[j/k] incude a segment of the ship that has, on the blueprints a big label saying "No Stealth field generator here" that area should correspond with the waste treatment system of the ship :p

Because if we are going to troll Klingons and Romulans? we should go all in

How cruel! You'd be dooming several spies to a very messy fate. ;)

[X][BETZA] Rename the class the Artful-class, after the first unit.

I don't actually have a good argument here. I just like the name more. (Besides, Star Trek ships just don't have the mixed coloring that would be appropriate for the other name.)
Oh, also something to look at: Why are the Amarki, noted advocates of stern defense and a semi-mobilized population, suddenly worrying about peacetime budgets, when we're on the eve of potential armed conflict in 1-2 years or less with the HoH? We know the Amarki have infiltration problems, and this seems quite OOC for that nation.
This is not sudden. They took ages to go down from mobilization caused by the Syndicate Crisis.

They have been stepping down to civilian economy before we met the HoH I think.

The odds are high the kepler will be of in a TF, having a backup scout could be handy.
They can just keep it home? Like, if they say that they need it, they get to keep it. We are not stealing their ships.

I am not worried about a lack of a scout though, interior sectors will be full of them, they can borrow one from a sector garrison if they urgently need it.
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[ ][PRIORITY] Pick Up to four Member World Priorities to change
[ ][PRIORITY] Change nothing [Weighted 1.5x]
[X][PRIORITY] Star-Kin: Refit Monastery as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Caldonians: Refit old Science Cruisers as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Orions: Move Inc Crew/Res to Medium Term
[X][PRIORITY] STO: Increase BR/SR as Medium-Term

[X][ORION] Adopt Project Emerald as a new light frigate, capable of being built in 600kt berths. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Support development of a Miranda-B variant (-10 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer one Miranda-B to the Orion Union as soon as the project is complete, in an Orion berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense).
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Carbon (2324 variant) as a new scout frigate, building in 2 years, with crew cost O2 E3 T3. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Adopt Kepler as a new scout frigate, building in 2.25 years, with crew cost O2 E3 T4.
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Greenleaf as a new skirmish frigate, with build time 2 years, cost 80-85 BR & 55-65 SR, and crew cost O1 E2 T2. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Adopt Comet as a new skirmish frigate, with build time 2.5 years, cost 105 BR & 75 SR, and crew cost O2 E3 T3.
[ ][ORION] Adopt the Renaissance-A as a new combat cruiser
[ ][ORION] Adopt the Envoy as a new diplomatic cruiser
[X][ORION] Wait to refit existing cruisers

[ ][LAIO] Recommend the construction of a repair yard instead. (Repair yard with 1x2mt, 1x1mt berths will be built at Laian).
[X][LAIO] Support the construction of a shipyard. (-11 pp, Laio Shipyard with 1x2mt berth will be built at Laian)
[ ][LAIO] Support the construction of a shipyard complex. (-54 pp, Laio Shipyard with 1x2mt berth, 2x1mt berths will be built at Laian)
[ ][LAIO] It can wait til 2326. (-2 pp)

[X][FRIGATE] Adopt Project Emerald (-5 pp for facilitating technical assistance, prototype begins production in 2325Q3 at Bidva, -70 br, -55 sr OR additional -15 pp to arrange a resource transfer from the Honiani)
[X][FRIGATE] Put the Mielab into production (-8 pp for facilitating technical assistance, 1-2 ordered 2325Q3, -40-80 br, -40-85 sr or additional -8-18 pp to arrange a resource transfer from the Honiani)
[X][FRIGATE] Back the Miranda-B project (-2 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer a Miranda-B to the Laians as soon as the project is complete (in a Laian berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense))
[ ][FRIGATE] Build two Centaur-Bs at Adad Bande, beginning in 2325Q1 (Push back two Orah refits 1 Qtr, -26 pp to reserve the two berths and for technical assistance, -120 br & -95 sr OR additional -26 pp to arrange a resource transfer from the Honiani)
[X][FRIGATE] Transfer mothballed Amarki frigates to the Laians (-2 pp for facilitating minor technical assistance; Laio acquires 2 Brieca-As and scraps three frigates, in 2325Q1, reduce the br & sr cost of any other [FRIGATE] option taken by 90 br & 55 sr (or additional pp cost by 15 pp))

[X][STO] Adopt the Torqui Leb Lagan Flight II (C7 S7 H4 L6 P7 D7, 200 br 140 sr 6O 6E 5T, 35 br & 35 sr refit cost) and refit in 2329
[ ][STO] Scrap the Torqui Leb Lagans and replace with whatever they want.
[ ][STO] Scrap the Torqui Leb Lagans and begin new cruiser project.
[ ][STO] Scrap the Torqui Leb Lagans and replace with three Renaissance-A.
[ ][STO] Scrap the Torqui Leb Lagans and replace with two Renaissance-A and an Envoy.
[ ][STO] Scrap the Torqui Leb Lagans and replace with two Renaissance-A and a Comet.
[ ][STO] Scrap the Torqui Leb Lagans and replace with [WRITE IN - total budget of 400br/300sr, builds start between 2326-2329].

[ ][CAT] Suck it up and build a Kepler (-40 pp, the Caitian Grand Fleet will order a Kepler in an Orion berth in 2325Q2, Caitian Kepler will not be made available for task force duty, barring States of Emergency, for two years following completion)
[X][CAT] Adopt the Mielab in its current form.
[ ][CAT] Adopt the Oda-Gach Flight IIc design developed in 2324. (Requires shipyard upgrades to produce at home, -10 pp to rent an Orion berth for the initial build)
[X][CAT] Adopt Project Carbon (Requires shipyard upgrades to produce at home, -10 pp to rent an Orion berth for the initial build)

[ ][BETZA] Rename the class the Bird of Paradise, as an analog to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey but for much more peaceful ends.
[X][BETZA] Rename the class the Artful-class, after the first unit.
[ ][BETZA] Do not rename the class.
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[X][ORION] Adopt Project Emerald as a new light frigate, capable of being built in 600kt berths. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Adopt Kepler as a new scout frigate, building in 2.25 years, with crew cost O2 E3 T4.
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Greenleaf as a new skirmish frigate, with build time 2 years, cost 80-85 BR & 55-65 SR, and crew cost O1 E2 T2. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Wait to refit existing cruisers

[X][FRIGATE] Adopt Project Emerald (-5 pp for facilitating technical assistance, prototype begins production in 2325Q3 at Bidva, -70 br, -55 sr OR additional -15 pp to arrange a resource transfer from the Honiani)
[X][FRIGATE] Back the Miranda-B project (-2 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer a Miranda-B to the Laians as soon as the project is complete (in a Laian berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense))
[X][FRIGATE] Transfer mothballed Amarki frigates to the Laians (-2 pp for facilitating minor technical assistance; Laio acquires 2 Brieca-As and scraps three frigates, in 2325Q1, reduce the br & sr cost of any other [FRIGATE] option taken by 90 br & 55 sr (or additional pp cost by 15 pp))

I'm confused, are you voting for all the options for these?
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Emerald as a new light frigate, capable of being built in 600kt berths. (+10 pp)
[ ][ORION] Adopt Project Carbon (2324 variant) as a new scout frigate, building in 2 years, with crew cost O2 E3 T3. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Greenleaf as a new skirmish frigate, with build time 2 years, cost 80-85 BR & 55-65 SR, and crew cost O1 E2 T2. (+10 pp)

I don't see any reason not to approve of the Orions developing these options; they aren't a good fit for Starfleet (which is generally limited more by crew than by resources) but are useful for member worlds that want to save on costs. At the same time, I'd still go with:

Removed Carbon after some discussion; any other member worlds wanting a cheaper science vessel have other options, and the Orions themselves likely won't build enough for them to make sense. Given the limited income the Orions have at their disposal, I might recommend the Mielab-A for them as an alternative, but that isn't a vote option at present, so:
[X][ORION] Adopt Kepler as a new scout frigate, building in 2.25 years, with crew cost O2 E3 T4.
Although I'm not confident they should actually build any Keplers at this point either.

[X][ORION] Support development of a Miranda-B variant (-10 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer one Miranda-B to the Orion Union as soon as the project is complete, in an Orion berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense).

This is an opportunity to trade a little resources (20 BR 10 SR) and a Miranda (that Starfleet doesn't really want, and can't really use for much other than emergency wartime fodder) for 10 PP from a member world. I suppose technically Starfleet is also losing the opportunity cost of eventually scrapping the vessel, but I'd still take this deal.

[X][ORION] Wait to refit existing cruisers
Existing Orion cruisers can probably be refit to continue to be useful for considerably less cost than scrapping and building new vessels.

[X][LAIO] Support the construction of a shipyard. (-11 pp, Laio Shipyard with 1x2mt berth will be built at Laian)
This could reasonably be useful for future construction of Heavy Cruisers/Light Explorers, and can always be used for building smaller vessels if it would otherwise be left idle. The Laio's small resource income doesn't really support needing more than a single berth yet, though.

[X][FRIGATE] Adopt Project Emerald (-5 pp for facilitating technical assistance, prototype begins production in 2325Q3 at Bidva, -70 br, -55 sr
[X][FRIGATE] Put the Mielab into production (-8 pp for facilitating technical assistance, 1-2 ordered 2325Q3, -40-80 br, -40-85 sr or additional -8-18 pp to arrange a resource transfer from the Honiani)
[X][FRIGATE] Back the Miranda-B project (-2 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer a Miranda-B to the Laians as soon as the project is complete (in a Laian berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense))

Another Miranda offloaded, though the 2 PP return is more dubious than the Orion's 10 PP. The Briecas are a dead end, where Emerald and Mielab will see improvements in future refits (the Mielab in particular has one pending).

[X][STO] Adopt the Torqui Leb Lagan Flight II (C7 S7 H4 L6 P7 D7, 200 br 140 sr 6O 6E 5T, 35 br & 35 sr refit cost) and refit in 2329
On the one hand, the Torqui Leb Lagan is basically a Renaissance with a little better science for some extra crew and twice the price. On the other hand, that refit (thanks to having vastly more space) is rather a lot more capable than a Renaissance-A (which it matches in combat and dramatically exceeds in peacetime). Similarly, the Torqui's can be seen as moderately cheaper and modestly less capable than stock Excelsiors (and thus more fully behind Excelsior-As), with the refit offered situating them between the Excelsior-A and Excelsior-B in terms of capability (again at modestly less cost). The refit version is thus significantly more competitive than the originals as compared to other design options, afaict, and the lifetime for the class might even be extended further by a second refit around when Starfleet finishes researching and prototyping its own heavy cruiser/light explorer design in a decade or so.

[X][CAT] Adopt the Mielab in its current form.
With a Mielab refit likely forthcoming, and making it reasonably competitive with Carbon, I see no reason to eat a major political hit for telling the cats they must build Keplers or a minor hit for them to use Oda-Gach or Carbon (though if someone wants to sell me on spending 10 PP for the cats to expand their small berths, I'm open to arguments in favor of recommending Carbon instead).

[X][BETZA] Rename the class the Bird of Paradise, as an analog to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey but for much more peaceful ends.
Because why not?

Saw SWB's post after writing this; not sure I agree on everthing, but I will toss these priority votes in.
[X][PRIORITY] Star-Kin: Refit Monastery as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Caldonians: Refit old Science Cruisers as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Orions: Move Inc Crew/Res to Medium Term
[X][PRIORITY] STO: Increase BR/SR as Medium-Term
Regarding the question of whether the Orions should consider building Carbon scouts rather than Keplers, it looks to me like their limited resource income might make that a reasonable choice for them to make.

This just in: the Risan Warp Life-Saving Club, in association with the United Federation of Planets Development Party, has begun work on a revolutionary new starbase design, the Love Star.

Yes, the Love Star. With a friendly mostly-spherical shape, and an emitter for a brilliant light show on one side, it brings the party-to-end-all-parties straight to a planet near you. It's a blast!
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I don't see any reason not to approve of the Orions developing these options; they aren't a good fit for Starfleet (which is generally limited more by crew than by resources) but are useful for member worlds that want to save on costs. At the same time, I'd still go with:
There is one.

They forgot that they are already building a Kepler to scout for them.
This just in: the Risan Warp Life-Saving Club, in association with the United Federation of Planets Development Party, has begun work on a revolutionary new starbase design, the Love Star.
New Snakepit vote option when?!
Adhoc vote count started by Steven Kodaly on Jan 28, 2019 at 1:00 AM, finished with 108 posts and 23 votes.
I'm confused, are you voting for all the options for these?
The emeralds are what they will build in the future, the Brieca-As to free up resources and the miranda-B is us sponsoring a small member fleet with a scout(the S4 of a miranda-B is the best scout they will have). They are close enough to the border that giving them one of our miranda's will strengthen the LBZ and it can be refit in one of their 4 600t yards.
I like the Miranda-B as a combat frigate to supplement general-purpose frigates in Emerald. As a scout I don't recommend it, but scouting is the least important phase.

If I wanted them to have a dedicated scout frigate I'd have suggested the Mielab, but a navy as small as the Liao doesn't have much use for a scout and honestly the Kepler is best there.
There is one.

They forgot that they are already building a Kepler to scout for them.

They presumably aren't just building it as a fleet scout, but also for science event response. With an income of only 65 BR 55 SR per year, they themselves are one of the members with small enough income to reasonably favor a cheaper option for event response.
They presumably aren't just building it as a fleet scout, but also for science event response. With an income of only 65 BR 55 SR per year, they themselves are one of the members with small enough income to reasonably favor a cheaper option for event response.
But the prototype cost of Carbon brings it to 130 BR and 100 SR, considerably more than then Kepler's 100 BR and 90 SR. The economic argument favors another Kepler.
[X][PRIORITY] Star-Kin: Refit Monastery as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Caldonians: Refit old Science Cruisers as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Orions: Move Inc Crew/Res to Medium Term
[X][PRIORITY] STO: Increase BR/SR as Medium-Term

[X][ORION] Adopt Project Emerald as a new light frigate, capable of being built in 600kt berths. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Carbon (2324 variant) as a new scout frigate, building in 2 years, with crew cost O2 E3 T3. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Greenleaf as a new skirmish frigate, with build time 2 years, cost 80-85 BR & 55-65 SR, and crew cost O1 E2 T2. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Support development of a Miranda-B variant (-10 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer one Miranda-B to the Orion Union as soon as the project is complete, in an Orion berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense).
[X][ORION] Wait to refit existing cruisers

[X][LAIO] Support the construction of a shipyard. (-11 pp, Laio Shipyard with 1x2mt berth will be built at Laian)

[X][FRIGATE] Adopt Project Emerald (-5 pp for facilitating technical assistance, prototype begins production in 2325Q3 at Bidva, -70 br, -55 sr OR additional -15 pp to arrange a resource transfer from the Honiani)
[X][FRIGATE] Back the Miranda-B project (-2 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer a Miranda-B to the Laians as soon as the project is complete (in a Laian berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense))
[X][FRIGATE] Transfer mothballed Amarki frigates to the Laians (-2 pp for facilitating minor technical assistance; Laio acquires 2 Brieca-As and scraps three frigates, in 2325Q1, reduce the br & sr cost of any other [FRIGATE] option taken by 90 br & 55 sr (or additional pp cost by 15 pp))

[X][STO] Adopt the Torqui Leb Lagan Flight II (C7 S7 H4 L6 P7 D7, 200 br 140 sr 6O 6E 5T, 35 br & 35 sr refit cost) and refit in 2329

[X][CAT] Adopt Project Carbon (Requires shipyard upgrades to produce at home, -10 pp to rent an Orion berth for the initial build)

[X][BETZA] Rename the class the Bird of Paradise, as an analog to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey but for much more peaceful ends.
Everyone, the Carbon is a uniquely bad choice for the Orions. You're costing them half a new light frigate extra and giving them a worse ship in exchange. Please reconsider your votes.

e: Unless you're worried about 1T, but I would ask you to show your work if so.
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[X][PRIORITY] Star-Kin: Refit Monastery as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Caldonians: Refit old Science Cruisers as Long-Term
[X][PRIORITY] Orions: Move Inc Crew/Res to Medium Term
[X][PRIORITY] STO: Increase BR/SR as Medium-Term

[X][ORION] Adopt Project Emerald as a new light frigate, capable of being built in 600kt berths. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Adopt Kepler as a new scout frigate, building in 2.25 years, with crew cost O2 E3 T4.
[X][ORION] Adopt Project Greenleaf as a new skirmish frigate, with build time 2 years, cost 80-85 BR & 55-65 SR, and crew cost O1 E2 T2. (+10 pp)
[X][ORION] Wait to refit existing cruisers

[X][LAIO] Support the construction of a shipyard. (-11 pp, Laio Shipyard with 1x2mt berth will be built at Laian)

[X][FRIGATE] Adopt Project Emerald (-5 pp for facilitating technical assistance, prototype begins production in 2325Q3 at Bidva, -70 br, -55 sr OR additional -15 pp to arrange a resource transfer from the Honiani)
[X][FRIGATE] Back the Miranda-B project (-2 pp cost to a Miranda-B refit, Starfleet must refit and transfer a Miranda-B to the Laians as soon as the project is complete (in a Laian berth if necessary, but at Starfleet expense))
[X][FRIGATE] Transfer mothballed Amarki frigates to the Laians (-2 pp for facilitating minor technical assistance; Laio acquires 2 Brieca-As and scraps three frigates, in 2325Q1, reduce the br & sr cost of any other [FRIGATE] option taken by 90 br & 55 sr (or additional pp cost by 15 pp))

[X][STO] Adopt the Torqui Leb Lagan Flight II (C7 S7 H4 L6 P7 D7, 200 br 140 sr 6O 6E 5T, 35 br & 35 sr refit cost) and refit in 2329

[X][CAT] Adopt Project Carbon (Requires shipyard upgrades to produce at home, -10 pp to rent an Orion berth for the initial build)

[X][BETZA] Rename the class the Bird of Paradise, as an analog to the Klingon Bird-of-Prey but for much more peaceful ends.
But the prototype cost of Carbon brings it to 130 BR and 100 SR, considerably more than then Kepler's 100 BR and 90 SR. The economic argument favors another Kepler.

Sure, if they're going to build exactly one and never export any. If they build two it's about a wash (although the Keplers would be more capable).

Also, if they don't prototype it, how are the Cats supposed to build any, as you've recommended they do?

Like, I could see a consensus around using the Mielab-A instead (though Carbon is somewhat better) to avoid any prototyping issues, but someone will presumably have to eat the prototype penalty if anyone is adopting Carbon.
Sure, if they're going to build exactly one and never export any. If they build two it's about a wash (although the Keplers would be more capable).

Also, if they don't prototype it, how are the Cats supposed to build any, as you've recommended they do?

Like, I could see a consensus around using the Mielab-A instead (though Carbon is somewhat better) to avoid any prototyping issues, but someone will presumably have to eat the prototype penalty if anyone is adopting Carbon.
According to the options the Cats will have to prototype it anyway. On the plus side the Cats have resources and crew leaking out of their cat-ears right now. The Yrillians are also building the Carbon according to the post and they are going to have to prototype it too. It looks to me like everyone has to prototype the ship.

And why on earth would the Orions ever want to build more than 2, or maybe 3 total Keplers? They have that many combat frigates right now, and scout/science-exploration frigates aren't needed in that amount. I could see the STO building 4 total Keplers, the Orions are a third their size.