More in favor of Explorer1. The bonus from Explorer Combat doesn't look like it'll be enough to get any meaningful improvements on the current Ambassador designs floating around. Rather start the program a year earlier.What? In all 4 proposed variants Utopia Planitia (UPDG) is occupied continuously. I was just sharing a mildly interesting factoid. Neither of the cases discussed are really relevant (because variant 3 ends up being superior to both), and neither would have involved Utopia Planitia being idle either. Moving generic team 2 off a year early would just mean it could start working on something else a year early.
It's not just Explorer Combat but also tech from other areas that would become available, like weapons, sensors and warp cores. When I get through all the categories I might write a list of techs that would be available for the Ambassador in each of the years.More in favor of Explorer1. The bonus from Explorer Combat doesn't look like it'll be enough to get any meaningful improvements on the current Ambassador designs floating around. Rather start the program a year earlier.
Was working on research planning (if the crisis is resolved quickly there might not be all that much time to do the planning later), and had a case where having a team working on a tech actually was (potentially) delaying it:
Priorities: Anti-cloaking, mission boni
VSA: 2310s Short-Range Sensors 2309-2312(100%)[skill-up 2312], 2320s Anti-Cloaking Sensors 2312-2316(100%)
Generic Team 4 -> Computing [swap with Team 1 so both get 2 specializations instead of just 1]
Generic Team 1: 2310s Long-Range Sensors 2310 - 2320(with Eaton until at least 2313)/2321(Eaton leaving earlier)[graduation 2318]
Priorities: bonus diplomacy rolls, raise mission participation cap, SIGINT/INFOSEC, mission boni, colony boni
SFSA: 2310s Message Security 2307-2311(100%)[skill-up 2311], 2310s Message Networking 2312-2315, 2320s Federation Datanet 2316-2320(87.5%)/2321(12.5%)[skill-up 2317] -> Computing?
FBS: 2310s Communications 2309-2312(75%)/2313(25%)[skill-up 2311], 2320s Fleet Comms 2314-2320 (100%) [skill-up 2316]
Priorities: T2 techs ready for custom designs
40EA: 2310s Escort - Science 2313(50%)/2314(50%), 2310s Escort - Combat 2314/2315- 2315(50%)/2316(50%), custom escort project
Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering 2309-2312(100%) -> Cruiser [get second specialization]
Generic Team 7?: 1mt Escort Design
I don't know.I'd rather switch VSA in to finish Long Ranger Sensors after they finish Short Range Sensors, rather than pushing them straight to Anti-Cloaking. With the Cardassians likely getting out of the cloaking game after this (I have to imagine it's going to sour them on the whole idea), it no longer seems as high a priority.
Low priority but not NO priority. We've got a pretty good escort in the Centaur-A, but we'll probably want to start working on a replacement escort design within 10-15 years. Also, better escort tech might help us design a decent science vessel, right?I'm still of the mind that Escort technologies should be of low priority in general and that they should be a ship type we don't have much time for. I'd rather keep the 40EA team on Warp techs.
Note that Long Range Sensors only has a single tech remaining, and that Generic Teams are much more efficient for researching projects with single techs due to how inspiration works. In general I have been trying to assign generic or low skilled teams to single tech projects unless the project was very high priority (like shield regeneration).I'd rather switch VSA in to finish Long Ranger Sensors after they finish Short Range Sensors, rather than pushing them straight to Anti-Cloaking. With the Cardassians likely getting out of the cloaking game after this (I have to imagine it's going to sour them on the whole idea), it no longer seems as high a priority.
That would be hilarious actually.True, although that might lead to some counterintuitive results (e.g. having a bunch of random schlubs designing the first workable positronic computers, instead of having the Daystrom Institute doing it).
Note that Long Range Sensors only has a single tech remaining, and that Generic Teams are much more efficient for researching projects with single techs due to how inspiration works. In general I have been trying to assign generic or low skilled teams to single tech projects unless the project was very high priority (like shield regeneration).
Low priority but not NO priority. We've got a pretty good escort in the Centaur-A, but we'll probably want to start working on a replacement escort design within 10-15 years. Also, better escort tech might help us design a decent science vessel, right?
At the very least we will have a vote on when to start the Ambassador, and there will probably some other cases with multiple sensible choices (like keeping 40EA on warp tech a bit longer, though that doesn't need to be decided this year).Candidly, I have to find something to disagree with you about or it'll be a bunch of boring "Plan Nix" votes.
It's mixing in the Commodore vote for no good reason because usually there won't be any interdependencies, which ships are left behind for garrison matters a whole lot and I don't particularly see any advantage over (or differences to, other than the mentioned) assigning ships to theatres instead of moving fleets around as already suggested.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 583 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4
[X][FLEET] Plan Sweep and Shield
-[X][FLEET] Fifth Fleet should link up with S'harien and Enterprise to try and locate the Kadak-Tor, with all ships taking guidance from Sarek when it reports in.
-[X][FLEET] Ask the Amarki to dispatch a flotilla (preferably 5-7 ships, headed up by a Riala) to Tales Har to reinforce Second Fleet.
-[X][FLEET] Ask the Betazoids to dispatch a squadron (say, 3-4 ships) to Vega to reinforce First Fleet.
-[X][FLEET] Fourth Fleet is to move to rimward towards 15 Themis, keeping its distance from Dawiar space.
No. of Votes: 14
[X][FLEET] Plan Sweep and Reinforce
-[X][FLEET] Movement: Have USS S'harien and USS Enterprise link up with USS Sarek to form the "Explorers" task force to help with the search for the Kadak-Tor.
-[X][FLEET] Movement: Have 5th fleet (15 Themis) link up with the Explorers task force at whatever location they're currently at.
-[X][FLEET] Rules of Engagement for 5th fleet and Explorers task force: Defensive posture (do not fire until fired upon). Retreat when outgunned. Prioritize linking up over retreating to outposts/bases.
-[X][FLEET] Movement: Have 4th fleet (Pygmalion) move rimward to reinforce 5th fleet, keeping at least 5ly away from Dawiar territory.
-[X][FLEET] Diplomacy: Ask the Amarki to dispatch a flotilla (preferably 5-7 ships, headed up by a Riala) to Tales Har to reinforce Second Fleet.
-[X][FLEET] Diplomacy: Ask the Betazoids to dispatch a squadron (say, 3-4 ships) to Vega to reinforce First Fleet.
No. of Votes: 8
[X][FLEET] Plan Shield
-[X][FLEET] Fifth Fleet should link up with the S'Harien and the Enterprise in -4d at the Federation border.
-[X][FLEET] Fourth Fleet to move towards 15 Themis
-[X][FLEET] Ask the Amarki to dispatch a flotilla (preferably 5-7 ships, headed up by a Riala) to Tales Har to reinforce Second Fleet.
-[X][FLEET] Ask the Betazoids to dispatch a squadron (say, 3-4 ships) to Vega to reinforce First Fleet.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][FLEET] Fifth Fleet should link up with the S'Harien and the Enterprise in -4d to try and locate the Kadak-Tor, taking guidance from the Sarek when it reports in.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][FLEET] Ask the Amarki to dispatch a flotilla (preferably 5-7 ships, headed up by a Riala) to Tales Har to reinforce Second Fleet.
No. of Votes: 1
[X][FLEET] Ask the Betazoids to dispatch a squadron (say, 3-4 ships) to Vega to reinforce First Fleet.
No. of Votes: 1
Task: NEWS
[X][NEWS] Allow
No. of Votes: 15
[X][NEWS] Allow
-[X][NEWS] Privately, inform the council and our affiliate governments that we suspect this may be a trick.
No. of Votes: 7
[X][NEWS] Deny
No. of Votes: 4
[X][NEWS] Refuse
No. of Votes: 2
Total No. of Voters: 28
I thought about making my own plan and asked Oneiros a question that I felt was relevant, but ended up not being answered. In absence of that I didn't particularly see any options better than the others but that has more to do with the situation than the plans responding to it. I don't like how we basically have to pick between letting the Kadak-Tor get away or making the narratively appropriate choice of trusting that the Cardassians don't feel like destroying basically all our veteran ships. This is not a problem with the system or even with the plot (which is very Star Trek), but voting to take what would be a stupid risk outside of a story because inside the story it's the right choice is not something I feel particularly comfortable with.Nix, I notice that you didn't actually vote. Didn't see an option you liked, or felt like there was no point since both options were basically identical? Consider the question in the general spirit of "how should this vote be conducted in the future" since this way didn't entice an active player like yourself to cast a vote.
I don't mind that system, actually.For the talk about how to restructure fleet actions to be both easier for OneirosTheWriter to setup, and for us to plan/vote for while keeping meaningful but understandable choices I've got an idea.
OneirosTheWriter gives us a set of theaters of operation, theater commanders, available ships and ships released from garrison commitment, member world/affiliate ships we can request and optional ships we could buy into a plan (ie. ships we could get for pp or militarization points representing Starfleet begging/borrowing/stealing/etc.) and we then make plans to put what we want where we want.
An example of this based on the current crisis would be this:
Theaters of Operation:
Sydraxian Theater (Tales Har, Klivvar Proxima, Vega)
CBZ Defense Theater (Indoria, 15 Themis, Ord Grind Duk)
CBZ Forward Theater (Seyek, Q'loath, Dawiar, Lecarre area)
Federation Defense Theater (Tellar, Earth, Andor, Vulcan)
Theater Commanders:
Commodore A (flavour text/bonus..)
Commodore B (flavour text/bonus..)
Commodore C (flavour text/bonus..)
Commodore D (flavour text/bonus..)
Commodore E (flavour text/bonus..)
Commodore F (flavour text/bonus..)
Available Ships:
4 Excelsiors
1 Constitution
3 Centaur-As
2 Oberths
5 Mirandas
Member World Ships Available:
1 RialaBetazoid
2 Cruisers
2 Escorts
2 Cruisers...
3 Escorts
Ships for Purchase:
1 Cruiser, 2 Escorts (Amarkia) - 5 pp
1 Fathership, 2 Modern Swarmers - 1 Militarization Point
The available ships will not include the ones left behind for garrison to make it easier to plan without thinking about what we can't move. The Member World ships would be the ones we could get just by asking for them and we can get more if we're willing to pay for them, either by political deals (pp) or council unhappiness (militarization from moving a homeworld fleet away from defense or out of it's sector).
Then we could plan like this:
Plan "Planning Planners who Planned this Plan"
Sydraxian Theater
Commodore ACBZ Defense Theater
1 Excelsior
1 Centaur-A
1 Miranda
3 Betazoid Escorts
Commodore ECBZ Forward Theater
1 Excelsior
1 Constitution
1 Centaur-A
1 Oberth
Commodore CFederation Defense Theater
2 Excelsiors
1 Centaur-A
1 Oberth
4 Mirandas
1 Fathership, 2 Modern Swarmers - 1 Militarization Point
Commodore F
1 Riala (Amarkia)
2 Cruisers (Amarkia)
2 Escorts (Amarkia)
2 Cruisers (Betazoid)
We could include a ROE or prioritization choice, either overall or by theater if we want one. Alternatively the theater commander could be that choice if we have 2 fleet battle commanders, 2 science/sensor commanders, 1 defense commander and 1 jack-of-all-trades commander for example.
@OneirosTheWriter Would this work and/or be easier for you to setup?
@Briefvoice @Nix @Simon_Jester What do you think about making/voting for plans in this format?
Oh, sorry about that, must have missed it.I thought about making my own plan and asked Oneiros a question that I felt was relevant, but ended up not being answered.
I thought about making my own plan and asked Oneiros a question that I felt was relevant, but ended up not being answered. In absence of that I didn't particularly see any options better than the others but that has more to do with the situation than the plans responding to it. I don't like how we basically have to pick between letting the Kadak-Tor get away or making the narratively appropriate choice of trusting that the Cardassians don't feel like destroying basically all our veteran ships. This is not a problem with the system or even with the plot (which is very Star Trek), but voting to take what would be a stupid risk outside of a story because inside the story it's the right choice is not something I feel particularly comfortable with.
It was about roughly how far away the sensor readings the Sarek picked up were, pretty plausibly something we wouldn't have known about in character so I didn't mind.
In sum, each round of combat has one side attack. That side is determined by RNG chance, with the odds determined by the combat values of the two sides. The higher your combat value, the more likely it is that you will be able to make the attack.A thorough explanation of the combat system would be great. I've been confused a few times about how one side made multiple attacks in a row without the other side appearing to have any way of responding.
A thorough explanation of the combat system would be great. I've been confused a few times about how one side made multiple attacks in a row without the other side appearing to have any way of responding.
Side 1: Federation-Klingon Fleet, Ships 8, Combat 24, Hull 26
Side 2: Romulan Fleet, Ships 5, Combat 20, Hull 17
Turn 1 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 200 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.5902 RNG: 0.3470
Turn 1 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 1 Shields hit, now 1 / 2
Turn 2 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 200 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.5902 RNG: 0.1080
Turn 2 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 1 Shields hit, now 0 / 2
* Ship D7 Cruiser 1 shields have collapsed! *
Turn 3 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 200 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.5902 RNG: 0.3521
Turn 3 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 1 Hit - Now Hp 1/2
** Turn 3 - Ship D7 Cruiser 1 has dropped below 75% HP **
Ship D7 Cruiser 1 is attempting to flee! Will escape on turnCounter 9
Turn 4 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 200 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.5902 RNG: 0.7441
Turn 4 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship BoP 2 Shields hit, now 0 / 1
* Ship BoP 2 shields have collapsed! *
Turn 5 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 200 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.5902 RNG: 0.1218
Turn 5 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 1 Hit - Now Hp 0/2
Ship D7 Cruiser 1 Hull 2 vs Average Attack 3
Defender Roll: 2 + 9 vs Attacker: 3 + 6
**** Turn 5 - Ship D7 Cruiser 1 has been Disabled! ****
Turn 6 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.5722
Turn 6 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 2 Shields hit, now 1 / 2
Turn 7 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.4135
Turn 7 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Shields hit, now 3 / 4
Turn 8 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.7649
Turn 8 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship BoP 3 Shields hit, now 0 / 1
* Ship BoP 3 shields have collapsed! *
Turn 9 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.7144
Turn 9 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship K'tinga 1 Shields hit, now 3 / 4
Turn 10 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.2589
Turn 10 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Unknown Warbird Shields hit, now 5 / 6
Turn 11 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.0789
Turn 11 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Unknown Warbird Shields hit, now 4 / 6
Turn 12 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.7857
Turn 12 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship BoP 1 Shields hit, now 0 / 1
* Ship BoP 1 shields have collapsed! *
Turn 13 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.9381
Turn 13 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship K'tinga 2 Shields hit, now 3 / 4
Turn 14 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 288 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6659 RNG: 0.8716
Turn 14 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship BoP 3 Hit - Now Hp 0/1
Ship BoP 3 Hull 1 vs Average Attack 4
Defender Roll: 1 + 6 vs Attacker: 4 + 6
**** Turn 14 - Ship BoP 3 has been Destroyed! ****
Turn 15 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 264.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6467 RNG: 0.7300
Turn 15 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship BoP 2 Hit - Now Hp 0/1
Ship BoP 2 Hull 1 vs Average Attack 4
Defender Roll: 1 + 2 vs Attacker: 4 + 8
**** Turn 15 - Ship BoP 2 has been Destroyed! ****
Turn 16 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 242 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6261 RNG: 0.7675
Turn 16 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship BoP 1 Hit - Now Hp 0/1
Ship BoP 1 Hull 1 vs Average Attack 4
Defender Roll: 1 + 6 vs Attacker: 4 + 8
**** Turn 16 - Ship BoP 1 has been Destroyed! ****
Turn 17 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.1258
Turn 17 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 2 Shields hit, now 0 / 2
* Ship D7 Cruiser 2 shields have collapsed! *
Turn 18 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.4265
Turn 18 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Shields hit, now 2 / 4
Turn 19 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.4153
Turn 19 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Shields hit, now 1 / 4
Turn 20 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.6326
Turn 20 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship Courageous Shields hit, now 5 / 6
Turn 21 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.8490
Turn 21 - Federation-Klingon Fleet is hit!
Ship Sarek Shields hit, now 5 / 6
Turn 22 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.2732
Turn 22 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 2 Hit - Now Hp 1/2
** Turn 22 - Ship D7 Cruiser 2 has dropped below 75% HP **
Ship D7 Cruiser 2 is attempting to flee! Will escape on turnCounter 25
Turn 23 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.0872
Turn 23 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Shields hit, now 0 / 4
* Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 shields have collapsed! *
Turn 24 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 144.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6041 RNG: 0.5938
Turn 24 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship D7 Cruiser 2 Hit - Now Hp 0/2
Ship D7 Cruiser 2 Hull 2 vs Average Attack 4
Defender Roll: 2 + 10 vs Attacker: 4 + 6
**** Turn 24 - Ship D7 Cruiser 2 has been Disabled! ****
Turn 25 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 98 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6923 RNG: 0.6574
Turn 25 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Hit - Now Hp 4/5
Turn 26 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 98 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.6923 RNG: 0.5755
Turn 26 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Hit - Now Hp 3/5
** Turn 26 - Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 has dropped below 75% HP **
Turn 27 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 84.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.7230 RNG: 0.6780
Turn 27 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Unknown Warbird Shields hit, now 3 / 6
Turn 28 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 84.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.7230 RNG: 0.0846
Turn 28 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Hit - Now Hp 2/5
** Turn 28 - Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 has dropped below 50% HP **
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 is attempting to flee! Will escape on turnCounter 30
Turn 29 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 72 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.7538 RNG: 0.6013
Turn 29 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 Hit - Now Hp 1/5
** Turn 29 - Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 has dropped below 25% HP **
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 is attempting to flee! Will escape on turnCounter 31
**** Ship Bird-of-Prey 1 has escaped! ****
Turn 30 - Federation-Klingon Fleet Power: 220.5 v Romulan Fleet Power: 60.5 - Federation-Klingon's Chance to Land Hit: 0.7847 RNG: 0.0589
Turn 30 - Romulan Fleet is hit!
Ship Unknown Warbird Shields hit, now 2 / 6
End of Battle - Turn 30
Side 1: Federation-Klingon Fleet, Ships 5, Combat 21, Hull 23
Side 2: Romulan Fleet, Ships 2, Combat 11, Hull 8
Side two has hit their retreat point!
Federation-Klingon Fleet Casualties:
BoP 3 has been Destroyed
BoP 2 has been Destroyed
BoP 1 has been Destroyed
Romulan Fleet Casualties:
D7 Cruiser 1 has been Disabled
D7 Cruiser 2 has been Disabled
Bird-of-Prey 1 has been Escaped
Federation-Klingon Fleet
Ship Courageous: Hull/Combat: Start 7 / 5, End 7 / 5, Shield: 5 / 6
Ship Sarek: Hull/Combat: Start 7 / 5, End 7 / 5, Shield: 5 / 6
Ship K'tinga 1: Hull/Combat: Start 3 / 6, End 3 / 6, Shield: 3 / 4
Ship K'tinga 2: Hull/Combat: Start 3 / 6, End 3 / 6, Shield: 3 / 4
Ship BoP 1: Hull/Combat: Start 1 / 1, End 0 / 0, Shield: 0 / 1
Ship BoP 2: Hull/Combat: Start 1 / 1, End 0 / 0, Shield: 0 / 1
Ship BoP 3: Hull/Combat: Start 1 / 1, End 0 / 0, Shield: 0 / 1
Ship BoP 4: Hull/Combat: Start 1 / 1, End 1 / 1, Shield: 1 / 1
Romulan Fleet
Ship Unknown Warbird: Hull/Combat: Start 6 / 3, End 6 / 3, Shield: 2 / 6
Ship D7 Cruiser 1: Hull/Combat: Start 3 / 2, End 0 / 0, Shield: 0 / 2
Ship D7 Cruiser 2: Hull/Combat: Start 3 / 2, End 0 / 0, Shield: 0 / 2
Ship Bird-of-Prey 1: Hull/Combat: Start 4 / 5, End 1 / 0, Shield: 0 / 4
Ship Bird-of-Prey 2: Hull/Combat: Start 4 / 5, End 4 / 5, Shield: 4 / 4
Hmm yeah, you could say that the Daystrom Institute would be the galaxy's leading experts in NOT inventing positronic computers, after all the brilliant duotronic/whatever work they've done.
Okay... but we could have, um... a better one!If you believe the ship design thread, we can design a decent science vessel with the technologies we have right now.
It's interesting and I hope Oneiros adopts SOME parts of it for crisis management.For the talk about how to restructure fleet actions to be both easier for OneirosTheWriter to setup, and for us to plan/vote for while keeping meaningful but understandable choices I've got an idea.
That... is an extremely good point.Hmmm. One disconnect I've noticed is that we've been told that the majority of battles should not end in the destruction of one side or the other; that the usual outcome is one side realizes it's losing and flees the field. Yet virtually every example battle we're given grinds down to a total defeat on one side or the other.
So if we take the statement that running isn't too difficult as true then our ships shouldn't be at such a big risk. But if we take the actual examples we're given, then as you say "trusting that the Cardassians don't feel like destroying basically all our veteran ships".
Those mechanics are still really unclear. In the famous "Enterprise gets ambushed by two ships" incident, why didn't the Enterprise just run for it? Was it constrained from doing so because the combat was the result of a failed Event roll, so it wasn't "allowed" to run? Will matters be different in a wartime situation?
Low priority but not NO priority. We've got a pretty good escort in the Centaur-A, but we'll probably want to start working on a replacement escort design within 10-15 years. Also, better escort tech might help us design a decent science vessel, right?