of losing our magic shit and the ineffectiveness of giving up all of our greatships, and Not Quite people have made their opposition clear...
That is not a fair statement.
That particular complaint has been answered multiple times (heck, the answer has been repeated in the post just before yours), as well as your second one, and I have yet to see proper counterarguments made, rather than those based on suppositions.
I am not saying your fears are somehow wrong or unfounded, I am just saying that 'all-in' side has proposed more factually based arguments, but that just might be me, and I could be wrongly interpreting.
They've stopped listening man, each sides in their echo chambers and have dug in their heels, All in's don't see the risk of losing our magic shit and the ineffectiveness of giving up all of our greatships, and Not Quite people have made their opposition clear...
Uh to be fair, can't that also happen in 4/5 Keelhauling too?

Like, if we're worrying about Manann taking it -- and I'm assuming that that's the worry here, as I don't think it can come off naturally or non-mystically -- then... it's really up to the question of what makes Manann decide to take it, isn't it?

Would he be more willing to show his displeasure at 5/5 Keelhauling, or at 4/5, or at 1/5? Or is it not displeasure but rather testing and tribulation, and if he winds up taking our necklace well that's the way it goes in his mind?

I don't think it's fair to only bring up the Light of Summer thing as a risk at all in 5/5. Since, well, it's also probably worth keeping in mind that 4/5 also risks your life and health too, for that matter. It's not like 4/5 is "free" compared to 5/5. We could roll like absolute ass and die in 4/5 as well as 5/5. 5/5 just increases the odds of that, but, well, still. =/
They've stopped listening man, each sides in their echo chambers and have dug in their heels, All in's don't see the risk of losing our magic shit and the ineffectiveness of giving up all of our greatships, and Not Quite people have made their opposition clear...

Considering each greatship is a major appeasement for the low low price of 500 gold, especially when we can start replacing them next turn, I'd say it's worth maximizing our chances of appeasing the Cult so our province's trade and navy aren't gutted for a generation at least. Anything extra is extra favor which is also worth a couple ships.

The necklace is not cheating and it took Coeddil to damage it. Barancles are not likely to match that.

I don't know what you mean by "not being enough".

Plan "Not Quite All In" is definitely enough to stop Ostland from being under a Cult interdict. it's so far beyond the minimum that we've well jumped that line.

It might not be enough in that it might leave a few more people who dislike Frederick, but so what?

Perhaps, but when this could be our one chance to appease the cult for a long time and the economy and safety of the province depends on this being enough, we need to take every measure.

Garlak has also pointed out that it's also about silencing any and all critics that remain. Do more to appease and it removes arguments from them in the eyes of everyone else.

It also increases Maghda's influence and our personal favor with Manann.
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That is not a fair statement.
That particular complaint has been answered multiple times (heck, the answer has been repeated in the post just before yours), as well as your second one, and I have yet to see proper counterarguments made, rather than those based on suppositions.
I am not saying your fears are somehow wrong or unfounded, I am just saying that 'all-in' side has proposed more factually based arguments, but that just might be me, and I could be wrongly interpreting.
Yeah, I didn't see that one before I posted my critique, point withdrawn there but I still stand by my statement about the ineffectiveness of giving up all of our greatships, it's not even in character since Natasha advised against it.

I'm just kind of tired of this, like some of these guys I can see their logic for going all in, but I bet some of them are just going for it because "OOOH FREDRICK CAN HANDLE A FEW LITTLE BARNACLES, WE GOT THE LIGHT OF SUMMER, IT'LL BE FINE". Maybe it's my real life experience leaking into my votes by sliding on a bunch of barnacles is a painful experience and that'a from my experience tripping while running on some tide rocks covered with them, I had a friend who fell into a crevasse had to get stitches for some of those cuts...
I had planned on letting write-ins for ideas of things to do in Marienburg afterwards. I don't know if I'm still going to be doing that.
Oh. Huh. That's right, we could have, like, wandered around and tried to hire Knights Mariners or something...

I think "write-in" is not the best structure for that though. Um, I think, anyway. As we simply don't know enough about what is reasonable to pursue or do here, don't know the lay of the land in-universe so to speak, so... It may all be too awkward.

Better to either offer choices, or to pull a Laurelorn maybe. (Laurelorn was cool as shit.)

Actually, as far as hiring from Marienburg or the cult goes, you could simply provide it like the Mercenaries option and let people come up with a Plan of how-much-to-buy? That sort of "write-in" might be doable; because it's more like a "shopping list" -- from an openly viewable and available shopping list that one can see -- rather than what I was picturing when I first saw "write in maybe?" mentioned which was "Oh god, we're just going to have a bunch of write-ins for what to do in the city? Eek."

Providing a "Shopping List" sort of challenge/exercise/thing/task would be cool though!
I had planned on letting write-ins for ideas of things to do in Marienburg afterwards. I don't know if I'm still going to be doing that.
To be fair, I sincerely believe that once the whole Cult of resolved, and it will be resolved in the next update things will go back in track soon enough...

Plus getting totally wasted with Urdug when first visiting a major city is such a beautiful tradition.
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I'm just kind of tired of this, like some of these guys I can see their logic for going all in, but I bet some of them are just going for it because "OOOH FREDRICK CAN HANDLE A FEW LITTLE BARNACLES, WE GOT THE LIGHT OF SUMMER, IT'LL BE FINE". Maybe it's my real life experience leaking into my votes by sliding on a bunch of barnacles is a painful experience and that'a from my experience tripping while running on some tide rocks covered with them, I had a friend who fell into a crevasse had to get stitches for some of those cuts...
I can most certainly understand why the RL experience would shape the fictional vote, people do it all the time after all. I'm sorry both you and your friend dealt with that and all I can suggest is maybe step back from the thread for a bit if it makes you upset.

Those of use who haven't had that experience can only decide based on what we want/what we think is IC for Freddy to do since he has been through worse, lots of WHF human heroes have.
To be fair, I sincerely believe that once the whole Cult of resolved, and it will be resolved in the next update things will go back in track soon enough...

Plus getting totally wasted with Urdug when first visiting a major city is such a beautiful tradition.
Don't forget bringing along Nat and the others as well, they will deserve a drink after whatever happens.
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I don't think it's fair to only bring up the Light of Summer thing as a risk at all in 5/5. Since, well, it's also probably worth keeping in mind that 4/5 also risks your life and health too, for that matter. It's not like 4/5 is "free" compared to 5/5. We could roll like absolute ass and die in 4/5 as well as 5/5. 5/5 just increases the odds of that, but, well, still. =/
I mean, I don't really like 4/5 either, it's just the only non-5/5 plan with a chance of winning. And I prefer "partially excessive" to "completely excessive".

Also, in regards to something you said earlier, I don't think "extreme" appeasement is qualitatively different than "major" appeasement. I think there's just one scale called "appeasement" and each option is rated according to how far it, by itself, would move you up that scale. So taking an "extreme" option doesn't push us onto a whole other level, it just adds even more of the same thing. In terms of the marginal difference between 4/5 and 5/5, it probably only adds as much as another "major" action compared to the 4/5 action.

Edit: I typed a completely wrong word in the middle of one of my sentences. What the heck, brain. Why you make me do these things.
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I mean, I don't really like 4/5 either, it's just the only non-5/5 plan with a chance of winning. And I prefer "partially excessive" to "completely excessive".

Also, in regards to something you said differently, I don't think "extreme" appeasement is qualitatively different than "major" appeasement. I think there's just one scale called "appeasement" and each option is rated according to how far it, by itself, would move you up that scale. So taking an "extreme" option doesn't push us onto a whole other level, it just adds even more of the same thing. In terms of the marginal difference between 4/5 and 5/5, it probably only adds as much as another "major" action compared to the 4/5 action.

To be fair, torroar has been very blatant on this:
Remember, always, that Manann's wrath and boons are equally tremendous if garnered. It's just usually easier to gain the former than the latter. The same could be said of his chosen highest servant in Matriarch Maghda Sprenger.
This is about a good bit more than appeasement. Support from the Cult, an ally against Rutger, the potential boon of Manaan, etc. So it is fact that there is another level: the level beyond being simply square.

I'd be feeling exactly the same if it were just a matter of appeasement but it's been blatantly more than that.
Yeah, I didn't see that one before I posted my critique, point withdrawn there but I still stand by my statement about the ineffectiveness of giving up all of our greatships, it's not even in character since Natasha advised against it.

I'm just kind of tired of this, like some of these guys I can see their logic for going all in, but I bet some of them are just going for it because "OOOH FREDRICK CAN HANDLE A FEW LITTLE BARNACLES, WE GOT THE LIGHT OF SUMMER, IT'LL BE FINE". Maybe it's my real life experience leaking into my votes by sliding on a bunch of barnacles is a painful experience and that'a from my experience tripping while running on some tide rocks covered with them, I had a friend who fell into a crevasse had to get stitches for some of those cuts...

Natasha did not advise against all the greatships. She said she thought all the greatships would be excessive....HOPEFULLY. It's an estimate.

With the stakes here we should not skimp on the greatships. We have other naval defenses and can always build more greatships. But none of that will matter of the appeasement falls short.

And if it is excessive, we stand to gain some divine favor, which I think is worth an extra ship or three.

The keelhauling will hurt. A lot. And it is dangerous. But it's not real world keelhauling. It's actually survivable here for ordinary people.

Frederick is far from ordinary.

A lifetime of dealing with painful and stressful situations that would break most others
Divine Superhuman toughness
Gromril/dragon bone/runic steelfist
Light of Summer (which has survived and stayed with Frederick this whole time excepting Coeddil)
Jade Wizard
Fortune Point
Fate Point

All of that in his favor here.
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Oh. Huh. That's right, we could have, like, wandered around and tried to hire Knights Mariners or something...

I think "write-in" is not the best structure for that though. Um, I think, anyway. As we simply don't know enough about what is reasonable to pursue or do here, don't know the lay of the land in-universe so to speak, so... It may all be too awkward.

Better to either offer choices, or to pull a Laurelorn maybe. (Laurelorn was cool as shit.)

Actually, as far as hiring from Marienburg or the cult goes, you could simply provide it like the Mercenaries option and let people come up with a Plan of how-much-to-buy? That sort of "write-in" might be doable; because it's more like a "shopping list" -- from an openly viewable and available shopping list that one can see -- rather than what I was picturing when I first saw "write in maybe?" mentioned which was "Oh god, we're just going to have a bunch of write-ins for what to do in the city? Eek."

Providing a "Shopping List" sort of challenge/exercise/thing/task would be cool though!

There were going to be a few things, but the whole point of that was that Marienburg was cosmopolitan, and people could have asked me about what things there are, and I was going to throw in some possibilities but let the players think about exploring - with me present to say when things would or would not be flat out impossible to do. But, again, I'm a lot more leaning towards just leaving afterwards, at the moment. I don't know. We'll find out, I guess.
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There were going to be a few things, but the whole point of that was that Marienburg was cosmopolitan, and people could have asked me about what things there are, and I was going to throw in some possibilities but let the players think about exploring - with me present to say when things would or would not be flat out impossible to do. But, again, I'm a lot more leaning towards just leaving afterwards, at the moment. I don't know. We'll find out, I guess.
Sounds like it would be fun, but do understand if you just want to end interlude in general since it mentally has tired you out quite a bit. It would be IC to for Freddy to want to get out of city after nasty business is done and avoid enemy merchant families who might try something.

Your choice in the end naturally, but will support either way and what is best for you.

Edit: No more discussion after this, just votes please people.
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Vote closes in less than an hour.

Vote, or don't, but I'd really, really prefer if the only following posts are just votes. If it isn't a vote...maybe just don't. For now. At least.
EDIT: Zip, nyoink, poof. ("Yay Gulls! Go Gulls! Best sports team ever! :V")

I kind of wish that we had had some clever write-ins or ideas too.

Like maybe offering the Wing-Suits, or some Wing-Suits, to the Cult of Manann or something and seeing if they liked them. Or maybe just the current set of Wing-Suits.

Either way, I do hope that the Wing-Suits come up as a topic between Frederick and the Cult/Maghda. Because getting Manann's blessing on those -- when used on the coast and on ships that is -- could be pretty swanky.

The Gulls of Manann! :V
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There were going to be a few things, but the whole point of that was that Marienburg was cosmopolitan, and people could have asked me about what things there are, and I was going to throw in some possibilities but let the players think about exploring - with me present to say when things would or would not be flat out impossible to do. But, again, I'm a lot more leaning towards just leaving afterwards, at the moment. I don't know. We'll find out, I guess.
Since we learned about him in a rumors post a few turns ago, could we convince Otto Steinroth, the red pirate of Mariemburg, to become the red pirate of Ostaland?
we currently have a tie guys and the clock is ticking down.

Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on Jan 26, 2021 at 6:19 PM, finished with 1143 posts and 157 votes.

  • [X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way
    [X] Plan: All In, As Usual
    -[x] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    -[X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    --[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (All 5) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
    -[X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    --[X] Triton's Fury: A traveling temple-ship of Manann, practically the size of a Greatship, but its structure has been given far less over to battle than to making a mobile living space for its crew of Sea-Born. [Most Dangerous/Extreme Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [X] Plan Not all the Great Ships
    -[x] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    -[X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    --[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (Write-In How Many If Any/Which Greatships) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
    ---[X] Frederick's Fist and Oskar's Omen
    -[X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    --[X] Triton's Fury: A traveling temple-ship of Manann, practically the size of a Greatship, but its structure has been given far less over to battle than to making a mobile living space for its crew of Sea-Born. [Most Dangerous/Extreme Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [X] Plan: Almost All In, But Less Personal Danger
    [X] Plan Two Proper
    -[x] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    -[X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    --[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (Write-In How Many If Any/Which Greatships) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
    ---[X] 2 Greatships. Fist of Frederick and Natasha's Grace
    -[X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    --[X] Marvelous Maisel: An extremely large supply ship, apparently used to confer certain supplies to Sea-Born vessels out on the ocean such as medicines that cannot be sourced out on the ocean. Has not been cleaned at all. [More Dangerous/Major Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    ---[X] Volunteer to go twice. Get healed between bouts.
    ---[X] Don't wear the Light of Summer during the keelhauling.
    [X] Plan NUTS to Quest Masochism
    -[x] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    -[X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    --[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (Write-In How Many If Any/Which Greatships) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
    ---[X] 2 Greatships. Fist of Frederick and Natasha's Grace
    -[X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    --[X] The Rambler: An average trading ship, regularly barnacled. [Somewhat Dangerous/Minor Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [X] Plan Not Killing Ourselves
    -[x] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    -[X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    --[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (Write-In How Many If Any/Which Greatships) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
    ---[X] All the Greatships
    -[X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    --[X] Five-Tined Hunter: A wolf ship of the Cult of Manann that sails regularly against corsairs, pirates, worshippers of Stromfels, Druchii, and so on. [Dangerous/Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [x] we got this
    -[x] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    -[x] The Greatships of Ostland
    --[x] Give Them 2
    -[x] Accept the Keelhauling
    --[x] The Rambler
    [X] Freddy's Established Response To Performing Public Penances
    [X] Plan Not all the Great Ships
    - [X] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    [X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    -[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (Write-In How Many If Any/Which Greatships) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
    --[X] 2, The two named after Fred and Natasha because having a ship named after you is all about pride.
    [X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    -[X] Triton's Fury: A traveling temple-ship of Manann, practically the size of a Greatship, but its structure has been given far less over to battle than to making a mobile living space for its crew of Sea-Born. [Most Dangerous/Extreme Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [X]Plan No crippling our defence.
    [X] Something Else: (Write-In)-gave them to the cult of Manaan to be used as they say fit.
    [X] Refusal: Perhaps you can negotiate for other ships, other tasks? Repeated keelhaulings or something? (Write-In)
    [X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    -[X] Marvelous Maisel: An extremely large supply ship, apparently used to confer certain supplies to Sea-Born vessels out on the ocean such as medicines that cannot be sourced out on the ocean. Has not been cleaned at all. [More Dangerous/Major Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way
    [X] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    [X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    -[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. (Write-In How Many If Any/Which Greatships) [Major Appeasement/Approval For Each Ship]
    -[X] Fist of Frederick
    -[X] Natasha's Grace
    -[X] Oskar's Omen
    [X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    -[X] Marvelous Maisel: An extremely large supply ship, apparently used to confer certain supplies to Sea-Born vessels out on the ocean such as medicines that cannot be sourced out on the ocean. Has not been cleaned at all. [More Dangerous/Major Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [X] Accept the Keelhauling: It will hurt. That's rather the point. The only thing to think about is how sever you want to be about it. This is less about appeasing the priests, and more about quieting the mob, the fury of the common flock....and some of the priests who are especially angry. Who wish punishment, regardless of the fact that very, very technically, you were legally in the right. (Choose Ship Choice From Below)
    -[X] Marvelous Maisel: An extremely large supply ship, apparently used to confer certain supplies to Sea-Born vessels out on the ocean such as medicines that cannot be sourced out on the ocean. Has not been cleaned at all. [More Dangerous/Major Appeasement/Approval Gain]
    [X] Sacrifice Them To Manann: Set the things aflame, get some dockspace back, and offer a minor but appreciated appeasement to Manann. [Minor Appeasement/Maghda Approval]
    [X] The Greatships of Ostland: Sacrifice requires actual sacrifice. Wolfships are common vessels, and war galleys are meant for close coastal patrolling. You can rebuild later. Perhaps even with actual blessings and aid from the Cathedral, if you accept a bit of loss beforehand.
    -[X] Give Them: It stings, yes, but you'll know that the Cult of Manann will not misuse them. It would literally be sacrilege to do so. They will be honored vessels, surely, given what they are they'll not just sit in dock doing nothing. It could, even, show them off to the rest of the Empire in a positive light given time. - Fist of Frederick, Natasha's Grace
    [X] Do the bare minimum penance an take no personal risk.
    [X] Plan Goes Here
    [X] Plan Let's fight A Mannan Dammed shark
    -[X] Ignore your wifes protests and dive into the shark pit! let's see how well that overgrown fish can handle fisticuffs!
There were going to be a few things, but the whole point of that was that Marienburg was cosmopolitan, and people could have asked me about what things there are, and I was going to throw in some possibilities but let the players think about exploring - with me present to say when things would or would not be flat out impossible to do. But, again, I'm a lot more leaning towards just leaving afterwards, at the moment. I don't know. We'll find out, I guess.
That actually sounds pretty amazing, and it is a shame to lose that opportunity but I cant totally understand that you just want to get out of here ASAP...
Yeah, same here. It sounds really cool.

Say, while I assume that the Magical "College of Navigation" doesn't exist here yet -- or it might only be a thing in the other quest, I don't remember off the top of my head actually! -- could that be a thing we ask Maghda about?

That is -- we feel out what Maghda thinks about these newfangled "Colleges of Magic thing" that the Empire has recently gotten.

... Actually.

What does Maghda -- and the Cult of Manann -- think of them? If she knows anything of them? Though, she knew enough to know about Jade Wizards, so.

In fact, maybe Freddy could talk about the way they've helped out in Sylvania. And they've helped with farming. So... magic could be used in various places. Magic could find a niche. But. Is it a niche that people want magic to be in? And, when it comes to something as superstitious as the sea, is it a niche the Gods would want?

What does Manann think of, say, Azyr and Ulgu and Ghyran?

Or -- the College of Shyish are closely working with the Cult of Morr, right. Is it possible to have something like that with the Azyr Wizards (or Ghyran or Ulgu, if that would be an appropriate wind... Azyr is probably most appropriate, but Ulgu doing "mist magic" might be a thing, and Ghyran has water in it, though...) and the Cult of Manann? Actual cooperation and agreements and faith and worship though.

Or perhaps, some Azyr Wizards might be interested in taking up religion. The magic thing doesn't all have to be one way, after all. It's not like it's just people that should get more Wizards after all. It could be Wizards becoming more religious and faithful too.

So, like... Rather than hiring Azyr Wizards... Perhaps the Cult might be interested in having devout people becoming Wizards, and thus becoming highly devout Wizards.

... Or maybe all of this is none of Frederick's business. Or, well, at least the higher and more speculative and "What do?" parts. But at least sounding her out to see what she, and the Cult, and Manann himself, think of the Colleges of Magic...

... Well, I want to see that conversation happen! It'd be interesting to me.