[X] Plan Not Quite ALL the Way

Well at least its not the most extreme Keelhauling option. the rest I like, Especially the Three Greatships. Vote Changed.
Tor himself confirmed that RL history of Keelhauling has only tangential importance for what is happening here.
I know, but I am still a little unsure about it, it is like saying "you can totally pet that Grizzly Cub, the mother won´t maul you to death I promise"
[X] Plan: All In, As Usual
- [X] Take off the Light of Summer

Well, win or die, we can at least make sure Magnus's rule will have good shipping coverage.
I would suggest deleting - [X] Take off the Light of Summer from your vote, or you will actually be voting against Plan: All In, As Usual, because it will count as a totally different plan.
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Like said before, I mainly want most extreme kneelhauling option because there is a good reason for the madness.

1. Freddy has good odds of surviving even if very dangerous due to Light of Summer and Adira being on hand, plus being allowed to have gauntlet during process like GM said to reduce barnacle risk and even the Matriarch praying Manann to go easy on us.
2. Taking the most extreme options means no sane member of the Cult of Manann can gainsay Freddy later since he is taking the biggest penance possible on top of gift of ships to burn/use.
3. Taking the most extreme option makes the Matriarch look better overall to members of the cult that are overly interested in money and we want to rise her up as much as possible since as GM stated she is a very reasonable authority figure all told, one which is actively helping us with kneelhauling option and other stuff the more we give.
4. Finally its very spiritually heavy to do the kneelhauling on a temple-ship of Manann in general and by putting his whole being into it we can get out of this with us 'in the black' with Manann, who like Nat said his gifts tend to be more open than other gods.

That's my mindset for going all in at least, get most bang for our buck after being brought very low.
Not really, going for "just enough" would be to give just a single greatship, burn the ravenships, and taking the optional 1-2 for keelhauling.

I think that Plan Not Quite ALL the Way is significantly more than "just enough"

What do you base that assertion on? Maghda wants this solved and gave us options, but she can't be sure which option is enough for the priesthood or the masses.

As Natasha said, it's about stacking the deck to possibly get enough approval/appeasement to resolve this. The more the better. The less we choose the greater the risk it isn't enough and Ostland suffers for it.

We have other defenses to compensate for the greatships for the time being. And can build more, more quickly than usual.

The keelhauling is risky, but life is risky. We have magic items, wizards, and fortune and a fate point to greatly mitigate that risk, though.

[X] Plan: All in, As usa
If it was the mother Grizzly herself promising me?
Awsome, fluffy baby animal!
Ok, that is actually funny and a pretty good point.
What do you base that assertion on? Maghda wants this solved and gave us options, but she can't be sure which option is enough for the priesthood or the masses.
Well, my assumption is that 3xMAJOR APPEASEMMENT actions should be enough, especially taking into account that the 4th worst Keelhauling option is only a single Major appeasement action.
Ok, that is actually funny and a pretty good point.

Well, my assumption is that 3xMAJOR APPEASEMMENT actions should be enough, especially taking into account that the 4th worst Keelhauling option is only a single Major appeasement action.
oranges and tomatoes situation man.
Both are acidic fruit rich in carotenoids caused by the degradation of chlorophyll due to ripening, and generally healthy, but you cannot really use the reasoning that Tomato salad should be fine with so many/so few tomatoes because fruit salad only needs so many/so few oranges.
We will have an action to build two greatships a turn if we want. So a gap in defense won't be long. Also keep in mind we can hire mercenaries, and have our shore defenses and wolf ships and galleys. We're not completely vulnerable. And while the cult of Manann may well have the greatships go elsewhere, if we have plans to build more greatships soon out of necessity then Maghda may well give it a year or few to remain around Ostland while our greatship numbers are replenished at least partly.
That's also true!

We can just hire more mercenaries -- potentially immediately after the Marienburg meeting maybe?

@torroar Can we act to hire more naval mercenaries right after Marienburg? Since we didn't know when we were coming in that we might end up dedicating/donating some of our Greatships, and so didn't stock up on naval mercenaries to the max at the time, so can we do so afterward?

... Plus, additionally -- I'm willing to bet that naval mercenaries are a lot more willing to go work for us after we give penance and payment to Manann, rather than before we did so.

So we'll probably have an easier time hiring mercenaries now than we did before. (Or, at least, so I presume.)

... Hm. Does the Cult of Manann have any ships for hire like that, actually, @torroar? Do the Cult of Manann have the equivalent of people we can hire, not quite mercenaries (or actual-quite-mercenaries)?
I am very sorry about my part in the argument,i love your quest and i understand the power that a cult can have(after all in RL a king of england was forced to walk bare footed and dress in very simple clothes bc the pope was upset with him over the killing of a bishop,not at the king direct order,but by some over zealous knights.Is this case s source of inspiration for this arc?)
The only thing i dont like is the giving of powerful ships,with the danger of druchii attack or some major norscan attack.
Something I'd rather have for when we inevitably face off against the unholy amount of Beastmen Malagor seems to be conjuring up for an attack in the Empire. As I said, not worth it in the end in my honest opinion.
Understandable, but we were specifically asked by Tor not to use the beastmen interludes as a metagaming reason in our voting.
And, anyway, just because the storm is brewing, it is not quite so certain to strike right now, as you seem to treat it.
Mind, you might also be 100% right, and again, your reasoning makes sense.
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