Influence is a per-turn capacity, it does not carry over/get exhausted/etc.
So there's no reason to conserve Influence. That changes things.
[X][PLAN] Skulls For the Skull Throne
-[X][COUNCIL] Anti-Slavery Act of 2309 [1 Influence, 2 Impact, -5pp/year, focus on the security aspects]
-[X][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
-[X][CLOSE] Use Andorian and Human units [2 Influence, 4 Impact, -5pp/year, reduces units available for border work]
-[X][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
-[X][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS
Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
-[X][ROE] Open Season [2 Influence, 4 Impact, 2 Militarisation]
All 10 Influence used, 19 Impact, cost is 10pp/year and 2 militarization. Covers all bases in terms of space policing, Orion Union investigation, and direct action against pirate forces.