New option added.
I still...I literally am struggling here to see this as Sunweaver being mean or underhanded. This is literally something she thought would be pleasing to some friends of hers. It's not cryptic at all, and she's being incredibly blatant about the things, all while offering a variety of options for this thing she's offering to do. Sunweaver is paying off what she perceives to be a debt to a friend with a nice - or I guess I thought it was in my sleep deprived state - thing. Like, she's not going to make it something 'easy'. She's the High Spellweaver of Laurelorn, and she's super fresh and ready without being under massive threat of Angry Ariel or corrupted Elder Ancients or the Bone Gate affecting the Weave directly.
Like, sure, let's engage on the OOC knowledge level that I really hoped people wouldn't.
Malagor is extremely powerful and knowledgeable. So is Yhanna Sunweaver. He's a master with Dhar. She's a master with Quaysh. He's been learning and scrapping for his knowledge since his birth, tearing it from lesser bray-shamans and other sorcerers. She's a full graduated student of Argwylon, where common place stuff is damn near miraculous to their fellow elves elsewhere in Athel Loren, and is literally the ruler of one of Laurelorn's cities.
It took her only minutes to adjust this entire ritual she was devising, based on a single question from Natasha, and did so to her own satisfaction to answer back that she could do it no problem. Because she, despite herself, likes them. She dearly appreciates what they did, and wanted to give something back to Natasha that it seemed like the woman might desire. She said 'A debt', she didn't say 'The Debt'. Did she, at any point, declare that she was there in the name of All Laurelorn and the Glade Lord Naraiel Dawnstone? With formal language and everything? No. She basically just said 'Hey friends, let's do some cool magic stuff, I feel like you should be rewarded, cause I feel like your deeds created a debt that should be paid, and here's me doing my part in that repayment'. With the addition of 'oh man, please be cautious and considering about this, I don't want you guys getting hurt OH NO YOUR DAUGHTERS USE MAGIC? PLEASE TELL ME THEY JUST USE ONE WIND BECAUSE I WOULDN'T WANT THEM TO GO INSANE FROM USING MORE and also haha jokes and laughter. Then she says the ritual will take about a year to prepare, not that it HAS to be done immediately or anything like that. Magic requires specifics like that sort of thing, and she would have said 'and then you simply must come, simply must'.
I'm tired.
See ya'll later, I think.