... You know, I wonder if the combination of Bedrock, and the Light of Summer, and Natasha's own Soul... Might result in longevity increases for Frederick and/or Natasha, because of what happens?
... Eh, probably not. Probably not any more than there already is some longevity increases already. But still, it'd be nice. It'd be nice if Bedrock allowed the two to share some benefits -- I mean, beyond just what is already implied by the magic to begin with.
Well, we'll find out.
But I'm currently in favor of going to the Bedrock. A love as deep as "all my love, forever"? And Frederick being
I think Frederick should just tell Natasha that he's willing and desiring to go all the way. Natasha is asking Frederick how far he wants to go, so, let's have Frederick tell her how far; and that's Bedrock. As befitting their love.
It might be cheesy, or lame, or something that just doesn't hit right for some, but their little call and response? The one I've been sprinkling in repeatedly throughout their interactions?
All my love, forever? -> Forever?
They mean it. They genuinely mean it. It's not just some flimsy catch phrase I wrote up, it's something that encapsulates the depth of the emotions they've held for one another in only four words, three spoken by the first speaker and the fourth word by the second. It is declaration and confirmation. Natasha is born of Kislev, and yes, hardy rough and tumble 'our soil is black from the blood of so many slain sons and daughters beneath the white of the snows' Kislev. But she was also a young woman when she left Kislev. A bit older than Frederick was, sure, but still.
... You know, that makes it pretty clear for me. Go for Bedrock. All my love forever.
Their bond goes deep, all the way down to the bedrock of their hearts and souls. That's the best fit for it, really.
Huh. Now I'm wondering of the possibilities of one who is StoneSouled going to the Bedrock. Even if the wording is just coincidence, his soul has proven able to weather that which would trample others, like Durthu's intake of Coeddil. Might help Natasha.
Same here. What
does it mean to go "to the bedrock" while being Stonesouled?
Also -- several people jumped on the fear train of "Dude, we are going to be facing Malagor and/or Morghur! We can't risk it!" but that's absurd. One, because that's total OOC knowledge and relying on that is totally unfair. Two, because... even if we knew it was coming
we still don't know how the campaign is going to turn out. We might, personally, never face Malagor at all. We might face Taurox or one of the other Beastlords. Third, it does not matter even if somebody caught Frederick or Natasha;
because the consequences to both Frederick and Natasha would be dire anyway if a Sorcerer the likes of Malagor or Morathi got ahold of either of them!
But finally...
People immediately latched on to the fear of "Oh no, this is a vulnerability? We must be worried about the worst possible scenario, then." But. But, what if...
What if you reverse that, too?
What if you consider the possibility
that having a strong connection to a Stonesouled, and somebody blessed by the Ancient Widow, might also give AID against an evil conjurer?
Whether it be Frederick being able to offer support to Natasha or vice versa. Or if it would mean that Natasha could go to Yhanna or Aurelion if Frederick were ever captured, and thus Yhanna or Aurelion would be able to pull some kind of working that could
aid Frederick even if he were captured!
If there is the possibility for risk or vulnerability, then I say there is the possibility for
potential too.
Though honestly, despite the fact that I just spent most of my wordcount talking about the magic part of this... I feel more strongly, and more influenced, about going for this
because of what it would mean for Natasha's heart and peace of mind.
I hadn't realized, or perhaps hadn't fully considered, how sincere they were with those messages of "All my love, forever." And so... I want to honor that.
I want to honor that commitment, with a Bedrock connection.
I do not think it right to shy away from it from fear out of some conjurer.
In fact, I think... that if you are hesitant to pick Bedrock solely because of the evil sorcerer issue (if you are against it for other reasons, that's fine! it's just if it's the "the magic connection is too scary!" that I'm currently talking about)
then you should be too hesitant to send Frederick into battle where he might die, too.
Because it feels the same to me. Yes, I am aware that this also throws Natasha into the mix too.
I'm saying that the...
shape of it is the same. And that shape, is fear. Fear that something horrible might happen to Frederick or Natasha.
But, like. You were
already accepting these sorts of possibilities. You were already accepting that Frederick might die if he goes out, or get captured and enslaved, or turned into a Vampire, or transformed into a Chaos Spawn, or sacrificed to a Daemon (that one actually happened!) or whatever.
That's simply the sort of world it is, and that's simply the sort of life that they lead.
I think, instead, that
we should focus on Frederick and Natasha's relationship and love.
I think we should just focus on forging the closest possible connection between the two of them, and focusing on cherishing the love they have and the time together they have.
And so... Bedrock.