Can I convince you to vote for "Plan: Almost All In, But Less Personal Danger" then?

It still gives all the Greatships, and does less keelhauling. I truly thing that giving all 5 Greatships is better for our defense and our interactions with Magdha and relations with the cult, and thus our future interactions with Marienburg and the cult.

And I'm voting for it myself, in a show of support for it. (I realize what tactical voting means, but... well, it's in the top 5 as far as vote numbers go? Plus, I made that plan in part so that people who felt strongly about and worried about the Keelhauling could vote for a safer keelhauling, after all.)

And now, off I go on an hour-long walk. Let's hope Manann doesn't freeze me or rain on me. :V :p
The problem is that your plan is significantly less likely to win than [] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way at this point. And for some of us, 2-3 Greatships seems like a pretty fair compensation for the cult, and we don´t really feel the need to give them 5.
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[X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

Having a greatship in service is worth more than 500 gold and a year of building time or we wouldn't be paying that (+running and upkeep costs) to have them. That said, if we can now build two at once in a year, I'd be happy enough giving them four of the five. I don't want a gap with no greatships in our own control.

I am very much against going beyond the Five Tined Hunter for the keelhauling.
[X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

I'm not trying to sound standoffish or anything but choosing to go all in on keelhauling because of reasons "X Y or Z" which for some seem yo boil down to "because its it's funny" or "Because Freddy always goes over the top when it comes to penance" just isn't enough for me to put Freddys life in such danger, while some may wave it away or think that the danger is minimal with all the things Freddy has to support him, fact is, it is dangerous. Extremely so even with how it was presented as an option.

And someone(since it got auto corrected and I can't remember who) brings up a good point I hadn't thought of. If..if Freddy somehow does die during the keelhauling, it would destroy any chance of there being reconciliation between the Hohenzollern and the Cult. Not to mention the chance of Natasha/Urgdug/Oskana going freaking beserk in the city.

So yeah, I somewhat understand why people would go for it but I personaly just don't think it's worth it or even necessary.
I was dinking chicken soup as I read this and now I am the soup apparently. ;)
[X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

Having a greatship in service is worth more than 500 gold and a year of building time or we wouldn't be paying that (+running and upkeep costs) to have them. That said, if we can now build two at once in a year, I'd be happy enough giving them four of the five. I don't want a gap with no greatships in our own control.
....oh yeah we would not have to pay for the ship upkeep since they would no longer be ours......but they still patrol and protect the coast for us......can we promise them a dozen more great ships? :V
EDIT: And now to really finally go on that walk. :V
The problem is that your plan is significantly less likely to win than [] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way at this point. And for some of us, 2-3 Greatships seems like a pretty fair compensation for the cult, and we don´t really feel the need to give them 5.
However, consider this: 6 people just voted for "Not quite all the way." (Some of those may've been switching from All In, some from other votes, Idunno.) If those 6 votes are applied to "Less Personal Danger", then that could start a drive for that vote. Furthermore, while still denying votes to "All in, as usual."

So, like, yeah, if it were 6 votes added to the max that Less Personal Danger had of 8 (it's not, some people are probably switching from that, not everybody, etc) that could be 14. Plus, votes denied to all in.

So... At this point, "Not quite all the way" is leading again. So your tactical votes can be going for "Less Personal Danger" again.

They're still votes denied to All In, As Usual, either way though!

But anyway yeah, what I'm saying is:

6 votes just came in for "not quite all the way" in a short matter of time.

If those 6 votes could instead go for "Plan: Almost All In, But Less Personal Danger", then that plan could have a chance of winning! ... Well okay maybe not winning, but at least it's successful tactical voting. That momentum from 6 votes, could snowball and keep going!
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[] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

I'm not trying to sound standoffish or anything but choosing to go all in on keelhauling because of reasons "X Y or Z" which for some seem yo boil down to "because its it's funny" or "Because Freddy always goes over the top when it comes to penance" just isn't enough for me to put Freddys life in such danger, while some may wave it away or think that the danger is minimal with all the things Freddy has to support him, fact is, it is dangerous. Extremely so even with how it was presented as an option.

And boiler does bring up a good point I hadn't thought of. If..if Freddy somehow does die during the keelhauling, it would destroy any chance of there being reconciliation between the Hohenzollern and the Cult. Not to mention the chance of Natasha/Urgdug/Oskana going freaking beserk in the city.

So yeah, I somewhat understand why people would go for it but I personaly just don't think it's worth it or even necessary.

I disagree with that.

I don't see it as funny, and I don't see is as 'just because Frederick always goes over the top'. He does what's needed to get the job done.

In this case we can't be sure of what it will take, so best to go all in to make sure.

Eh...I disagree with that.

I think it's unlikely to happen to start with. Between the Light of Summer, Adira, the fortune point, and the fate point.

But Natasha and Urgdug would know that Frederick wouldn't want that and undo the whole point of reconciling with the cult. Oskana wouldn't take it well, but Urgdug is there to keep her in control if need be.

Also, if we chose Triton's Fury...I KNOW that Freddy will die from this. i don't know why, I just KNOW.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't want to take the Chance.

Didn't you vote for a plan that goes for max keelhauling, though? Maybe one that has some greatships and some keelhauling is what you want.

And that is perfectly fine.
I myself think burning them all would have been excessive.
I intended to argue for sacrificing the one ship baring Freddy's name, but by the time I decided that adding one more argument would have been counterproductive for the thread at large, so as stated, decided to settle for the next best thing.

Oh...that's not bad as a symbolic gesture. Though I would still be inclined to give the other greatships to the cult.
[X] Plan: All In, As Usual

There is no other option. If we die, we play as the heir dealing with the fallout, but this perfectly IC for fred to get them to stop bothering him and get his people feeling safe.
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[X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

@Knightperson you may want to adjust the formatting of your vote so that the name of your vote and it's contents don't show up separately in the tally (there needs to be an extra - in front of all of the subvotes) - given the threadlocking there's likely to be people who are voting based off of the tally rather than reading through the entire thread.
OH, THE LIGHT (of summer).

Uh we should put in a subvote to remove the LoS then regardless of plan I guess?

I believe torroar said we were keeping it on unless otherwise stated, and we could lose it due to shenanigans mundane and Divine during the Keelhauling.
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Uh we should put in a subvote to remove the LoS then regardless of plan I guess?

I believe torroar said we were keeping it on otherwise, and we could very well lose it due to shenanigans during the Keelhauling.
We would need to basically remake the votes at this point and torroar wanted to close the vote early.

So no, I am not seeing it happen.
The problem is that your plan is significantly less likely to win than [] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way at this point. And for some of us, 2-3 Greatships seems like a pretty fair compensation for the cult, and we don´t really feel the need to give them 5.

And if three isn't enough to appease the cult we're out three ships and the cult is still pissed.

[] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

Having a greatship in service is worth more than 500 gold and a year of building time or we wouldn't be paying that (+running and upkeep costs) to have them. That said, if we can now build two at once in a year, I'd be happy enough giving them four of the five. I don't want a gap with no greatships in our own control.

I am very much against going beyond the Five Tined Hunter for the keelhauling.

I was dinking chicken soup as I read this and now I am the soup apparently. ;)

We will have an action to build two greatships a turn if we want. So a gap in defense won't be long. Also keep in mind we can hire mercenaries, and have our shore defenses and wolf ships and galleys. We're not completely vulnerable. And while the cult of Manann may well have the greatships go elsewhere, if we have plans to build more greatships soon out of necessity then Maghda may well give it a year or few to remain around Ostland while our greatship numbers are replenished at least partly.

Nope. The Plan I voted for has the Level 4 Keelhauling, not the Level 5.

Ah, right. Still one of the riskier ones. Though it's important to keep in mind that Maghda is not a sadist or bloodthirsty herself. She's giving options, none of which are probably likely to be lethal.

She would consider Frederick dying a worst case outcome as well. She may not care about him as a person but she's smart enough to know that would not be a great outcome for the Cult.

So she presented all those options which do vary in danger, but I don't think any of them are death sentences. Especially with the LoS, Adira, the fortune point, and fate point.
OH, THE LIGHT (of summer).

Uh we should put in a subvote to remove the LoS then regardless of plan I guess?

I believe torroar said we were keeping it on unless otherwise stated, and we could lose it due to shenanigans mundane and Divine during the Keelhauling.
I would prefer not to. Have we ever lost it? Orion didn't remove it, our many injuries didn't come with it being severed from our person. I'm fine with whatever plan wins that tries to clear things up or get the favor of Manaan and assistance of the Cult against Rutger, but it's too dangerous to go without the Light of Summer, Adira or not.
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I'm not sure about taking off the light of summer; that seems to just literally be asking to die.

Like is this some 4th-dimensional chess move to get Freddy killed, so we can get a casus belli to burn down Marienburg?
[X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

Sure, Frederick has sheer toughness and a top-tier medical plan, on top of emergency Fortune + Fate re-rolls...
... but this amount of danger is already significant, and will win over pretty much anyone we could possibly care about.