We made a dwarf trader friend back at the Meet who's worried about elf influence. :D

Said Dwarf Trader is the only reason Dwarves are coming to Ostland for trade in the first place.

We made a trade deal with the Dwarf first, then leveraged our horrible diplomacy to brutally ignore the spirit of being a Dwarven friend so we could(make the right decision and) forge a trade deal with the Elves.

We met the Dwarf in a pub before the meet happened and offered him a blood oath to lend him our assistance if he or his asked during our shared bender on the Temple of Sigmar. We made the trade deal with the Elf when the meet was over.

;)Timelines are useful.

But yes, that Dwarf is worried about Elf influence, hence the need to make something fancy/impressive.
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Just an question, is the whole "Steel Bull of Ostland thing supposed to be on our character sheet? Under titles I mean?
Knights of the North Star are a Nordland based Order, not Ostland, sorry.

But the Bull Warriors are based in Ostland right?

If not, we should push for them to expand their presence here, knightly orders are awesome.

Which reminds me. What are the stats on the Bull Warriors and the Knights of the White Wolf?
Correspondence - SneakyWalrus
Correspondence, Omake.

Honoured Thane
... For a human, he could handle his booze well enough, and even more importantly, took great respect to even haul around that case of Bugman's Premium when smashed. Any manling that can respect a proper brew like that while however many pints deep deserves a second look, even if he wasn't an Elector Count.

Grandcousin and Trader Gurni
... You make clear your relationship with the Manling, and if he was willing to swear an oath before his Gods, then all rights to him and his ancestors. However, how would you even propose that we reach his lands? They lie in the northmost reaches, far across land and in the midst of the Forest of Shadows itself. Surely any journey would be perilous for our traders to make, even with any potential profit.

Honoured Thane
... And, in closing, the Elves have agreed to trade with the Count.

Grandcousin and Trader Gurni
... I'll make the arrangements. Our caravans will be moving before the Elves even leave their ports, bloody oath breakers they are.
Dungur - prince84
Omake: Dungur

Dungur of Ostland was a happy Ogre. His family had joined the human lands of Ostland when he was still young. He still remembered hid early years in the Mountains of Morn.

Here there was Good food that you did not have to fight for every scrap. While some might find farming dull Dungur family liked it. It as food you made not food that you took and they felt pride in the fact they had food to sell despite the fact they had a large family even for Ogres.
Here your lord did his best to protect you. His family farm being near the Forest of Shadows he had seen battles with the beastmen ever year but hey had never made it as far as the farm before the soldiers of Ostland killed or drove them off. In Ostland you could ask for help. When he could not not read the town notice he had asked the nice hammer man from the fancy stone hut for help and the man ended up teaching him to read.(It had taken over a year) Here men talk about the gods and what them stood for. The nice hammer man talked loudly about his god.

There the food was just food and you had to risk your limbs for every mouthful. He remembers fighting for scraps with the other young Ogres.There a Tyrant might eat you if he did not like you or felt that you were of no use. Dungur remembered running for his life many a time because the Tyrant did not like his family. There the only safety you had was if you were bigger and meaner than everything else and he had learned there is always something bigger and meaner than you. In the mountains if you needed help you were food. In the mountain you worshiped the Maw and the hunger that gnawed at your mind or were food.

Yes Dungur loved Ostland. So when the notice was posted that Ostland was threatened he joined up before the criers was done reading it to the rest of the town. The trainers were strict but fair and failed to eat anyone. They gave him weapons and armor and taught him how best to use them. Then they marched to protect Ostland and he saw what would happen to his Ostland if the threat was not stopped. Lands sick with no animal to eat, farms empty of men or crops and towns reduced to fly pits by the foul ones.

Dungur learned that his Lord Freddy tried to protect hid soldiers even when in battle. Guns killed the enemy before they could hurt His Ostlanders and canons that killed big groups of beastmen and foul ones. When the canons were attacked he was proud to protect them as they protected his fellow soldiers. Dungur had a thought then he hated the Maw and thought that the man gods were for man maybe he could believe in canons some of the men seemed to.

When Freddy killed many foul ones and saved some shiny elves that was good the elves had some shiny magic to help stop the foul ones. Then the saved the man city and what he saw made his gut hurt. Not in hunger but deep rage at the wrongness of it. These were strong man, friends of Ostland and they had suffered this. They were nothing but skin and bones. Dungur would not let this be.When Lord Freddy sent the halflings to feed the people Dungur helped as he could. He could not cook like the halflings but he could carry so he carried raw food to the cooks and cooked food to the hungry.("I has never seen a ogre give food away without eating before but that is what this one ogre was doing" Mandle halfling cook)

The men we rescued wanted to help us but were to weak to fight so the gave us their canons. This was good Dungur did not want any more friends of Ostland to die and the canons would kill many foul ones. Canons could even kill deamon holes in air.

Much fighting later Dungur saw Lord Freddy attack the giant foul one to keep it away from his people. Dungur saw Lord Freddy's armor break and Lord Freddy bleeding climb the giant foul one so he could kill it.

Dungur was happy he had join the army. He had found what he believed in. He believed in Lord Freddy and canons. Now maybe hammer man would stop shouting at him.