There kind of sort of is. The explorer corp recruitment drive increases total crew available, which means that taking it yearly would allow more ships to be crewed. I drew up a maximum Explorer plan that took advantage of this a while back, but I wouldn't say it's actually a good idea. I just felt I should note that it exists as a possibility.

Yes. That's why I said 'potential' instead of something more definitive.

It's also not clear this is a worthwhile goal. @OneirosTheWriter has been very unclear on the specifics of how this berth expansion would work, but it might just be a 5 or 10 PP cost to expand all existing and future 3m t berths. If so, trading 0.5% or so reliability to save a small amount of PP seems like a bad trade.

I don't really see the downside to reclassifying them – or at least effectively reclassifying them – as Cruisers in a few decades? If one compares them to future cruisers they have rather nice stats for quite a while longer. DS9 indicates that upgrades will allow them to be perfectly fine cruisers into the Dominion War, given the performance of USS Lakota.

Also, the Soyuz stopped working about 25 years after it went obsolete. If the Constitution-B performs similarly, it will stop working around 2355. We have every reason to believe that the Excelsior's obsolescence date isn't before 2375, which means that they aren't going to start breaking down until at least 2400. All I'm saying that we should weigh those extra 45+ years of service when deciding what to build.
Upping the best Ambassador designs we have @ 3mt to 3.1mt gains us around 0.1% reliability, not much of a gain there. It's more how long the 3mt berths would take to be upgraded that has me trying to keep the weight at 3mt than the pp cost anyway.
Omake: What Is Defeated Is Not Vanquished

To the powers of the galaxy, the Haldive Nabula was a simple celestial feature on the edge of the Romulan/Klingon border. The drifting remains of a destroyed binary, several protostars were already gestating in it's depths. The occasional civilian vessel stopped by to view the accretion disks, but star development times were measured in millions of years: as such there was no permanent presence in the area besides a handful of sensor units placed there by both empires.

What neither side knew was that the nebula now served as a refuge. Not to space life, or to any sentient race. No, what now skulked among the cooling corpse of ancient stars was a plague. The Ulith Biophage, The Inflictor, it's names were varied and never kind. But the true danger of this mechorganic plague wasn't that it was capable of converting an infected vessel in minutes. No, it was that it had fought and lost.
Some would say that that made it less dangerous. But during the nearly year long crisis it had inflicted on the greatest local powers, the plague had adapted. It had learned from those it had converted, it had pulled knowledge from computers it had interfaced with, and was now sitting in the background until it had built up strength.

In the depths of the Haldive Nebula, there was a cluster of structures. Central in the array was a womb, a sickening sack of metal frames and liquid substrate in which ships were assembled at the molecular level. The plague had learned this from the war: it needed things to occupy attention that could survive the attention of warships while smaller forms took advantage of the enemies split attention. One of these new warships already hung nearby the shipwomb, accepting mass from the collectors that came and went.
The collectors were camouflaged mining and harvest vessels, traveling at low warp to and from collections of minerals and unwatched biospheres to gather the building blocks for this section of the plague's new force. On the outside they were indistinguishable from Discordant constructed vessels, and similarly were to pretend to be a recently warp capable race if discovered. Sensor baffles were incorporated to cover the lack of life signs and 'conventional' engineering, as well as the distinctive types of cargo the vessels carried in their guts.

But even while building up it's strength, this node of plague continued to be active. Nothing too overt, but using a collector to lure in a hunter for conversion? Simple, easy, and useful. Most of these raiders were crude vessels simply broken down for new growth, but some were sent back out as covertly as possible to continue their business as usual. With maybe a few pounds of plague aboard, the vessels easily came and went among their typical haunts, passing information and resources back to the node.
Sometimes, the plague became more bold in it's acts, coordinating it's raiders to ensnare or destroy a warship of one of the greater powers for it's technology or quality materials.

Any way at all, the plague was going to be ready for it's next opportunity to harmonize the choir.

Pretty sure you're overstepping here.
Treating the sunk cost fallacy as "always wrong" is a serious oversimplification. Especially when you apply it to realistic decision-making processes. The problem is that in every project, there are always opportunities to 'abort' the project and jettison the sunk cost because the perceived future price is too high.

Doing this in any one instance may appear logical, but when it becomes a pattern the result is a constant stream of resources wasted on half-finished projects, and a 'flaky' overall policy.

It's true that it's an oversimplification in the real world, where it's rational to take into account psychological reactions, i.e. don't count on completely rationale behavior of everyone else.

But in strategy games, where the rules are well known and you know for a fact wasting resources on a sunk cost has no benefit, and that you're in control of your future decisions, sunk cost fallacies are indeed "always wrong".

This quest is kinda of a strategy game, so that's why I was bringing this up.

You do have a good point though - the key parts about strategy games where this whole sunk cost fallacy determination makes sense are those two aforementioned points, which are NOT satisfied in this quest:

a) The rules have to be well-known. Nope, QM is hiding a lot of rules, and for all we know, there could be pp costs for "wasting" options like this Connie-B refit.

b) That we're in full control of future actions. Also nope, we're voting by committee, and so psychology and sociological factors now come into play, and it would be irrational to ignore them.

In this case, we committed to the Constitution-Bs as an 'intermediate' cruiser that is a lot better than anything available to us at game start, while being slightly inferior to the Renaissance-class that will become available starting in 2317 or so. There are good reasons for us to stick to that plan.

No argument there - I think that mass producing as many Connie-Bs as possible in this construction wave is the best plan. Absent a good reason for substituting one for an Oberth.

While I favor having plenty of Excelsiors, by the time we draw near the TNG era we're probably going to have to reclassify the Excelsiors as cruisers to continue getting mileage out of them, because they will be dangerously small and limited ships compared to a 'real' explorer of the ~2350 era. By that time we shouldn't just be comparing them to Ambassadors, but to refitted Ambassador-As and prototype Galaxies. Sending even an Excelsior-A on a five year mission would be... unwise.

I hope by "reclassify" here, you mean an unofficial reclassification of its effective role in the fleet.

The explorer/cruiser/escort split has different definitions for the following 3 areas:
1) ship design/building - won't matter, since we aren't going to be building Excelsiors by this point
2) bonuses from doctrines and other techs - still matters, we want those sweet Lone Ranger (and other doctrines) explorer bonuses
3) how we're utilizing the ship in the fleet, the ship's effective role - sure, treat Excelsiors as cruisers here

There kind of sort of is. The explorer corp recruitment drive increases total crew available, which means that taking it yearly would allow more ships to be crewed. I drew up a maximum Explorer plan that took advantage of this a while back, but I wouldn't say it's actually a good idea. I just felt I should note that it exists as a possibility.

Well that only helps with EC crew and actually decreases standard crew. Now, it might make sense to divert more standard crew Excelsiors to EC Excelsiors this way, and we've done it occasionally, but it's still quite expensive.
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2309.Q2 - Not Easy Being Green Pt2
You work with your patrons in the Expanionist faction of the Council, most notably Hayley Singh of Alpha Centauri, creating a plan that you can use to


Available Resources

10 points of Influence

Expansionist Faction Support

Andorian Guard
1 Centaur-A
1 Centaur
2 Constellation
3 Miranda

United Earth Fleet
1 Constellation
2 Centaur-A
3 Miranda

Amarkian Sector Fleet
Andor Sector Fleet
CBZ Fleet

Starfleet Intelligence
Office 8 (Orion Field Intel)
Office 24 (Special Ops Team)

Orion Union
8 Escorts
2 Cruisers
Union Organised Crime Team
Union Customs Enforcement Team


You have ten points of Influence which can push people to taking more direct action. Spend these Influence points to get Impact. You need to accumulate at least 15 Impact. The more impact you eke out, the more you are hurting the Orion Syndicate each turn. At this stage, you are not sure how much total cumulative impact will be required to destroy, or at least neutralise, the Syndicate.

This is by plan voting!

[ ][PLAN] Your Plan Name Here

There are a number of different parts to the plan, each of which will have an option that needs to be picked. Pick one option per section.

What do you want to begin this action as?
[ ][COUNCIL] Security Act of 2309 [0 Influence, 1 Impact]
[ ][COUNCIL] Anti-Slavery Act of 2309 [1 Influence, 2 Impact, -5pp/year, focus on the security aspects]
[ ][COUNCIL] Anti-Piracy Act of 2309 [1 Influence, 2 Impact, -5pp/year, focus on the military assets]
[ ][COUNCIL] Comprehensive Anti-Syndicate Act of 2309 [3 Influence, 5 Impact, -15pp/year while in effect, comprehensive attack]

What to do with traffic crossing sector borders
[ ][ZONE] Use sensors, Only stop on direct Intel [0 Influence, 1 Impact]
[ ][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[ ][ZONE] Stop any ship with an Orion on board [1 Influence, 3 Impact, -5 Relations with non-Affiliates]
[ ][ZONE] Stop and inspect all traffic [3 Influence, 4 Impact, -5 Relations with all Affiliates, -10 with non-Affiliates]

What to do within Orion Space
[ ][CLOSE] Use Andorian and Human units [2 Influence, 4 Impact, -5pp/year, reduces units available for border work]
[ ][CLOSE] Stick with Orion units [1 Influence, 2 Impact, chance of Syndicate subversion]
[ ][CLOSE] Rotate Starfleet Assets [2 Influence, 5 Impact, -5 to response rolls of Starfleet ships in the Amarkia, Andor, CBZ sectors]

What to do with Intel assets?
[ ][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[ ][OFFICE8] Attempt to infiltrate Syndicate [2 Influence, 3 Impact, increased chance of locating Orion forces]
[ ][OFFICE8] Passive information gathering [0 Influence, 1 Impact]

What to do with your Special Operations team?
[ ][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[ ][OFFICE24] Assign runabouts and let them arrest high-profile targets [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[ ][OFFICE24] Assign runabouts and use them to scout [0 Influence, 1 Impact]

What are your rules of engagement?
[ ][ROE] Policing only [0 Influence, 2 Impact]
[ ][ROE] Self-Defence or Pursuit [1 Influence, 3 Impact]
[ ][ROE] Open Season [2 Influence, 4 Impact, 2 Militarisation]
[X][PLAN] Don't Rock the Boat
[X][COUNCIL] Security Act of 2309 [0 Influence, 1 Impact]
[X][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[X][CLOSE] Stick with Orion units [1 Influence, 2 Impact, chance of Syndicate subversion]
[X][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[X][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[X][ROE] Self-Defence or Pursuit [1 Influence, 3 Impact]

3 influence left over for later measures reacting to events.

No running pp cost, no decrease in relations, no malus to response rolls for other events, but still enough impact. Makes use of the anti-infiltration expertise of our new intelligence head. This is the plan that minimizes negative side effects. We can afford to keep these measures running indefinitely, grinding down the Syndicate slowly but surely.
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Okay, that's something that's going to require a Comprehensive Plan™. Which is not something I'm up to doing in my current state of mind. I'll vote on something when I wake up.
[X][Plan] Get it done.
[X][COUNCIL] Security Act of 2309 [0 Influence, 1 Impact]
[X][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[X][CLOSE] Use Andorian and Human units [2 Influence, 4 Impact, -5pp/year, reduces units available for border work]
[X][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[X][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[X][ROE] Self-Defence or Pursuit [1 Influence, 3 Impact]
[X][PLAN] Heavy Push
[X][COUNCIL] Anti-Slavery Act of 2309 [1 Influence, 2 Impact, -5pp/year, focus on the security aspects]
[X][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[X][CLOSE] Use Andorian and Human units [2 Influence, 4 Impact, -5pp/year, reduces units available for border work]
[X][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[X][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[X][ROE] Self-Defence or Pursuit [1 Influence, 3 Impact]

9 Influence and 18 Impact, -10pp/year and reduced units for border work. Does border work mean work on the border of the Orion sector?

I think going above the minimum needed impact is better than not. Chose to focus on security aspects as that's an easier sell to the Council, reducing chances of Subversion seems like the best pick there.

Might need @Briefvoice to tell us if we can spare the extra Centaur-A, but that's a no-brainer pick to me too.
[X][PLAN] Plan Heavy Impact
[X][COUNCIL] Anti-Slavery Act of 2309 [1 Influence, 2 Impact, -5pp/year, focus on the security aspects]
[X][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[X][CLOSE] Rotate Starfleet Assets [2 Influence, 5 Impact, -5 to response rolls of Starfleet ships in the Amarkia, Andor, CBZ sectors]
[X][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[X][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[X][ROE] Self-Defence or Pursuit [1 Influence, 3 Impact]

Using 9 Influence. Having 19 Impact.
Costing 5 pp/year.
Lowering response rolls in some sectors.
Tying up two ships.
Relativly subversion-resistant.
[X] Plan Full Court Press
[ ][COUNCIL] Comprehensive Anti-Syndicate Act of 2309 [3 Influence, 5 Impact, -15pp/year while in effect, comprehensive attack]
[ ][ZONE] Stop any ship with a sensor anomaly [1 Influence, 2 Impact]
[ ][CLOSE] Use Andorian and Human units [2 Influence, 4 Impact, -5pp/year, reduces units available for border work]
[ ][OFFICE8] Help purge Orion Union forces [2 Influence, 3 Impact, reduced chance of Orion subversion]
[ ][OFFICE24] Assign two Centaur-As and let them seek and attack installations [2 Influence, 4 Impact, tie down USS Yukikaze and one other Centaur-A]
[ ][ROE] Policing only [0 Influence, 2 Impact]

10 Influence, 20 Impact, -20pp per turn

Time to show the Syndicate how badly they fucked up by causing the death of Ajan and a big chunk of her crew, either directly or indirectly. It's a bit costly in pp, and temporarily reduces the units we have available for border duties, but this should render them ineffective quickly, letting us get back to focusing on the Cardassians.

Also it doesn't impose any penalties to Response rolls.
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Lowering response rolls in the CBZ is a really bad idea. It makes it much more likely for a single ship to respond to a Cardassian incursion rather than a group. Lowering response rolls in the other sectors also has a significant cost, maybe about equivalent to -5pp per sector.
Its more that an event of the scale you described is probably best left to the QM. But of course, Oneiros himself is the arbiter on that.
Ehh... I can see your point, but I do feel like the Biophage would have metastasized as quickly as it could after losing most of it's strength, and it's nature means that it is very good at what it does. Coupled with the lessons learned form the war and ensuing hunts...
Lowering response rolls in the CBZ is a really bad idea. It makes it much more likely for a single ship to respond to a Cardassian incursion rather than a group. Lowering response rolls in the other sectors also has a significant cost, maybe about equivalent to -5pp per sector.
I thought the 'lower rolls in border zones' might have meant Federation border zones, but why would using extra Human or Andorian member ships to patrol the Orion Sector have any impact on Federation patrolled Border Zones?
They've never been involved there before.
[X][Plan] Get it done.

While I like @Nix's low-cost plan, I'm a bit worried that it only meets our minimum impact threshold. I'd like to hit the Syndicate harder and sooner to get our message across, even if it costs a bit of PP.
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I thought the 'lower rolls in border zones' might have meant Federation border zones, but why would using extra Human or Andorian member ships to patrol the Orion Sector have any impact on Federation patrolled Border Zones?
They've never been involved there before.
It doesn't, but rotating Starfleet assets does. Which is why that's a bad idea, given the current mechanics.

I get wanting to send a message, but "We will crush you, and we don't even have to go out of our way to do it. You just were below notice before" is also a pretty nice message to send. And having spare influence for reacting to future events might end up very useful.
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It doesn't, but rotating Starfleet assets does. Which is why that's a bad idea, given the current mechanics.

I get wanting to send a message, but "We will crush you, and we don't even have to go out of our way to do it. You just were below notice before" is also a pretty nice message to send. And having spare influence for reacting to future events might end up very useful.
The more we pressure them now, the less resources they will have to fight back later. Every time I've seen a situtation like this, fighting a somewhat nebulous foe with a habit of subverting or sabotaging their enemies, heavier investment of our resources has always been the correct option.
Don't give them time to regroup or consolidate, we'll end up paying more in the future.

Also not sure why you think we're not going to get more influence next year.
So @OneirosTheWriter are we pretty much done with omake bonuses for a while?

I mean, it's fine if we are. They were always a 'bonus' and never expected, and I think we were mostly writing for the fun of it anyway*. But I notice that there hasn't been anything for a while, and maybe you decided that there were so many omakes it threatened to unbalance the game.

*I am certainly going to be writing a 'meet the vice admirals' sequel once we get to Q4, so we can see Sulu's inclusion in the group.

If you open the threadmarks here Threadmarks for: Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) there are 86 omakes tagged with the name so far.

When it was the first couple, I wanted to give people something special to pick from. When more showed up, I fell behind and figured I would start assigning things I chose. But we're up to 86 of them and it's just too many for me to process, lol.

[X][PLAN] Heavy Push

can impact be accumulated over multiple turns?
That's how it works.