Edit: After looking at the Tally I realized the problem with it and fixed it. Please update the net tally.

Vote Tally : To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) Sci-Fi | Page 4398 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 109951-110039]
##### NetTally 3.0.3

Task: TMIR

Ranking: #1

[#][TMIR] Empress Velim of the Romulan Star Empire has made a personal request for T'Mir to become part of a permanent memorial to the Biophage Crisis and the Battle of Kadesh. T'Mir would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, then towed to Kadesh. (Gain +5 on the [Romulan Influence] tag on the Sotaw. Gain +2 pp. Empress Velim will be pleased. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)
No. of Votes: 19

Ranking: #2
[#][TMIR] Starfleet Intelligence requests to convert an Oberth permanently for SIGINT duties. Though the ship's prefix and registry would change to SS and NC, the ship's name would be not be struck from the Starfleet Register to avoid confusion. (Starfleet Intelligence gains 1 new spy ship in 2327.Q1. -10 br, -30 sr. Gain 1 ap this year (under the control of the Vice Admiral); if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir, instead gain 1 ap this year for your discretionary budget.)
No. of Votes: 25

Ranking: #3
[#][TMIR] Starfleet History Command requests the donation of an Oberth, ideally the T'Mir. The ship would be preserved as a component of SHC's Active Fleet, where it would be used to promote understanding of Starfleet history. The ship's name would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register, meaning that no future Starfleet ship could have that name. (Gain +0.4 enlisted/year from increased recruitment. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 24

Ranking: #4
[#][TMIR] A Risan group wishes to convert an Oberth, preferably T'Mir, into a 'Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship', along the lines of a similar proposal for a Constitution-B cruiser, but refined after two further years of planning. The ship would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, transferred to Risa, and converted into a SEES. (+0.1 OET/year. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 18

Ranking: #5
[#][TMIR] Starfleet Academy requests to use an Oberth as a permanently-docked training ship. The selected Oberth would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register. (Reduce the cost for academy expansion this year by 10 pp. Reduce the cost by a further 2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 23

Ranking: #6
[#][TMIR] The Orion Union wishes to make T'Mir part of a living museum of the Eternal Empire Crisis (and of the history of the late-period Orion Empire), demilitarized and permanently maintained in orbit at Broken Chains. The name T'Mir would be struck from the Starfleet Register. (Gain +0.19 enlisted/year from increased recruitment from the Orion Union. Gain +5 pp. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)
No. of Votes: 8

Ranking: #7
[#][TMIR] The ISE Consortium wishes to replace the former USS Mendel in orbit of WISE 0855-0714. The selected Oberth will be demilitarized, converted into a (mostly) stationary research platform, then towed to WISE 0855-0714. Its name would not be struck from the Starfleet Register. (Gain +2 pp/year, unaffected by bonuses, for 10 years. Gain an additional +2 pp this year if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 11

Ranking: #8
[#][TMIR] The Ur'razzi see an Oberth as a potentially valuable ship, both for training and for survey work. The selected Oberth would be struck from the Starfleet Register, then transferred to the Ur'razzi United Air Force. (Ur'razzi gain 1 Oberth in 2326.Q1. +10 br, +30 sr. Gain +5 relations with the Ur'razzi; gain 0.1 OET from the Ur'razzi this year if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 6
[2] Raw90
[2] sunrise
[3] Gingganz
[3] Night
[5] Dermon
[5] Enerael

Ranking: #9
[#][TMIR] Starfleet Logistics Command is also interested in converting an Oberth into a cargo ship. The Oberth would be demilitarized, then renamed with an SS prefix and an NC code (instead of USS and NCC, respectively); however, the name would not be struck from the Starfleet Register to avoid confusion. (Starfleet gains 1 cargo ship in 2327.Q1. -3 pp; -1 pp instead if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 1


Ranking: #1

[#][CYBORG] Research focus: let Institutes like Pallas-Abat come to the fore and spearhead research into the wetware of the Harmony. (No mobilisation gain from this option, Gain 4 Disruption from the extra research efforts)
No. of Votes: 26

Ranking: #2
[#][CYBORG] Diplomatic focus: despite having gone to war with the Licori, the Gaeni maintain significant diplomatic and scientific links with the Arcadian Empire, and to a lesser extent the Morshadd Commune. Helping the Licori combine efforts may be of significant benefit. (-26 pp per year, gain 1 year's progress on the linked tag [Fiddling while Morshadd Burns (0/3) FDS] each year; when this tag resolves, if the crisis is still in effect, instead conduct half-strength diplopushes on the Arcadian Empire and the Morshadd Commune each year until it ends)
No. of Votes: 24

Ranking: #3
[#][CYBORG] Defensive focus: The Gaeni are unorthodox, yet talented engineers; perhaps they should focus on preparing static defenses, as well as preventing subversion. (-20 pp per year for support, increase mobilization one step, the Gaeni will invest in starbases, outposts, convoy stations, and sensor platforms, both over Gaeni worlds and in support of Federation defensive plans, and will invest in counterintelligence efforts in Gaeni space.)
No. of Votes: 21

Ranking: #4
[#][CYBORG] Support focus: Henn-Makad Institute stands ready for deep-space engineering projects. Outposts, Repair Yards, Stations, at your disposal. (-25 pp per year for support, the Gaeni will invest in shipyards, outposts, and repair yards to provide a backstop to Federation fleet efforts)
No. of Votes: 7



[X][SELEK] Transfer the Oberth-class USS Selek (formerly of the Vulcan High Command) to the Federation Science Council and use it to monitor the suvekizer larva's development. (Beta Cthon I-b research colony becomes Selek suvekizer research colony, +5 relations with Dreamer Collective)
No. of Votes: 24

[X][SELEK] Do not transfer Selek (lose Beta Cthon I-b research colony, +10 relations with Dreamer Collective, the fifth highest-ranked option from the Oberth vote will be chosen for Selek (if possible))
No. of Votes: 3


[X][TAUNI] Release the Renaissance-A design to the SGC and assist the Tauni in constructing one. (-10 pp, +15 on [Fool me once...] tag on Tauni, Tauni will build a Renaissance-A)
No. of Votes: 19

[X][TAUNI] Release the Miranda-B design to the SGC, and recommend the SGC build a Miranda-B instead of a cruiser (-15 pp, +10 on [Fool me once...], Tauni will build a Miranda-B starting in 2326.Q2)
No. of Votes: 8


[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Ked Paddah to delay expansion of the shipyard at Gad for a year (-45 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, one 1mt berth delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 11

[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Rigellians to reduce the scale of their planned auxiliary shipyard complex at Abadan for a year. (-40 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, 2x1mt and 2x400kt auxiliary berths delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 11

[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Honiani to delay expansion of the Soulforge shipyard at Vail for a year (-50 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, 2x815kt berths delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 3

[X][DEFENCE] Provide additional supply only (-10 pp, Lose -5 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 1

Task: LAIO

[X][LAIO] Construct a starbase over Laian, using Laio engineering support (-30 pp, -0 ep, a Starfleet Starbase will be built over Laian)
No. of Votes: 25

[X][LAIO] Transfer the retired Constitution-B class cruisers USS Saratoga and VCS Eridani to the Laio (-10 pp to bring the hulls back to active use, Laio will retire two obsolete Explorers in favor of the cruisers)
No. of Votes: 23

[X][LAIO] Federalize, refit, and transfer 3 Miranda-Bs next year (+3 pp, +30 br, +30 sr, three Miranda-Bs to be transferred upon completion of refit, replacing obsolete Laian frigates)
No. of Votes: 20

[X][LAIO] Transfer 3 additional Miranda-Bs to the Laio ASAP (+6 pp, transfer USS Lion, USS Eketha, and USS Shield to Laio upon completion of their refits, replacing Laian frigates)
No. of Votes: 12

[X][LAIO] Support the Laio as they begin to mobilize their economy (-55 pp, Laio will mobilize* their economy an additional step; this will lead to a harder post-crisis industrial crash)
No. of Votes: 2


[X][SHIELD] Recommend the Amarki be permitted to deploy as a backstop to the ISC, defending an ally against the Harmony while remaining relatively close to the GBZ (-25 pp, the ISC will appreciate this)
No. of Votes: 18

[X][SHIELD] Approve the Amarki request (-20 pp, sizable Amarki fleet assets, including all three available Riala-A battleships (to be replaced by Riala-Bs upon conclusion of refits), to be deployed to Honiani space, increase event rate in Amarki space one stage for the duration of the crisis)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][SHIELD] Recommend the Amarki reduce the scale of their deployment to Honiani space (-38 pp, a smaller Amarki force (led by a single Riala-A) will be deployed to Honiani space)
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Hadanelith
[X] JesseJ
[X] Jrin

Total No. of Voters: 30

Edit: After fiddling with the settings for a bit, it looks like name-voting someone doesn't work for ranked voting.
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[4][TMIR] Starfleet History Command requests the donation of an Oberth, ideally the T'Mir. The ship would be preserved as a component of SHC's Active Fleet, where it would be used to promote understanding of Starfleet history. The ship's name would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register, meaning that no future Starfleet ship could have that name. (Gain +0.4 enlisted/year from increased recruitment. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)

[5][TMIR] Starfleet Academy requests to use an Oberth as a permanently-docked training ship. The selected Oberth would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register. (Reduce the cost for academy expansion this year by 10 pp. Reduce the cost by a further 2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)

[2][TMIR] Starfleet Intelligence requests to convert an Oberth permanently for SIGINT duties. Though the ship's prefix and registry would change to SS and NC, the ship's name would be not be struck from the Starfleet Register to avoid confusion. (Starfleet Intelligence gains 1 new spy ship in 2327.Q1. -10 br, -30 sr. Gain 1 ap this year (under the control of the Vice Admiral); if the Oberth chosen is
T'Mir, instead gain 1 ap this year for your discretionary budget.)

[1][TMIR] Empress Velim of the Romulan Star Empire has made a personal request for
T'Mir to become part of a permanent memorial to the Biophage Crisis and the Battle of Kadesh.T'Mir
would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, then towed to Kadesh. (Gain +5 on the [Romulan Influence] tag on the Sotaw. Gain +2 pp. Empress Velim will be pleased. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)

[3][TMIR] A Risan group wishes to convert an Oberth, preferably
T'Mir, into a 'Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship', along the lines of a similar proposal for a Constitution-B cruiser, but refined after two further years of planning. The ship would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, transferred to Risa, and converted into a SEES. (+0.1 OET/year. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen isT'Mir.)

[X][SELEK] Do not transfer Selek (lose Beta Cthon I-b research colony, +10 relations with Dreamer Collective, the fifth highest-ranked option from the Oberth vote will be chosen for Selek (if possible))

[X][TAUNI] Release the Renaissance-A design to the SGC and assist the Tauni in constructing one. (-10 pp, +15 on [Fool me once...] tag on Tauni, Tauni will build a Renaissance-A)

[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Rigellians to reduce the scale of their planned auxiliary shipyard complex at Abadan for a year. (-40 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, 2x1mt and 2x400kt auxiliary berths delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])

[X][LAIO] Federalize, refit, and transfer 3 Miranda-Bs next year (+3 pp, +30 br, +30 sr, three Miranda-Bs to be transferred upon completion of refit, replacing obsolete Laian frigates)

[X][LAIO] Construct a starbase over Laian, using Laio engineering support (-30 pp, -0 ep, a Starfleet Starbase will be built over Laian)

[X][LAIO] Transfer the retired Constitution-B class cruisers USS
Saratoga and VCS Eridani to the Laio (-10 pp to bring the hulls back to active use, Laio will retire two obsolete Explorers in favor of the cruisers)

[X][SHIELD] Recommend the Amarki be permitted to deploy as a backstop to the ISC, defending an ally against the Harmony while remaining relatively close to the GBZ (-25 pp, the ISC will appreciate this).

[1][CYBORG] Research focus: let Institutes like Pallas-Abat come to the fore and spearhead research into the wetware of the Harmony. (No mobilisation gain from this option, Gain 4 Disruption from the extra research efforts)

[3][CYBORG] Diplomatic focus: despite having gone to war with the Licori, the Gaeni maintain significant diplomatic and scientific links with the Arcadian Empire, and to a lesser extent the Morshadd Commune. Helping the Licori combine efforts may be of significant benefit. (-26 pp per year, gain 1 year's progress on the linked tag [Fiddling while Morshadd Burns (0/3) FDS] each year; when this tag resolves, if the crisis is still in effect, instead conduct half-strength diplopushes on the Arcadian Empire and the Morshadd Commune each year until it ends)

[3][CYBORG] Defensive focus: The Gaeni are unorthodox, yet talented engineers; perhaps they should focus on preparing static defenses, as well as preventing subversion. (-20 pp per year for support, increase mobilization one step, the Gaeni will invest in starbases, outposts, convoy stations, and sensor platforms, both over Gaeni worlds and in support of Federation defensive plans, and will invest in counterintelligence efforts in Gaeni space.)

Sorry for some reason I am also having formatting and double spacing problems which is why I am just voting by name. which apparently doesnt work with this kind of tally.
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2. It's a pretty marginal benefit compared to what we get from the 5th TMIR option, probably.
Really? You consider a PP colony to be worth less than most of the TMIR options? I know that crew and relations are precious, but these options only give a little of bit of either and we can buy both with PP too. We don't even take Academy Expansion each year, and there are also recruitment drives. And of all of the PP options, this one is the best by far.
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[2][TMIR] Starfleet Intelligence requests to convert an Oberth permanently for SIGINT duties. Though the ship's prefix and registry would change to SS and NC, the ship's name would be not be struck from the Starfleet Register to avoid confusion. (Starfleet Intelligence gains 1 new spy ship in 2327.Q1. -10 br, -30 sr. Gain 1 ap this year (under the control of the Vice Admiral); if the Oberth chosen is
T'Mir, instead gain 1 ap this year for your discretionary budget.)
[1][TMIR] Empress Velim of the Romulan Star Empire has made a personal request for
T'Mir to become part of a permanent memorial to the Biophage Crisis and the Battle of Kadesh.T'Mir
would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, then towed to Kadesh. (Gain +5 on the [Romulan Influence] tag on the Sotaw. Gain +2 pp. Empress Velim will be pleased. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)
[3][TMIR] A Risan group wishes to convert an Oberth, preferably
T'Mir, into a 'Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship', along the lines of a similar proposal for a Constitution-B cruiser, but refined after two further years of planning. The ship would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, transferred to Risa, and converted into a SEES. (+0.1 OET/year. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen isT'Mir.)
[X][LAIO] Transfer the retired Constitution-B class cruisers USS
Saratoga and VCS Eridani to the Laio (-10 pp to bring the hulls back to active use, Laio will retire two obsolete Explorers in favor of the cruisers)

These four votes are misformated with extra linebreaks. The rest of your votes are fine. Here's a tally merging your misformated votes into normal votes:
Vote Tally : To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) Sci-Fi | Page 4398 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 109951-110052]
##### NetTally 3.0.3

Task: TMIR

Ranking: #1

[#][TMIR] Empress Velim of the Romulan Star Empire has made a personal request for T'Mir to become part of a permanent memorial to the Biophage Crisis and the Battle of Kadesh. T'Mir would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, then towed to Kadesh. (Gain +5 on the [Romulan Influence] tag on the Sotaw. Gain +2 pp. Empress Velim will be pleased. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)
No. of Votes: 19

Ranking: #2
[#][TMIR] Starfleet Intelligence requests to convert an Oberth permanently for SIGINT duties. Though the ship's prefix and registry would change to SS and NC, the ship's name would be not be struck from the Starfleet Register to avoid confusion. (Starfleet Intelligence gains 1 new spy ship in 2327.Q1. -10 br, -30 sr. Gain 1 ap this year (under the control of the Vice Admiral); if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir, instead gain 1 ap this year for your discretionary budget.)
No. of Votes: 25

Ranking: #3
[#][TMIR] Starfleet History Command requests the donation of an Oberth, ideally the T'Mir. The ship would be preserved as a component of SHC's Active Fleet, where it would be used to promote understanding of Starfleet history. The ship's name would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register, meaning that no future Starfleet ship could have that name. (Gain +0.4 enlisted/year from increased recruitment. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 24

Ranking: #4
[#][TMIR] A Risan group wishes to convert an Oberth, preferably T'Mir, into a 'Starfleet Escape Entertainment Ship', along the lines of a similar proposal for a Constitution-B cruiser, but refined after two further years of planning. The ship would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, transferred to Risa, and converted into a SEES. (+0.1 OET/year. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 18

Ranking: #5
[#][TMIR] Starfleet Academy requests to use an Oberth as a permanently-docked training ship. The selected Oberth would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register. (Reduce the cost for academy expansion this year by 10 pp. Reduce the cost by a further 2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 23

Ranking: #6
[#][TMIR] The Orion Union wishes to make T'Mir part of a living museum of the Eternal Empire Crisis (and of the history of the late-period Orion Empire), demilitarized and permanently maintained in orbit at Broken Chains. The name T'Mir would be struck from the Starfleet Register. (Gain +0.19 enlisted/year from increased recruitment from the Orion Union. Gain +5 pp. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)
No. of Votes: 8

Ranking: #7
[#][TMIR] The ISE Consortium wishes to replace the former USS Mendel in orbit of WISE 0855-0714. The selected Oberth will be demilitarized, converted into a (mostly) stationary research platform, then towed to WISE 0855-0714. Its name would not be struck from the Starfleet Register. (Gain +2 pp/year, unaffected by bonuses, for 10 years. Gain an additional +2 pp this year if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 11

Ranking: #8
[#][TMIR] The Ur'razzi see an Oberth as a potentially valuable ship, both for training and for survey work. The selected Oberth would be struck from the Starfleet Register, then transferred to the Ur'razzi United Air Force. (Ur'razzi gain 1 Oberth in 2326.Q1. +10 br, +30 sr. Gain +5 relations with the Ur'razzi; gain 0.1 OET from the Ur'razzi this year if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 6
[2] Raw90
[2] sunrise
[3] Gingganz
[3] Night
[5] Dermon
[5] Enerael

Ranking: #9
[#][TMIR] Starfleet Logistics Command is also interested in converting an Oberth into a cargo ship. The Oberth would be demilitarized, then renamed with an SS prefix and an NC code (instead of USS and NCC, respectively); however, the name would not be struck from the Starfleet Register to avoid confusion. (Starfleet gains 1 cargo ship in 2327.Q1. -3 pp; -1 pp instead if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
No. of Votes: 1


Ranking: #1

[#][CYBORG] Research focus: let Institutes like Pallas-Abat come to the fore and spearhead research into the wetware of the Harmony. (No mobilisation gain from this option, Gain 4 Disruption from the extra research efforts)
No. of Votes: 26

Ranking: #2
[#][CYBORG] Diplomatic focus: despite having gone to war with the Licori, the Gaeni maintain significant diplomatic and scientific links with the Arcadian Empire, and to a lesser extent the Morshadd Commune. Helping the Licori combine efforts may be of significant benefit. (-26 pp per year, gain 1 year's progress on the linked tag [Fiddling while Morshadd Burns (0/3) FDS] each year; when this tag resolves, if the crisis is still in effect, instead conduct half-strength diplopushes on the Arcadian Empire and the Morshadd Commune each year until it ends)
No. of Votes: 24

Ranking: #3
[#][CYBORG] Defensive focus: The Gaeni are unorthodox, yet talented engineers; perhaps they should focus on preparing static defenses, as well as preventing subversion. (-20 pp per year for support, increase mobilization one step, the Gaeni will invest in starbases, outposts, convoy stations, and sensor platforms, both over Gaeni worlds and in support of Federation defensive plans, and will invest in counterintelligence efforts in Gaeni space.)
No. of Votes: 21

Ranking: #4
[#][CYBORG] Support focus: Henn-Makad Institute stands ready for deep-space engineering projects. Outposts, Repair Yards, Stations, at your disposal. (-25 pp per year for support, the Gaeni will invest in shipyards, outposts, and repair yards to provide a backstop to Federation fleet efforts)
No. of Votes: 7



[X][SELEK] Transfer the Oberth-class USS Selek (formerly of the Vulcan High Command) to the Federation Science Council and use it to monitor the suvekizer larva's development. (Beta Cthon I-b research colony becomes Selek suvekizer research colony, +5 relations with Dreamer Collective)
No. of Votes: 24

[X][SELEK] Do not transfer Selek (lose Beta Cthon I-b research colony, +10 relations with Dreamer Collective, the fifth highest-ranked option from the Oberth vote will be chosen for Selek (if possible))
No. of Votes: 3


[X][TAUNI] Release the Renaissance-A design to the SGC and assist the Tauni in constructing one. (-10 pp, +15 on [Fool me once...] tag on Tauni, Tauni will build a Renaissance-A)
No. of Votes: 19

[X][TAUNI] Release the Miranda-B design to the SGC, and recommend the SGC build a Miranda-B instead of a cruiser (-15 pp, +10 on [Fool me once...], Tauni will build a Miranda-B starting in 2326.Q2)
No. of Votes: 8


[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Ked Paddah to delay expansion of the shipyard at Gad for a year (-45 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, one 1mt berth delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 11

[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Rigellians to reduce the scale of their planned auxiliary shipyard complex at Abadan for a year. (-40 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, 2x1mt and 2x400kt auxiliary berths delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 11

[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Honiani to delay expansion of the Soulforge shipyard at Vail for a year (-50 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, 2x815kt berths delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 3

[X][DEFENCE] Provide additional supply only (-10 pp, Lose -5 on [Fool me once...])
No. of Votes: 1

Task: LAIO

[X][LAIO] Construct a starbase over Laian, using Laio engineering support (-30 pp, -0 ep, a Starfleet Starbase will be built over Laian)
No. of Votes: 25

[X][LAIO] Transfer the retired Constitution-B class cruisers USS Saratoga and VCS Eridani to the Laio (-10 pp to bring the hulls back to active use, Laio will retire two obsolete Explorers in favor of the cruisers)
No. of Votes: 23

[X][LAIO] Federalize, refit, and transfer 3 Miranda-Bs next year (+3 pp, +30 br, +30 sr, three Miranda-Bs to be transferred upon completion of refit, replacing obsolete Laian frigates)
No. of Votes: 20

[X][LAIO] Transfer 3 additional Miranda-Bs to the Laio ASAP (+6 pp, transfer USS Lion, USS Eketha, and USS Shield to Laio upon completion of their refits, replacing Laian frigates)
No. of Votes: 12

[X][LAIO] Support the Laio as they begin to mobilize their economy (-55 pp, Laio will mobilize* their economy an additional step; this will lead to a harder post-crisis industrial crash)
No. of Votes: 2


[X][SHIELD] Recommend the Amarki be permitted to deploy as a backstop to the ISC, defending an ally against the Harmony while remaining relatively close to the GBZ (-25 pp, the ISC will appreciate this)
No. of Votes: 18

[X][SHIELD] Approve the Amarki request (-20 pp, sizable Amarki fleet assets, including all three available Riala-A battleships (to be replaced by Riala-Bs upon conclusion of refits), to be deployed to Honiani space, increase event rate in Amarki space one stage for the duration of the crisis)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][SHIELD] Recommend the Amarki reduce the scale of their deployment to Honiani space (-38 pp, a smaller Amarki force (led by a single Riala-A) will be deployed to Honiani space)
No. of Votes: 3
[X] Hadanelith
[X] JesseJ
[X] Jrin

Total No. of Voters: 30
Really? You consider a PP colony to be worth less than most of the TMIR options? I know that crew and relations are precious, but these options only give a little of bit of either and we can buy both with PP too. We don't even take Academy Expansion each year, and there are also recruitment drives. And of all of the PP options, this one is the best by far.
y'know we haven't taken the academy expansion option in a couple of in game years. we might want to do so come the next snakepit IIRC.

Thanks for the updated Tally @Derpmind.
[4][TMIR] Starfleet History Command requests the donation of an Oberth, ideally the T'Mir. The ship would be preserved as a component of SHC's Active Fleet, where it would be used to promote understanding of Starfleet history. The ship's name would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register, meaning that no future Starfleet ship could have that name. (Gain +0.4 enlisted/year from increased recruitment. Gain +2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
[2][TMIR] Starfleet Academy requests to use an Oberth as a permanently-docked training ship. The selected Oberth would not be withdrawn from the Starfleet Register. (Reduce the cost for academy expansion this year by 10 pp. Reduce the cost by a further 2 pp if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir.)
[3][TMIR] Starfleet Intelligence requests to convert an Oberth permanently for SIGINT duties. Though the ship's prefix and registry would change to SS and NC, the ship's name would be not be struck from the Starfleet Register to avoid confusion. (Starfleet Intelligence gains 1 new spy ship in 2327.Q1. -10 br, -30 sr. Gain 1 ap this year (under the control of the Vice Admiral); if the Oberth chosen is T'Mir, instead gain 1 ap this year for your discretionary budget.)
[1][TMIR] Empress Velim of the Romulan Star Empire has made a personal request for T'Mir to become part of a permanent memorial to the Biophage Crisis and the Battle of Kadesh. T'Mir would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, then towed to Kadesh. (Gain +5 on the [Romulan Influence] tag on the Sotaw. Gain +2 pp. Empress Velim will be pleased. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)
[X][SELEK] Transfer the Oberth-class USS Selek (formerly of the Vulcan High Command) to the Federation Science Council and use it to monitor the suvekizer larva's development. (Beta Cthon I-b research colony becomes Selek suvekizer research colony, +5 relations with Dreamer Collective)
[X][TAUNI] Release the Renaissance-A design to the SGC and assist the Tauni in constructing one. (-10 pp, +15 on [Fool me once...] tag on Tauni, Tauni will build a Renaissance-A)
[X][DEFENCE] Encourage the Rigellians to reduce the scale of their planned auxiliary shipyard complex at Abadan for a year. (-40 pp, two additional ep and 20 sp will be loaned to the Tauni for further support, 2x1mt and 2x400kt auxiliary berths delayed 1 year, gain +25 on [Fool me once...])
[X][LAIO] Federalize, refit, and transfer 3 Miranda-Bs next year (+3 pp, +30 br, +30 sr, three Miranda-Bs to be transferred upon completion of refit, replacing obsolete Laian frigates)
[X][LAIO] Construct a starbase over Laian, using Laio engineering support (-30 pp, -0 ep, a Starfleet Starbase will be built over Laian)
[X][LAIO] Transfer the retired Constitution-B class cruisers USS Saratoga and VCS Eridani to the Laio (-10 pp to bring the hulls back to active use, Laio will retire two obsolete Explorers in favor of the cruisers)
[X][SHIELD] Recommend the Amarki be permitted to deploy as a backstop to the ISC, defending an ally against the Harmony while remaining relatively close to the GBZ (-25 pp, the ISC will appreciate this)
[1][CYBORG] Research focus: let Institutes like Pallas-Abat come to the fore and spearhead research into the wetware of the Harmony. (No mobilisation gain from this option, Gain 4 Disruption from the extra research efforts)
[2][CYBORG] Diplomatic focus: despite having gone to war with the Licori, the Gaeni maintain significant diplomatic and scientific links with the Arcadian Empire, and to a lesser extent the Morshadd Commune. Helping the Licori combine efforts may be of significant benefit. (-26 pp per year, gain 1 year's progress on the linked tag [Fiddling while Morshadd Burns (0/3) FDS] each year; when this tag resolves, if the crisis is still in effect, instead conduct half-strength diplopushes on the Arcadian Empire and the Morshadd Commune each year until it ends)
[3][CYBORG] Defensive focus: The Gaeni are unorthodox, yet talented engineers; perhaps they should focus on preparing static defenses, as well as preventing subversion. (-20 pp per year for support, increase mobilization one step, the Gaeni will invest in starbases, outposts, convoy stations, and sensor platforms, both over Gaeni worlds and in support of Federation defensive plans, and will invest in counterintelligence efforts in Gaeni space.)
[1][TMIR] Empress Velim of the Romulan Star Empire has made a personal request for T'Mir to become part of a permanent memorial to the Biophage Crisis and the Battle of Kadesh. T'Mir would be demilitarized, struck from the Starfleet Register, then towed to Kadesh. (Gain +5 on the [Romulan Influence] tag on the Sotaw. Gain +2 pp. Empress Velim will be pleased. If this option is not the highest-ranked option, it will not be implemented.)
[X][SELEK] Transfer the Oberth-class USS Selek (formerly of the Vulcan High Command) to the Federation Science Council and use it to monitor the suvekizer larva's development. (Beta Cthon I-b research colony becomes Selek suvekizer research colony, +5 relations with Dreamer Collective)
[X][TAUNI] Release the Renaissance-A design to the SGC and assist the Tauni in constructing one. (-10 pp, +15 on [Fool me once...] tag on Tauni, Tauni will build a Renaissance-A)
[1][CYBORG] Research focus: let Institutes like Pallas-Abat come to the fore and spearhead research into the wetware of the Harmony. (No mobilisation gain from this option, Gain 4 Disruption from the extra research efforts)
[2][CYBORG] Diplomatic focus: despite having gone to war with the Licori, the Gaeni maintain significant diplomatic and scientific links with the Arcadian Empire, and to a lesser extent the Morshadd Commune. Helping the Licori combine efforts may be of significant benefit. (-26 pp per year, gain 1 year's progress on the linked tag [Fiddling while Morshadd Burns (0/3) FDS] each year; when this tag resolves, if the crisis is still in effect, instead conduct half-strength diplopushes on the Arcadian Empire and the Morshadd Commune each year until it ends)
[3][CYBORG] Defensive focus: The Gaeni are unorthodox, yet talented engineers; perhaps they should focus on preparing static defenses, as well as preventing subversion. (-20 pp per year for support, increase mobilization one step, the Gaeni will invest in starbases, outposts, convoy stations, and sensor platforms, both over Gaeni worlds and in support of Federation defensive plans, and will invest in counterintelligence efforts in Gaeni space.)
2326.Q1 - Task Force Welcome
"We have a rare opportunity tonight to interview a member of the Breakers. For those who haven't been following recent events on Itort, the Breakers are a reactionary movement pledged to oppose the Unbreakable Council of Itort. This movement became organized in the wake of the signing of the Ataami Community treaty that compels all member states to commence the decolonization process immediately - a process to which Starfleet and FDS resources are being committed. Mister Yillai-Toov, thank you for agreeing to this interview on such short notice."

The camera zooms out, revealing the dark, dusty storeroom setting. Hortance rests against the wall, his monocle catching the dim light from a window behind the camera-drone and becoming by far the brightest thing in view. Beside him, a black-furred ataami is backed into an empty corner, neck-bristles rising behind his half-torn bandanna as he stands on all fours, knees and elbows tensed. From offscreen come the sounds of shouting, speeding shuttlecraft, and the occasional scream of phaser fire.

"You're welcome," the ataami growls, reluctantly, glaring at Professor Hortance and then at the camera with equal venom.

"So, in the time we have before the peacekeepers find their way in here and arrest you, what can you tell our viewers about the Breakers' opposition to this treaty, and to further Federation involvement in Ataami affairs in general?"

A particularly near flashbang burst outside the window fills the frame with blinding white light. Millai-Toov stands up on his hind legs, covering his eyes and gasping. Hortance doesn't seem to notice.

"Of all the fucking warehouses I could have hidden in…"


Commander's Log, Task Force Welcome, Commodore Larai Leaniss
(Corvo Inlet)

The signing of that treaty has made things a lot easier. Getting the national governments to that point was a frustrating process, but in the end it was simple information that made them see reason. The Ataami chose to invest in beseeching the Federation. What we can offer, even to those who benefited most from the old status quo, is just more than they can turn down while looking their voters in the face.

Well, most of the voters. The welcoming ceremony for the repatriated ataami slaves the Kundaia brought back was, as we predicted, targeted by a nationalist insurgent group. The Stalwart and Triada's officer complements performed excellent work cooperating with Ataami informants and peacekeepers; when the attack took place, the security forces were more than ready for them. There will be more reactionary violence as the dominant powers abandon their exploitative territories, but I believe that this initial humiliation will reduce the scope of it from what might have otherwise been. Task Force Liberty wasn't able to recover everyone who'd been sold to the Hishmeri. Too many families will never know what became of their loved ones. But for most of them, at least, it was a joyous reunion.

The last of our new orbital infrastructure is online and functioning, and the Unbreakable League is already arranging trade conferences now that it has the means to welcome alien cargo ships. Environmental and sophontarian prognoses are bright. Aside from keeping lines of communication open, I don't believe Starfleet can do any more good here at present. The Ataami will need to complete their internal reconciliation and make the final steps into the galactic community on their own from here. The Kundaia will be returning to Confederacy space, and the Starfleet vessels rejoining the theater fleets. See you on Earth, Admiral.

[+25 Limited Stellar Ability (now at 50/300), +25 Obsolete Technology (now at 55/150), +70 Stellar Shock (now at 100/100, 5 overflow into relations), +5 relations with Ataami (now at 85/100, +5 pp from Hortance's coverage, task force mission successful]
Every time I see something written about the Hishmeri I'm reminded they're only slightly less atrocious than the Singers.
Honestly, I'd consider them legit just as bad - massive-scale chattel slavery is just that awful. The only reason we're more worried about the Singers is that they're coming for our brains literally right now, while the Hishmeri's lack of psychotic god complex means that they're able to understand we can fuck them right up if they try to come at federation members directly.
Also notably: the Hishmeri have tags. We can do diplomacy to them, up to and including a 10 year FDS tag to make them stop being slavers. The HoH? Not so much.
the Breakers are a reactionary movement pledged to oppose the Unbreakable Council of Itort.
Oh how delightful
From offscreen come the sounds of shouting, speeding shuttlecraft, and the occasional scream of phaser fire.
This sounds like it got ugly.
The Kundaia will be returning to Confederacy space, and the Starfleet vessels rejoining the theater fleets. See you on Earth, Admiral.
A great success overall though! Apparently we avoided a disunified homeworld tag.
Honestly, I'd consider them legit just as bad - massive-scale chattel slavery is just that awful. The only reason we're more worried about the Singers is that they're coming for our brains literally right now, while the Hishmeri's lack of psychotic god complex means that they're able to understand we can fuck them right up if they try to come at federation members directly.
WIth the Singer's you get death of personality for aesthetic reasons. With the Hishmeri you get random treatment - might be 'okay', might be abusive. You at least have a chance.
Hortance doing hard-hitting reporting from the front lines of civil unrest.

He probably gets away with because as a rock the worst they can do is throw him through a window.
Hortance doing hard-hitting reporting from the front lines of civil unrest.

He probably gets away with because as a rock the worst they can do is throw him through a window.

Horta are very difficult to injure. And even picking one up when it doesn't want you to is...inadvisable, given the solvent they can secrete.

Unless you happen to have a high-powered weapon on hand, you pretty much have to put up with the horta paparazzi getting in your face. Even if you happen to be hiding in a warehouse after your attempted hostage-taking plan was thwarted and the brass are closing in.
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And even picking one up when it doesn't want you to is...inadvisable, given the solvent they can secrete.

I suspect that's something of a last resort considering burning their hands off with solvents that can dissolve solid rock in ridiculously short timescales sounds...overly forceful for most things. Assuming of course it's not also toxic too.
I suspect that's something of a last resort considering burning their hands off with solvents that can dissolve solid rock in ridiculously short timescales sounds...overly forceful for most things. Assuming of course it's not also toxic too.

Unless its an involuntary response to being physically attacked.

It isn't. But I wouldn't expect the average sophont to know that, or to be willing to take the risk.
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Also notably: the Hishmeri have tags. We can do diplomacy to them, up to and including a 10 year FDS tag to make them stop being slavers. The HoH? Not so much.

The Hishmeri recognize us as people, and as a space empire big enough that it could credibly stop their expansion. They may have a much bigger backfield than we realized, which correspondingly makes us less of a threat to them, sure... But given their culture, if they thought they could just roll over us, they'd probably have done so.

Because the Harmony's preferred attack vector is subversion, they don't respect our military strength enough to stop trying to infiltrate us. And because the Singers think they're the only real people in the galaxy and that the Federation's actual population consists entirely of feral meat-puppets just waiting to be properly domesticated... Well, they're a lot more of an imminent threat in that we can't reliably deter them and can't reliably convince them to accept a stable modus vivendi with us.

The Hishmeri are a Cardassia-sized problem- big but we can have detente with them. The Harmony... well, NO GODS NO MASTERS is about all I have to say to them anymore.
Ha all bets are off once we're at war with Harmony.
If any powers manage to bite off chunks of our territory or destroy our smaller border patrol fleets....then repay them with interests that goes beyond a mere peace treaty or return to status quo.
It seemed like such an innocent and harmless pile of rubble in the warehouse until it started asking probing and hard hitting questions.

Honestly I just kind of want this to become a living meme now. Wherever there is unrest, wherever Bad Things are happening, Hortance suddenly pops up to interview someone, like a bizarre cross between Candid Camera and To Catch A Predator.
Ha all bets are off once we're at war with Harmony.
If any powers manage to bite off chunks of our territory or destroy our smaller border patrol fleets....then repay them with interests that goes beyond a mere peace treaty or return to status quo.
If we actually manage to build, crew and launch 60-80 emergency Mirandas at a time, I'm certain that our neighbours will prove amenable to reason.