I actually feel sorry for the new Matriarch of the Cult of Manann because she has a shit-load ton of crap on her plate right now. She definitely has a lot of work and stress ahead of her path due to the recent events....
While I don't regret unleashing the witch hunters given the thorough job they did, we should still probably get to building that lighthouse next turn as an apology present to the Mannan cult, what with all the innocent priests who got caught in the crossfire.
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Sounds like people underestimated the zealotry and savagery of our Witch Hunters.

Witch Hunters are monsters, and everytime we've involved them in the past it resulted in swift and terrible torturing of people. They might get results, but they cause huge amounts of collateral damage in the pursuit of these results.

I'd suggest we try and reform them to be less murder-and-torture-happy, but I think they would murder us for that.
The Witchhunters performed as desired and expected. We just collectively failed to realize there could be negative political ramification. Its as if the factions around us actually reacted to our actions in organical way and our deeds had consequences. Who would have thought.

Not trying to be passive agressive at you specifically, just, your post is the third or fourth one that i have seen that seems to run in the vein of "Witch Hunters are at fault" or "Must've been bad rolls".
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Speaking of the Witch Hunters, we might want to look into the Imperial Fighting League. Rolling a double 8 on organized bloodsports seems a bit suspect...
It's messed up, but I had a laugh at the mental movie of witch hunters questioning Sabine because one of them insists she's a secret Khorne cultist. The others look at Sabine, then look at the accuser, then back at Sabine, before dragging the guy off and profusely apologizing to Freddy and company.
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if we can fuse the Lighthouse project with a Greater Temple at Salkaten we won't be in too much trouble. Might need to invest strongly in the Cult of Manaan in order to assuage his wroth.

the -1 respect in all coastal settlements and another -1 with Westerland. Blech. Well. Our self-declared enemies are Moot, Talabecland, Middenland and Westerland. That's pretty weighty, but we're pulling Stirland over and Averland's current Count is having none of that "screw the Steel Bull" shit while he's around. Reikland is relatively friendly, and Wissenland is perhaps a bit too friendly lolol

Hochland is headed by a friend of Magnus, and I've no doubt they'll be against imperial infighting.

Then, of course, we have The Trident.

Frankly, it's a non-trivial amount of enemies. Westerland shifting to even worse opinion in addition to a bonus -1 within coastal settlements (like Marienburg) means uh. Hrm.

Nah. We did the right thing. Threats to Ostland will be handled. Get surprised? Not our problem. We will do anything, up to and including creating large institutions to replace failing authorities like "the warden of middle mountains". They want their old jobs? Sure. Come get them. We do them to keep our people safe, not because we want the extra burdens.

as for the 88 on the arena . . . we did just hear about a Ranald fanatic group who target those in need of humbling. Sabine once again had some ridiculous successes, and is aligned with Henrich (who is in competition with Ranald).

My guess is that Ranald fanatics could sicc witch hunters onto Sabine for the IFL Arena and Bloodsport because it looks pretty impious.

I'd run through the paperwork/blueprints one more time, just in case. Not sure if Sabine knows as much about Chaos as we do,
I mean, we killed half the Cult of Manaan in Ostland. I seriously doubt that half the Cult of Manaan was Holders of the Shore, otherwise we would have lost more than just some trade volume and a few warships.

@torroar Did Commodore Lars Gildemeister survive the purge of the Cult? I loved his little adventure in Albion, and it would be a shame to loose such a stallwart hero of the seas.

Yeah, the knights were fine. Easier to knock a guy in a seaweed robe on the head and throw him in the water than a fully armored knight.
the fighting arena has a very troubling omen we rolled 88 khorne's sacred number twice
A common misconception, but 66, 77, 88, and 99 are not significant numbers to the Chaos Gods, but rather 36, 49, 64, and 81. I.E. 6 sets of 6, 7 sets of 7, and so forth.

While more relevant to 40k than to Fantasy, it's worth noting that this scales upwards, so a theoretical Khornate slaughter of 16777216 people (8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8) is the kind of apocalyptic event that dooms entire worlds in demonic incursions.

Going by the Chinese system of numerology however, 88 is symbolic for Great Prosperity and is thus a highly auspicious number to roll on a money-making scheme like establishing the Great Ostland Arena.
Not trying to be passive agressive at you specifically, just, your post is the third or fourth one that i have seen that seems to run in the vein of "Witch Hunters are at fault" or "Must've been bad rolls".

That is precisely the opposite of the vein my post runs in. I pointed out that this was the expected result of sicking the Witch Hunters on the Cult of Manaan and that people complaining about rolls might not have thought the expected collateral damage through beforehand.
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I really do not think we should care much about the Cult of Manaan's whining. This whole mess is 100% their fault, after all. If they get worse instead of getting over it, which I do not consider highly likely, then we'll just have do something highly radical, like get a dwarf/elf to revolutionize human ship design!

Mind, I hope we can get past this just fine without doing anything drastic, but if not there are always options.
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I really do not think we should care much about the Cult of Manaan's whining. This whole mess is 100% their fault, after all. If they get worse instead of getting over it, which I do not consider highly likely, then we'll just have do something highly radical, like get a dwarf/elf to revolutionize human ship design!

Uhm, what would revolutionizing human ship design actually accomplish? If there is no Priest of Manaan on our side, it doesn't really matter how our ships are designed, no salty sea dog who knows what they are doing leaves port without the blessing of Manaan. We'd need to either find a non-Manaan sea god (good luck) or find non-supersticious sailors (even more good luck).
I really do not think we should care much about the Cult of Manaan's whining. This whole mess is 100% their fault, after all. If they get worse instead of getting over it, which I do not consider highly likely, then we'll just have do something highly radical, like get a dwarf/elf to revolutionize human ship design!

Mind, I hope we can get past this just fine without doing anything drastic, but if not there are always options.
...dude, its not whining when we know Witch Hunter policy is to make sure absolutely no guilty escape even if the innocent must burn.
They're genuinely and reasonably upset that innocent priests have died because of the actions of their fellows.

Whether or not it was a mistake on our part is up for debate(certainly the Holders are utterly gone), but do not blame the cult for being upset that innocent priests died to Sigmarite zealot inquisitors taking the slightest hint of guilt as reason to kill brutally. That Manaan cult secrets may have been extracted through torture. That their holy places have been ransacked in the name of security.
It's really easy for Freddy to point to his own rise to power for why he squashed the Holders of the Shore so thoroughly. Why would a man who's family was nearly exterminated by hostile cults not root them out?

Moreover, it's a matter of public record that Freddy's been under the Witchhunter's tender ministrations. That sort of gives his actions a different cast.
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Welp, that's really unfortunate. I'm guessing we rolled really poorly here?
I mean, turning the investigation of the Manaanites to the Witch Hunters was never gonna end well. They're literally witch hunters; setting up witch hunts and brutalizing people is what they do.

So we rubbed the Matriarchs nose into the fact she mucked up. We'll hurt for a bit but it's better to have removed those cultists root and stem as opposed to have them in the wind like everyone else.
Except that the Cult's own internal auditors were already committed to doing that after the Matriarch personally ritually murdered every member of the heretical sect she could get her hands on. The ship-wreckers were already pretty much doomed; all we accomplished was ensure that a bunch of non-heretical Manaanites would get tortured or killed in the process.

Shame about the cult of Manann, but whatever, I'd still rather take some trade loss then half ass the job and let some of them get away to antagonize us later. We have enough enemies as-is.
...Well yes. And now one of our enemies is the orthodox hierarchy of Manaan, as opposed to isolated and universally hated heretics.

After the purging and mass attention already going on, the fanatics were realistically not going to recover from the beating for decades, if ever.

Don't want to hear whining from their leader about how we didn't "respect their authoritah" when they're the ones that let this whole issue fester until it exploded into a bunch of OUR ships getting burned.
The leader of the Cult in the years before the burning is dead, murdered by the same fanatics who burned the ships.

The new leader is being literally as aggressive as possible in pursuing the ship-wreckers with every tool at her disposal.

How, exactly, do you expect to incentivize better behavior on the part of the Manaanites by aggressively turning on their hierarchy this way?

We don't need to start a new cult, but maybe we could offer more funds to Ostland's Manannite priests so they can train more Acolytes so trade can resume.

Nothing personal, just us taking appropriate action in response to an influential Marienburg personality wielding her influence in a manner that hurts Ostland's economy. Again.
I mean, that's certainly a take... alternatively, we can note that we killed a whole bunch of our own people and the Marienburger is pissed about it. I suspect that the Cult of Manaan will hesitate to rebuild in Ostland after we purged them so aggressively and sicced the (largely Sigmarite) Witch Hunters on them.

Well, the Parts with Marienburg and Rommel were not ideal, but at least we can try those again later.

As for the Cult...I still think the Witch Hunters were the right Choice. We can make it up to the Manaannites later and permanently got rid of Fanatics that could wreck our Coastal Operations anytime.
I mean. The Foamborne were going to do that too. And the cult is so unpopular now that they won't be resurging any time in the next generation; most of the fanatics were dead before we even got started.
I mean. The Foamborne were going to do that too. And the cult is so unpopular now that they won't be resurging any time in the next generation; most of the fanatics were dead before we even got started.
They were always supposed to be doing this though, it was always their job to do it, they just weren't any good at it before now. By the same token, the Holders of the Shore were never popular with anybody, and that didn't stop them from doing whatever they wanted. So clearly, we needed some extra measures.
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The Manaan thing is well...Unfortunate, but for me the BIG catch is that we're the One guy who gave it over to Sigmar's Hunters to police, instead of being a mixed bag. Oops!

Personally, I'm concerned about the narrative of someone who has the official job of patrolling the seas being on a rocky relationship with the Sea cult. That seems like some very bad juju is headed our way, and I can think of too many ways that manifests, from potentially losing our post, to having to pay through the nose, to something something Sigmaritss getting too big for their britches in Ostland...Then again, it might just be we just have to weigh appeasing the cult versus eating the cost the long way...
A common misconception, but 66, 77, 88, and 99 are not significant numbers to the Chaos Gods, but rather 36, 49, 64, and 81. I.E. 6 sets of 6, 7 sets of 7, and so forth.

While more relevant to 40k than to Fantasy, it's worth noting that this scales upwards, so a theoretical Khornate slaughter of 16777216 people (8*8*8*8*8*8*8*8) is the kind of apocalyptic event that dooms entire worlds in demonic incursions.

Going by the Chinese system of numerology however, 88 is symbolic for Great Prosperity and is thus a highly auspicious number to roll on a money-making scheme like establishing the Great Ostland Arena.
Technically, all multiples of the sacred number are significant to the Chaos Gods.

In WHFRP2E, Magic is cast using d10 dice. Rolling doubles(e.g. 8+8) causes wizards to roll on the minor Chaos manifestation table due to the Curse of Tzeentch. Rolling triples(8+8+8) causes them to roll on the major Chaos manifestation table.
D100 checks in WHFRP2E are also rolled with d10 dice. You get 88 by rolling 8 twice(100 by rolling double 0). A 64 would be rolled as 6+4.

Please don't bring 40k or RL China into Fantasy.