Dutch's Imperial Culture Corner: The Imperial Navy
Dutch's Imperial Culture Corner

Were we have a detailed look at the (sometimes) more unknown organizations operating in the Empire. Since we're done with half the provinces, I decided to do something special. I rolled a 1d8 for the topic and you guys got the Imperial Navy.

Obligatory Sailor music

The Imperial Navy

The Imperial navy as we know it is one of the most powerful navies in the Old World, it provides opportunities for the rich and poor, and is one of the only institutions were nobles and commoners not only rub shoulders, but mingle. Whether you are a soldier or sailor, craftsman or cook, weaver or gunner, armorer or engineer, the Imperial Navy needs you.

The Imperial navy is an essential part of the Empire's military. It is not only responsible for defending the coast and trade routes, but also transports state troops and militias wherever they may be needed, acting as a force multiplier and allowing for a rapid deployment of Imperial troops. Further, the navy is used to blockade enemy ports, escort merchant convoys, explore distant lands, transport important dignitaries, and for capturing foreign vessels.

No matter someone's skill there is a place for everyone in the navy.

The first Imperial ships were build over two thousand years ago, in response to Norscan raids in the north. The Norscan tribes were expert shipbuilders and launched frequent raids on the coastal provinces. According to the Chronicles of the venerable Ottokar, the local nobles were "powerless to the blasphemous Norse." because every time they rallied an army against them they would "Flee to their vessels like the godless cowards they were, and sail down to another part of the coast to attack."

Because the Empire lacked a method to transport its troops along the coast the Norscans had freedom to raid anywhere they wanted. In an attempt to change this, the desperate nobles ordered "Great boats be built, so Westerland may be proud again in Sigmar's grace."

Apparently they succeeded because not every long after that entry it is noted; "There were great boats from point to point with great men within, bone-cages wrapped in battle coats, arms bright with weapons of war."

So successful was this early ship-building that the Local dukes and Counts demanded their coastal Barons "All build a ship for the transport of men." as part of their feudal obligations. This change proved effective against the Norscans because "They did smite the Norse like Sigmar to the unholy." However it was not enough.

In 632 the Norscans sacked Marienburg, the capital of Westerland (A feat that they would repeat three more times). According to Sigmarite records, the Emperor himself demanded that action should be taken. After lengthy discussion a new title was created: "And with Sigmar's wisdom, he did order the Keepers of the Coast be made true by law".

These new nobles were charged with creating and manning ships, further they were to: "Establish coastal patrols and watch-fires, organize routes of escape and fortifications for when invasions were too large to bear."

By the time of the mid 700s the standing navy of the Empire had spread across the northern and western coasts of the Empire. According the dwarf Saga of Damrik Ulgriksson:

Despite Damrik's opinion the fleet proved effective, the fleet did make a difference. For in 765, the Baron of Westerland concluded treaties with the Norscan Sarl, Skaeling and Bjornling tribes at the Althing of Traktatsey. Ending hostilities.

For the next three generations the Keepers of the Coast were largely ceremonial in nature, with most of them never seeing the sea or setting foot on a ship. This was a mistake, in time the Norscans took advantage of the Empire's lowered defenses. Marienburg was sacked a second time in 1109 and shamefully it wasn't Imperial forces that forced them to leave but the Black Plague in 1111. If not for the plague the Norscans would have most likely held the city.

The next two centuries civil issues at the heart of the Empire left the coastal provinces to fend for themselves. And while the navy never truly died in this period, it was devastated. Nordland was raided and settled, and records show that Westerland and Ostland didn't fare better. The permanent arrival of the Norscans did have one advantage though.

While advancements were made in the north, disaster struck in the south. The civil war had begun, by 1360 there were two Emperors and by 1547 there were three. While the Empire disintegrated around it, the navies of Nordland, Ostland, Middenland, Reikland and Westerland rose to prominence, particularly those of Reikland and Westerland. Altdorf is said to have built several large bridges to block the power of the fledgling Talabeclander and Wissenlander navy, safeguarding Altdorf from bombardment and smothering naval dreams from both provinces in their infancy.

Illustrations and Tapestries from the period suggest that the ships were armed with simple catapults and bolt throwers, along with longbow men. Imperial ships were designed for river or short coastal journeys and their designs didn't change for many centuries. However one port did make some advancements: Marienburg

The Westerlander port city was growing fast as merchants from across the Old World gathered to gain access to the goods of the war-thorn Empire. Of these, the most advanced were the Tileans (Yes, I did check my eyes and double checked the text, who'd have thought that Tileans could be useful). They were skilled with black powder and in shipbuilding.

The temple of Verena in Marienburg recorded:

The Westerlanders took this as a challenge and in short order Tilean secrets were secured and Marienburg's ships spotted new designs in relative short time. Westerlander art from the middle of the 16th century depicts ships with small crude cannons. Neither save nor pretty, but they look like cannons.

Naturally, the Dwarfs were displeased.

Marienburg ignored the declaration and several angry records in Middenheim speak of the Westerlanders sinking all vessels of the coast of Nordland and Ostland, bringing all trade from Kislev and Norsca under their control. When the Empire finally fell apart in the early second millennium, there were no fleets north of Marienburg, but Carroburg and Altdorf both had a large amount of ships on the river Reik. The Marienburg fleet outnumbered both combined, something that was necessary, because Marienburg was sacked again by the Norscans in 1360 and 1850. With its new naval superiority it could afford to follow Tilea's example and explorer.

As a result, the Empire "discovered" Ulthuan in 2000 and was warned to stay away from the open seas on pain of death. The elves made good on their promise until the Treaty of Marienburg in 2150.

While the fleet of Marienburg grew, so did the fleet of Reikland, if slower. The Nordland and Ostland fleets were eradicated; the Middenland fleet lasted longer, but was destroyed in 2251 after a dispute between the Wolf Emperor and the Baron of Westerland.

When Magnus the Pious reunited the Empire, Marienburg's navy rapidly made it into a world power, though not without help. Though in the past, when the last true noble ruling over Westerland died and the merchants council was put into place, the aging and largely useless Reikland navy was named the 'Imperial First Fleet' on insistence of the Cult of Sigmar, even though it was hardly fit for service. The Marienburg's superior navy was named "The Imperial Second Fleet". This naming scheme changed, however, upon Magnus's ascension to power.

Instead, the 'First Imperial Fleet' was finally let go, as none of its ships had even touched open sea in generations, not to mention generally being nigh unusable in battle or anything beyond short bursts of traveling. Ships still plied Reikland's waters then and to this day, only without the greater prestige and authority of before. Scholars theorize to this day that had it not been Magnus the Pious who did the deed, the Cult of Sigmar might have gone into an uproar instead of the quiet and short lived grumbling they displayed instead.

The mantle, instead, was given over to Nordland who had made a stunning recovery in naval power under the brilliant logistician Stephan von Kessel, the province's Elector Count, and renamed the First Imperial Navy. Said naming scheme was copied soon after by Westerland, i.e. the Second Imperial Navy. Soon after, as a requested award for heroic actions in 2312 IC (See, Battle of Three Armies), the Count of Ostland, Frederick von Hohenzollern, became the Steward of the Third Imperial Navy while his province's one major port - Salkalten - became its home.

The Imperial fleet has a strict order of command that can generally be sorted into three groups. Commissioned Officers, nobles granted right to command by the Elector Count. Warrant Officers, commoners whose talents and experience demands special recognition. And lastly, Seamen.

Commissioned officers each hold a commission, a letter granting them the right to exercise some of the Elector's authority in return for performing duties. Only nobles can hold commissions and holders are entitled men of the Empire while they hold their commission. Some commission can be hereditary and can be passed down. Commissioned officers have right to a private cabin and are attended to by several servants.

At the Head of a Fleet stands the Imperial Sea Lord, who is only answerable to his respective Elector Count. An Admiral a responsible for a squadron of ships, which can range from an entire fleet to two ships, but commands normally between three to twelve ships. Admirals with a large squadron usually appoint captains to act as Vice-Admirals to command the lead ships, the "Van" that will bear the brunt during the fighting, and Rear-Admirals, who command the "Rear". Typically the Vice-Admiral is rated higher than the Rear-Admiral.

The length of an Admiral commission varies.

The rank of Captain is relatively new, and was established by the Prince of Altdorf in 2235 in order to differentiate between the master of a ship larger than 700 men and the master of a smaller vessel. Magnus the Pious granted the position its commissioned status, afterwards the Electors of Reikland and Westerland gave offered a Captain commission to every noble commanding a warship in order to entice experienced nobles into the navy.

Nowadays most Reiklander Captains have little to no knowledge no how to run a ship, and have to rely on their officers to for all technical aspects of running their vessels. They dream of easy glory and riches. Nordlander Captains are by contrast almost all seasoned veterans and the Nordland fleet refuses to grant Captain Commissions to those who have no idea to run their ships. This difference in mentality of both the captains and their command is a point of conflict between the two fleets. This doesn't stop rivalries from forming within both fleets though.

Every Captain is assisted by one or more Lieutenants, the last of the commissioned ranks. Their deployments depend on the ship and its Captain, most are responsible for a deck or quarter, or act as a second in command for the Captain. Lieutenants of larger vessels are often regarded higher than Captains of smaller ships and informally hold more authority.

While the nobles command the ships, the Warrant Officers run them. All ships require specialists, and these specialists are granted a warrant, a letter from the Sea lord granting them special privileges, including better pay and a servant and mate to help them with their work. In the Nordland fleet experience is rated higher than commission and a Warrant Officer who knows his stuff is rated higher than a Lieutenant, and high-ranking Warrant Officers are treated like Commissioned Officers in all respects. In the Reikland fleet most nobles would rather die than taking an order from a commoner.

The highest ranking Warrant Officers are called Wardroom Officers; they are named like that because they are allowed to eat in the Officer's mess hall. Most common Wardroom Officers are magisters, masters, surgeons, priests and pursers. The master is regarded as the most important Wardroom Officer, as he is often an experienced ship commander in his own right, and is responsible for running the ship and navigation. In the Nordland fleet a Master is the second in command instead of a Lieutenant.

Standing Officers are highly skilled commoners who are responsable for an important aspect of running the ship. Many are permanently attached to their ships, and can be sorted into three groups; Boatswain, Carpenter, and Gunner.

Boatswains (pronounced bosun) are in charge of the rigging, sails and anchors and making sure that the crew conduct themselves efficiently. They are also the ones who deal out punishment and are often feared men on the ship.

The Carpenter is the most important standing officer, it's his job to make sure that the vessel keeps floating and his crew is always inspecting and doing maintenance.

The Gunner is responsible for the ship's guns, and insures carriages, cannons, tackle, instruments and gunpowder are properly stored and ready for use. All gun crews and the ships armorer answer to him. He doesn't give the order to fire, that's left in the hands of the Lieutenant.

Lower Warrant Officers are skilled seamen who have worked below deck and worked their way up. The Captain can promote or demote them on a whim. The most common Lower Warrant Officers are; armorer, cook, caulker, master-at-arms, ropemaker, and sailmaker. The Armorer serves as a smith, making whatever the Gunner needs. The Cook is often an old are disabled sailor who earned his warrant through service, he feeds the crew. The Caulker fills the ships seams with oakum, to keep the ship watertight, and answers to the Carpenter. The Master-at-Arms is the ship's watchman, keeps the peace and trains the crew for boarding actions; he is typically a former Marine. The Ropemaker and Sailmaker work for the Boatswain and make their respective things.

After that there are the Seamen who are led by Coxswains (Petty Officers).

The Marines are the fighting wing of the navy and follow a separate command structure similar to the State Army. They board other ships, attack coastal targets from warships, and work as firefighters, arms trainers, and bridge watchers. Their relation with the seamen is often poor and officers from both sides keep a close eye to the situation the stop incidents from escalating.

The Imperial Navy uses two primary means of communication. Flags and pennants, and whistle blasts. However other ways exist, especially since the arrival of Engineers aboard many ships. Flags and pennants are the most popular method of communication, 26 square flags represent and 10 triangular pennants represent numbers. Several combinations have preset meaning. 0F For example means that a ship's powder store is vulnerable and that other ships should move away in case it explodes. The Nordland fleet also uses a hand-flag system to supplement this.

Heraldic flags, called ensigns by the navy, are used to provide information about the ship; it's home province, whom it represents, if there's a Sea Lord or Admiral on board. The Admiral's ship is known as the flagship since it flies his crest.

Whistles are used for communication on the ship itself and every officer, from the Sea Lord to the Coxswain has a whistle as a symbol of their authority. With different tones and lengths carrying different messages.

The navy employs a large amount of people and it is always recruiting. Despite popular believe it doesn't just press-gang people into service, since almost no one wants untrained men on their ship who don't know what to do. Men who are press-ganged have often served on merchant ships before joining the navy or, in some cases, have served on foreign ships. Most people in the navy are volunteers who join for the regular pay and promise of adventure. Most people in the navy are unmarried men between the age of 18 and 30.

People employed by the navy have a lot of responsibilities, but in return they get many benefits. Most people in the navy work onboard ships and are at sea for months at a time, or work in its massive support and bureaucratic network. A select few work undercover as spies. Whatever the work, if it needs done it gets done. Whoever joins the navy gets a fresh start, access to the naval missions along the river Reik and coasts, and a chance at riches.

All new recruits get cleaned, deloused, and clothed, and after signing their contract, are guaranteed wages. They also get fed on board, a significant draw to people who have no chance at other employment. The network of naval missions along the Reik and coast provide serving seamen with cheap food, bedding and entertainment, which makes them very popular.

The largest draw by far is the chance at riches. Any ship legally captured gets sold, along with its contents, upon returning to port. The money earned is split between the Sea Lord and the crew. The Sea Lord takes one eight, the Captain takes one quarter, the Lieutenants, Master, Warrant Officers and Petty Officers each take one eight. The last eight is split by the Seamen and Marines. However, if a ship is illegally captured, then the full cost is borne by the Captain, something that can easily turn a man into a pauper if he's not careful.

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Hopefully we get to keep our third naval fleet as a force that actually see action and do stuff rather than just rotting away like the reikland navy.

With the forest slightly cleared, we should be able to get more ship on the seas and make life a bit difficult for the norscan.
Hopefully we get to keep our third naval fleet as a force that actually see action and do stuff rather than just rotting away like the reikland navy.
It's been seeing action. It's just too small at present to do enough. The cannons and greatships should help on quality per ship, but currently forces which can get past Kislev and Nordland at all can pancake our fleet.

We need to build more, basically.
It's been seeing action. It's just too small at present to do enough. The cannons and greatships should help on quality per ship, but currently forces which can get past Kislev and Nordland at all can pancake our fleet.

We need to build more, basically.
And get stalemated trying to storm our beaches.

As for ships? We need both.

Both better ships and more ships.

I'd be fine with investing a military action on it really...
And get stalemated trying to storm our beaches.

As for ships? We need both.

Both better ships and more ships.

I'd be fine with investing a military action on it really...
Oh sure, our beaches are tough. But if we want to be good enough at the navy to stop them at sea, we got a lot more improving to do. The purpose of an Imperial Fleet is not to keep one province's shores safe, but to keep the Empire's shores safe.
Note that I left out events past the reign of Magnus. Such as one development that might* get us a second naval action.

* = This is my own speculation, not info I got from Torroar while we edited the navy info.
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Turn 23 Results
Turn 23 Results
2326 IC​

Military: Stephan von Raukov is a quiet yet experienced mercenary soldier, but his dedication to Ostland and family is unquestionable. He strongly believes in honor, preserving the lives of your own fighters, and unconventional tactics. (Choose 2):

Halberdiers: It has been suggested to you that there is a sort of soldier that you have been neglecting. The halberdier. They exist, and other provinces do make use of them. Some people say that they should replace the venerable swordsmen, others say that they are not worth the trouble. Stephan von Raukov says that both groups are wrong. Each has their uses, and they cannot fully overtake the other. What he wants to do is simply add Halberdiers, and then work on mixing formations between them all. It's a good reaching weapon, but can stab and cut as well. Pretty good, right? For now, you'll start with the Army of Ostland before seeing if spreading them to the other two groups is worth the trouble. Of course, arming and training them will take a short bit.Cost: 800. Time: 2 Years. Reward: 2000 Halberdiers join Army of Ostland ranks. Will Complete This Turn.

- The first true Ostlander halberdiers are now fully trained and ready to fight. Armored and armed with their halberds, they should provide some welcome manpower to the Army of Ostland as well as help close strategic holes in your formations. Plus, two thousand guys with weapons is always better than having no more soldiers with no weapons. Reward: 2000 Halberdiers join Army of Ostland.

Karak Ungor: Though you are not actually majorly obligated to go to Karak Ungor, there is little doubt in your mind that your aid would be of immense help to the dwarves. After all, they've failed to reclaim this place multiple times. Ortrud is most certainly going, and this is a chance to finally repay her for the many times that she threw herself and her province into danger for you and yours. It's only fair. Besides, the far reaching consequences of a fully reclaimed Dwarf Hold of such significance, so near to Kislev as well, would do wonders for a lot of people. Killing a lot of greenskin is only a bonus. You have, through correspondence with your ally, learned of Karak Ungor's history. The first Hold ever lost to the greenskins. That's…that's older than Sigmar and the Empire. Apparently vast veins of metal are still untapped. Artifacts of untold power had to be left behind on the assumption that the dwarves would get them back far sooner, but never were. Vaults and treasuries left guarded by dwarven runecraft when their civilization was at the height of its power. You…probably won't get any of these things, but participating in the reclamation might well win you immense favor down the line. And if it doesn't, oh well, at least you helped the first race to help the Empire and one of its oldest and greatest allies ever do something. Finally, if you allow yourself to be a bit selfish, you are restless. It has been too long since you got into a good scrap. Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Reclamation of Karak Ungor turns.

Reclamation of Karak Ungor Begun.

Welding Soldiers and Zealots: The Witch Hunters of Ostland clearly still have issue with…well, everything. But their expertise, their training, their knowledge, all of that can be useful to you. So, the idea here is to actually draw some of them into active service, out of the shadows and onto the battlefield, where they can inform and instruct the Army of Ostland and perhaps even the rest of your forces to better fight against the more monstrous things in the world. Additionally, with them around, a lot of people will enforce better discipline on themselves simply out of fear and/or respect. Probably just the first one though. With the things that the world may or may not throw at you, you could use the discipline. Better, the Witch Hunters could do with some reminders of how most of the populace they safeguard are not all cultists or monsters in disguise. Humanizing both sides to each other is, you hope, going to reduce village burnings or mass hangings. Of course, you also need to ensure that the Witch Hunters actually agree to do this. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Witch Hunters actively join Army of Ostland. Increases Discipline on the battlefield, which can affect morale rolls. Expert monster and magic user fighters. Each is an expert fighter. Chance of Success: 50% Required: 50. Rolled: 81.

- Well it's done. The Witch Hunters are willing to join the Army of Ostland with semi-official capacity. Their uses as disciplinarians and experts on the mundane to the strange when fighting is going to be quite valuable, while you hope that should any cults try to join the army for any capacity that they'll be caught sooner. Or caught entirely. Either or. The Witch Hunters who accompany the Army of Ostland spend a little more time than they should poking through things, but the soldiers grumble and accept it as par for the course. Hopefully, in the future, this will be looked upon as a wise choice. Reward: 20 Witch Hunters Join Army of Ostland.

Third Imperial Navy: As the Steward of the Third Imperial Navy, you have a responsibility to build up, maintain, and use the ships of the Empire for it betterment and protection. The First Imperial Navy is based in Nordland, while the Second Imperial Navy is based in Marienburg. (Choose 1):

Cannons On Other Ships: You do like the idea of more cannons on ships. Not nearly to the extent of the Greatship, that's obviously going to have to be a concerted special effort every time you go to build one, but your remaining ships – the Wargalleys and Wolf Ships, could do with more cannons. The Scorpion has its place, that is true, but surely it could move aside slightly in exchange for the far greater power of the cannons that Wulfenburg can construct? It's an entirely unproven concept, just yet, but you like it. Of course, for both the Greatship and the others – should you choose to do this – you'll have to actually win a strong enough victory out in the Sea of Claws to prove that the expense is worth it. Cost: 500 From Stipend. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Cannons added to Wolf Ships and War Galleys. Chance of Success: 65% Required: 45. Rolled: 48.

- Convincing the navy officers to do it takes a bit of work, but you are the Elector Count, so they sort of have to listen to you. Still, building all those new cannons, figuring out how to put them on the ships without flying all over the place or falling off the ships, is going to take a bit. Especially just to design the modifications to your ships for the future. A cannon is completely different than a scorpion after all. Will Complete Next Turn.

Diplomacy: Natasha currently runs your diplomatic score with a hop in her step. Both of your oldest daughters assist her. (Choose 2):

There's More Than Just Tilea, Nuln: Nuln seemed quite proud of their contracts with Tilea. And to be fair, that constantly warring country is going to use them up faster than most would. But there is another nation, one nearby, that you could sell to. The land of Estalia, while even less unified than Tilea, is still present. It's time that you went beyond the Empire and Kislev. Better, given the almost preposterous amount of inter-rivalry in that nation, you might even be able to manage to get good price estimates. Some parts of Estalia might pay way more than other parts of Estalia just to say that they have the guns and cannons than the other parts. And even should Nuln hit the parts that you didn't, you'll still have gotten to Estalia first, and isn't that the point of industrial one-ups-man-ship? Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Estalian Gun and Cannon Sales. Chance of Success: 55% Required: 45 Rolled: 71.

- It is sort of bad, perhaps, to think of selling to Estalia right now, considering the whole issue with the Norscans running slipshod all over the place, but if the Estalians can use the guns and cannons to fight back then more power to them. Your contacts make their way through the uncertain territory of the Empire and Tilea, across the sea from the sea and through Marienburg, and various other ways by heavily protected caravans, and by the end of it your agents manage to make contact with some resisting Estalians. Minor kingdoms, little republics, hamlets, etc. all of whom are independent, yet still willingly accept your weapons if only to fight back against the onslaught. Point and shoot is far easier to learn than bows and proper swordfighting, as it turns out. The income isn't quite as large as it could have been if there more were more Estalians…you know, around, and if the land was more at peace, but it is what it is. At the end of the day, more gold flows to your coffers, and guns and cannons are in Estlalian hands. +250 Gun Sales, +250 Cannon Sales.

Those Who Work Metal: Alexandra made this suggestion, and you see no problem with it. Based on her own ties to blacksmithing, and your own, she thinks that overall it would help the economy of Ostland if you could pull in some master blacksmiths from around not just the Empire, but from perhaps other locations as well. She thinks that having all these experts in Ostland can only help you, as they compete with one another, exchange, trade secrets, and such. Alexandra posits that if you get enough that you might be able to make an addition to Wulfenburg, a Street of Steel, as it were. Of course, she also tells you that one of the most important people you should try to get for this would be Estalians, for they say that they have the best steel in the world. Now, that's a heady statement for a human nation to make when there are elves and dwarves running about, but you might as well make the effort. Before you could make anything like what Alexandra has envisioned, however, you need to actually get these people to come to Ostland at all. Practicality wise, having all these workers in-province might help reduce various costs to arm and armor your soldiers. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Master Blacksmiths come to Wulfenburg to set up shop from across Old World. Increased Trade Income. Reduced Cost For Equipping Soldiery, Reduced Research Costs Due to More Available Quality Tools/Metal. Chance of Success: 65% Required: 35. Rolled: 97.

- Across the Old World do you send out invitations, inquiring agents, and stranger folk who call themselves 'adventurers' to locate the most skilled smiths around…that are human, of course. Dwarven smiths are some of the most stubborn of their stubborn race, and the fact that your daughters teacher came at all is really a miracle now that you think about it. Still, it does work. Unsatisfied smiths, desiring proper compensation and respect for their work, the hermits who are able to be convinced with the clink of enough coin and the opportunity for more, and those who are just bored, all slowly begin making their way to Ostland. From the Empire, from Kislev, even from Bretonnia and Tilea. Then, of course, there is Estalia – land of the best steel in the world, as it is heard. While your agents were down there extoling the virtues of sticks and larger sticks that go boom and send smoke everywhere, others worked to see if any of these workers of such 'legendary' steel would be willing to make the trip. As it turned out, more than a few were, especially considering the fact that their half of Estalia is on fire, the coasts as a whole are saturated with Norscan longships that allow raiders to run inland and then out again, and chaos is basically engulfing everything. Some wanted to stay to provide weapons and armor for their land – perfectly understandable – but others who have lost everything, who had to retreat from towns and cities that no longer exist thanks to Chaos with nothing but the clothes on their back are more than happy to come. It will take time for all of these smiths to actually finish coming to Ostland and Wulfenburg, and your agents are still investigating around to see if there are others, but they are coming. The Estalians, of course, arrived quite quickly indeed, seeing as they had no possessions to bundle up. Cost-wise, it is far less to get them here than you might have thought. Building some new smaller buildings along the river which cuts through Wulfenburg, just north of the Engineering and Gunnery school which does the same, you construct some new facilities. Some brand new smithies. You can expand it, build more, which will likely ease the burden of the smiths, but for now, you have the beginning. By next year, all the smiths your agents could convince to come, will have arrived. Will Complete Next Year.

Stewardship: Morgan von Bernhardt is an energetic young woman. While her father was not the most creative man, she seems to be more so. With her vigor, she has promised you significantly more than her father was able to stay awake for. (Choose 2):

We're a Province of Drinkers: And it's time to start taking advantage of that. Wulfenburg, the city of drinks! Bernhardt wants to start drawing more Brewmasters to the province, and to Wulfenburg specifically, and not just dwarven ones. Not even just ale ones. She wants to draw people who produce all sorts of ales, bitters, beers, ostka variants from more isolated portions of the province, and yes, even wine which some people in the Empire disparage. She wants you to raise the profile of your alcohol industry, to become the number one producer and imbiber (the latter is already accomplished) of alcohol in the Empire, who sells and ships it out across the world. Why not, right? Just one more way to better your province. Cost: 2000. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Largely boosted alcohol sales income. Increased trade income. Chance of Success: 85% Will Complete Next Turn.

- Required: 15. Rolled: 21. Will Complete Next Turn.

Getting Uses Out Of Your Jade Wizards: The Jade Wizards have come to you, and while you've been using them essentially to give you healing check-ups every other week, they tell you they can do more. Specifically, they want to start working out in the province, in the fields and farms. While before people were still quite suspicious of magic, by levering your large support by the peasantry and your somewhat good support amongst the nobles, you are sure that you can ensure that they can proceed without too much trouble. Apparently the Jade Wizards believe that by using their magic that they can greatly improve the soil and crops of your land, and not just temporarily either. Cost: 500 Time: 5 Years. Reward: Jade Wizards improve farmlands of Ostland permanently. Increased Farm Income. Chance of Success: 65%

- Required: 45. Rolled: 52

It has begun, slowly, but apparently long term rituals take…a long time to finish. Will Complete In Four Turns.

An Empire of Fish: One of the best ways to get meat, even if it isn't cattle, is fish. You are special in that you are part of an exclusive group of Imperial Provinces that can take full advantage of the great seas. Bernhardt believes that with your new coastal defenses, the massive temple of Manaan in your main port, the growing fleet, and more, that you can start taking advantage. By sponsoring fishermen along the coast to head out and fish, she believes that over time more people will populate the coast for the opportunity to get paid, and more people mean more militia and forces on the coast, which will also mean more fish, which can be salted and sold across the land, which…well, Morgan sort of fell into a circling motion with her hands, but she made some good points. Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Fishing Income.

- You really should have done this sooner. There is a lot of wealth to be made in the fishing industry, it's just that Nordland and Marienburg have controlled almost all of it in the Empire's history for some time now. But, no longer. With the construction of several dedicated ships you have joined the ranks of the purveyors of the smelly water-based food product, and you begin quite well. For now these few ships are just coming out of Salkalten, but you can build more along the coast, and probably increase the number of fishing ships based out of your port by itself. You've cracked open the door, but it can most certainly be opened further in the future. +350 Fishing Income Per Turn.

Research: Helga and Valma have taken up this position, switching off whenever the other has to be teaching a class or engineering something or other in your engineering facilities. (LOCKED):

Bird Bombs Away!: After the reveal of the Doomsphere, several engineers have been trying to come up with something equally as insane. Many of the attempts have currently failed, but Anna, your daughter, has come up with something. Ridiculously, but she has. She thinks that it might be possible to develop a long fuse bomb, tie it to a crow – not a pigeon crows are smarter she insists – and then train those crows to fly over the enemy and then have them trigger a mechanism that will drop the bombs below, bombarding people with a complete and total lack of loss of human life. Some of the birds will totally die, your daughter admits, but birds breed significantly faster than humans. This would require training a flock of crows and developing the bombs, but why not? Those last three words have quickly become a byword amongst Wulfenburg's engineers. Cost: 500. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Bird Bomb Flocks. Chance of Success: 85% Will Complete This Turn.

- Required: 15. Rolled: 16.

Anna cackled wildly as she showed off just what she could do with her first flock. A great black cloud rose up from the Engineering school and found their way precisely to the example field outside the walls. A few dipped and lost their way from the flock and caused minor building damage, but no one was killed. As for the displayed target field, a literal hailstorm of explosives were dropped general on time by the flock, and tore up both the targets and the ground beneath them by sheer volume. Success. Reward: 5 Bird Bomber Flocks added to Army of Ostland, Forest, Mountains.

Pressure Go Boom: An idea, found in a sheaf of wine soaked pages that no one knows the origin of, has been partially refined to a point where it might actually become a concept. Anna did the refinement, and has taken credit for the greater idea which appeared from behind the ridiculous scrawling's about an egg thrower and crushed down pile of blackpowder. Also musings that the world itself was made of tiny little grains of material that were so small that the eye couldn't see them. So, you know. There was that. Anyway! The idea is an explosive that doesn't explode by pulling a trigger or lighting a fuse, but by being…stepped on. You step on it, and its innards will stick together in a certain manner and the whole thing explodes. Cost: 500. Time: 4 Years. Reward: Exploding…things, what go boom when someone steps on it. Chance of Success: 55% Will Complete Next Turn.

- Required: 45. Rolled: 47. Will Complete Next Turn.

Anna von Hohenzollern's Swiveling Miniaturized Death Dealing Cannon: Anna has an idea about how to improve your ship equipment, and furthermore create some static defenses that you could put on walls and guard towers that might be able to join the venerable Scorpion device that has been used for so long. The idea is the smallest cannon type yet, she calls it a Swivel Cannon. It will be able to have a very large arc, be able to fire up and down, and all over the place, and deal some appreciable damage. Now, according to your daughter, making things bigger is usually easier than making things smaller. Nevertheless, she's had a lot of time to work on cannons recently, and with mind, it should be possible. All that she needs is the funds and the time to do it. At the end of it, you'll have something new, and probably really useful. Cost: 1000. Time: 4 Years. Reward: Swivel Cannons for ships, smaller, accurate, appreciable power. Can also be put on castle/fort/city walls. Chance of Success: 35% Will Complete Next Turn.

- Required: 65. Rolled: 75. Will Complete Next Turn.

Piety: You now have three religious advisors. One, Jorgen Albrecht, is a Priest of Sigmar, Emil Beltz on the other hand is a Priest of Ulric, while Lady Rosa is a Priest of Morr. Having all three prominent advisors from all three of these religions is a powerful statement, and with their own staffs you get a little bit more ability to…well, do things. (Choose 2):

A….Temple of Morr?: Arthur has another idea, and after enough time conversing with the Priests of Morr, he's gotten them to agree despite his youth. Or perhaps because of it? The Cult of Morr is, for the most part when not dealing with vampire or undead, quite lethargic. Almost like the dead, one might say. Over two thousand years of this has resulted in a group of priests and acolytes who are widely feared, accused of necromancy of their own, despised by others, ignored by most, and generally just disparaged. They are creepy, or quiet, or do untoward things with the corpses and souls they have dedicated their lives to protecting entirely. These are untrue, these rumors, but the decentralized religion has done little to defuse, deflect, or disprove such rumors. It's considered bad luck to display the symbol of Morr just about anywhere but the Gardens of Morr. Or at least it was, before you started changing things. Arthur wants to change things even more. Pun not intended. So, he wants to emphasize all the good that Morr does, the protection of the dead, the fight against vampires and necromancers, and, he says, the peace of good dreams. After all, Morr is the God of Death….and Dreams. Portents, things like that. People try to pray away or pray to Gods to make nightmares stop, or to let them sleep better, or so on and so forth. Wouldn't praying to Morr help one have nice dreams? You have no idea, but why not give it a try? All Morr cares about is you protecting and giving the dead their due. Peace, really, the peace beyond the grave that all deserve. Who can't get behind that? Only messed up folks, like for instance Khaine and his followers who despise Morr. But first you have to pitch the Temple to the people, convince the Priests to preach, and all that sort of stuff. Cost: 1500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: First ever Temple of Morr, emphasizing protection, peace, safeguarding the dead, and good dreams? Chance of Success: 75% Required: 25. Rolled: 39 Will Complete This Turn.

- It is done. The first Temple of Morr to be not a fully dedicated Garden of Morr or shrine or similar has been constructed. Arthur has spent his time amongst the Priests there, amongst the people, and his own status as your son in a surprisingly adept set of long-term maneuvers. For years this has been building up, the leverage from the support of Morr and his servants during the war against Zacharias, and in the following years, all has finalized in a towering black and silver structure which lies near the walls of the primary Garden of Morr in Wulfenburg. Arching walls, high flying buttresses, large black basalt raven statues as well as other rather beautiful if gothic displays of various symbols of Morr and images of the God himself. In it are several priests of Morr, all dedicated to the, until now, 'lesser' functions of their God, of dreams and portents. Signs of the future and of the present to be interpreted by the priests there as well as advice on dreams and nightmares. Sure, such things are normally part of the realm of hags, madmen, and hermits who babble on, but no longer. Now, there is an official place, a place where things said can be trusted and in a much more comfortable setting than back alley ways where the person someone might be talking to might in fact be a cultist. Better, without the presence of all the dead, arrangements can be made here for proper internment in the Gardens for those uncomfortable with being inside such locations for long periods of time. Having sermons, priests ready for speaking, all of that has been put together by your son. Who, at this time, has made his own decision as a Hohenzollern and a man with a son on the way…to fully become a member of the Cult of Morr as a fully ordained priest. Which, is…fine. That's fine. It's…odd to see him walking around in those robes as he does but its fine. Gods, you need a drink. Reward: First ever Temple of Morr, emphasizing protection, peace, safeguarding the dead, and good dreams. Arthur becomes a fully ordained Priest of Morr.

Thank…you?: A lot of people are running around saying Sigmar saved you. Maybe he did, or maybe it was Odelia who happened to be there. Can she manipulate fire with that amount of fine control, or was it really divine intervention? You don't know, but you can certainly try to capitalize on it. Warrior Priests of Sigmar are undoubtedly useful. Sigmarites like you a lot right now, and the Ulricans probably understand. As it is, most Ulricans in the Empire are sort of exhausted after the Wolf Crusade. Regardless, perhaps by thanking Sigmar, maybe you'll be immune to fire moving forward? Hah, that's impossible, but still. As thanks to the hammer god, you might as well build another temple and a few shrines. Cost: 1500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: New Temple of Sigmar in Wulfenburg, new Shrines of Sigmar across province.

- Yeah, sure, why not. It makes the Sigmarites happy, and you can feel better about what happened down in Nuln. Some people might think that you would have had some incredible religious revelation and would have become one of the most pious around at such a 'miracle'. Will Complete Next Year.

Payment Rendered: Ulric, Sigmar, Esmeralda, Morr, Shallya….they aren't the worst gods in history. No, you could suppose they are all right. So you might as well show some major support for them so that maybe next time someone or something tries to set you on fire you might not be. Shrines, engraved symbols, all in their proper places of course, no need for bad luck and bad omens by sticking symbols of certain gods out of place. Still, they might as well go up where they should go. Why not fill the province with the damn things? Just because you aren't supremely religious, that doesn't mean most people aren't. Why not give them what they want? Cost: 2500. Time: 3 Years. Reward: Symbols and Shrines to Ulric, Sigmar, Esmeralda, Morr, and Shallya go up around the province.

- You have the funds, and are going to flood Ostland with as many religious symbols, shrines, and places dedicated to the Gods that you actually like. The ones that actually do something, though it still seems limited compared to what you had always hoped for back in your youth. You know better now. The powers of the Gods are forever going to be minor in comparison to the frankly ridiculous bullshit that the Dark Gods can summon forth. But maybe, just maybe, with enough volume, the better Gods might have a little bit more strength behind them. Quantity is its own quality after all, and quality quantity even more so. Will Complete In Two More Turns.

Eternity Stair Research Compound: It is hard for a mere mortal to understand just what an Arcane Fulcrum does. You know this because even with Aurelion so cheery and lively ever since Attuning to the Eternity Stair she was exasperated enough to go back to her old sneering and snooty ways even if temporarily when you continued to fail to understand. Even so, she managed to explain some of it to you. She is capable of wielding some of the most powerful magics ever. That is the long and short of it. By renting from you, the High Elves can study the compound, but that does not leave you without the ability to make requests. (UNAVAILABLE):

A Request From Aurelion: Aurelion comes to you this time, actually. She knows that you might come to her with plenty of requests, but she's just had something come down from the Phoenix King and High Loremaster. They are worried about the fact that rumors of the Arcane Fulcrum have spread so far already, and she knows that it might look a bit bad that she's requesting this but it has to be said: She is requesting additional High Elven guards for the Compound. That's just the first part. The second part is that they want her to study about something called a 'Waystone'. Apparently, these ancient elven creations assist the High Elves in many different things, least of which is smoothing out and helping the Winds of Magic be channeled. Some provide shields, protections, push back at the Warp, while others apparently help protect High Elven souls from being consumed by a certain Prince of Pleasure. The issue, of course, is that the creation of these things have been a bit of a secret. Oh sure, they know how to maintain them, nudge and adjust, but complete and total creation of a new one is unknown to them. The High Elves are intelligent, and they've spent generations on this problem. They now think that perhaps one of the issues with creating new Waystones is one of power. And with an Arcane Fulcrum at her behest, Aurelion just might be the one elf with said power. For the foreseeable future she would be unavailable to you, and the High Elven guards are going to be more vigilant than ever. Cost: Allowing In More High Elves to protect the Compound and Losing Access to Aurelion and the Arcane Fulcrum For An Unknown Amount Of Time. May Even Fail Entirely. Reward: If Successful, High Elves Able To Build New Waystones

Intrigue: You have two different intelligence organizations. One, Witch Hunter Marlisa, is focused on combating cults, threats, monsters, and generally outside forces. The other is Master Baggins, a very influential halfling cook and champion of the common man. (Choose 2):

Corralling Khain's Servants: The Cult of Khaine in your province is far more numerous than the Nurglites. You can't just simply exterminate them all in one go. What you have to do first is start slowly and carefully separating them out from the good normal citizens of Ostland. Remove them from positions, assign them on more far ranging patrols for the ones in the militia. For once, you might be able to take advantage of the former history of the Hohenzollern Forest, you know, from its time as the Forest of Shadows. If 'beastmen' or 'forest goblins' take down patrolling militia forces and raid groups in the night, no one will question it. After all, your province has lived with such things since just about forever. You will have to take it slow, however. You do not enjoy the thought of an incensed Cult of the Murder God going wild inside Ostland. Cost: 500. Time: 4 Years. Reward: Cult of Khaine slowly picked off, killed, without being tipped off. Reduced in number to allow later purging efforts. Chance of Success: 65% DD Initiated.

- Required: 45. Rolled: 56+20=76

It begins…slowly. This is going to take extensive time, but it is rather concerning how easy it is to do. Poisoned ale by barkeeps who are part of Baggin's network, burnings and hangings by Witch Hunters who don't care what people think about them, and so on and so forth. Careful. Slow, as it has to be. This will take time if nothing else. Will Complete In Three More Turns.

That's Enough Of That: Nuln has been peering at your people's work. Anna says that this is not ok, and you sort of agree. She wants to put a system in place to prevent Nuln from gazing at your stuff, and said that the point of building the facility is competing with Nuln. While it might strengthen the Empire as a whole were you to just…share everything, she doubts that they'll want all of the things you do and that they'll likely be quite reluctant to share anything at all with you in general. So, you should return the favor. Besides, after Magnus kicks it, it would be best to prepare ever so slightly in case the Empire starts falling back apart again. You were born in the Era of Three Emperors, and it sucked for everyone involved, really, but you don't think anyone will be able to replace Magnus. So, best to prepare your province for just a bit of an advantage if possible. Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Anti-Industrial Espionage System. -100 Per Turn in Anti-Industrial Espionage Upkeep. Will Complete This Turn.

- It's done. Nuln has actually stayed out of your way this year after the whole 'not burning at the stake' event, but that doesn't mean that they won't do so in the future. Anna is quite the firecracker, and it shows in her security. The secrets of Wulfenburg shall now be kept under lock and key, and demonstrations shall no longer tour the floor of the facilities, only outside or in controlled locations. From now on anyone trying to get in is going to require credentials, paperwork, and be of the proper rank. Speaking of which, there are now ranks to the Engineers. Five grades per rank, Apprentice, Journeyman, and then Master, then final Grand Master. Of which only Valma is ranked in, though your daughter as her apprentice is next in line…so good for Anna, your brilliant daughter. Reward: Anti-Industrial Espionage System. -100 Per Turn in Anti-Industrial Espionage Upkeep.

Personal: A lot of people say you shouldn't be walking around. A lot of people haven't had a High Elven Loremaster attuned to an Arcane Fulcrum heal you. Honestly, aside for a few more clicks when you move from your skeleton, and the fact that you keep forgetting you're missing an arm, you feel fine. Great, actually. (Choose 2):

Dealing With Anger: Anna has come to you, and told you that you really need to take care of Magnus's issues lately with anger. He inherited the red haze from you, but unlike you, he hasn't really mastered it at all. That simply won't do, and though you hoped that he would learn to control it at some point, he still hasn't. He's growing older now, and on the battlefield you cannot afford for him to lose himself in battle as you did so many times before. As his father it is your responsibility to ensure that his life is better than yours ever was, and that means that you need to talk to him. If he fights back, good, because anger can help on the battlefield but only if you can wield it for yourself. Cost: 0. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Magnus learns to control his wroth. Chance of Success: 85% Will Complete This Turn.

- It has taken a while, but you have finally dampened the red fury that you yourself suffer from. It is not gone, not forever, but it is at least somewhat tempered. Now he won't fly into rage casually, without any regard, and instead focus it in battle as you do. Magnus trait changes: Tempered Fury.

Her Icy Heart: Natasha is so very upset with you, even though you both know that this is hurting you both. You need to spend some truly quality time with her, with everything she wants, and just relax with her. The Middle Mountains are clear, and you can spend some time in the sun, away from the hustle and bustle of Wulfenburg and the lands of Ostland not within your owned range. Bring the children with you if she wants, but if she just wants the two of you that is fine as well. She deserves to have the full attention of the Count of Ostland. Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Quality time with Natasha.

- Quality Time Interlude, See Next Post.

Meeting in Laurelorn: You have no idea why the Wood Elves want to talk to you. Normally they avoid talking to anyone, and when they do it is incomprehensible, insulting, or both. Usually both, actually. But you've had a relatively positive experience with them – aside from the initial teething problems – and if it is the same one who you dealt with in Nordland maybe you can rely on a short amount of trust. A short amount. On the other hand, maybe they want to expand their control over the forests and you would be a major stumbling block in the way so that you need to be removed. On other hand….well, you'll never know until you meet with them. With, you know, a hefty chunk of your forces with you, including Greatswords and ogres, to hell with any 'come alone' bullshit they might want to try. Cost: 0. Reward: ???? Wood Elves are inscrutable, and dangerous, be certain of yourself before meeting with them.

- Laurelorn Calls..., See Post After Quality Time Post
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Interlude: Sunlight for the Soul
Interlude: Sunlight for the Soul

You're glad that you took the Middle Mountains. They have little to no mining prospects, but…it is peaceful here. It is nothing like your home in Wulfenburg. Down below, there is always noise. You brought it, of course, but there it is. The engineers have nothing regarding a true sleeping schedule, and different 'shifts' are awake at some point during every hour in the day endlessly making more guns and cannons and other projects. Including your daughter, actually. Trade flows, and dwarven and even the odd High Elf can be found – the latter usually one at all during the whole year, but that's more than most places in the Empire – exchanging wares. Alcohol of almost every type pours from taps, drunken revelry constantly abounds, and the people go about their lives in the rambunctious manner that is common to Ostland since the death of Zacharias the Everliving. With the stomp of marching feet and the rattle of steel, your armies move and fight and train constantly. For the most part, you revel in it as well.

But sometimes…

The sun is never as clear in Wulfenburg as it is in the Middle Mountains. The wind fresher. As if something there willfully keeps out the rest of the world, prevents a certain taint from infecting it, like everywhere else touched by Chaos. Or maybe that is just wishful thinking. But the sun and the wind…that part is definitely true. For millennia it was infested with greenskins and beastmen, and to be fair part of the range still is, but not this part. Not this mountain, where if you squint and use a bit of imagination you can still see a bit of the smoke rising from where the Engineers reside. Nearby, a river with no name babbles its way down to where it can join its mighty patriarch, the Wolf's Run, that itself runs through right through Wulfenburg. All in all, this is quite possibly one of the most idyllic moments in your life.

"Were the guards necessary?" Natasha murmurs, her head nestled in the crook of your arm. The blanket is nice and thick, so you two had lain there for what had to have been at least an hour. She'd gotten a bit sleepy in the sun and peace. "I can still fight, you know. Add in yourself...and I doubt much would be able to bother us."

"Well, yes. I'm rather sure that I give my Greatswords apoplexy more times in a week than some Counts would in years, so I acquiesced to them this time. And even if you can match up against a soldier, a Greatsword is another thing all together."

Yes, a perfectly idyllic scene were it not for the fifty odd members of your sworn bodyguard arrayed out in a very loose ring. Also, the ogre. Then the handgunners. The priests as well…

"But besides them, it's just the two of us," you tilt your head just enough to kiss her on the forehead. Unlike most women, her skin is almost always cool to the touch. But you've been together for more than twenty years, so you've long grown to like it.

"Oh sure, I'll just ignore the clanking metal and the heaving gusts of wind that the ogres call breathing," there is the faintest hint of acid in her voice but what little there is dulls to nothing as she wriggles further into your arm.

Natasha…she gets tired, more easily, these days. Your spars last for less time, though you hold them as frequently as you ever did. She does not win often, but chance ever remains a factor, even with your ability against her own. And yet, here you lay, both older than you used to be. You don't often spend that much time contemplating your age, or the fact that you are in fact already a reasonably aged man for the world you live in, but here, now, you cannot help it. There is less of the energy to her that you knew in your youth. Not that it is a bad thing, the bonfire burns bright but ends quickly after all, but it is a slow change that you can truly see. Especially in the mirror, when you realized that for all the fact that your scars have faded to near invisibility, that someone has to be almost intimately close to see them at all. You have wrinkles, from laughing, from crying, from sheer stress. Neither husband nor wife has yet had a hair go gray, but you aren't holding out for retaining your original lustrous color forever.

"It isn't so hard, I'm doing it right now," you murmur, slowly running your hand through her hair.

Gods. So long, and you still can't believe how incredible her hair is, the way it shines just so in the sunlight however bright or dim it was outside. For a moment, you run your fingers through, and raise it up to cover your vision of said sun, and blink at the way the shadows play about you. Then, when it fully slips through your fingers onto your face, you feel rather than hear Natasha's amusement when you sputter unceremoniously as it falls onto you. With one hand, her eyes still closed, she retrieves the erstwhile strands and straightens them beneath her in a way that to this day you cannot replicate. Instead of putting her hand back down to her side, however, she grasps your own, the one that still remained outstretched towards the sun.

Silently, you let her draw it back down to your sides and then further when she grasps your larger hand with both of hers and holds it tight against herself.

"You terrify me, Frederick," she finally said after a lengthy pause where there was naught but comfortable silence between the two of you.

"I know I'm not the prettiest man in the Empire," you begin, but she squeezes tighter on your hand, and the humor bleeds from you easier than blood has.

Which, considering the past few fights you've been in, perhaps a little too easily regardless.

"No, Frederick. No more jokes, not about you. I'm…scared."


She opens her eyes, and they've never been more blue and crystal clear you think to yourself as she stares into your own.

"Because you don't care about me."

Something in your heart seizes up.

"Wh-I-what?!" you try to yell but instead it comes out in a deathly rattle.

"It's true," she says simply, as if her words aren't daggers into your heart. "What else can I think when the one who has supposedly pledged his love to me plunge himself into deaths door again and again. Do you know what the nobles call you, when you aren't around?"

You try to speak, but words, never your best weapon, fail you at that moment.

"I suppose you wouldn't care, you rarely ever have, but I do. Morr's Fool. The man who dances with death. Garden Jumper. In and out of Morr's realm again and again, and do you ever give any thought to me? Your children?"

"Natasha, I…"

Her eyes grow watery as she continues to speak.

"How do you think it makes me feel, to look over your broken body again and again, to be told that it is a miracle that you are alive?!" Furiously she wipes away the first of the tears. "How many miracles can one man have, Frederick? How many more could there possibly be in store for you? Your bones have been broken so many times it is a 'miracle' they aren't dust, your skin has been ripped and torn in so many places and so many times it is a 'miracle' that you have any left at all that isn't scars! You have bled more than enough blood to water whole fields of crops, and what do you do when the time comes again?" she hisses the last few words, rolling atop you with her small hands grasping at the collar of your doublet.


"You go. You charge out, on foot or on horse, and you do it happily. You leave behind your children, leave behind me, all to wonder whether or not this time is the time that the great Steel Bull dies. For the sake of the Widow, for Sigmar, for fucking Morr, the least you could do is at least act a bit upset about it! Where is the husband who never wants to go to battle, why did I marry and fall in love with one who practically relishes it?!"


"No," she hiccups slightly and then slowly lets her head fall against your chest. "I can't, Frederick. I can't keep pacing trenches into the floor every time. Years, years off of my life every time I think you're dead, that you might die. I can't keep waiting for the time that you just…don't come back."

Your arms wrap around her, and hug her closer, and still she continues to sob.

"Then this thing in Nuln…at least if it was in a battle I could accept that there were just too many, or-or some daemon or another tore you apart because it was beyond mortal ability…but it wasn't. It was a man, and why did it happen, because you were bloody drunk – and yes we all know you're almost always drunk – and because you couldn't accept losing? What's the point of your pride when your dead and I'm left alone with our children. Women and men, boys and girls, daughters I barely got to truly know…" then the words finally leave her, and she heaves again, and her body almost bounces off of your own because against all of what has been just thrown against you there is no way that you could avoid letting your own emotions run wild.

Tears mingle with tears in that field, and though you don't realize it at the time the Greatswords, ogres, gunners, and knights all take several steps forward to go out of hearing range of this most private of manners. There are no words for several minutes, as she lets all of the tension and grief and pain drain from her, and instead it flows into you in the form of all that and shame. Because yes…you understand. Gods you do. Every time she was weakened with pregnancy, you'd nearly shattered the bones in your hands just by clenching them tight outside of the room. Before you know it, now you are the one gasping around each tear stained word.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I love you I'm sorry…"

She only nods again and again as you beseech her forgiveness, your mind flagellating itself again and again with a flog made out of shame and self-loathing at the pain that you somehow failed to notice coming from her, Gods, from all your children…

"I never meant to hurt you, I swear…"you hold her tight, the two of you forced to sway under the weight of what this outing has let loose into your hearts.

"I know…but that doesn't change the fact that-," comes the muffled reply.

"I know…I know it doesn't…."

Then words become not enough again, and husband and wife sway. But it could not last forever. After all, for all that Natasha von Hohenzollern nee Romanov was a wielder of mystic and incredible powers, for all that Frederick von Hohenzollern had spat in the face and then killed things meant to be utterly beyond mortal ken, both are but human, not some endless engines of emotion. It all drains out of you, over a time that seems infinite and yet utterly too short at the same time until the two of you are laying motionless on the blanket and have drunk every drop of alcohol you brought with you, the last few tears only just starting to dry.

Her words boom throughout your mind, shaking you down to your core and out to the very edges. The fear, the horror, the pain she goes through every time you go out to fight, it stems from one thing. One little word that encompasses something that has occupied far too much of your wife and love's life for your tastes. She deserves more than that heart pounding and stressful word which you have suddenly and abruptly come to hate for what it has done to her.


Gruber. The Bloodthirster. Everything about the war with Zacharias where – if you are honest with yourself – you were far too reckless and enraged. A stray anything could have killed you. Now, this year, you are leaving again, not just to one most certainly life threatening location but two. You might walk into Laurelorn and be plunged into battle against something the Wood Elves want you to fight, or perhaps just to kill you because of some strange fey reason that you cannot comprehend. When you descend into the deepest of dwarf Holds, you might never see sunlight again. Two times, all the same again for her.

No. Never again for her.

"Natasha," your voice is void, and so she looks up with those most beautiful eyes, make-up stained by tears ignored. "I swear to you, I will always come back to you alive. No matter what."

"You can't," she hiccups, "you can't promise that. There's too many things out there in the world-,"

"I don't care about that. I don't care what or who tries to stop me, I'll always come back. So please, don't fear for me, ok?"

"You can't possibly keep that promise!" she insists, louder this time.

"No more pacing trenches in the ground. No more uncertainty, you hear me?" you grasp both of her hands with your own. "I will come back. I don't care if I have to fight a thousand Bloodthirsters or more dragons than Ulthaun has to come back to you, but I will."

"I don't want you to come back just to die from injuries," she tries another tactic.

"Then I won't."

"Stop it!" she beats against your chest. "Stop….trying to pretend like you aren't going to die on some god forsaken piece of dirt!"

"I won't," you say again, and look straight into her eyes.

"You can't promise-,"

"I. Won't."

Then you gently push her back, and whirl towards the sun, which is still a full disc in the sky though dusk will soon start approaching. You have no weapon, besides the steel fist at your side – not even in warfist configuration – and the knife at your belt. Luckily, you left Brain Wounder leaning against a tree nearby. Grabbing the weapon, you march back into the open sunlight where no clouds could possibly obscure you. Then you point the tip of the blade straight towards some vague point on horizon.

"Sigmar! Ulric! Morr! Esmeralda! Shallya! Manaan! And all you other misbegotten shits! I swear on my name, on my soul, to you and everyone else, to forever return to her, no matter the danger, no matter what stands in my way! Let her never wonder again if I shall return, for I always shall!"

It was meant to sound grand and heroic, but by that point you were at what southern Imperials would term 'stumbling drunk' so the speech was rather slurred. Also, there were two hiccups. But your sword was steady, and the words did come out. The heavens, as always, did not deign to respond as far as you could tell. But you still wanted to do it, and even as Natasha grabbed onto your shoulders and pulled you down onto the blanket half crying and half laughing, you were happy enough.

"You're an idiot," she mumbled into your neck, "A fool, a foolish death seeking idiot…"

"But you love me?"

"God's help me yes, I love you."

Gained: Trait – Oathsworn (Swore an oath before mortals and Gods, albeit drunkenly. No one may take it seriously besides you, but that is enough)
Natasha approval changed.
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Now I feel bad about going to Karak Ungor. Natasha does have a point, and even with the magic pumped into us, we're getting old. We should probably start thinking about taking a less hands-on approach to warfare from now on.
Now I feel bad about going to Karak Ungor. Natasha does have a point, and even with the magic pumped into us, we're getting old. We should probably start thinking about taking a less hands-on approach to warfare from now on.
Eh, Ungor'll be the last battle, far as I'm concerned. And I intend on NOT being in the front lines. Remain at the back, command the whole army.
Great writing torroar. Though the pessimist in me feels that Fred raised a death flag on himself with that oath. :(
Sigmr! Ulric! Morr! Esmeralda! Shallya! Manaan! And all you other misbegotten shits! I swear on my name, on my soul, to you and everyone else, to forever return to her, no matter the danger, no matter what stands in my way! Let her never wonder again if I shall return, for I always shall!"

ohhh we just threw down a gauntlet
Good turn all around.

And d'awwwww, damage control is complete. Still need to stop charging into death like we want to punch Morr in the mouth, of course.
We just think that he needs a hug-he always seems so lonely...
Eh, Ungor'll be the last battle, far as I'm concerned. And I intend on NOT being in the front lines. Remain at the back, command the whole army.
Plans. The enemy. First contact.
Though, yeah, it might be time to start thinking about semi-retirement. Once we think that Magnus can take up the slack, of course.

Also: drunkenly swearing an oath and fully intending to keep it: our transformation into a dwarfish ancestor-god continues.
Now I start to think we should just straight up retire. Not even to go adventuring, just settle down and relax with Natasha.