2309.Q2 - Snakepit Results
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rid Ourselves of the Syndicate
-Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
-Request Academy Expansion, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-Attempt to muster support for large scale action against the Orion Syndicate, 35pp (Anti-Syndicate actions will occur each turn in Amarkia, Caitian, and Andor Sectors)
--The Yukikaze to be assigned to anti-Syndicate actions for the duration in whatever sector they happen in.
-Request expansion of Ana Font Shipyard, 10pp (9 with discount) (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth)
-Request focused Diplomacy on Sayek, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Bajorans, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Yrillians, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Dawiar, 10pp
- Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp [Starbase Design/Starship Construction]

[X][PLAN] Heavy Push
[X][COUNCIL] Anti-Slavery Act of 2309 [1 Influence, 2 Impact, -5pp/year, focus on the security aspects]
[X][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[X][CLOSE] Use Andorian and Human units [2 Influence, 4 Impact, -5pp/year, reduces units available for border work]
[X][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[X][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[X][ROE] Self-Defence or Pursuit [1 Influence, 3 Impact]


Total Cost 158 PP

Colonies Commenced

Shipyard Expansions Commenced
Ana Font, +1 Small Berth

Installations Commenced

-None -

Starfleet Ship Design Bureau Expansion
The following team has joined into the Ship Design Bureau's brief:

Taves Nar Orbital Engineering (Starbase Design/Starship Construction)

Starfleet Academy
Academy Expansion commenced (+0.5/0.5/0.5)

Current Federation Affiliates:
Yrillians 45/100 + 10 = 55/100
Seyek 92/100 + 12 = 104/500
Bajorians 30/100 + 22 = 52/100
Dawiar 10/100 + 32 = 42/100

Anti-Slavery Act of 2309
Sponsors: Concillor Langford, X-Earth, Councillor Singh, X-Alpha Centauri

Contains Provisions to...
Apply sensor scans to all passing traffic and stop any that exhibit either signs of criminal activity or an anomaly.
Employ Andorian Guard and United Earth Fleet ships to aid the Orion Union.
To fire upon ships that attempt to evade arrest or detention, even if return-fire is not received.

In response to the bill, Starfleet Intelligence assets will assist the Orion Union in ferreting out Syndicate infiltration of the Union's military forces. Two ships will be detached to Starfleet Intel to provide striking power against pirate bases.

9 Influence active
18 Impact

There were some controversial aspects to the bill, however it has broad support (-10pp/year while in effect).

Shipbuilding Operations Report
The requested builds, refits, and repairs scheduled for the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards have commenced, namely:

Repair for USS Courageous (NCC-2003) to commence at Gaeni Manufacturing Coop Berth A, lasting for 4 quarters

One Constitution-B class ship (Starfleet Build Order NCC-1741) to commence in Q2 at Lor'Vela Orbital Construction Facility Berth B
Two Constitution-B class ships (Starfleet Build Orders NCC-1742, NCC-1743) to commence in Q2 at Utopia Planitia Berths C, 2
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Good rolls for the pushes. I'm particularly glad that the Bajoran one was nice and high :)
Did the Dawair omakes improve the Dawair diplomatic roll to it's level?

(Also seems a reaonable reward for omakes..)
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rid Ourselves of the Syndicate
-Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
-Request Academy Expansion, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-Attempt to muster support for large scale action against the Orion Syndicate, 35pp (Anti-Syndicate actions will occur each turn in Amarkia, Caitian, and Andor Sectors)
--The Yukikaze to be assigned to anti-Syndicate actions for the duration in whatever sector they happen in.
-Request expansion of Ana Font Shipyard, 10pp (9 with discount) (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth)
-Request focused Diplomacy on Sayek, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Bajorans, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Yrillians, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Dawiar, 10pp
- Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp [Starbase Design/Starship Construction]

[X][PLAN] Heavy Push
[X][COUNCIL] Anti-Slavery Act of 2309 [1 Influence, 2 Impact, -5pp/year, focus on the security aspects]
[X][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[X][CLOSE] Use Andorian and Human units [2 Influence, 4 Impact, -5pp/year, reduces units available for border work]
[X][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[X][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[X][ROE] Self-Defence or Pursuit [1 Influence, 3 Impact]

Installations Commenced
Starbase in the Romulan Border Zone, Placed into Orbit at Indi Beta
Outposts in the Cardassian Border Zone, protecting four systems
As happy as I am to get free stuff... I don't see these installations in the winning budget proposal anywhere. Are they Omake rewards?
Omake - A Lesson in Orion Culture - AKuz
A/N said:
Wrote this on my phone at work. Got half of one about Romulans done as well. BACK IN THE SADDLE

A Lesson in Orion Culture

USS Enterprise, Stardate 23292.1

Captain Nash Ka'Sharren, Commander of the USS Enterprise-B, looks up from the dull administrative work that every Starfleet captain has to do with mild annoyance, her Antennae swinging towards the source of the disturbance. She had been just about to get to the good part, "Come," she says, straightening up in her chair and readjusting her uniform.

Doctor Asurva enters as the door to Ka'Sharren's quarters open with a self satisfied whoosh, "Thank You Nash", she's in her white doctor's uniform but she is smiling gently so it's probably not a serious visit.

"Oh good to see you doctor, an informal visit I assume?" says the Andorian as she lets herself sink back into a relaxed position, gesturing to the Starfleet issue chair she kept around for guests.

"Yes. I, ah, wanted to ask you something" says the Orion as she carefully places herself into the guest chair.

Ka'Sharren twirls a stylus around her fingers, "Shoot. Just don't ask for my lasagna recipe, Captain Davis gave it to me in confidence, and I promised Jim I'd take it to the grave."

The CMO shrugs, "I don't cook anyway. Baking sure. Just can't seem to get cooking down." She gives her head a quick shake, suppressing the memory of a blackened plate of goop as she does so, "Captain. The Anti-Syndicate operation. Is Enterprise going to participate?"

The stylus ticks against the table as Ka'Sharren leans forward setting her hands atop the plastic, "I don't know yet Pri. Sorry. I wish I knew."

The Orion nods, "Then if we are not assigned to the operation, I would like a transfer to the task force that does oversee the operation."

Antennae twitch as Ka'Sharren tilts her head in curiosity, "Oh? Why is that?"

The Doctor sighs, "I've been thinking lately about how well I live here. On Enterprise and as a Federation citizen," she looks slightly embarrassed, "During Maryam's Memorial party, Lieutenant Wolfe was trying to sell me on going into Orion Union politics, and while I'm not ready to do that, it did make me wonder what more I could do to help short of leaving Starfleet"

The stylus continues it's rhythmic beat against the tabletop as the Captain thinks, "I guess I can understand that… and if you do spend time away from Enterprise; it gives Doctor T'les some experience being in charge of the whole department while you're gone."

The green-skinned woman smiles, "Doctor T'les would be my pick, she's very dedicated to her job and her patients. I did select her for my Staff because she cares so much... sometimes, I wonder if she's even a Vulcan."

Ka'Sharren chuckles, leaning back in her chair again, stylus tapping softly against armrest now, "So, you're going to lend your scalpel for a good cause?"

"More than that. I think Starfleet needs someone that understands life in the Union and Orion Culture as well as they understand the Federation's culture."

Nash rests the stylus, and her Antennae bend inwards as she tries to recall Asurva's bio, "Your father was a Federation citizen -- and your mother was from the Union."

"Yes. My paternal grandfather was freed from servitude by the USS Republic in '55 and my mother was a mid-level hypercorp exec." Asurva pauses heavily as memories long buried rose to the surface. Among other things she still doesn't know if her mother loved her father or if he was a young, handsome trophy.

Nash's antennae relax as her own memory of her officer's bio returns to her, "Your father was with the diplomatic corps embassy in the Union, yes?"

The doctor purses her lips, "I was raised on Alukk until I was fifteen. Then I went home with my father," Home being Sol III. "Asurva is actually my father's last name."

"Oh?" Ka'Sharren blinks in surprise. Most Orion names are handed down matrilineally.

The Doctor shrugs. "My mother worked for the banking branch of Molhane Corporation, so she was called Pritya Molhane. I didn't want to be part of a system that I was uncomfortable with, and I never found out what the ancestral name should be, mother's family had been Molhane execs with the corporate family name for three hundred years." She tries and fails to hold off a frown. "For all I know she actually was a distant branch descendant of Nylesse or Valara Molhane," she gives in to the frown fully, "And in all those generations they never helped anyone."

Asurva lets out a breath. "Did you know that about half the Syndicate membership comes from lower class poor and half the leadership comes from the Hypercorp execs?"

"Like Zhiddi?" Ka'Sharren looks like something died in her mouth.

"Yes." The Orion pauses to collect her thoughts, "The Syndicate has been with us since we first tried to get to the stars. First as a honestly idealistic company then the leading Megacorp of the old Empire, then as the last remnant of starfaring society, and now as the underbelly and dark Id of an entire quadrant" she shrugs, "But you know that. I bet your tactical courses taught you all about organization and methods along with the Klingons and Romulans. The problem that doesn't get addressed is that the Syndicate exists because Orion society is so screwed up."

Nash's antennae focus in curiosity on the doctor as she continued, "It's always been the only place where the poor could really gain power and where the rich could risk it all to gain legendary wealth. It's so common that Syndicate ties are often seen as an open secret or almost as an in joke among polite company. It's only really the middle class among the Orions that really dislike the Syndicate."

Ka'Sharren nods in apparent understanding; even though the class differentiation based on wealth is something she only vaguely understands at best.

"I hear that the new Union government is fairly… revolutionary and doing a lot of good work, but I bet a lot of the old attitudes still exist, especially among the execs." She watches Nash carefully. "It's something that's really hard for someone from the Federation to understand. Especially from one of the homeworlds."

Nash shrugs, "Not even I, Ka'Sharren the great and terrible, know everything". What she does know is that her friend is talking to herself as much as she's talking to Nash, since her doctor has so often listened to her with a sympathetic ear while she sorts her thoughts out, and the Andorian decides that it's her turn to return the favour.

Asurva looks around the room for a long moment, studying Nash's belongings, the trappings of a life adventurously lived, "When I was young, about eleven, I was close with the Chef's boy. We used to play together in the Molhane residential complex my mother lived in. When my mother found out she was furious with me for 'getting mixed up with dirtbait' and she fired his father. The whole family was kicked out of the living complex and a new servant was hired."

Nash boggles, "Dirtbait?"

The other woman's nose wrinkles, "It's a classist slur. The can't afford smartclothes so they get dirtier faster, thus they are filthier and more disgusting than people with money. It also implies that they are poor because they can't look after themselves and are thus always dirty and don't deserve to live well anyways because they couldn't appreciate nice things"

Ka'Sharren just blinks, having trouble processing the reasoning, "That's honestly one of the most petty things I've ever heard of."

"Executive privilege always seemed to me to be built entirely on petty and selfish things," Asurva stares at her reflection in the gold saucer disk of a small replica of the USS Lion. "Then again. That's just the way we were raised. I probably would have turned out like that if I didn't have my father's example." She sighs as a tinge of bitterness seeps into her voice, "My mother certainly seemed to want a small copy of herself."

"If this is getting too personal…"

Asurva shakes her head, "My mother is the archetypal Exec. I'd be talking about her anyway," she tries to smile, "Most people are good, but Execs live in an environment where it pays, literally, to manipulate people and to assume that the common people are idiots. If they weren't, they'd be rich." She sighs, "It is the sort of ruthless arrogance that the Syndicate relies on. If no Exec or Hypercorp provided legitimizing services to the Syndicate the whole thing would slowly die. The Syndicate might seem like its own culture but it's really the counterpart to legal Orion business culture. It's not a parasite: it's a symbiote. As long as one lives so does the other. The Hypercorps and the Syndicate are both expressions of the same culture of avarice and cruelty"

Nash considers her Doctor carefully, she's never seen her so cynical, "That's dark."

Asurva laughs, "Oh, that's not to say that change isn't possible, Look at the current Union government for instance, it shows that there is a real hunger for change with the common Orion." Her smile fades, "But how long would it last if Syndicate assassins gunned the president down on the front steps of the People's Congress? And if the Hypercorps refused to pay even the few taxes they do to stop the Syndicate? Each is happy to let the Union exist to distract the populace - 'Free samples and reality vids' as the saying goes. But once the money starts to hit the table only one side can win."

Nash's stylus begins to tap again, "So what you're saying is that the Syndicate can never truly be defeated?" she wonders how well Starfleet Command really understands the situation.

"No, just that we need to expect legitimate, legal Hypercorps to interfere to stop us. And that the Orion Union will be spending just as much time taking on the Corps in a moment of weakness as they will fighting the Syndicate. I don't know if Starfleet really understands that this is essentially an Orion Civil War that they are starting," she grimaces. "Don't get me wrong, there won't be much street fighting, but it is a civil war. One where the combatants are armed with ballots instead of bullets and fought in boardrooms instead of on battlefields." She smiles slightly, hopefully. "With the Federation's help, we can win, and I think I can do the most good letting them know exactly how vital they are to Orionkind and how exactly this war can and should be won."

Nash makes a mark with her stylus, a reminder to herself to make sure that her friend gets her wish. "Will do Pri!" As she watches her friend stand up she considers that Lieutenant Wolfe was absolutely correct in his assessment of Doctor Asurva.
@OneirosTheWriter: I know you sometimes miss posts when they are shortly before you post an update, in case that happened here is my explanation why lock-in would actually make plans much more complicated.

I want to add that I think not listing teams that continue to work on a project in a vote is a terrible idea in any case, what which team is working on is absolutely vital information when evaluating a plan (if only to verify whether a team was forgotten or see why a seemingly important project is not included in the vote), so if they are not listed each voter will either have to blindly trust the plan maker or reconstruct the "full" vote including carry-overs themself. Or switch back and forth between three posts for evaluating a plan (mega-post, carry-overs and the actual plan). Marking them as carry-overs in some obvious way is the better approach.
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It also looks like we completely misunderstood the explanation of how influence works, choices that require influence apparently continue to tie that influence up while in effect. That would have made it more important to keep some influence available for later, not less. Now we'll have to cancel something to pick a new choice.
It also looks like we completely misunderstood the explanation of how influence works, choices that require influence apparently continue to tie that influence up while in effect. That would have made it more important to keep some influence available for later, not less. Now we'll have to cancel something to pick a new choice.

Uh... I understood that just fine. Still would've voted the same.
It also looks like we completely misunderstood the explanation of how influence works, choices that require influence apparently continue to tie that influence up while in effect. That would have made it more important to keep some influence available for later, not less. Now we'll have to cancel something to pick a new choice.
I thought influence doesn't carry over, there's no point in keeping some influence for later then.
I thought influence doesn't carry over, there's no point in keeping some influence for later then.
It doesn't carry over because it's not an income, you get 10 influence and can tie them up, then the next time you can assign 10 influence, but still counting everything tied up before. You can't have 13 influence because you saved 3, but you also can't tie up 10 influence and then tie up another 10 influence next time while keeping everything.
2309.Q3 - Ex Astra, Scientia
Starfleet Commander's Log, Stardate 23370.6

Excitement at the prospect of a new ship class completing its design is infectious around the Bureau. I'd be lying if you said it wasn't affecting me as well.

An Amarkian tech team has joined our ranks for this year, their familiar pointed ears and blue tinting making them out among the attending officers. They are led by a Lieutenant-Commander, someone who has been commissioned into Starfleet at the rank specifically to be able to lead their team. I've met the officer personally and have a high opinion of them, and am impressed by their history of working on the starbase that orbits Amarkia, and on the highly successful Riala project.

Rinias ch'Vohlet's reforms have been completed, and there is much less turmoil around the table during this meeting, which I find to be a relief.

Commander Usha drops by, being spared by Starfleet Intelligence for this meeting. She'll be heading back off soon. The lads and lasses at Intel have commandeered the captured Yrillian ship that tried to capture the Sarek. Scott Linderley hasn't yet taken over this project, though I know he is poring over the fiasco that put the Courageous in dry-dock, looking for signs of leaks. Despite the Director's involvement, something is being cooked up to find out more about that Cardassian module.

Computer, End Log


Current RP Pool = 203pt

9pts are required to activate a Tech Team
203 / 8 = 25 rem 3

25 Tech Teams may be activated. Unused rp will carry forward to next year

The following Tech Team assignments are carrying over:

- San Francisco Fleet Yards: -none-
- 40 Erdani A Shipyards: 2310s Warp Core Safety
- Vulcan Science Academy: 2310s Long-Range Sensors
- Starfleet Science Academy : 2310s Shipboard Computing
- Daystrom Institute: -none-
- Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science: -none-
- Andorian Academy: 2310s Deflector Shields
- Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems: 2310s Warp Cores
- Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research
- Spock: -none-
- Starfleet Medical Command: 2310s Trauma Medicine
- Utopia Planitia Design Group: Renissance Techs
- Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: Lone Ranger Way of the Elephant
- Admiral Lathriss: Lone Ranger Way of the Giant
- Federation Broadcast Service Innovations Department: 2310s Message Security
- Office of Naval Architecture: Lone Ranger Way of the Anchor
- University of Betazed Research School: Basic ToC Equipment
- Weapons Fabrication Division Test Office: ToC Starship Frames
- Taves Nar Orbital Engineering: -none-


[ ] Submit a Research Plan, using up to twenty-five Tech Teams (Only changing teams need to be listed)

For list of tech areas and teams, please see: The State of Play - Research Megapost

A/N: By the way, if anyone has a better logo for the new teams, all submissions are welcome.
Seyek 92/100 + 12 = 104/500

Now that they are affiliates, can we get more details on Seyek territory - the overall shape and size of their borders, and perhaps their major colonies?

For that I need to estimate how long A will take (not easy with how inspiration works, I will get a probability distribution instead of a single date), and then estimate how long each of the possible projects for Starfleet Science Academy would take (across two research categories).

This is why I want overflow to be simplified such that even completed techs generate overflow.

Uncertainty in when a tech within a research node is fine - it typically doesn't influence long-term research plans much. Uncertainty in when a whole research node finishes, on the other hand, is problematic.

It makes modeling research node progression more difficult than it has to be, and thus makes research planning more complicated than it has to be. This makes it really difficult to create a spreadsheet to help with long-term research planning, like the one Briefvoice created for ship building planning.

This uncertainty isn't even needed to add "depth". Look at how complicated yet fairly predictable ship building planning is. The variables that keep changing are the resources, but the build timing is NOT variable. In contrast, research planning is variable in BOTH resources (rp) AND timing, which is too much IMO.

"No, just that we need to expect legitimate, legal Hypercorps to interfere to stop us. And that the Orion Union will be spending just as much time taking on the Corps in a moment of weakness as they will fighting the Syndicate. I don't know if Starfleet really understands that this is essentially an Orion Civil War that they are starting," she grimaces. "Don't get me wrong, there won't be much street fighting, but it is a civil war. One where the combatants are armed with ballots instead of bullets and fought in boardrooms instead of on battlefields." She smiles slightly, hopefully. "With the Federation's help, we can win, and I think I can do the most good letting them know exactly how vital they are to Orionkind and how exactly this war can and should be won."

This is an insightful extrapolation of what our own future can be. Cyberpunk dystopia ahoy.
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@OneirosTheWriter if you go ahead with lock in (please don't), can we at least delay it coming into effect until 2311, not 2310? Making a plan that takes it properly into account would be incredibly difficult and take a few days, which we haven't had. At least give us until the next research turn to come up with such a plan.

Also the rp total is missing the 40 rp from Q2, but that doesn't matter for now.
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This is assuming no lock-in in effect for 2311, I will try to edit during the vote if that turns out not to be the case, but don't expect that to be enough to be prepared adequately.

[X] Plan Training and Continued Ambassador Prep
  • Daystorm Institute [Skill 4 Computing/Shields]: 2310s Computing Installations [complete] -> 2320s Mainframe [new] (rushing Colony Cores and +pp tech)
  • Generic Team 1: [new] -> 2310s Shipboard Computing [replacing] (assuming at least 2 points can be earned, completes project)
  • Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 3 Computing/Communciation]: 2310s Shipboard Computing [replaced] -> 2310s Message Security [replacing] (information security, unlocks good techs)
  • Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 2 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2310s Message Security [replaced] -> 2310s Communications [new](+1 to distress and diplo missions)
Warp Tech:
  • Yoyodyne [Skill 4 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2310s WarpCores [replaced] -> 2310s Warp Core Safety [replacing] (chance to finish Warp Core Damage Failsafe Design II this turn, unlike 40EA team)
  • 40 Eridani A [Skill 3 Escort Design/Warp Tech]: Warp Core Safety [replaced] -> 2310s WarpCores [replacing] (will finish weight reduction tech)
Starship Construction:
  • Taves Nar Orbital Engineering [Skill 2 Starbase Design/Starship Construction] : [new] -> ToC Starship Frames [replacing] (assumes skill 2 or greater, completes project, team will probably be switched to Starbase Design within the next 5 years, quite possibly next year)
Ship Design:
  • Utopia Planitia [Skill 5 Cruiser/Explorer Design]: Renaissance [unchanged]
Explorer Design:
  • San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 3 Explorer Design/Starship Construction]: ToC Explorer [complete] -> 2310s Explorer - Engineering [new] (vital hull reliability if not using test version of the sheet)
  • Generic Team 2: [new] -> 2310s Explorer - Science [new] (admiral bonus, has the most techs and more space/power savings for the Ambassador than combat)
Escort Design:
  • Generic Team 3: [new] -> 2310s Escort - Engineering [new] (admiral bonus, most important Escort project at this tier)
  • Spock [Skill 5 Xenopsychology/Sensors]: 2300s Xenopsychology [complete] -> 2310s Diplomacy [new] (free non-affiliate roll)
  • University of Betazed [Skill 3 Xenopsychology/Personal]: Basic ToC Equipment [replaced] -> 2310s Affiliates Research [new](+crew, +diplo rolls)
  • Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 4 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2310s Long -Range Sensors [replaced] -> 2310s Short-Range Sensors [new](got +mapping rolls tech from long range sensors last year, anti-cloaking vital now that the Cardassians got into that game)
  • Generic Team 4 [new] -> 2310s Long -Range Sensors [replacing]
  • Starfleet Medical [Skill 4 Medical/Personal]:2310s Trauma Medicine [finished priority tech] -> Basic ToC Equipment [replacing] (completes project, UoBetazed team needed for Xenopsych, team will probably be switched back to medical next year)
  • Weapons Fabrication Division [Skill 2 Weapons/Starship Design]: ToC Starship Frames [replaced] -> Early ToC Weapons [new](starter tech)
  • Andorian Academy [Skill 3 Shields/Communication]: 2310s Deflector Shields [unchanged]
  • Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science [Skill 3 Minerals/Personal]: ToC Mineral Technology [complete] -> 2310s Special Resources [new](shortage)

  • Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team [Skill 3 Fleet Design/Foreign Analysis]: Lone Ranger Way of the Elephant [unchanged]
  • Admiral Lathriss [Skill 3 Fleet Design/Defensive]: Lone Ranger Way of the Giant [unchanged]
  • Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 2 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: Lone Ranger Way of the Anchor [unchanged]
Foreign Analysis:
  • Games & Theory Division [Skill 2 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : Cardassian Research [unchanged]
  • Generic Team 5: [new] -> Klingon Research [new](admiral bonus, will grant free report)

Utopia Planitia Design Group: Renissance Techs


Generic Team 1: 2310s Shipboard Computing


Daystorm Institute : 2320s Mainframe


40 Eridani A Shipyards : 2310s WarpCores


Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems : 2310s Warp Core Safety


Taves Nar Orbital Engineering: ToC Starship Frames


Starfleet Medical Command : Basic ToC Equipment


Vulcan Science Academy : 2310s Short-Range Sensors


Generic Team 4: 2310s Long -Range Sensors


Weapons Fabrication Division: Early ToC Weapons


Andorian Academy: 2310s Deflector Shields


Federation Broadcast Service : 2310s Communications


Starfleet Science Academy: 2310s Message Security


Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science : 2310s Special Resources


University of Betazed: 2310s Affiliates Research


Spock: 2310s Diplomacy


Generic Team 3: 2310s Escort - Engineering )


Generic Team 2: 2310s Explorer - Science


San Francisco Fleet Yards : 2310s Explorer - Engineering


Office of Naval Architectur: Way of the Anchor


Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team: Way of the Elephant


Admiral Lathriss : Way of the Giant


Starfleet Tactical Command - Games & Theory Division: Cardassian Research


Generic Team 5: Klingon Research

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@OneirosTheWriter: I know you sometimes miss posts when they are shortly before you post an update, in case that happened here is my explanation why lock-in would actually make plans much more complicated.

I want to add that I think not listing teams that continue to work on a project in a vote is a terrible idea in any case, what which team is working on is absolutely vital information when evaluating a plan (if only to verify whether a team was forgotten or see why a seemingly important project is not included in the vote), so if they are not listed each voter will either have to blindly trust the plan maker or reconstruct the "full" vote including carry-overs themself. Or switch back and forth between three posts for evaluating a plan (mega-post, carry-overs and the actual plan). Marking them as carry-overs in some obvious way is the better approach.
I'll hold off on plans for locking in tech teams for now.
25 Tech Teams may be activated.

Are generic tech teams available now? If so, how many?

Commander Usha drops by, being spared by Starfleet Intelligence for this meeting. She'll be heading back off soon. The lads and lasses at Intel have commandeered the captured Yrillian ship that tried to capture the Sarek.

So we did keep that Yrillian ship. Wonder what we're going to do with it, and why Usha, "Chief, Future Design Trends, Office of Naval Architecture, Ship Design Bureau", is involved with it. Unless I'm misreading that.

edit: Oh I see, the Yrillian ship was to be used in an intel op related to the cloaking module.
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I'll hold off on plans for locking in tech teams for now.
In that case, would it ok to extract the differences between my plan and @Briefvoice's into separate tasks, so people could e.g. vote

[Y] Common Plan
[Y] [Xenopsychology] Prioritize External Diplomacy
[Y] [Generic Team 3] Explorer Combat
(1-2 more tasks like that, each of them clearly defined in the post for the common plan. One of us could then compile the winning vote into an update template)

If anyone wants to propose an entirely different plan that would still be possible. I think that would make the vote a bit more interactive, and none of the differences would have dificult to trace effects far away in another part of the plan (this year at least, because we happened to agree on everything that would have such effects).
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In that case, would it ok to extract the differences between my plan and @Briefvoice's into separate tasks, so people could e.g. vote

[Y] Common Plan
[Y] [Xenopsychology] Prioritize External Diplomacy
[Y] [Generic Team 3] Explorer Combat
(1-2 more tasks like that, each of them clearly defined in the post for the common plan. One of us could then compile the winning vote into an update template)

If anyone wants to propose an entirely different plan that would still be possible. I think that would make the vote a bit more interactive, and none of the differences would have dificult to trace effects far away in another part of the plan (this year at least, because we happened to agree on everything that would have such effects).

While a worthy effort to make the plans understandable and comparable, I don't think we need something as formal as that. Just an understanding of the different priorities, and trust that the plans meets those priorities (or at least someone audits them).

[X] Nix

Minor nits:
Early 24th Century Explorer - Engineering
Should be 2310s Explorer - Engineering
Early 24th Century Explorer - Science
Should be 2310s Explorer - Science
Early 24th Century Escort - Engineering
Should be 2310s Escort - Engineering
Early 24th Century External Diplomacy
Should be 2310s Diplomacy ("external" got lost in translation)
Early 24th Century Affiliates Research
Should be 2310s Affiliates Research
Early 24th Century Trauma Medicine
Should be 2310s Trauma Medicine
Early 24th Century Special Resources
Should be 2310s Special Resources