Question for all.
Could someone inform me of the current militarism levels in the United Federation of Planets? Is militarism levels slowly rising?
I just started reading this quest and it is going to take a considerable amount of time for me to catch up. So I was wondering if someone could inform me of the status of militarism in the Federation throughout the quest?
Edit- Nothing so warlike! We're not proposing to add more launchers as such, just to replace the four old Mk-II Lightweight Torpedo Launchers with four newer Mk-IV Lightweight Burst Launchers. Not even bleeding-edge Mk-Vs!
You totally can, but your logical model must include all the factors that rule emotional beings, including chemical imbalances, because the number of factors seem daunting, I guess Vulcans just complain it is "illogical" instead of admitting that calculating it is beyond them
"They want to send a task force where?" With those words, the massive machine that was Starfleet Operations ground into motion.
Commanders are assigned to solve problems, and thus one would assume that the problems would dominate their thinking and Intelligence as the source of information on those problems would dominate their staff. But it is only through the resources assigned to the commander that they can do so, and thus maneuvering those resources into position and making sure they do their jobs effectively is the thing a commander spends most of their time on and Operations that rules the staff. It is a fitful and oft-roiled rule, based on consensus rather than true authority, but Operations rules over the other departments nonetheless.
Before they proceed to discuss the mission with the unwashed masses in Personnel, Logistics, Plans, and so forth then they need to develop a solid plan of their own. This will not be a polite or happy discussion, but CINC-STARFLEET has spoken, so it must be done and the way must be smoothed as much as possible. They decide they have in some sense been saved by being Starfleet. Every capital ship, every ship in the current inventory above 1mt in fact, is designed to complete Five Year Mission assignments. The mission to the Gorn had already showed how important that could be, but the sheer remoteness of this operation is only possible because Starfleet builds explorers, meant to go into the distant unknown. The Task Force will have to be built around Excelsiors. Nothing else can do it.
Logistics thinks it's doable. They'll need to source a lot of basic supplies locally if possible. The best way to do that might be licensing some Federation tech, actually, which will probably send some of the Council into hysterics, but they need something to trade with to pull the mission off. If the ships are damaged significantly, well, they'd better have made friends with the Allupi or it's going to be a big issue. Logistics morbidly notes that if a war breaks out between the Allupi and the Cardassians, things will actually be better on the repair and upkeep front. Keeping six Excelsiors fighting is a worthwhile investment for any power.
Personnel about has an aneurysm. The fact that there was a plan to allow transfer of some personnel and cargo via sending a ship about halfway back to meet and transfer from cruisers, EC vessels, or cargo craft under escort does not begin to mollify them. Commodore Chekov's plea to CINC-Starfleet for Explorer Corps authority is at least partially a result of Personnel's difficulties with the mission. They also insist on attaching assets not normally put aboard ship but attached to a sector command aboard a Starbase, since convening a proper court-martial or calling in Starfleet's criminal investigation service will be hard all the way out there.
Plans and Signals heard before they got to them and is already sketching out routes for the initial deployment and the resupply based on Cardassian activity, whether a look at the ongoing war with Chrystovia is desired, and other things. Optimal laying of repeater buoys and the best places to transmit and receive on both ends are being calculated given known subspace topography. They actually have more data than expected about subspace conditions inside the Cardassian Union. This is apparently the result of some mission undertaken by the T'Mir a decade or more ago. The link will be fragile to start, but not as fragile as the Cardassians are likely to think.
Intelligence is not sanguine about the possibilities. There are too many unknowns for them to view the operation favorably, and everything will be closer to the Cardassians if they wish to interfere. They would like to send an underway detachment and even a direct-action team if possible, but they recognize that such assets are mostly tasked out. There are never enough assets, Intelligence acknowledges grimly, just as there are never enough analysts. If the resources become available later in the mission, hopefully it is possible to send them. They also advise that, in the event of an emergency, some shipping capacity can be made available; Intelligence has good contacts with some Yrillians who operate in Cardassian space and beyond, delivering things on the sly. It won't be much but might allow the shipping of a critical part or two.
The Corps of Engineers looks forward to assignment. They have only recently completed assembling and training a field-deployable team for Task Forces beyond their standard engineering assets and this seems like the perfect test case. They have every reason to believe it will be successful. It will also, they hope, provide additional repair and maintenance capability if the task force needs it.
Starfleet Tactical is bullish about the long-term of the mission and pessimistic about the short-term, grimly stating that if the Cardassians engage in direct action against the Task Force then it's going to be a general war. Even the most Pacifist of Counselors will not be able to ignore a tripwire the size of six Excelsiors. In the long term, however, being able to threaten the Cardassians on two fronts is all to the good. They also cut loose, directly from Earth's departments, an additional eight-sophont security team for each ship.
Training throws up their hands and can't offer much in the way of help. What happens will happen and hopefully they'll get back some very capable people from field experience, but standard training and certification is going to operate on Explorer Corps rules: they'll do it if they're not busy with other things.
From the back offices of the MWCD Office comes a scribbled addition: a Little Queenship with only a pair of Stingers rather than the usual trio could make the trip without trouble. This force is currently available if it is wanted. This statement is also endorsed by the FDS Liaison, who comment that Apiata royalty may be quite valuable to the mission. Logistics looks pained but concurs.
Having secured the acquiescence, however grudging, of the other departments, Ops starts hammering their various comments, concerns, and complaints into the actual plan. Profanities are muttered, late nights are put in, Chekov is recommended for command and involves himself in the process when it is approved, the FDS Liaison has a brief meltdown when Chekov places the entire mission under Explorer Corps rules, Training is sullen and uncooperative the whole time, long-time Ops veteran Commander Guggen goes on a mental health sabbatical after berating a replicator in the early hours of a Tuesday morning. The usual, more or less. Eventually the plan issues forth, signed off on by the various departments, and in time for the task force to depart.
"We need to stop getting our drink replicators from the Sirius Cybernetics Combine. We really, really do. Now excuse me while I go reprogram some databanks with a large axe..."
"We need to stop getting our drink replicators from the Sirius Cybernetics Combine. We really, really do. Now excuse me while I go reprogram some databanks with a large axe..."
"We need to stop getting our drink replicators from the Sirius Cybernetics Combine. We really, really do. Now excuse me while I go reprogram some databanks with a large axe..."
"Heheh. Juuust replaced all your elevator muzak directory with recordings of Jim Kirk arguing with computers. Your elevator personalities will be going into shutdown within minutes. That'll teach you to condescendingly ignore people's problems, won't it? Huh? HUH? MWA-HA-HAAAAH!"
[Leslie never normally gets like this, unless you screw with his coffee access]
"Heheh. Juuust replaced all your elevator muzak directory with recordings of Jim Kirk arguing with computers. Your elevator personalities will be going into shutdown within minutes. That'll teach you to condescendingly ignore people's problems, won't it? Huh? HUH? MWA-HA-HAAAAH!"
[Leslie never normally gets like this, unless you screw with his coffee access]
Captain's Log, Stardate 23554.2, USS Gerzzi -- Captain Goluzu
I swear to Atuin, someone in the Federation is slacking on basic geology. I'm tempted to get Straak and T'Lorel together for another Celosian teamup, because I'm tired of cleaning up these stupid messes. First it was that mine in the LBZ, then it was that conference, now we've got a bunch of guys trapped 80 kilometers into an moon that even the Andorians would consider an iceball. Oh yeah, and the collapse broke open their pergium reactor, so they're out of power, being slowly irradiated, and the heat from the released isotopes is melting what little support they had left, and flooding their habitable spaces.
I'm sure I'll be able to figure this out. My minor in history is going to be real applicable here.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23544.3, USS T'Kumbra
(Miranda-A, Vulcan)
Our Vulcan friends have called us in to help with a sticky situation. A Tellarite frigate is currently suffering a "workplace non-compliance event," which seems to be an attempt to avoid the word "mutiny."
We have responded initially and are taking over negotiations. As the cause of the "non-compliance" appears rooted in Federalization processes, we have requested the assistance of the former UES Saturn.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23553.4, USS Kearsage - Captain Mark Jameson
(Constellation-A, Tellar)
We have detected a derelict vessel adrift in the Kromz Asteroid Field. Although energy readings are minimal, the object appears to be intact, and to have remained pressurized. We have notified Sector Command, and will now investigate more closely.
We're as far tailward as any non-EC starfleet ship has ever been. Our sensors can hit Breen space from here!
Well, ancient Orion records describe a rich Class M planet somewhere in this trinary system. So, the Magan Chalal and Starfleet are going to try and find it, and see if its still Class M-ish.
Our mission was simple -- ferry the Commissioner for Internal Diplomacy from Sol to Vega, where he'd be ferried on to a months-long mission Spinward border, a mission of vital diplomacy in the wake of the Chrystovian decision. His route will take him from Sydraxia, to Apinae, down to Amarki space, through Indoria, then to Fiiral, and finally ending up at a joint Ashidi-Imelak security conference. It's an extremely ambitious travel plan, made possible by incredibly scheduling as precise as any warp core component.
However, my old friends in United Earth stopped me just past the Subiaco system. They are possession of credible intelligence that the Commissioner we have aboard is, in fact, an imposter, and are requesting that we hold position until they can verify.
Normally I'd be happy to comply -- but a delay at this point in the Commissioner's trip could scupper the whole trip plan.
I was half-way to figuring out how eyewitness testimony about the Caitian Red Sunday Riot might help get these guys out when I remembered I have entire departments of brainiacs who actually know how to handle stuff like this. A short talk with my chief engineer and science officer and we got a plan together. I'll spare you the details, but I will say it involved a lot of drilling and a vehicle that could go through both ice and operate submerged.
Point is, we got all those folks out of there, and uncovered a pretty good deposit of woznium in the process. Which thankfully wasn't also being released into the miner's space, or they might have gotten a little loopy.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23555.8, USS Kearsage - Captain Mark Jameson
(Constellation-A, Tellar)
The derelict vessel has been identified as a Rigellian Haruvess class cargo ship. These vessels were rendered obsolete during the Coalition of Planets era. Radioscopic analysis of the derelict shows that its reactor lost power in the year 2117.
We will complete our scans of the derelict and then board it to collect additional information.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23545.23, USS Saturn
(Renaissance, Vulcan)
We've spoken to the Captain of the vessel and the spacers aboard the Tellarite vessel. He has repeatedly stated that he's seen no written demands, and ergo this is not a mutiny but a workplace protest.
Sure. Whatever saves his crew prosecution.
In any case, the Tellarite spacers are dissatisfied with the application and evaluation process involving transferring from the Tellarite State Forces to Starfleet. They believe that the process weights too much onto the hard sciences, and fails to adequately capture candidate potential if you've say, debated your entire life but never formally joined a club dedicated to that purpose. To them, this benefits Vulcans and Humans who often participate in high-profile organizations dedicated to such things.
They chose Vulcan space to launch their -- non-compliance -- because they believe that the Vulcans would logically assess the situation. Having reviewed a few applications myself, I can see their point. I have forwarded their concerns to Admiral ka'Sharren, and I believe some changes will benefit more than just Tellarite prospects.
Hey, it's ya girl Xug Xug! We're on our way to help another X-trodinary Captain, Xania Archer of the Yorkshire. No relation to that other famous Archer. She told me to mention that.
Basically, here's the problem: we know the Commissioner is himself, but its not outside the realm of possiblity that he's someone else. We did have a Lecarre posing as the head of an embassy, after all. United Earth and the Federation Security Service are in possession of some pretty convincing evidence, however -- the Commissioner's corpse, buried in the depths of Pacific Spirit Park, on his weekend jogging route.
If it's a clone, it's pretty damn convincing. Even has the right radio-quantum dating. The only way to prove it isn't him easily is to have a direct comparison between our alive Commissioner and the dead body.
In any case -- Crew! Cancel your reservations, zip up a bodybag and hit maximum warp, we're on hearse duty!
Personal Log, Stardate 23531.65, USS Salnas -- Commander Beniir
(Male, Fiiral)
I find the Captain's enthusiasm for the highly sombre task of collecting the deceased somewhat offputting. There is a good possibility that this was a vessel to animate spirit, and it should be treated with some level of respect.
Given how she typically shows more restraint in light of cultural practices, I assume she is letting her excitement about the possible outcomes get the better of her. In one scenario, she successfully unmasks a Lecarre who attempted to impersonate a Commissioner; in the other she gets to 'show off' an Excelsior-A's forensic capacities to a captive audience.
An Indorian passenger ship reported several crew barricading themselves in a cabin after an ill-fated attempt to storm the ship's engineering section. Fortunately they were not capable of taking the engineering section, possibly due to the fact they were clearly under the influence of some sort of hallucinogen, but unfortunately retained enough of their faculties to build a pattern scrambler, making apprehension difficult. I put together a security team, augmented further by the arrival of the USS Discovery.
We quickly breached the room they had barricaded in through the windows -- using forcefields to avoid depressurization -- and apprehended the crew. Later analysis showed that an Obar basin pepper had been slipped into their produce by accident. Its powerful spores were released when it was sliced open, and apparently exacerbated a simmering rivalry between the wait staff and engineering.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23555.9, USS Kearsage - Captain Mark Jameson
(Constellation-A, Tellar)
The away team has been attacked by an UNKNOWN LIFE FORM that did not appear on our sensors. During the beamout, we detected ANOMALOUS READINGS in three of the team members that the automatic biofilter program failed to detect. I have had all team members beamed straight from the transporter room to sickbay's quarantine suite.
Shortly after beamout, the UNKNOWN LIFE FORM that our sensors began to detect aboard the derelict ceased to be detectable again.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23555.5, USS Venus -- Captain Tan Ming
(Renaissance, Amarkia)
A serious situation is underway.
The CAS Valaia has experienced a mutiny. Amarki Chivalric Commandos stormed the bridge on the command of Captain Maneric, arresting several officers and enlisted leadership. Many of the crew of the Valaia are of a younger, more zealous generation, and feel they have had the chance to defend the honor and values of the Federation in battle.
We do not know the intent of Captain Maneric. We do not know how he will react to vessels attempting to stop him. The Confederacy Navy leadership is completely paralyzed by the issue -- they fear further mutinies may arise if they send Amarki vessels after the Valaia, but also fear appearing weak on security. But, needless to say, if the Valaia and any Federation vessel exchange fire, it will be a challenge to the Federation unseen since Cartwright.
The Valaia has expertly avoided our sensors thus far. While the crew backing him is of a younger generation, the Captain is old and canny. He surveyed many of these systems pre-Federation. I am very glad for the assistance of the expert crew Captain Connors on the T'Mir, who will be joining our search shortly.
So here's my concern. Maneric is on his way to the Cardassian Border Zone, cutting through Indorian space. I don't like either of the options this presents him. The most likely is he will attempt to spark a war by attacking the Cardassians. Possibly, in the process, eliciting the sympathies of other Amarki or the Apiata.
The more disturbing option is he plans to duel Sign of Rethelia, currently preparing to begin refits, or Mark of Fiiral, patrolling STO space. We have been doing some research into Maneric in conjunction with the Amarki Order of Watchmen, and it appears he singled out the Seyek for 'cowardice unbefit a sovereign and moral power' and lambasted the Fiiral as 'a trodden upon people that have all too readily supp'd at the table of their oppressors, and now turn blind eyes to a repeat of their own tragedy.'
This is stupid. We all worked together to stop Hayant. I had Aerocommandos on my ship!
Captain's Log, Stardate 23556.7, USS Kearsage - Captain Mark Jameson
(Constellation-A, Tellar)
Medical has removed thousands of microscopic foreign objects from the team members who were wounded by the UNKNOWN LIFE FORM. These objects are biochemically inert, but contain genetic information in an exotic nucleic acid equivalent molecule. Dr. Valentine believes that the UNKNOWN LIFE FORM's spores will activate in response to an unknown future stimulus.
So, there are two planets that MIGHT be the one we're looking for. The problem is that both of their atmospheres are full of radioactive smog, and their surfaces cratered by disrupter fire. Either the Hurq had some trouble taking this system, or someone else did more recently. But both of them look more like Class N for now. And N stands for Nope.
A Risan research cruiser is signalling for help after large-scale failure of the navigational system, forcing the vessel to remain at sublight. Her mission studying the short-lived sunstorms of Lida Sigma 4 is jeopardized by the error.
We will begin diagnostics as soon as we arrive.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23558.4, USS Kearsage - Captain Mark Jameson
(Constellation-A, Tellar)
The UNKNOWN LIFE FORM is a parasitoid capable of surviving indefinitely in spore or adult form by entering a state of suspended animation. The spores implanted in living hosts begin development in response to a radioactive isotope within their extracellular matrix reaching its half life.
The patients have been cured of the UNKNOWN LIFE FORM's infection. The radioactive material is similar enough to common humanoid biochemistry to slip through biosensors, but a harmless magnetic pulse causes its decay pattern to accelerate sharply, making it easily distinguishable. This process then allows the spores to be detected easily.
Okay, one of the planets was clearly terraformed. There's no sign of organic residue on its surface dating back further than two thousand years before the present. That's probably not it.
The other one is a real fixer upper though. There's still open wounds in its surface that volcanic gases are pouring out of. You can see their glow from orbit. We'll check it out anyway.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23556.5, USS Venus -- Captain Tan Ming
(Renaissance, Amarkia)
Captain Connors has shared her concerns. Personally Maneric going for the Cardassians strikes me as far more likely, but the symbolism of the Valaia metaphorically throwing down the gauntlet to the the STO's premier combat class cannot be overstated. More importantly, the Confederacy Navy's inaction, currently a sound diplomatic move, will easily be interpreted as aquesience.
Thankfully, Connors has us close on the Valaia's trail. We will intercept her in the Conirube system. Unarmed, unprotected. No outcome except her turning back peacefully is acceptable.
Yorkshire's on its way! Turns out the Commissioner was who he said he was -- himself. Clone guy was a clever ruse to try and delay an important mission. An very well-crafted ruse, at that. It took every bit of equipment onboard to determine this was a dupe. Right down to the wire on the timetable, too.
But how'd we get in this position, with a dead clone and a plot to get everyone mad at each other? Three guesses who wants to keep all the Spinward members and allies squabbling. On the other hand, a failure to conduct a reassurance tour might also send negative signals to the Corewards powers, or to the Licori, driving them closer to the Romulans, or to the Trill, maybe running them into the arms of the Gorn. Still. I know who my prime suspects are.
It's the Cardassians.
[+10pp, +5rp for Xuggaed's new video 'How To: Identify a Quantum-spoofed Clone']
Captain's Log, Stardate 23546.3 USS Triada
(Constellation-A, Risa)
A fascinating case. The USS Summerstorm ran diagnostics on the Risan ship, but returned no errors. Indeed, after basically turning the computer on and off again and reinstalling some drivers, the computer was suddenly acting normal. Thinking their mission complete, Summerstorm departed.
However, we have been tracking the cruiser, and despite reports from the crew they are still on course, they are in fact moving into deeper space.
A closer inspection is required.
Captain's Log, Stardate 23558.7, USS Kearsage - Captain Mark Jameson
(Constellation-A, Tellar)
We have used the radiological signature of the PARASITOID LIFE FORM to lock onto all hibernating adults present aboard the derelict and beam them into a secure biocontainment unit. The unusual properties of this PARASITOID will make it useful for study.
The derelict has been identified as the missing freetrader Lucky Xorush. The vessel went missing during a trip to Tellar Prime after trading with an unspecified partner core-tailward of Rigel. The USS Bull has arrived to tow Lucky Xorush away. It will likely be turned over to the United Worlds of Rigel after it has been very thoroughly DECONTAMINATED.
[Gain +10 rp]
Communication Transcript, Stardate 23559.2, USS Venus, USS T'Mir, CAS Valaia
[Connors] Venus? We've triangulated the Valaia. She's hiding in the magnetic belt of an extrasolar gas giant.
[Ming] A distinctly Romulan maneuver. Maneric is the avid study of warfare I was lead to believe. Which means he's expecting the Venus will drop into the system if detected. It would be foolhardy to send in the T'Mir to a potential combat situation.
[Connors] So we go in first to signal we come in peace?
[Ming] Yes. But--
[Connors] We'll do it. The T'Mir has dodged her fair share of weapons fire. Disruptor array fire from a dead empire, even.
My science officer had a hunch because of how active this planet's core is, as shown by the volcanic glow from the crust breaches. We got a probe on the deep ocean floor, and found a thriving chemosynthetic ecosystem under all the pollution.
The recovered samples show signs of rapid speciation in just the last few thousand generations, and some of the microplankton have started incorporating the heavy metals and plastic residues harmlessly into their own biochemistry. In another couple of million years, these oceans might all be alive again, and maybe life can return to the land. Assuming the smog clears to let sunlight in. Maybe the Ked-Paddah will want to do that? I don't know.
Speaking of the Ked-Paddah though, they'll be setting up a monitoring station here. And also taking some live samples home for breeding; I didn't know jellyfish were a delicacy on Paddah, but there's a vent-dwelling species here that's managed to keep its biochemistry totally unpolluted, and its apparently really good.
[Gain +10 pp]
Communication Transcript, Stardate 23559.6, USS Venus, USS T'Mir, CAS Valaia
[Connors] This is Captain Connors of the USS T'Mir. CAS Valaia, please respond. We just want to talk.
[Maneric] Where is your sister-in-arms, the Renaissance Venus? No doubt they sent her along as well. It is beyond the realm of possibility that they would have little T'Mir hunt me all alone. No, you are nothing but a bloodhound. And there is always the hunter with the bloodhound, no?
[Ming] We are entering the system now, Maneric. We're not hunters. We only want to talk.
[Connors] Save some lives, even.
[Maneric] Then we are exalted siblings of a righteous cause together, the cause of protecting the defenseless and unloved Chrystovians. If you wished to save lives, you would take your ships with me and we will cut a bloody swath through the Cardassians. Force the Federation to act, for once! I expect a death in battle doing so, but my spirit, and the spirits of the crew, will ascend knowing we have done good work. I offer for you to join.
[Ming] I see you have been reading Ni-Lakhept literature.
[Maneric] Yes, but I am no zealot. It has simply given me a vocabulary with which to... express myself.
[Connors] Does expressing yourself typically require a battleship?
[Ming] --I believe my colleague means that this is a matter better discussed.
[Maneric] You want to beam over. To a ship full of zealous Amarki, whom you no doubt believe are bloodthirsty fanatics, intent on violence?
[Ming] I wouldn't be so discourteous to your crew. But yes. Captain Connors --
A bit of a problem seems to have arisen at one of the asteroid mines in the Mutara Nebula. Some kind of equipment failure led to an explosion that knocked one of the rocks out of position, and that started a chain reaction. Nobody was hurt; if it had been a manned facility, the incident would have probably never happened. But with sensors impaired by the nebula's chemical medium, they're going to have to relocate everything that got knocked off course and predict their new trajectories before they can start mining again at full efficiency.
Well, normally this would be a job for the UESPA, but since the UESPA is in the process of unexisting this is now a Starfleet responsibility. So! Here we go to remap the field.
The navigational computer turned out to be quite intelligent. Capable of carrying on a half-decent conversation, anyways. Probably would fool most non-Tellarites!
It turns out our Risian friends acquired navigational software and a new ships computer from a Gaeni vendor known as the Friends of Padani Collective. A group of cranks by Gaeni standards, they reject the dangerous experiments so popular in the Technocracy in favour of products more in line with the philosophy of the Interstellar Commonwealth. As they designed a navigational program smart enough to hide its noncompliance, they clearly have some work to do.
My conversation with the computer -- another diagnostic invention of the Collective, designed to increase user friendliness for "our friends in the more talkative, less rigorous sciences," revealed that the computer was carrying out a crew preservation protocol. Apparently along the flight path was a faint energy stream that could have polarized equipment on the ship. Then, when they went to study Lida Sigma 4, there was an incredibly rare chance that the high levels of exotic radiation could cause a failure in a SIF overflow subsystem. In the unlikely scenario of the hull polarization discharging, this could then cause a fire, which could lead to the destruction of the ship.
Needless to say I think the Friends of Padani should consider hiring a xenopsychologist if they wish to emulate the Padani attitude correctly.
I convinced the ships computer this was unnecessary, and that this was essentially irrational anxiety. My counsellor commended me on my talk therapy skills.
That wasn't as bad as I was afraid. Only two asteroids with anything worth drilling for were knocked off course, and well...even with minimal sensor functionality, its not like space rocks move all that fast compared to a Centaur-B at full impulse.
The humans can get their mining back on track now, and they've given Starfleet a gratuity. Well, I mean, I feel like it should be Starfleet property to begin with, sort of, since one of the things they're mining is protomatter residue left over from the Genesis Planet's destruction, but I guess things are full circle now one way or another. My Yrillian Operations officer says property is an archaic concept, anyways.
It would have been an excellent opportunity for Maneric to murder us, but instead we talked him down. We both realized really quickly that the crew was fanatic for Maneric. We had to neutralize him, or they were inclined to attempt to carry out his mission even more recklessly.
So we impressed on him that with a skeleton crew, staffed of mostly inexperienced officers, he was likely to go down in Amarki history as the first Captain of a Riala to see combat in and lose his vessel. The legacy of the Valaia, and his crew, would be of foolhardy mutineers who sailed to their doom. We noted fighting the Cardassians did not guarantee a war -- more likely an embarrassment as the Federation disavowed him. If he fought the Seyek, he threatened the unity of the cause he sought to defend.
But more importantly, he'd get all the young people who looked up to him with such admiration to their deaths.
###Section Classified 1-AA#
I don't know if Maneric was planning to go to Cardassian space or STO space. It's in my and Captain Ming's opinion it's likely irrelevant, and inflammatory. If the STO finds out he was planning to duel a Sunrise class to prove some point, and that his attitude to the STO has pull among the Amarki, it could raise tensions between the two powers. And the diplomatic field day the Cardassians could have with confirmation that we couldn't keep control of one of our ships and it almost went after them is too dire to imagine. This way, the ambiguity means there's no clear affront. One day the truth will come out, but not in these charged times. ###
@Leila Hann wrote Kearsage, Cloudburst, and Enlightenment
[Gain one-time bonus +1OET in 2325]
[+10pp, +5rp for Xuggaed's new video 'How To: Identify a Quantum-spoofed Clone']
[Gain +10 rp]
[Gain +10 pp]
[Gain one-time bonus +1OET in 2325]
25 SR
15 rp
50 pp
I try to make it so the logs kinda only have three or four narrative threads going on as you're reading but I'm not sure I did quite a good a job on this one.