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So quick question, how often do we do the random presence tests to see if ships made an impact? Is that a once a quarter or once a year check?
I got one sentence in before going on a wiki-walk
At least it's not TV Tropes.
Thankfully, the Apiata avoided true escalation by catching them well outside Cardassian territorial claims.Well there go two Cardie ships... I don't think they will like being shot at so we may get a hot war soon. Or more extensive skirmishes.
Half an hour later and the Apiatan task force retires from the system, leaving nothing but debris and vengeance in its wake.
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 24384.6 - Captain Saavik
As a part of our sweep of the Ferasan sector border space, we have been instructed by Commodore ka'Sharren to run the physical inspections of the listening posts and crews to ensure they have not been compromised. There are a total of twelve sites, scattered in a 4x4x1 block of sub-sectors, used to provide early warning and tracking, each with a small crew.
Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 24388.4
While passing through on patrol, we have conducted a successful outreach to the Orion Union colony on Nor'Orion. We contacted the colony administration seeing if they were having any difficulties, and took advantage of the situation to provide free repair work to failed agricultural equipment.
[+2 Impact, reduce Corruption value on Nor'Orion]
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 24389.2
What we have discovered is that a contagion made it's way aboard ship, driving the crew mad. Hallucinations and fevered thinking has split the crew into two forces, which were fighting a war with their phasers.
A great deal is owed to the fast thinking of one Amarkian officer who realised just before it was too late what was occurring, which caused him to forcibly lock all weapons aboard into stun setting only. With their faculties reduced, no combatant was able to figure out to switch back to lethal settings, and the potential for loss of life was averted. My chief medical officer is currently attempting to develop a cure, but in the interim, they are being sedated for their own safety.
We are approaching Cedar VII listening post, the fourth in our tour. Unusually, they have not responded to the hail letting them know we are en route. As a precaution, I have taken the ship to yellow alert, and will raise shields when we arrive.
Hmm, I disagree with that reading. Specifically, I think it's in the Apiatas' best interests to allow survivors to make their way to the aid station inside the system. This attack was done to send a message, and no message is complete without messengers.Gosh, it's so much more awkward when it's your allies doing wrong. They have a right to be angry, sure, but blowing up a bunch of civilian shipping is not the solution. Especially as this last line implies they destroyed all the life pods too.
Yeah, the Apiata can be warm and fun people, but do not piss them off. Getting them as Federation Affiliates is still one of ka'Sharren's greatest achievements. I would really, really, hate to be discussing how we were going to garrison the Apinae border zone right now.
Well there go two Cardie ships... I don't think they will like being shot at so we may get a hot war soon. Or more extensive skirmishes.
Hmm, I disagree with that reading. Specifically, I think it's in the Apiatas' best interests to allow survivors to make their way to the aid station inside the system. This attack was done to send a message, and no message is complete without messengers.
On the contrary. Apiata have been getting hit by commerce raiders and Cardassian bullying tactics for nearly a decade now. Apiata have been extremely chill, by the standards of a hive of bees that the Cardassians have been banging on with a stick.
You just can't help but love that sparkly Connie magic.Oh yeah. As usual the Cheron makes the Excelsior it shares the sector with look like a chump. Pretty smooth, and that actually got the Nor'Orion Corruption level to Low, a distinction it shares only with Broken Chains. That was a great Presence roll.
"I assure you, lieutenant, there are excellent reasons for caution when approaching a Miranda that is experiencing minor communication difficulties."Saavik's in charge which means this time, they're doing things by the freaking book!
But if nobody survives, then it's harder to pin it on someone. ¶:Hmm, I disagree with that reading. Specifically, I think it's in the Apiatas' best interests to allow survivors to make their way to the aid station inside the system. This attack was done to send a message, and no message is complete without messengers.
I don't know, an entire convoy reduced to splinters and corpses, complete with cored escape pods, rather sends quite a clear message. That message is: "Someone is Very Unhappy Indeed with you."Actually one of them was a Sydraxian ship (they operate Hasque escorts) so that's even more fun. And if those were Sydraxian cargo ships, six ships represents a major chunk of their civilian shipping.
You would think so, but it specifically says "leaving nothing but debris and vengeance in its wake". If they view it as merely trying to weaken their enemies rather than 'sending a message' (and inviting retaliatory attacks) then maybe having the convoy mysteriously disappear is exactly what they want.
You know, their action might have actually cut the connection between Cardassia and the Syndraxians, seeing as it was right in between their two territories. If so, they should be applauded for their ability to turn our two main outside threats against eachother, and if not, at least they exasperated the Cardassian supply crisis.I'd prefer if they didn't destroy escape pods because it just means we have no prisoners to interrogate or trade back to their nation for political gains or our own people. Plus people fighting fight harder if death is guaranteed instead of a risk. That said cheers to the Apinae for a well planned and executed ambush.
They could've at least taken prisoners though, nothing good comes of making the enemy believe you'll massacre survivors as a matter of course, regardless of how actually true it is. Hopefully this doesn't escalate the Cardie-Fed conflict again too much, we've still got the upcoming Syndicate bloodshed to deal with.