Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23553.4 - Nash ka'Sharren
While exploring an area of space between Risa and Dawiar, we encountered an unusual signature on Long Range sensors. In the 17 Jamboree system, we have found a seemingly abandoned science outpost. It uses Federation technology, but is well out in unclaimed space. We can detect no lifesigns at present, but Zaardmani cautions me that is being sensor dampened.
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23553.8 - Straak
We are inspecting a barren world for signs of mineral value. Our scans reveal what appear to be long vanished ocean beds and other geological and bacteriological evidence that this planet once supported life. Indeed, it may very well have been a Class M planet. However, it is no longer capable of supporting life, and the remaining mineral deposits are unsuited to extraction. We were about to move on, actually, when I noticed that some of the sensor returns did not match what expected results of the geological strata they belonged to. Something anomalous is beneath the surface at the base of the crust.
Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23554.4 - Michel Thuir
We are currently pushing past Rigel to explore further coreward. This is a journey which we intend to conduct over the course of the final year of our mission. There is no doubt much to discover here, and we are looking forward to breaking some truly fresh ground for Starfleet.
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23554.9 - Saavik
We have detected a number of ships running in low emissions mode. It appears that they are attempting to use a particularly dense stretch of nebula to hide their approach from the human colony world of Tallow III-17, located in unclaimed portions of the Ferasa Sector. We are moving to the Tallow system ourselves in case their intentions are as nefarious as they appear to be.
Captain's Log, USS Kumari, Stardate 23555.2
An ambassador to the Seyek has fallen ill with a cross-transmitted Seyek disease. We have devised a method to stabilise the Ambassador to allow the Seyek medical researchers to adapt a known antibiotic agent. This example of cooperation has generated considerable interest among the Seyek.
[+10pp, +25 Relations with the Seyek]
Captain's Log, USS Sappho, Stardate 23555.5
A new series of mineral deposits was located in the asteroid builds of the major Vulcan colony system of Atatan. We have recovered some samples, but believe that more exist here. The Vulcans will likely make their own mining colony here, however.
[Gain +20 sr]
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23556.2
From our initial exploration of this science station, we believe it was formerly operated by renegade Vulcans. We have encountered a number of Vulcan corpses, many of whom register on lists of people wanted for questioning by Vulcan authorities for scientific and medical crimes. They have all been brutally slain, but often in ways that leave us with no real explanation for how. One was seemingly torn apart, as if shorn by some unimaginable force. I would not like to meet what did this in a darkened starbase corridor, but we must push on.
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23556.8
We have hidden ourselves in the upper atmosphere of the Tallow III gas giant, around which the colony's moon orbits, after alerting the colony to potential incoming threat. It is a certain calculated risk, but it is important that if these are, in fact, pirates or slavers, that they must not be allowed to continue on. The colony will be standing by to raise their protective shields at the last moment.
Captain's Log, USS Thunderhead, Stardate 23556.9
We had to deploy prematurely from a minor refit at the Starfleet Outpost in Tipperary to attend to a distress call on the Andorian colony world of Scarper's Vent. A massive movement of herd creatures was threatening population centers. Thankfully the colonists had laid most of the groundwork for diverting the herds before we arrived.
[No result]
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23557.2
Beneath the surface of the planet there is a hidden settlement with a half million souls inside. They appear to be the remnant of an ancient, highly advanced culture. Unfortunately, our attempts to engage with them have as of yet been unsuccessful. Every encounter has so far been rebuffed. All we know is that they refer to themselves as the Tulpari.
Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23557.3
We have identified a peculiar pocket of subspace disturbances in the Karak Nebula. It doesn't match anything we have on record however, with a variety of exotic particles coming in and out of existence around it as it travels. I have ordered the Miracht in to take a closer look.
Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23557.5
We have been informed by the Tulpari that Vulcans are too 'childlike' and 'inexperienced' for them to deal with at present, and to try coming back in another thousand years. Further attempts to engage with the Tulpari were met with first silence, and then we were 'displaced' one lightyear over the space of one hour, travelling at the equivalent of Warp Factor 20 in the current system, or approximately Warp 9.99 in the proposed system. It is not recommended that further contact be attempted. The displacement proved very dangerous to the hull of the Sarek, though it held up admirably thanks to strengthening steps taken.
Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 23557.6
A plague is sweeping the Indorian colony world of Patakcallawar, a new colony they have established coreward of their current territory. After attending and lending our science labs to their overworked hospital ship, we have been able to determine the contagion arose from bacterial agents natively present in the atmosphere that went unnoticed by prospecting tests. An anti-biotic had to be tailored due to gamma-lactramase emissions of the bacteria interfering with many of our traditional antibiotic agents.
[+25 Relations with Indoria, +5rp, +5pp, Cheron is now rated as Blooded]
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23557.7
Hideous experiments were being run on this station.
We have found a young Vulcan girl who is capable of tremendous psionic power, the product of a long series of experiments by renegade scientists to create a perfected psionic being. After we turned off the source of the sensor dampening, we identified two lifeforms. One surviving scientist, and the product of their twisted experiments, T'Anar. I regret to report that I had to be restrained from manually releasing Dr Jivonn's cranium from the trunk.
I was not as impressed by his work as he tried to convince me I should be.
The situation is tricky, however, as the psionic power appears to be destroying T'Anar from the inside out, as well as fracturing her mind into many disparate personalities that shift at random. At least one of which is downright Romulan. She has slaughtered all sixty staff on the station except for Dr Jivonn after a containment failure in the days before our arrival.
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23558.1
We have engaged and destroyed an Orion Syndicate slaver task force looking to prey on this independent colony world. They went straight in for the colony world using a modified Klingon Bird of Prey and two Orion escorts. By firing a spread of photon torpedoes straight from cover and then moving in at full impulse, we were able to scatter their formation and destroy the Bird of Prey in the first strike. The remaining escorts and the follow-on transports were then disabled or destroyed. However, the fight was not entirely on our own terms, and we suffered some casualties and minor damage.
[+4 Impact, -1 Officer, repairs can be made while underway]
Federation Anti-Slavery Sub-Committee Report
Bombings on Alukk nearly killed the leader of the Orion Union, and sharp conflict is breaking out in the capital as security forces attempt to reassert order. Riots and other disturbances have broke out as the Syndicate begins to bare its claws. It is the opinion of the Anti-Slavery Sub-Committee that the seriousness with which the Federation is approaching this matter is beginning to seep through to the Syndicate.
In positive developments, the USS Hawking has managed to identify a carefully shielded smuggling vessel that nearly evaded detection. Contraband, including proscribed Orion pheromone emitter devices, was secured and the crew detained.
Total Impact for the Year is 27, Cumulative Impact is 27.
Captain's Log, USS Vigour, Stardate 23558.3
We have identified a substantial supply of duranium in an asteroid field in the Ganalt system. However, at the same time an Apiata Forager discovered a moon in the system suitable for a mining colony. After negotiations, they will retain the colony, and we will retain the located duranium. They will apparently rename the colony world Cerzizza.
[Gain +30 Br, +5 Relations with Apiata]
Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23558.5
The subspace disturbance has been revealed as a wayward being of nearly all-encompassing power, able to manipulate reality seemingly at will. It has manifested as a human woman on my bridge, coming right through our shields and putting my security to sleep with a mere afterthought. She calls herself Q, though it is unclear if this is a individual name, species name, or political entity name. So far she has made it her business to poke around the historical records of the ship and put the accusation to humanity and the Federation that we are not worthy of space and that our pretensions of peaceful exploration are hypocritical airs.
We have been taken into the past of humanity, shown some of our bloodiest moments. In particular some of the bloodiest moments of my native region on Earth. This Q seeks to judge me before the Committee for Public Safety...
Unfortunately, If there are limits to her power, we have not encountered them yet.
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23558.6
Apparently as a part of her rampage to slaughter the scientists, a particularly nihilist fragment took control and initiated a slow-burn warp core breach. If we are to have any hope of repairing the damage that has been done to this poor girl, we need access to the laboratories here to find out what was done to her. However, the damage is insidious and my Chief Engineer is having trouble finding the source. But without the seldom seen nihilist personality fragment, we can't find out what she did!
Merely the fact that this station was powered by a warp core rather than fusion reactors is disquieting. They were utilising a tremendous amount of power for their experiments.
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23558.8
Commander Stol is in sickbay recovering after managing a highly dangerous Mind Meld with T'Anar to find the cause of the impending warp core breach. He has sustained great harm, but is expected by Dr Asurva to make a full recovery with time, perhaps half a year. I will make sure he gets all the time he requires.
T'Anar is holding up, and the Mind Meld has done her a lot of good, though Stol does not recommend anyone else attempting it. Federation scientists are arriving to take over the station and learn the full extent of what was done here, and to find out what we can do to help T'Anar.
[Gain research colony world of Yel'urulausu, +5 (6) rp / yr]
Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23559.5
I have mollified the Q through refusing the defend humanity's past record by pointing to where we are going, and the trajectory of our progress. I'll have to admit, though, the way she seemed to delight in toying with me made me want to throttle her like the barbarian she accused me of being. Thankfully, I was able to keep that impulse under control.
She has departed, clearing me at the Committee of Public Safety hearing, but left the warning that humanity should beware of making its devotion to peaceful exploration contingent to how dangerous the galaxy is. After all, the galaxy is always a dangerous, wonderful place.
[Gain +10rp, +10pp - progress to Veteran status increased]
Computer, End Log